Chemdawg Is This The Real History Or Part Of It

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True Origins of Chem Dog and Sour Diesel by Adam Dunn

Eighty percent of strains out there right now are based on these two. Who are the major players?

Sour Diesel, not a heavy yield but incredible taste

P-Bud: Iā€™m a very small part of the puzzle, but I was there, so I know the story. I was nervous about coming in here, but I just want to set the record straight. Iā€™m a big history guy, and I like correct history on stuff like this. I moved to Crested Butte in ā€™87. By 1989, ā€™90, we were growing a lot of m39, Skunk #1, we had a strain of Hash Plant that was absolutely incredible that I would put right up along with the ones of the Dog Bud. It was smuggled by a girl we knew from Leadville, from somewhere in Asia. She sewed it in her sleeve. We were growing that and smoking P-Bud, an outdoor strain from Colorado that was absolutely incredible. In ā€™89, ā€™90 this pot came in called Dog Bud. We were getting a lot of it. We were told it was coming from the California-Oregon border. We were getting pounds of it. It was some of the most incredible indoor that we had ever seen. The smell? You walked into a grocery store with a tiny bit in your pocket and the clerk was like, ā€œdid someone hit a skunk?ā€ So we were getting this Dog Bud and we couldnā€™t believe the looks of it, weā€™d never seen anything like it. From what I heard, it was called Dog Bud because after you smoked it, it made you roll over like a dog. And ā€œd-o-g,ā€ not ā€œd-a-w-g.ā€ This was back when it was organic, donā€™t panic, but we were thinking they must have pumped so much chemicals into this pot. We just started calling it ā€œChem Weed,ā€ just as a joke. So Chem Dog, he put those two together and thatā€™s where it came from. But we were big Deadheads back then and we used to tour every summer, and back in ā€™91 we went on tour and brought a pound of the Dog Bud with us. And back then in the summer time pot would dry up, it was really hard to find a bag of pot, even at a Dead show. So we brought this out and before the show we were sitting on our car and said the words ā€œkind bud,ā€ and some guy came over. We showed it to him, and he was like ā€œoh, my god, Iā€™ll buy three from you.ā€ Within fifteen minutes, I swear, we had a line at our car of people

Chem Dawg

wanting to buy it. And we sold out in no time. Well, Chem Dog came by and he bought a bag, and then he came back and bought another ounce. We probably charged him a lot of money. We were young and greedy back then. But he bought it he was happy and no one complained. I hung out with him at the show, exchanged numbers, and when we got back to Crested Butte, everyone was pissed we took a pound of Dog Bud out of town on Dead tour, so that didnā€™t go over well with a lot of people. But we were the ones that were able to get it, so it was kind of our decision. And Iā€™m glad we did it. So we got back to town and sent him two ounces [in Massachusetts] I think, quarter pound, not really sure what we sent him it was a while ago. One ounce had no seeds in it, he said, and one had thirteen seeds in it. We had been looking for seeds in it ever since we had it. Never found a seed in a year of us getting it. And he got 13 in one bag. So thatā€™s kind of where it all kind of started. All the credit goes to Chem Dog and what he did with them. Over those years, of the 91 and the Chem D, which were my two favorites. Did a lot of crosses. Of the first four, one was a male, and he chucked it. He wouldnā€™t have now. Three of them were keepers: The Chem 91, The Chem Sister and the Chem C, I think it was called. In 2000, he germinated four more, one was junk. The Chem D is probably my favorite for all around taste and potency. Itā€™s pretty special. So, fast forward a couple years, Joe called me and he said, I think thereā€™s a strain called New York City Diesel that I think is actually guys going up to Massachusetts and getting clones and they changed the name from Chem 91 to Diesel, and then New York City Diesel. So they are the same thing.

Adam: I was in Amsterdam in 93, and I met one of the two crews. And one told me it wasnā€™t about the taste or flavor, it was all the same diesel, the different names were about the crews. One crew was sour. You had your choice, you could buy diesel from the Sour Crew or the New York City crew, but you had to give them $500 an ounce.

