Child Resistant Packaging

  • Thread starter Randi Stark
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Randi Stark

I recently ran into a situation where a friend's child got into her edibles and we had to make a trip to the emergency room. (Really embarrassing for her) She was really lucky the child was OK.

So I started trying to find a safe way for parents to keep their edibles out of the reach of little fingers. Anybody out there got a good solution?


Dabbling in Oil
Had to rush them to the ER? Were the edibles opiates?


Had to rush them to the ER? Were the edibles opiates?
The same does for an adult would be much stronger for a little body, and symptoms like lethargy, decreased motor function, being tired, having breathing difficulties or having trouble staying awake, etc. I'm not even a parent, human or other, and edibles scare the shit out of me.

I split a piece of chocolate with my brother on a road trip, we each took 20mg. After fifteen minutes he started swerving, slurred speech, and was passing out at the wheel. Thankfully we were in bumfuck nowhere nebraska and I was able to grab the wheel. I got out and by the time I got to the driver side door, he was passed out, drooling, eyes rolled back, slumped into my arms. He couldn't walk, he couldn't speak, he was completely non functioning. We both have high tolerance, I hit trees like sonny bono (thanks em), and I didn't feel shit when I ate that edible. It was proper, it was a popular name brand, and it was the scariest pot experience I have ever seen.

@Randi Stark
I give them kudos for putting safety first and their possible legal fuck up front and center.

How did the kids get past the 'child-resistant packaging' that edibles come in. Did the edibles end up unsecured, perhaps in a purse or on the counter or in the glove box or center console or the gummy you dropped between the seats.

Do you mind explaining how this happened? You might get more valid feedback. Why and how were kids able to access the fun stuff?


I will lose sleep for realizing too late that I misspelled 'dose'.

I also jumped to the conclusion that the edibles in question were purchased at an MMC, I didn't consider edibles produced in the home.

Can we add a *crickets* tag for hit 'n run posts?


Been a while, but I thought all store bought edibles came in childproof containers. I recall hitting up some big sale a year or so back where they were liquidating everything that didn't conform to child safety laws or they started charging an extra few bucks for child resistant pouches.

I make my own, but they are stored in a locked room in a chest freezer. I also just keep it as gross green butter instead of making tasty treats.


Dabbling in Oil
I just imagine the ER doing nothing but giving fluids and waiting for the effects to subside while calling cps on the parents and sending them up the river, charging them thousands and thousands of dollars and the parents regretting taking them because it did no good whatsoever.

Any kid that ever got ahold of one of my edibles wouldnt make it past the first bite because I have a hard time finishing one they are so strong and nasty. Even if they ate a whole one and tripped out I doubt that there is anything that the ER could do for them besides watch them with the crash cart at the ready, and the crash cart would never be needed.


I just imagine the ER doing nothing but giving fluids and waiting for the effects to subside while calling cps on the parents and sending them up the river, charging them thousands and thousands of dollars and the parents regretting taking them because it did no good whatsoever.

Any kid that ever got ahold of one of my edibles wouldnt make it past the first bite because I have a hard time finishing one they are so strong and nasty. Even if they ate a whole one and tripped out I doubt that there is anything that the ER could do for them besides watch them with the crash cart at the ready, and the crash cart would never be needed.
This, and only this. Do people think Mom and Dad are negligent in this situation? Do people think Mom and Dad could or would be charged with a crime like child abuse, endangerment, neglect, or anything else related? As if it matters, I am only asking out of curiosity, I don't really have a dog in the fight so I'll go take a break and think on it.


Would really depend on the individual circumstances of the case. Were they just chilling in a candy dish to be picked up by a 2 year old, or was it some 6 year old going to town with a pair of scissors. So many questions!


charging them thousands and thousands of dollars.

The majority of ER visits would be able to be seen at any normal office visit. Using urgent care costs 5-7 times what the same services would cost at an office visit. ER costs are ten times more than a normal office visit. We need to stop using the ER as our primary care physician. This is huge contributing factor to the significant increases in medical costs. People are not going to stop this behavior but they should be aware of the fact that they are not helping themselves.

I have a client with a child under age ten who was bit by a rattlesnake. She was amber lamped to Spa Ridge, then air lifted to childrens, where a venom specialist monitored her for 48 hours straight. The initial bill was 500K but since they had insurance they were only responsible to their maximum out of pocket. This is one reason why health insurance is so costly, because the delivery of health care is so costly. I don't pretend to have the answer but I know what we have isn't in the same ballpark.


Dabbling in Oil
The majority of ER visits would be able to be seen at any normal office visit. Using urgent care costs 5-7 times what the same services would cost at an office visit. ER costs are ten times more than a normal office visit. We need to stop using the ER as our primary care physician. This is huge contributing factor to the significant increases in medical costs. People are not going to stop this behavior but they should be aware of the fact that they are not helping themselves.

