Calmag To Use Or Not To Use That Is The Question

  • Thread starter Gaberabtic
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Hey peeps
First I love reading all your post and I learn a ton from them. I feel this site has helped my skills with my grows.
So, let me give you a little background. My last grow I had some very very heavy cal/mag and ph issues I grew in poor soil and alot of cheap peat moss (not promix). Still turned out to be pretty good stuff at the end and I obtained more than my first grow. So this time I changed things up and went all out here is the set up
1000 watt hps
Medium -ffof 50% promix 30% and perlite 20%
No nutes so far (just getting into flower like flipping the switch tomorrow)
5 gallon pots
Light on 82
Light off 75
Ph water going in 7.3
Ph water out is 5.5 (little low gotta play with that)
Humidity range 45-60%
Tap water that is ph down to 7.3
Calling this strain Jolly Green Giant. The leaves and buds get big but I never seen a truly healthy one of this strain so I can only imagine.
So, I went to the local shop and got some "age old calmag" and some ph up

So, my questions are does calmag change ph and is it something I should add every time I water since there is a high peat factor here? If I do add it every time what about the nutes (tiger bloom) do I skip the calmag then? Or do I only add it when I'm seeing lack of cal mag in the plant?
Ladies are very healthy right now
Thanks everyone



I've heard about Epsom salts and 'cal-Mag' supplementation.
But have had no experience with them till the other day...
Some new seedlings had real yellow leaves.
I read that they needed a calcium-magnesium supplement ie. epsom salts.
After sprinkling a spoonful on each plant I watered and they all recovered in a couple of days! Now all are a deep, healthy green.
So... I guess Epsom salts is a good source of 'something' that 'isn't in my plant food...'!~
cal-Mag maybe but all I know is my plants like it.
I intend on studying the best times and amounts of Epson salts to use and make it available to my plants.

And if Epsom salts is so good I wonder about black Strap Molasses too!
Old 'Ber Rabbit' black strap Molasses is said to be a carbohydrate and is as well spoken of as the Epsom salts. Cheap and effective!~

Thank you...

Jack the Knife...♪

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Thanks Jack the knife
I have used molasses before with great results I think since I really don't have much to compare it too at this point. I was planning on using it again in this grow. What I know it is a good food for your micro herd in your soil but at the same time if your using a chemical based nutes then your killing the micro herd with the chemicals so molasses wouldn't do anything. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Happy Farming


Hey peeps
First I love reading all your post and I learn a ton from them. I feel this site has helped my skills with my grows.
So, let me give you a little background. My last grow I had some very very heavy cal/mag and ph issues I grew in poor soil and alot of cheap peat moss (not promix). Still turned out to be pretty good stuff at the end and I obtained more than my first grow. So this time I changed things up and went all out here is the set up
1000 watt hps
Medium -ffof 50% promix 30% and perlite 20%
No nutes so far (just getting into flower like flipping the switch tomorrow)
5 gallon pots
Light on 82
Light off 75
Ph water going in 7.3
Ph water out is 5.5 (little low gotta play with that)
Humidity range 45-60%
Tap water that is ph down to 7.3
Calling this strain Jolly Green Giant. The leaves and buds get big but I never seen a truly healthy one of this strain so I can only imagine.
So, I went to the local shop and got some "age old calmag" and some ph up

So, my questions are does calmag change ph and is it something I should add every time I water since there is a high peat factor here? If I do add it every time what about the nutes (tiger bloom) do I skip the calmag then? Or do I only add it when I'm seeing lack of cal mag in the plant?
Ladies are very healthy right now
Thanks everyone

If your going through the trouble to mix perlite and promix with ocean forest, why not just mix your own from scratch? I can garuantee it will give you superior results and won't have to worry about chasing nutrient deficiencies. Plus you will save money.

The short answer to your question is something is out of balance and since you have no idea what they use in ocean forest to begin with , no one can really give you an accurate answer.


Thanks Jack the knife
I have used molasses before with great results I think since I really don't have much to compare it too at this point. I was planning on using it again in this grow. What I know it is a good food for your micro herd in your soil but at the same time if your using a chemical based nutes then your killing the micro herd with the chemicals so molasses wouldn't do anything. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Happy Farming


Yes, I have read about my micro-herd and how Dynagrow being a non-organic nute would kill them but I am not talking about the micro-herd but the plant!
The plant needs carbs and Black Strap Molasses is carbs.
Hell with the Micro-herd. Luck..

Jack the Knife...