Chem Dog: Thirteen seeds. Started two in ā€™91. One was a male. I was 17. Foolishly, I threw it away. The other came out identical to what I got from Joe and P in Deer Creek Indiana, summer Tour 1991. I did not get the beans there. I got one sack of the Dog Bud and thank god I did what I did. One became the original 91 cut. One became the Sister. I believe it was 2005, which was then Chem Dog D, which is still out there and very popular. Without the Chem Dog, thereā€™d be no Sour. He will agree with that. From what I remember Joe telling me, he said some people called it Dog, some called it Chem. Either way people itā€™s d-o-g, not d-a-w-g. Brett from Apothecary Seeds, he bred the 91 cut and called that Chem Dawg. Could be wrong. Arjan of Greenhouse got the 91 cut and he spelled it the right way, so he gets props for that.

AJ: We met in 1993. Right around the time I first went to Amsterdam. The first time I met Chem Dog he sold me a pipe. And I said, letā€™s put something in it, and I said no, let me, and we had a pissing contest for a minute until we realized we both had the same thing. Even back in the day, I would give it to somebody and they would come back and tell me I screwed them and gave them something else. Thereā€™s two different ones. But thereā€™s only one. Itā€™s temperature sensitive. If you end up with 85 percent you did a great job. For some reason, everyone was always obsessed and wanted the May because springtime on the Northeast coast created the perfect temperature, so the May batches were always the highest.

Chem Dog: I always had good luck with fall and spring.

Adam: So the Massachusetts super skunk was crossed into it.

AJ: That was probably accidental. Everyone has a different side of the story, but from what I understand the ā€œsourā€ is just a seed that ended up in somebodyā€™s lunch box. That happened in Staten Island is where that was born. The radioactivity in Staten Island might have something to do with it. Someone got a lucky lottery ticket and cashed it in.

@JJ-NYC nothing personal just being lead in circles you know it's not just me is this article accurate on the makings of chemdawg....

@DarkHorse CO weren't you at this episode in the adam dunn show? I might be confused I do smoke quite a bit...

Just trying to connect the dots that's all folks you know its tough swimming in muddy waters....
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I think the article is very relevant because it tells you that these genetics were breed, used, & sold way before hermie seeds were found & grown.
I say hermie because it's more than likely the cause since the seeds popped/grown were very hermie prone as reported by many people who acquired these genetics.
It's safe to say that these genetics far existed before the online community & the crew who bought the dog bud & grew the seeds.
They did however bring the genetics to the larger part of the world. But not in it's purist form which is held by the original dog bud sellers.
So if anyone is to take any credit, it's those people. Not people who stabilized herm prone genetics from bag seed.
Anyone can do this & has been done.
Imvho, once dna plant genetics come into play, there's gonna be a lot of facts that people won't want to hear due to their inflated egos.
Keep it real & humble thyself people!


Btw, I love TopDawg's genetics.. People who know me know I have a handful of their genetics so don't get me wrong on my statement...
I do thank people who put in work & many other people thank you all for it. Just giving my 2 cents people :)


So is your ChemDawg that much better then this bag the seeds were found in
\/ \/ \/

And Iā€™m glad we did it. So we got back to town and sent him two ounces [in Massachusetts] I think, quarter pound, not really sure what we sent him it was a while ago. One ounce had no seeds in it, he said, and one had thirteen seeds in it. We had been looking for seeds in it ever since we had it. Never found a seed in a year of us getting it. And he got 13 in one bag. So thatā€™s kind of where it all kind of started.

^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^
All your work made this "wow" bud that much better?

I think that's my confusion
Danks in advance
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Btw, I love TopDawg's genetics.. People who know me know I have a handful of their genetics so don't get me wrong on my statement...
I do thank people who put in work & many other people thank you all for it. Just giving my 2 cents people :)
I wish I've had the top dawg experience....but I haven't oh well but I'm still very intrigued in the playing out of giving credit were it is due
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I think the article is very relevant because it tells you that these genetics were breed, used, & sold way before hermie seeds were found & grown.
I say hermie because it's more than likely the cause since the seeds popped/grown were very hermie prone as reported by many people who acquired these genetics.
It's safe to say that these genetics far existed before the online community & the crew who bought the dog bud & grew the seeds.
They did however bring the genetics to the larger part of the world. But not in it's purist form which is held by the original dog bud sellers.
So if anyone is to take any credit, it's those people. Not people who stabilized herm prone genetics from bag seed.
Anyone can do this & has been done.
Imvho, once dna plant genetics come into play, there's gonna be a lot of facts that people won't want to hear due to their inflated egos.
Keep it real & humble thyself people!
Thank you for your post. So the crew who didn't want that weed exported, the weed the seeds were found in, those guys or girls they have never claimed credit?


