Dead, dying or there is a chance?

  • Thread starter Filthy_McNasty
  • Start date
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Middle of day 4.
Setup - Promix, 2x Hydro Mars TS1000 (150W each) , one approx 38" at 100%, the other one 35" at around 75%.
3 Autos, they have been under 24h light so far .... will switch 18/6 today. RH %70 for first two days, yesterday around 60%, temperature around 27-28 C.
Not sure what`s going on with one of the babies (first 2 pics, different angle)? Other two seem to be quite happy.
Note - the "sick" one is under light 35" at around 75%. So it shouldn`t be light issue I guess .....
Dead dying or there is a chance
Dead dying or there is a chance 2
Dead dying or there is a chance 3
Dead dying or there is a chance 4


So, I tried to remove outer shell as suggested but one cotyledon broke (first photo), didn`t have much hope it would survive but after 2 days I notices first set of new leaves coming out which is a good sign. This morning I noticed second pair. Recovery is quite slow, specially compared to big sisters (Day 9) that are doing pretty well .....
I assume this is going to have big impact on final yield. I guess I should keep it and see what happens, at least it`s a good learning curve .......

I decided to go with Gaia Organic nutes , I know it`s still early to use it. When should I start? So these are all Autos in Promix.
I use distilled water in combination with tap water that is very hard, according to municipal data at least 400 ppm ( I tested pH - around 9) so I guess I do not need to supplement it with Cal/Mag?
Feb 29 dan 6 2
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It will live

Yeah I spray them as well when they do that tbh it’s down to the seeds vigour a more vigorous seed will bust out its shell.

When to start feeding well that can down to how much food is in the medium already

Still that said def not while in seedling stage

It’s also kinda subjective I read some won’t start feeding till weak four
I tend to start a bit earlier than that week 2/3 depending on how fast it’s growing and how big the plants got.

Start light and work your way up as the plant gets older

Week two would probably be a bit to early

You can always throw some pics up when they get a bit older and ask
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Re reading with organics you throw away the ph meter you don’t need to ph a organic grow 🙂

One of the reasons I love organics is no need for ph meters & ec meters , ppm meters don’t work with organic grows.

You learn faster and it’s a whole lot easier imo


On the first photo I'd say dead, but it can be saved. To me it's more like dont worth the efforts


One of the reasons I love organics is no need for ph meters & ec meters , ppm meters don’t work with organic grows.
I totally agree.

When to start feeding well that can down to how much food is in the medium already

Still that said def not while in seedling stage

It’s also kinda subjective I read some won’t start feeding till weak four
I tend to start a bit earlier than that week 2/3 depending on how fast it’s growing and how big the plants got.
All that plus I watch the leaves. Some growers say the transition from seedling to vegetation stage happens when the first node with three-blade fan leaves is completely grown. It also can be an indicator for when to begin adding nutrients.


This is quite a mystery to me ….. I posted pics (taken in the morning) yesterday , plants look pretty good and healthy.

So, I got back home and noticed slight curling on one of them, nothing serious I guess. The other plant was ok.

Temperature was a bit on high side around 28C/83F again nothing concerning but the leaf temperature was higher than usual tiny bit over 26C/79F. I check leaf temperature every day and it is usually in the range of 22-25C/72-77F.

At the same time it was 4th day without any watering and medium was very dry so I gave them around 2l/half gallon of water each which should be not much for a 6 gallon pot. And I always start watering from the outer edge of the pot moving to the center/plant to saturate the whole area not just around the plant. After poking my finger all the way in the soil I can tell it`s slightly wet not even close to being oversaturated.

This morning only one plant had drooping leaves (one that did not had curling), the other one looks good. Enigma for me is , why is one plant ok with curling leaves (if I am not mistaken it`s heat stress and dry soil, could be wrong) and the other plant is drooping? Same conditions, forgot to mention RH is in range around 50-55% more/less. I was running 2 small fans and put another big one last night, so 3 of them should provide a lot of moving air. Temperature over night w/o lights is around 21-23C/70-73F. This morning I switched position, it occurred to me that one plant might be getting more light than the other as I am using 2 Hydro Mars TS1000 at the moment 2 feet above at 75%.

I did some quick research this morning and some people say that drooping after watering is normal. Will see this afternoon if leaves are back. The other thing to mention, I noticed just a day before (before watering) that same plant had droopy leaves in the morning and recovered during the day when I posted photos yesterday.

Last question, is it better to water plants in the morning when lights are on for the rest of the day or in the evening before lights are off? My schedule is 11PM off, 5AM on.

New set of leaves look pretty healthy to me so I am not overly concerned. Last pic is plant with slight curling leaves - no drooping.
If you can chime in with some advice, as always highly appreciated input from experienced growers and the whole community!
March 5 1
March 5 3
March 5 6
March 5 2


That’s a whole lotta water for a small plant

9l of water is way way to much

I know you think there not wet however from the pics alone I can see they are very wet
The dropping is a classic sign of a overwatered plant.

There's two reasons a plant will droop one it’s to dry ( remembering that the roots probably arnt reaching the bottom of the pot yet ) the other is it’s to wet they look different once you get used to it. Sounds like you let it get a bit to dry then watered it to much.

At that age I might only add 1/2-1l
the top mabye dry but beyond your finger reach it may well be soaking.

The plants roots aren’t that big atm and they definitely don’t need that much water.

Let them dry out try get used to how light a dry pot is. The compost comes moist and is heavy compared to dry soil
When it’s dry It’s as light as a feather if you kwim.

