Exotic fighter .....finally!

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Hello, Thank you everybody who welcomed me to the farm. I gave a brief run down on the intro section and am here to post some exotic fighter for all to see. The barometer in the state i live is rapidly changing with regards to cannabis laws, so i was hesitant in starting this now but want to put positive vibes forward.

I've been working on getting all this going for some time and have been stock piling as much of exotic genetixs as i can. I'm starting with the exotic fighter and hope you enjoy. There is 10 seedlings to work with. Basic run down off how i will be running these is as followed:

75* 50%ro

Germ\veg in soil under 4 bulb 2't5HO for 10 days in red solo cups

Veg for 30 days in 3 gallon with super soil mix under 8 bulb T5HO

Veg for 14 days in 10 gallon smart pot under 1000 watt MH.

Bloom under 6,000 watt HPS in super soil with a few products from roots organic at 1/4 strength.

Every 10 days they get bennie tea's and every 14 days a ACT application.

I have just yesterday purchased sea green and will be getting caps bennies too. Thank you for turning me on to these. I'm not normally sold on magic potions but these two products seem to have great results and reviews.

Thank you and let the Pheno hunting begin.:pompus:
Exotic fighter finally
Exotic fighter finally 2


hey jus scopin ur thread and a thought popped in my head, say someone had something thai and crossed it with starfighter u could call it thai-fighter, ya kno like star wars.....i dunno


hey jus scopin ur thread and a thought popped in my head, say someone had something thai and crossed it with starfighter u could call it thai-fighter, ya kno like star wars.....i dunno

Sounds like a project for Ex :)
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