The genetics are stable compared to other reported breeder stock used in x's that have hermed.
Even the cuts are known to have issues by great growers. I've grown the Stardawg f1 & had no issues with it... I made f2 open pollination (w/3males).
The story, I believe, is a very confusing one & I think it's never gonna be factually complete dues to factors that played in at that time. It's understandable but to try & get it right, especially now, with people admitting to not being able to recall truthfully, will make a lot of people wonder.
But as far as JJ's ability to stabilize said genetics, he did very well & he should be proud (I'm sure he is) if his accomplishment with these Chem's.
I hear what your saying & anybody who wants the facts bout genetics, should ask for the truth. If we do t, then assumptions are made & rumors fly... Especially on the net.. So they should be stated for the sake of informative inquiries.
Many don't care, so long as they have a hyped strain... But riding coattails never gets us nowhere fast. If we don't have facts straight by the time plant DNA comes around, it may cause backlash to breeders who may be successful prior to.
This is all logical thinking of course, but it's what I'd like to have on my side when the covers get pulled.
This is where politics that we so much hate (well, I do) can ruin a successful breeder. Dank is dank on any level regardless if the strains name is "bullcrap" or "super gamma ray burst OG", but having classified appropriate is key..
Why give people like Monsanto & friends the ability to call "bull$h/t" & say we "can't properly classify anything because look at was done with the Chem genetics"? Or.. "these people can't keep their stories straight so we need to be the leaders of this industry."
We need our facts straight because the bigger picture is at play here... We can't give these people the ability to have say in the industry we so love.
This in fact is a small ring in a pool of ripples with cause & effect. Think about it, if we confuse ourselves & introduce separations because we have no foundation of facts, then people will always want to step in & say we are unfit to properly organize a scientific industry. Then they take over & we sit & watch it crumble...
I'm sorry but we are paving the way for the future of cannabis... Why unstablize it?
I may be too medicated & chatty but there's a message we need to take out if this small "molehill"...
Peace to all, keep it real, & keep it green!


Thank you for your post. So the crew who didn't want that weed exported, the weed the seeds were found in, those guys or girls they have never claimed credit?
As far as I know, no... I think they're ol'skool peeps who'd rather keep the peace & stay out of the public eye... They are more than likely a humble group of farmers with no intention of drawing heat to themselves nor do they care due to them knowing what they have... I know I'd play it that way ;)


As far as I know, no... I think they're ol'skool peeps who'd rather keep the peace & stay out of the public eye... They are more than likely a humble group of farmers with no intention of drawing heat to themselves nor do they care due to them knowing what they have... I know I'd play it that way ;)
Well sir, once again I thank you for your humbleness and its contagious I think I'm done revisitin this debacle, Danks again.


JJ was on that episode too man..and made alot of linear sense. AJ..Adam...agreeing that the Sour was just Diesel from a "sour" crew and that Sour is just Diesel with genetic drift, doesn't seem correct to me though. Doesn't seem anyone can say it's the same with certainty, and I think JJ might agree, that the Sour most of us on the EC have come to know is some sort of diesel cross. Even if there was a crew that had there diesel called "sour"..for just being sour follow?
JJ fills in a ton of blanks with weasel and some of the Rhode Island crew coming up with crosses and Chem confirms he was doing the same thing. That's how we got geisel..headband, sour..etc.
It was an interesting show..and the best thing besides the great nostalgia of having all these dudes together on one show(should of had Joebrand on too..nod to you chemfather), was the take away that dogbud was a PNW/NorCal strain before it got to Joebrand and Pbud in CO.


JJ was on that episode too man..and made alot of linear sense. AJ..Adam...agreeing that the Sour was just Diesel from a "sour" crew and that Sour is just Diesel with genetic drift, doesn't seem correct to me though. Doesn't seem anyone can say it's the same with certainty, and I think JJ might agree, that the Sour most of us on the EC have come to know is some sort of diesel cross. Even if there was a crew that had there diesel called "sour"..for just being sour follow?
JJ fills in a ton of blanks with weasel and some of the Rhode Island crew coming up with crosses and Chem confirms he was doing the same thing. That's how we got geisel..headband, sour..etc.
It was an interesting show..and the best thing besides the great nostalgia of having all these dudes together on one show(should of had Joebrand on too..nod to you chemfather), was the take away that dogbud was a PNW/NorCal strain before it got to Joebrand and Pbud in CO.
Ahahaha talk about an aha moment so the dog bud crew is from pnw/norcal strain......thanks natural I really didn't approach this clarification well but thanks for dropping in. @Natural naturally I have to ask if the pnw/norcal strain is claimed and was it a bomb plant already or did it really neede some extra pizazz for us stoners who can be quite demanding.....I remember before I started growing how much I complained and how exciting it was to cop some.righteous meds for the soul


