First Outdoor Theft

  • Thread starter Growin Grass
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its something i have learn to accpet guerilla growing SM. it sucks ass for sure but i have learned over the years to only plant 1-4 plants per plot and scatter them out far and wide. all the spots they got this year was new tester spots so i didnt put any of my best strains in those spots and they took the plants as they was just started to made no sense to me bc they didnt even get no buds. it was just the little white hairs sticking up..fkn idiots
Could be number of things police may be land owner etc


Could be number of things police may be land owner etc
it defo was not the police and the land owners are a big coal corp so im sure its dumb rippers. plus they broke the plants off and didnt even bring cutters to take them lol i'll find out who it was next year tho bc im sure they will go back to check the same spots out


its something i have learn to accpet guerilla growing SM. it sucks ass for sure but i have learned over the years to only plant 1-4 plants per plot and scatter them out far and wide. all the spots they got this year was new tester spots so i didnt put any of my best strains in those spots and they took the plants as they was just started to made no sense to me bc they didnt even get no buds. it was just the little white hairs sticking up..fkn idiots

Ah, someone else who has enough language skill to know the difference between between a "guerrilla" grow and a "Gorilla" grow. Dumb-ass banner ad here doesn'tā€¦


I've only been had once, thank god. Was one of my first grows. It was pouring rain, little 10x20 hoop house, but i had probably 4 4oz Grapefuits, and another 80-some-odd plants in 3 gallons and one gallons. There was about a 12 inch gap between the bottom of my gate and the ground, as well as the same size on the side of my gate. Had to of been atleast 2 people with the amount of plants. They had the decency to leave my one, yes one plant, in a one gallon. Had to of been someone who knew me, or someone who spoke of me, about me, or with the intent to rip me off. That week i barbed wired and fenced the whole property, and got an 8 channel system.

My pitbull is usually on it, but it was monsoon raining, so even he was fast asleep.Have since moved on, but now doing my first grow at my new spot. And yes, Fuck rippers. :)


I've only been had once, thank god. Was one of my first grows. It was pouring rain, little 10x20 hoop house, but i had probably 4 4oz Grapefuits, and another 80-some-odd plants in 3 gallons and one gallons. There was about a 12 inch gap between the bottom of my gate and the ground, as well as the same size on the side of my gate. Had to of been atleast 2 people with the amount of plants. They had the decency to leave my one, yes one plant, in a one gallon. Had to of been someone who knew me, or someone who spoke of me, about me, or with the intent to rip me off. That week i barbed wired and fenced the whole property, and got an 8 channel system.

My pitbull is usually on it, but it was monsoon raining, so even he was fast asleep.Have since moved on, but now doing my first grow at my new spot. And yes, Fuck rippers. :)
if i was allowed to grow in my yard i would put be up a electrified fence with the prison razor wire wraped on top and bottom. hopefully one these days my dumb ass state will legalize it. im still getting top dollar here though for my guerilla grown stuff..$250 per ohzee


I would give you 250 an ounce if I knew you. I usually pay at least 300
Haha the little flea looking thing on your comment got me good.. I was like god dammit my yellow lab has fleas again :) well played


Living dead girl
Haha the little flea looking thing on your comment got me good.. I was like god dammit my yellow lab has fleas again :) well played
They look like fungus gnats/fruit flies to me! I've been waging war on them and thought I was losing again. :D


Sheesh, 250/zip!? I can get primo indoor for that! I never really see any outdoor (greenhouse or otherwise) go for more then 175-200. I guess i short sell myself some, but i rather get rid of everything a little cheaper then be sitting there months later going, durpadurp, i sure wish someone would buy this blah..ehehe


its all profit to me bc im not buying and resaleing it,all im out is the cost of the seeds and nutrients..thats the benefits of living in a illegal state in the applachian mountains. there isnt much weed here for sale other then mexican brick and its loaded with stems and seeds in the bud so when i get mine in it sales like hot cakes. 250 is top dollar here and another thing i have seen over the years here. is it dont matter how much better the weed is u can get the customers here are only gonna pay so much for it. like for instance,say i have some 15% thc weed saleing it for 250 and i try and pick up some 25% thc and cut the bags down they would rather buy the 15% bc it still fucks them up. i wont sale myself short i will sit back and hold onto it till its dry here and break it out. i think its to hard of work to sale ur self short so i will hold it till i get the money i want out it bc i put in hard work from march till oct growing the cleanest weed i can.