I have a client with a child under age ten who was bit by a rattlesnake. She was amber lamped to Spa Ridge, then air lifted to childrens, where a venom specialist monitored her for 48 hours straight. The initial bill was 500K but since they had insurance they were only responsible to their maximum out of pocket. This is one reason why health insurance is so costly, because the delivery of health care is so costly. I don't pretend to have the answer but I know what we have isn't in the same ballpark.

I was speaking about thousands in court costs and fines, and yes I meant after they took the kid/kids and seperated them in foster care. There are numerous cases in many non legal states that neighbor legal states where cps takes the children from the parents because they find cannabis or even just pipes or bongs in the home. That, in my opinion is more child abuse than a parent using cannabis in the home.


We can agree to disagree. I have clients on both sides of the parental drug use 'issue' and my experience doesn't come close to your claim. I continue to maintain that child protective services will not remove kids because of pot, assuming we aren't being ridiculous. In nebraska I can also say with complete certainty that despite their drug and specifically marijuana legislation, they do not remove kids for marijuana, and this includes kids who get into the wrong cookie jar. This includes a breast fed child who tests positive for mj because mom smokes.
They care more about kids with real drugs.
I disagree with your assertion that kids would be removed for possession of pot paraphinalia. Maybe crack pipes and dirty needles but not pot. Do you have a source to cite or are we playing he said/she said?
If you use a disclaimer such as pot and other drugs or abuse or neglect or violations of release from incarceration then I would agree.
Pot only is a non-issue. Imo obviously.


Dabbling in Oil
We can agree to disagree. I have clients on both sides of the parental drug use 'issue' and my experience doesn't come close to your claim. I continue to maintain that child protective services will not remove kids because of pot, assuming we aren't being ridiculous. In nebraska I can also say with complete certainty that despite their drug and specifically marijuana legislation, they do not remove kids for marijuana, and this includes kids who get into the wrong cookie jar. This includes a breast fed child who tests positive for mj because mom smokes.
They care more about kids with real drugs.
I disagree with your assertion that kids would be removed for possession of pot paraphinalia. Maybe crack pipes and dirty needles but not pot. Do you have a source to cite or are we playing he said/she said?
If you use a disclaimer such as pot and other drugs or abuse or neglect or violations of release from incarceration then I would agree.
Pot only is a non-issue. Imo obviously.
There is a new episode of weediquette all about it, kansas is one of the states that are bad about it.


Dabbling in Oil
About 11 min in, he talks to an ex cps worker...


There is a new episode of weediquette all about it, kansas is one of the states that are bad about it.
Man, this humble pie recipe is TO DIE FOR.

Eating my words addressing your earlier post, I was wrong. NEW SHIT HAS COME TO LIGHT (

Still talking Nebraska, but have to nit pick that paraphanelia does not apply, but ingestion/consumption of an illegal drug, especially schedule one, even though it's marijuana, the issue is not the drugs, the issue is the safety and welfare of the kids. Kids can't get high playing with the pipes, but the issue is not one of pipes, it is one of kids having access to improperly stored items. The deciding factor in this example is the issue of the safety of the kids.

Kansas just wants to conduct full cavity searches and steal cash from motorists leaving this great place.


There is a new episode of weediquette all about it, kansas is one of the states that are bad about it.
I'm new to these conversations that are void of idiocy. It's a nice change but I'm not sure what to think. Kind of like a warm toilet seat or a good blow job. It feels nice but you wonder who was there before.


Dabbling in Oil
Man, this humble pie recipe is TO DIE FOR.

Eating my words addressing your earlier post, I was wrong. NEW SHIT HAS COME TO LIGHT (

Still talking Nebraska, but have to nit pick that paraphanelia does not apply, but ingestion/consumption of an illegal drug, especially schedule one, even though it's marijuana, the issue is not the drugs, the issue is the safety and welfare of the kids. Kids can't get high playing with the pipes, but the issue is not one of pipes, it is one of kids having access to improperly stored items. The deciding factor in this example is the issue of the safety of the kids.

Kansas just wants to conduct full cavity searches and steal cash from motorists leaving this great place.
Wyoming is almost as bad as kansas, they often post teams of state troopers at the colorado border and wait for teens with out of state license plates to pass through and fall in behind them to tailgate and watch body movement. Guess they have to pay for their new radar units and body armor somehow...


Wyoming is almost as bad as kansas, they often post teams of state troopers at the colorado border and wait for teens with out of state license plates to pass through and fall in behind them to tailgate and watch body movement. Guess they have to pay for their new radar units and body armor somehow...
I was lucky enough to be stopped by those cops' boss. Lt. Cop caught my brosef and I ten over just after a 75-70mph change. Pulled over, he came to passenger window and asked what we were up to, looking at the flyrods. Talked about the hatch, traffic, small talk. Then the suburban showed up. Lt. went back, talked to the k9 unit, and the sub drove away. Cop came back, said to slow down, that he was instructing his traffic patrols to ticket at five over. We were lucky in that we got the supervisor not the cop with a quota. We were also coming south into the state which probably helped our cause.

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