current season

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THE SITUATION! the girl freaked me, screaming about the state of our neighbors/friends, through the jet wash from my trusty vivofunf'nfan. so... there may have been some ocd defol, tryin not to hear whatever she was so upset about, after prolly all these shotz, were taken.

oh- i took a couple pics of the bigger leaves, to show my progress, battling back N retention, with a noveg dealeo.
and um... what's the word for "drew in close", so y'all could see the nut damage from tangoing, with 900ppm.

k- i don't remember how many i meant to survive in the cloner... i don't remember whether i had to pull any that didn't make it... but whatever is there- they're gonna make it. don't look like the same batch, do they?

hand is there, for sense of scale. no... i would never... actually... nope.

and some forest for the trees- gratuitous shotz...

but that defol has been a long time, comin!
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hey, diesel!? all my top pistals i haven't torched, yet- are still white, alive n well... even at this late date- i could still snip tips, couldn't i? n hope for "incredible bulk"? pffft. I'm already missing the light and that stupid dehydro, keeps um... rubbin my nostrils n it.

fun fact: lovely g, literally, cxl'd, xmas. sigh. neighbors... her sis... her aunt... her uncle... n the additional pressure of wanting to show mom a good time. ohhhh... she's my hero. i got a 30sec update, from next door and i am zapped... she couldn't have been there, more than 5min.
but uh... she IS our holiday spirit. she DOESN'T wanna c me charging xmas... must b something! anyone? it's never about $, with her. doesn't have to cost.

um... she did lose her, "i promise to never marry you" ring. really seemed to upset her. too... ummm... industrial saph. not exorbitantly, expensive. but i suspect she'd prefer... yeah- I'm clueless. she won't give up anything.
um... she said it doesn't feel like xmas n y did she bother, decorating... umm... neighbors got bigger problems than xmas.
and- she NOW knows the woman we're goin to town for, later- has strep, accompanying her, in our ghetto sled ;D .awesome! she didn't even bytch. sigh. i don't deserve my lovely g.
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listening to scars to your beautiful... i heard someone say it's our differences that make us stronger n then i thought of that twig vs bunch of twigs, metaphor n then, i thought of someone in uncertain, pot, political times. i thought of the way politicians feel they have to make concessions, to "get anything done"... n then, perhaps they owe a vote, on something else, they felt differently about... this, is still, just ANOTHER form, of corruption n we don't vote ummm... we don't sign away our proxy vote, to have our peeps, vote against their conscience. it sets a poor precedent and b4 u know it- our country is legislated, contrary to popular opinion. y not go with "our differences make us stronger" n vote ur conscience n c what happens... THEN.?


u know- g's flat wrong. she feels like she does because she's always, giving from the heart. n yeah, i got some weird stuff goin on, but i been givin, all season, since mr Simpson, reminded me, how. it's fukn Christmas n she still made it xmas, for me. even her bein cool with my constant absence... she's giving her time with me... yeah. f that! xmas is reinstated. she's just wrong and isn't it always a man's job, to make an ash of himself for finally being right!!!?!???


diesel, brown n the rest- if i don't c ya, have a fantastic holiday, with the fams!


because beauty, is in the eye of the bud/bowl holder:
are u feeling festive, too?
every trichflake, is different!
ummm... i forget.

btw, children, u can do these, on ur phones.
sit down! the bell, hasn't wrung, yet!
now... i want u all to remember; u still have cannabis homework! yes, even over the holidays... AND UR POT PROJECTS R STILL DUE, MONDAY!!! NO EXCUSES!

mosh! no! don't touch! put her back!
u dunno where she's been.
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ok, well i think i already missed the 12 day window on secksing this one, but considering when i usually go to snip tips... r we really going to suggest i should b ummm... f.i.m.'ing at this point? no no... rhetorical. just thinkin out loud. i like to stall things... not behead them... necessarily.

ok, kinda cool, the overnight diff, from frying my lovechild, in an oops'd, 200, to r.o. heck, i might even ph it... ;D . it was starting to take a turn for the worse... i don't think the cam, would show cause i don't take pics of the seedling, that close up.
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barry white voice, today. prolly a mute, by tomorrow. that'd b something.

it's like the buds r givin me the finger. they're sayin, "yup, we're THIS skinny because u stole light from us."...
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i hate the kinda flue/whatever, that makes one feel the need to choose between albuterol n life vs quittin smoking. obviously, I've been a fan of door #2, for... probably far too long. ahh, but how many stories begin with, "well... it all started when this girl/guy/burro/whatever..."? am i right, or am i right?


it's hard to commit to bud stacking/backbuilding. it's ALMOST counterintuitive. what's the first thing we all committed to memory, with zero effort... first time we read it? "THE MOST POTENT PART OF THE CANNABIS PLANT, IT THE TOP... TOP COLA... AND THE TOP OF IT."... and we, believers, had to make a decision, one fateful day: are we thinkin this white widow is strong and every broadcasted grower, regardless of media/periodical formats... is trying to get me n every other grower, to kill their crops so they'll have world supremacy, over bud... i know this to b true because following gh's instructions might put a grower into the 1600s-ish....fryin they're puup. right? but i tried it... side by side. same tank... two topped clones, etc... wet weight was a discernable, positive difference.... and then, I FORGOT to check, once dry... doesn't matter. way subjective. i couldn't say whether i checked for equal par/conditions. look, it's hard to convince an infidel so i dunno i I'm trying, but when ya know- u just know... scale, or no. i never ever waited so long to do it... I've just been busy, lazy n not in dyer need of unflushed, uncured bud. but is the glass half empty, or full? that's pot! does it matter?
I'm not sure how i feel about snatchin em, this late n the game. i struggled with the idea, for day, or so. ummm... hey! got something i know the lovely g will like... for xmas!
i finally just stopped. felt like the gods were gonna pimpslap me, for being greedy.