Yup, first and last time too!

Got about a pound before the dogs scared them off I'm guessing. Early in the a.m. too in broad daylight just after sun-up. Came with clippers and a mountain bike, and dropped a trail all the way back to where they hide their bike. Could not believe it.
Walked by them twice inside the GH b4 I noticed it, then stood there, mouth going dry, a warm rush then and intense disbelief at what I was seeing! Seriously it would not register in my mind all these tops were not there anymore on the DAY of cut... un-effin imaginable their luck. Cameras', fence, and and couple Tiger pit traps now. "Fuck Thieves"


I lost one a few days ago, at least that's when I noticed it was gone.
It was just a small late season one, an Afghani, and I went there early in the mornng when it was still dark, as it's near houses, and I brought a male Black Widow in a pot with me to sit beside it, so I could get some seeds, and I parted the bushes and walked into the little clearing and saw, nothing. Just little fence around it to keep the rabbits off was still there.
It had been pulled up, not cut at the base.

It spooked me, as it should have been hard to find, as you couldn't see it from 3 yards away.
So I threw the male Black Widow I had brought under a bush, as it was of not use to me now.

Cops, rippers? I don't know.

Funny thing was a week previously I had been there early in the morning to water it with some water soluble fertilizer, and I noticed the little fence around it was loose.
And when I had made the little fence I had stretched it tight, so I was wondering if rabbits had been trying to get at the plant and loosened the fence a bit.

But now the plant got ripped, I would say that someone discovered the plant back then, and they fucked with the fence a bit, but they didn't pull the plant there and then.

Was it cops? A ripper? I don't know.

But I had plans to put more in that area, but now no way, if they found that one which was well hidden, then they will find any others I put there.
I find once a ripper realises that someone is growing in an area, they will comb that area looking for more.

But the funny thing is as I was going to that spot the morning I found the plant gone, I had to walk down a road that is blocked off to the public, and only accessible to leo and govt. workers. And I noticed fresh tyre tracks on the dirt road.
So someone from the govt. had been there the day before.
And then on the way out, after finding the plant gone, I was getting to the end of the dirt road, and saw someone up at the end of the road, just standing there.
Looks like it was a blocking force to intercept me on the way out.
It was just starting to get light by this time.
So I went into the woods on the side of the road and detoured around in a big loop, and came out past him.

Strange things were going on at that spot.

That's the problem with doing urban guerilla, too many people around. Too easy to get spotted going to an area.
Last year I got an ok yield from doing urban guerilla, then the next grow, which was going to be even bigger, got found.
The old cotton strung around the grow tipped me off.
Because I got early warning I managed to salvage most of them, but lost a few.
Worse thing is after all the work setting up those couple of spots they are now burned.

So no more urban guerilla around here for me, I think I have tried all the available spots, and while I did get a few harvests, all those spots are now burned, no where else to try it close by.


So tough finding rouge spots anymore, no matter where you are. Haven't done it in years, but somehow the urge to stealth out a spot never goes away. Am I the only one, lol? Almost did it last year just too see what would happen!

TONs of Respect to all the Guerillas out there still on the front lines. Best wishes. "Over grow the Gov."


Yes, you can do urban, but it's a bit hit and miss.
If you do I have learnt it is best to do it as minimal as possible, that is no carting in soil amendments or un-necessary trips.
Just put them straight in the ground if possible.