I too believe it's a potent strain but I don't understand how people talk down the Chem's as if they're mediocre.. Maybe I'm bias since it's my preference as well as sours & diesels. I'm like, have these dudes ever smoked the real thing & grown organically? That shit is fire! But I know it's preference & maybe that's why I like the terp range they have. Crosses are nice to @Natural especially when the terp's bode well & compliment each other to make for an interesting & unique flavor. The 91 is nice & worth the price if you ever get a chance...
Just got me TopDawg's SourDawg & Underdawg D to grow out this spring... The Stardawg I kept is really nice, has a cinnamon coffee/espresso smell to her & purps up nicely with cool temps.
I can't wait to try the DNL-D though, although it's not a chem, it's got great genetics ;)


@Natural them original chem genetics gotta still exist & grown by the same people up there, ya think?
It would be amazing to finally find the dog bud that these Chem's originated from.
I hear there's a strain called dog bud going around but haven't seen it confirmed as "the strain".


I too believe it's a potent strain but I don't understand how people talk down the Chem's as if they're mediocre.. Maybe I'm bias since it's my preference as well as sours & diesels. I'm like, have these dudes ever smoked the real thing & grown organically? That shit is fire! But I know it's preference & maybe that's why I like the terp range they have. Crosses are nice to @Natural especially when the terp's bode well & compliment each other to make for an interesting & unique flavor. The 91 is nice & worth the price if you ever get a chance...
Just got me TopDawg's SourDawg & Underdawg D to grow out this spring... The Stardawg I kept is really nice, has a cinnamon coffee/espresso smell to her & purps up nicely with cool temps.
I can't wait to try the DNL-D though, although it's not a chem, it's got great genetics ;)
I'll admit to my dog in they race. I have spent in the past when I was buying rec weed and dispo weed enough to "try" to become familiar with what I thought was verified weed and in that time period I bought anything chem related and a few self proclaimed chemdawg and stardawg but was very disappointed but ofcourse I really believe they were fakes.... the only real I had the chance to try was from seed and unfortunately I failed to keep them finally find out the real deal chemdawg much props on keeping shit going to everyone out there keeping real deal bomb diggity going strong!!!!
true grit

true grit

Not sure what exactly you are looking for caveman? are jj's chem lines better? IMO yes some of them are. The Stardawg being a prime example and something worked well beyond the original bag seeds. I've run all the chems but the sis and smoked and grown many of the diesels and I'll take my Stardawg cut over all of them...and so will many others. And the same has been said about many of the Stardawg cuts in circulation.


Man oh man is that sour some pungent shit! Was driving around staten island yesterday and i dont know where it was coming from but it was raw and that shit ripped through the car with all windows closed. Then it didnt wanna leave, shit i love the sour!


Not sure what exactly you are looking for caveman? are jj's chem lines better? IMO yes some of them are. The Stardawg being a prime example and something worked well beyond the original bag seeds. I've run all the chems but the sis and smoked and grown many of the diesels and I'll take my Stardawg cut over all of them...and so will many others. And the same has been said about many of the Stardawg cuts in circulation.
To get what I paid for man I know Im barking up the wrong tree I can handle getting banned and losing Internet connect and burning bridges because I didn't start this fire and I'm the type of man to stick around and rebuild bridges, entiendes....and that's not personal with you or anyone statements are for everyone to criticize and if my opinions get me banned bro no sweat here I still have love and respect for you regardless if I met you before or not ya dig. This plant will out live us all

Piece AND ......
true grit

true grit

Still don't know what exactly you are looking for in the thread. If the chem lines came from bagseed? Some of the crosses were unintentional? If those crosses were used by several breeders to actually work on chem lines? People before chem that helped create the basics? Just kinda lost and now you're ranting about bans?

Relax bud and enjoy some New Years fun!

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