Watering is one of the hardest things a new grower faces

The bottom one has slight curled leaves that I believe may of come from the temps being a tad to hot. I can’t see any light burn however by experience it’s best to ask how far away from the plants it is

Oh and the answer to your question why one is curled/dropping and not and the other not Each plant is individual it has its own likes and preferences one may drink more than the other one might grow faster one may tolerate x that the other doesn’t one might eat more food than the other ect they arnt all the sane especially nowadays with breeders knocking out strains without stabilising them.
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That’s a whole lotta water for a small plant

9l of water is way way too much
No, I said 2l per plant :-) ....
Thanks for the input, I will keep all that in mind....
Btw, it has recovered when I got back home this afternoon, after all I guess it wasn't that much water ......


Anybody has an idea why only one plant has slight droopy leaves after 6h dark period? Everything looks good during the day under lights.
Regardless of potential watering issue mentioned yesterday, I have noticed this in last 3-4 days even before watering. The other plant does not have this issue.

First pic, yesterday 7:20PM after it bounced back after watering, second one taken this morning some 40 min after light went on after 6h dark period.
The difference was even more pronounced couple of days ago in dry soil....

Is it potential nitrogen or any other toxicity - tip of the leaves curved/pointing down? I used tap very hard water (~400ppm, ~ pH 9) yesterday, second time since they were planted. Otherwise I use distilled water ....
Dan 11 13
Dan 12 1


Is this nutrient deficiency (maybe Nitrogen) or something else?
Watered it on Monday Mar 4th, see previous post , first yellow edges appeared on Mar 7th only on lower leaves, and later I notices tiny bit of yellow tips on upper (new) leaves as well.
First 2 pics, Day 13-Mar 7th
The rest of the pics - Yesterday Day 16
I am a newbie so I am not sure if I am counting nodes properly but it seems to me 4-5 so far.
Progress is great, new leaves are coming out every day ....... but this is a bit concerning.
This is Auto strain.
Should I start with Gaia 4-4-4? If so, how much?

Dan 13 6
Dan 13 11
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Is this nutrient deficiency (maybe Nitrogen) or something else?
Watered it on Monday Mar 4th, see previous post , first yellow edges appeared on Mar 7th only on lower leaves, and later I notices tiny bit of yellow tips on upper (new) leaves as well.
First 2 pics, Day 13-Mar 7th
The rest of the pics - Yesterday Day 16
I am a newbie so I am not sure if I am counting nodes properly but it seems to me 4-5 so far.
Progress is great, new leaves are coming out every day ....... but this is a bit concerning.
This is Auto strain.
Should I start with Gaia 4-4-4? If so, how much?

looks to be your light
raise it up like 10 inches


looks to be your light
raise it up like 10 inches
Lights are Mars Hydro TS-1000 x2 in 28x44" enclosure , both 22-24" at 45% for last 2 days, they used to be at 50% last week.
Still too much light? First yellow tips/edges occurred on bottom leaves so I thought it`s not related to too much lights.
Ok, I will reduce it to 30% and see what`s going on ....

Forgot to mention, the other plant/strain is ok, no yellow tips/edges whatsoever.
The other thing that is so weird is that this morning both plants were so droopy after 6h darkness. They recovered in as little as 2-3 hours once lights are on. That has been happening with the other plant (no yellow issue) for almost a week, this one just this morning.

Temperature around 25-26C under lights, overnight 21-22C. Leaves temperature around 21C at night , 23-24 even a tad higher but not over 25C.
RH 55-65% (hard to keep it constant with and without lights)

Thanks for the input!
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I ♥ fat colas
I was afraid of touching it, ......... will give it a try, thanks!
Gnick suggestion is great, I will only add that I usually end up with a shell or shell inner membrane when my humidity is too low as it comes up, otherwise 90% of the time with proper humidity they fall off on the way up through the grow medium.

@GNick55 side note that Afghanica looks freaking phenomenal


Gnick suggestion is great, I will only add that I usually end up with a shell or shell inner membrane when my humidity is too low as it comes up, otherwise 90% of the time with proper humidity they fall off on the way up through the grow medium.

@GNick55 side note that Afghanica looks freaking phenomenal
Lights are Mars Hydro TS-1000 x2 in 28x44" enclosure , both 22-24" at 45% for last 2 days, they used to be at 50% last week.
Still too much light? First yellow tips/edges occurred on bottom leaves so I thought it`s not related to too much lights.
Ok, I will reduce it to 30% and see what`s going on ....

Forgot to mention, the other plant/strain is ok, no yellow tips/edges whatsoever.
The other thing that is so weird is that this morning both plants were so droopy after 6h darkness. They recovered in as little as 2-3 hours once lights are on. That has been happening with the other plant (no yellow issue) for almost a week, this one just this morning.

Temperature around 25-26C under lights, overnight 21-22C. Leaves temperature around 21C at night , 23-24 even a tad higher but not over 25C.
RH 55-65% (hard to keep it constant with and without lights)

Thanks for the input!
yes light stress usually starts with larger old fan leaves but not always,.
but that’s what’s happening here,..


yes light stress usually starts with larger old fan leaves but not always,.
but that’s what’s happening here,..
If this is the case, I hope so, easy to fix then ...... I was afraid it could be pH issue or maybe root rot, I was very careful not to overwater plants but I realized that`s highly unlikely since both plants are growing so nicely since day 1 producing fresh leaves every single day.

Again, input very much appreciated! I am learning a lot .....
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