But if the soil is really shitty you have to cart in some amendments.
And this is where you risk getting seen by people who will tip off leo, or people who will work out you are growing in there and will go looking for your plants.

I think the plant I mentioned above that got ripped recently, I think it was probably leo who did it.
I think nearby residents saw me going in there repeatedly early in the morning or at night, and tipped off leo.

I like the idea of growing close to civilisation and hidden in plain view, and can be done, but I think in the end you will get seen by people.
And being in an urban area leo is more likely to surveil you or stake out your patch, as they don't have to travel far.

I think you really need to be able to get a decent distance away from civilisation to do guerilla properly and on a decent scale, far away so that no-one goes there.


If they only took a lil you knew the person period...

No, I told no-one about it. And the plant had only been there for about 2 1/2 weeks.
As it was a late season one it had started to flower straight away, but no-where near ready, no trichomes even, just some white pistils.

Actually the day before I found it gone, I had put 2 Leda Uno, a male and a female, about 2 foot high, about 100 yeards away, with a veiw to letting them go to seed.
When I planted them I also brought along a Black Widow in a pot which I was going to put next to the Afghani which got pulled up, so I could get some seeds.

But after planting the Leda Uno side by side, it was getting too light to go carrying the Black Widow male in the pot to where the Afghani was, and I was worried I would be seen carrying this plant along, as it was urban area.

So left the Black Widow with the Leda Uno I had just planted, and decided to come back early the next morning and move it to the Afghani.

So the next morning I went there early when is was still dark, but a half moon so I could see ok.
When I got to the Leda Uno spot to pick up the Black Widow I had left there I found one of the Leda Uno was bent over at 45 degrees.
This made me wonder how this could happen, but I picked up the Black Widow and went to where the Afghani was planted.
That's when I found it had been pulled up.

So this put a new light on the Leda Uno being bent over, like someone had trodden on the base of the plant accidentally and bent if over.
I though about it all day, what to do, had they been found, and in the end I though it's too much of a coincidence, the Afghani getting found 100 yards away, and then the Leda Uno bent like someone had trodden on it.

So I though if its leo, and they didnt pull it then and there, then they may have set up a camera there.
So I went back that night at midnight, camouflauged, and dug them up and got them out of there.

Too many strange things happening in that area, I'm not going back, well I will once, in about a week, as after I dug up the two Leda Uno, I set a couple of "tells" at the site before I left, to tell me if someone went there.
So if I go back in a week and the "tells" are down, then I was right, someone had found that spot straight away.
Cali clouds

Cali clouds

Fuck thieves. Doesn't matter what they are stealing. I had a indoor spot that got hit a couple years ago this summer. It was a friend of a partner. That pile of shit new we were gone for the weekend and had his tweaker goons come and snatch up everything under 12 lights out of the 17 that were running. I can't figure out if they ran out of time or just left me the last 5 lights so I could pay my rent. I think they ran out of time. They didn't even top the place, just clear cut everything and then left all the doors wide open. When I got back it was like the worst nut shot I have ever taken. Best part, karma is a bitch. Two of them have gotten in separate car Accidents and died. Worst part 3 of them are still breathing. I guess all I can do is pray maybe the other 3 will have the same luck. Trust nobody. If they aren't invested in the grow they have no business being around or knowing anything. Anyone will fuck you. Oh yeah and that was the end of that spot. I think now invest in security before you plant a plant. Out here in socal it is like the fucking wild wild west. Giant outdoor grows everywhere and every week I here of another hit. I was about to leave a club in o.c. last month when the security guard stopped me and my partner. Cops were at my car arresting a car full of hoodlum ass gangsters that were sitting next to my car. I think they watched us go in with a big bag and new we were coming out stacked up. Thankfully dip shit cops did something right and busted them. That was awkward leaving the club with a parking lot full of cops. At least they were busy

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