Basically because I'm still new to this hobby and I'm learning for exploring didn't options. That would be my short answer. I have read alot about and heard good things about ffof and the only negative thing I have read was that it was hott for babies. Which I had no problems with. They are extremely healthy actually they look better than anything in have done before. Not really trying to fix a problem just wondering how others used this product. Maybe that's what I'll do next time now that I know


I got some cal mag for the first time also. Wondering same questions as op.



Yes, I have read about my micro-herd and how Dynagrow being a non-organic nute would kill them but I am not talking about the micro-herd but the plant!
The plant needs carbs and Black Strap Molasses is carbs.
Hell with the Micro-herd. Luck..

Here is a good article on Molasses...


Jack the Knife...
There are a number of different nutrient and fertilizer companies selling a variety of additives billed as carbohydrate booster products for plants. Usually retailing for tens of dollars per gallon if not tens of dollars per liter, these products usually claim to work as a carbohydrate source for plants. A variety of benefits are supposed to be unlocked by the use of these products, including the relief of plant stresses and increases in the rate of nutrient uptake. On the surface it sounds real good, and while these kinds of products almost always base their claims in enough science to sound good, reality doesn’t always live up to the hype.

The 3LB are pretty well known for our distrust of nutrient companies like Advanced Nutrients who produce large lines of products (usually with large accompanying price tags) claiming to be a series of “magic bullets” - unlocking the keys to growing success for new and experienced growers alike. One member of the three_little_birds grower’s and breeder’s collective decided to sample one of these products a while back, intending to give the product a fair trial and then report on the results to the community at Cannabis World.

Imagine, if you will, Tweetie bird flying off to the local hydroponics store, purchasing a bottle of the wonder product - “Super Plant Carb!” (not it’s real name) - and then dragging it back to the bird’s nest. With a sense of expectation our lil’ bird opens the lid, hoping to take a peek and a whiff of this new (and expensive) goodie for our wonderful plants. She is greeted with a familiar sweet smell that it takes a moment to place. Then the realization hits her. . .

Molasses! The “Super Plant Carb!” smells just like Blackstrap Molasses. At the thought that she’s just paid something like $15 for a liter of molasses, our Tweetie bird scowls. Surely she tells herself there must be more to this product than just molasses. So she dips a wing into the sweet juice ever so slightly, and brings it up to have a taste.


That post is weird af lol

I always about a bottle of calmg laying around. usually use it when I hit the plants with a few too many nutrients. The botanicare one is full of other things your plant will like too
I know right I ask about the usage of cal mag and we end up talking about molasses lol. Bit you always learn something new =)


Cal-Mag should be used in pre-flower stage and 1st 2 weeks of flower for sure. and during veg stage -- warning - Cal-mag over use is common and many end up with "nitrogen" issues (too much) which is indicated by the leaves looking like a "claw's" and a healthy green look will change to dark green color leaves, Consider using 1/2 amounts when first starting use - increase as time go's by watching for indications of over-use. cal-mag is one that you use each grow to help plant grow "big"


If everything is going great why do you think you need cal/mag ? Tiger bloom has enough secondary and trace elements to feed your plants, what are you worried about ?

Basically because I'm still new to this hobby and I'm learning for exploring didn't options. That would be my short answer. I have read alot about and heard good things about ffof and the only negative thing I have read was that it was hott for babies. Which I had no problems with. They are extremely healthy actually they look better than anything in have done before. Not really trying to fix a problem just wondering how others used this product. Maybe that's what I'll do next time now that I know


Miricale grow plant food through veg. It has the nitrogen you need and it has just enough mg cal and zinc so you don't have to buy everything separate. Took me a long time I was burning cash by buying all that other b.s. then I just run gh flornova screw organics a salt is a salt.


If everything is going great why do you think you need cal/mag ? Tiger bloom has enough secondary and trace elements to feed your plants, what are you worried about ?
I agree - and glad it work for you - everybody has their own way for cultivation - just food for thought


I agree - and glad it work for you - everybody has their own way for cultivation - just food for thought

I'm very aware everyone has there own way of doing things. Seems like more than not, people seek advice on forums and when they get advice that isn't in line with what they think, they get Defensive because there minds are so narrow they can't see anything else but what they want. I could care less who does what and how they do it, I just know how to do things for me and try to help people along the way when they ask. If you want to waste all your money at the grow store be my guest


I'm very aware everyone has there own way of doing things. Seems like more than not, people seek advice on forums and when they get advice that isn't in line with what they think, they get Defensive because there minds are so narrow they can't see anything else but what they want. I could care less who does what and how they do it, I just know how to do things for me and try to help people along the way when they ask. If you want to waste all your money at the grow store be my guest
Isn't that what it's all about -- getting everybody's different opinion - digesting it and learning - be it right or wrong - PEACE

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