so... did i get enough shots of it? ;D
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i would say they're money shots, but there's zero amber... no real dead pistals to speak of... not ENOUGH fog... not engorged.
ever think though, "my xxx, might have looked more attractive, under uv, too... just like scorpions..."?

like wet candy... good strain name.
anyone remember that flick, BODY DOUBLE? remember when they say, "makes ya hot... doesn't it? makes me hot, too."...? that keeps goin through my head, when i look at these. melanie Griffith: not so much.
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it's intriguing, how like the human repro sstm, is to our plants. the guy freaks, early on. the girls, when they're dam good n ready... but the older they get... unpollenated- the closer to death, without passing on-life... the wetter they become n leaves look actually, engorged... stretching to reach for any pollen, floating by. it's odors, alone, can repel... ;D . hehehe. and as we all know- just like humans: males can b a real pain in your ash!

although, with the xxx- the older she got, the more bitter she became.


virtual tour? suk it, dsny!

ohhh... the lovely g's uncle, passed away. i couldn't believe she still went out... because SHE SAID SHE WOULD and it was "drinking in the service, of a friend". unbelievable! nobody would've thought any less of her/us- for canceling. California... here we come... AGAIN. this good man, had been suffering, for quite some time.
might have a long term house guest, soon... that aunt, isn't doin much better.


hey, diesel!? all my top pistals i haven't torched, yet- are still white, alive n well... even at this late date- i could still snip tips, couldn't i? n hope for "incredible bulk"? pffft. I'm already missing the light and that stupid dehydro, keeps um... rubbin my nostrils n it.

fun fact: lovely g, literally, cxl'd, xmas. sigh. neighbors... her sis... her aunt... her uncle... n the additional pressure of wanting to show mom a good time. ohhhh... she's my hero. i got a 30sec update, from next door and i am zapped... she couldn't have been there, more than 5min.
but uh... she IS our holiday spirit. she DOESN'T wanna c me charging xmas... must b something! anyone? it's never about $, with her. doesn't have to cost.

um... she did lose her, "i promise to never marry you" ring. really seemed to upset her. too... ummm... industrial saph. not exorbitantly, expensive. but i suspect she'd prefer... yeah- I'm clueless. she won't give up anything.
um... she said it doesn't feel like xmas n y did she bother, decorating... umm... neighbors got bigger problems than xmas.
and- she NOW knows the woman we're goin to town for, later- has strep, accompanying her, in our ghetto sled ;D .awesome! she didn't even bytch. sigh. i don't deserve my lovely g.
Yes, snip snip:)


it's hard to commit to bud stacking/backbuilding. it's ALMOST counterintuitive. what's the first thing we all committed to memory, with zero effort... first time we read it? "THE MOST POTENT PART OF THE CANNABIS PLANT, IT THE TOP... TOP COLA... AND THE TOP OF IT."... and we, believers, had to make a decision, one fateful day: are we thinkin this white widow is strong and every broadcasted grower, regardless of media/periodical formats... is trying to get me n every other grower, to kill their crops so they'll have world supremacy, over bud... i know this to b true because following gh's instructions might put a grower into the 1600s-ish....fryin they're puup. right? but i tried it... side by side. same tank... two topped clones, etc... wet weight was a discernable, positive difference.... and then, I FORGOT to check, once dry... doesn't matter. way subjective. i couldn't say whether i checked for equal par/conditions. look, it's hard to convince an infidel so i dunno i I'm trying, but when ya know- u just know... scale, or no. i never ever waited so long to do it... I've just been busy, lazy n not in dyer need of unflushed, uncured bud. but is the glass half empty, or full? that's pot! does it matter?
I'm not sure how i feel about snatchin em, this late n the game. i struggled with the idea, for day, or so. ummm... hey! got something i know the lovely g will like... for xmas!
i finally just stopped. felt like the gods were gonna pimpslap me, for being greedy.

so... did i get enough shots of it? ;D
Tisk, Tisk............ummm watch that TEMP!!!


lmao. mornin! yeah, i got em. left em on the bathroom, smoke counter. she'll know what to do with em, when she wakes up, Thursday-ish. might actually feel something, for me to smoke it. none of those strains r in any of the oil capsules.

batt died. was morning.

defol'd the back 9, big time. i was elbow deep in my ladies. can't find my timex...
u can't even tell. larry the roofer, has found value, in "THE HELP"... rather than pay, it sure would b nice to have a diy press, to stop wastin all this 3-5%... i tried still'n leaf... ain't worth the trouble.

as to the defol, this is what was goin through my head:

the crazy defol, WAS NECESSARY
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the rrock

the rrock

i would say they're money shots, but there's zero amber... no real dead pistals to speak of... not ENOUGH fog... not engorged.
ever think though, "my xxx, might have looked more attractive, under uv, too... just like scorpions..."?

like wet candy... good strain name.
anyone remember that flick, BODY DOUBLE? remember when they say, "makes ya hot... doesn't it? makes me hot, too."...? that keeps goin through my head, when i look at these. melanie Griffith: not so much.
hey Bro , I like your pics,do you use your phone or a regulare camera?


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