Flower to veg...?

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Ok so here's the situation. My brother had some ladies (Magnum from Cannacopia and some Apollo 11) that we popped and cloned running in a tray. They got root bound in veg and he must have bumped his timer to just over 12 hours (a crappy push dial timer so it might have been really close to 12) and they went into flower - either that or they forced flower from the root bound but I've always found they just go into more of a stasis, unless they're in flower in which case they hermie sometimes.

I put them back into veg time 16/8 just to save electricity but I wasn't able to transplant them yet. At this time they DID NOT pack on any new bud, though they did have resin production. I finally got them out into an ebb and grow and after a week or so they're looking good, a little yellow but they're coming around. I think I see new green growth out of the top of the bud sites and of course new growth below. I want to keep them in veg to let some others catch up to them for about 2 weeks....what is going to happen to all the bud - I would say they were in flower for 2-4 weeks and got a little bit of bud on them, a lot more than most but magnum yields heavy - that is there? Will it put energy back into those so it will pack on more or will that part just be wasted now as it reverted back to veg?



I veg with 24 hour light..but never would veg under any less than 18 hours. Concentrate on the new growth and as it emerges cut all the retarded leaves and half-formed bud out.


Living dead girl
Ok so here's the situation. My brother had some ladies (Magnum from Cannacopia and some Apollo 11) that we popped and cloned running in a tray. They got root bound in veg and he must have bumped his timer to just over 12 hours (a crappy push dial timer so it might have been really close to 12) and they went into flower - either that or they forced flower from the root bound but I've always found they just go into more of a stasis, unless they're in flower in which case they hermie sometimes.

I put them back into veg time 16/8 just to save electricity but I wasn't able to transplant them yet. At this time they DID NOT pack on any new bud, though they did have resin production. I finally got them out into an ebb and grow and after a week or so they're looking good, a little yellow but they're coming around. I think I see new green growth out of the top of the bud sites and of course new growth below. I want to keep them in veg to let some others catch up to them for about 2 weeks....what is going to happen to all the bud - I would say they were in flower for 2-4 weeks and got a little bit of bud on them, a lot more than most but magnum yields heavy - that is there? Will it put energy back into those so it will pack on more or will that part just be wasted now as it reverted back to veg?

In my experience when this happens honestly, the yield suffers a great deal. I personally have only ever had the reveg succeed well when I allow the cutting to form the proper leaves after going through its hormonal confusion stage.

See, each stage of growth, whether vegetative or regenerative (aka flowering) takes about two weeks or so to move through. So the question really is what kind of growth stage are they in right now? Are you seeing a reduction in the number of lobes on each fan leaf yet, and if so what's the progression gotten to at this point?

What I typically observe in a reveg situation is kinda like this:
3-lobed leaves, lasts for about 2wks, and then you start seeing it throw those
Singles, which lasts another two weeks before it moves back to
Triples, which lasts another two weeks before we get back to truly normal vegetative growth.

So, that's what, about 6wks?

If you push them back into flower before they're 'convinced' as to what type of growth to put out (vegetative) then this time period is extended.

When I have tried to push either type, indoor or outdoor, back into flowering too quickly, the performance is very poor compared to a plant that's actually ready to go into flower. Larfy, piss-poor bud structure and development.


yeah i was wondering the same stuff. how long it would take to really recover. It's the 1 leaf retarded growing at the moment hah. I hate to kill em.... but sounds like they'll just be taking up space in the meantime. Perhaps I'll just put them into a coco mixture and let them finish flowering in a couple of weeks, getting the spill over light. Not a total waste but not the star of the show.



...yeah man, you definitely do NOT want to shitcan them if you have the space, re-vegging can be both fun and challenging and while it's only recently that i've had the space to begin dabbling myself, according to the good DrBudGreenGenes, plants will often yield better the second, and even third cycle.

...i don't know this for a fact yet as i've only run one plant so far through 2 complete cycles and that plant did indeed come in heavier the second time through.

...so i'm doing more experiments with other plants, not all take and those that do, some take easy and some, not so easy, ...here's a few pics of one that was harvested on Jan. 23 so just over 4 weeks ago, ...she yielded almost 3zipz in 6liters of coco.

...here's a look inside my veg tent where you can see i even now have a few revegging, lol.


...so, here i've pulled one out to show you how the growth is progressing and like i said, she was harvested on Jan. 23rd., ...you'll note that i've left some of the dates on the pics.


...here's some of that gnarly, mutated growth you get first as the plant struggles to shift it's hormonal balance.


...and here we can already see the beginnings of normal growth, hungry, slightly deficient but normal growth, lol.


...and a shot of the stump.


...now note the dates with this one because these first shots are from just before her second flowering cycle began, look closely at the stump for reference.

...i see i've cropped the date out of this first pic but i can post the original if anyone doubts my word.




...and now here she is after her second harvest which, as i said, was Jan. 23rd. ...note the stump, lol, or stumps, i should say.





...and here she is showing some mutated growth still.


...and some normal growth already, this plant is freekin' amazing, lol.


...anyway, i doubt i'll try for a 4th cycle as the pot is pretty much completely filled with roots.

and i hope no-one minds all the pics but as i've said elsewhere, i'm a visually oriented kind of kat so i take a lot of pics and i use them profusely, lol.

peace, bozo


Yeah i'm not going to scrap them. In fact a lot of them have moved passed the retard 1 leaf stage (since it was about a month ago I took them out I guess) and back into normal leaves on the bottom, just not up where the bud is at. I think I'm going to cut all that off up top and let them grow back up. I am, however, going to transplant them still out of the ebb n gro and into the mendo coco i have, just to make sure.

it's not something i planned on or plan on doing again. just happened, but i'll let you know what they yield in the end compared to others of similar height and build.
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