Full description of plants so far HELP ME

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pretty lengthy I apologize in advance

So.. I wanted to started growing cannabis due to me spending arm and legs on pounds I figured y not grow it myself so I did a little reading on it and decided I wanted a grow tent now while watching a couple videos I seen you can take a seed from a bag of cannabis you own and germinate it . I found three seeds and germinated them all only 1 sprouted which is classified as an “unknown Og strain” the plant been striving it’s currently on day 25 (19 days seedling) and looks good so while I germinated that I was waiting for my grow tent I had order and seeds to come thur the mail. My grow tent took a extra few days to arrive but my germinated seed already had a taproot now keep in mind I’m new here so the taproot wasn’t that long but the next day it look like it grew FAST (1st image below)
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Then I still didn’t have my grow tent so the taproot was just long for nothing and I spoke to this guy who told me after I showed him the seed and taproot “you need to plant that now” so I planted it right . Then I was adjusting the fan thing at the top and my timer disconnected and fell and knocked the solo cup over and it fell over flower soil everything on the floor of the grow tent but it only knocked majority of the contents out because the little net they give you that you put the plants thur I thought that was a little net you put in and it hold multiple flower pots but when I dropped my timer the solocup slid thur the holes on the net so I scooped it up and replanted it and this happened probably 3-4 days after planting it but the 2 first leaves and stem was still visible the same person that gave me advice about hurrying and planting the seed that was already germinating he said “throw it out it won’t grow” but as you see the plant is on its 25 day from planting so obviously that was a lie. Moving on my seeds finally came and I was excited I personally my self like to do the paper towel method it worked the first time but some people let me in that if it germinate in paper towel it’s more then likely will germinate in soil because you can germinate using the paper towel method but not all will germinate and I kinda witness that with my own eyes. So I planted the seeds I received in the mail (all came from seedsman) which was atlas seeds tropical cooler(auto) planted April 26 it sprouted (upload image below)
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Now I read somewhere that it’s okay if it grow and the seed is stuck just take some tweezers and pull it off NOW LET ME TELL YA Ik for a fact I pulled the seed off probably to early because if you see both the leaves and the seed hanging you gone and pull it off I had a leave and the other one was curled in the seed but I still proceeded to take the seed off and ik it’s was slight early probably later that night or early next day the seed would’ve fell off by itself and I promise I’m not impatient Ik it take time but still I proceeded to do it (also did this to the unknown Og strain) when I did pull the seed off (it was half way off btw) I knew it was early because the plant didn’t even have the green color it was pale almost white with like faded real light light yellow around it (pic below before I pulled seed off)
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moving on April 26 😭 I planted a mango Sherbert (Humbodlt co, DONT BUY) and germinated using paper towel method Original skunk 1 (regular seed was pose to be feminized but seedsman fucked up sent the wrong strain) and banana jealousy (feminized) I put them in the bag same way I did with the unknown Og strain so now I was waiting watching for any sign of the mango to sprout and peeping in the bag to look and see if I seen a taproot visible for the banana or original skunk. Now the banana jealousy taproot grew I think I gave it probably a day or two and on the second day it was there (pic below)
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April 28 I planted the banana jealousy and for some reason the banana jealousy had a taproot but the original skunk didn’t but since I was planting the banana jealousy I decided just throw the original skunk in the soil now I only did this because the original skin had a baby taproot like you would think it was the side of the seed shell if you didn’t really look so I just decided throw it in a solo cup and let it do what it do so we have banan jealousy taproot visible now planted, original skunk barely have a taproot but planted any then Mango that been in the soil since the start and moving about the same time original skunk did SLOWWWWW come May 3 mango taproot was visible (yes I looked in the soil probably shouldn’t I was just curious) NOW LET ME TELL YOU it came all the way around to May 6 when I just threw them out and restarted the run down goes like this (before I discarded em) I planted them and that taproot took forever to show its self by this time banana jealousy was looking good growing and everything and I started them all around the same time (banana jealousy before/today below)
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Now keep in mind since the unknown og strain I was pulling the seeds off I wasn’t even giving it time to see if the seed was stuck on there and was on its way off I just went pulling smh and I know this could cause problems I was aware when I did it still proceeded it so banana jealousy was growing looking good to be all small. Now around May 3 I seen taproot was visible in both the mango and original skunk but the seed was half way off and it wasn’t even a leaf or nothing just there and honestly the seed looked dead if that make since like old and dirty but the taproot was out same with mango but the seed didn’t look dirty or anything it just ain’t grow taproot came out shell was removed slightly due to me dig around in the soil lightly trynna see the seed and growth. I left it alone May 6 took another look and it was the exact same taproot same length and everything no change so I’m like these ain’t growing discarded em and decided to replant but before we go there April 29 I planted Alaskan bananaberry auto and it sprouted May 2 (Yes I went and removed the seed but this was different the plant got it’s color was standing up and everything the seed was legit stuck on the corner of the leave so I helped removed it this was the one time I removed the seed when it actually needed to be removed) they say auto grow fast but for some reason the first couple of days you would’ve thought it was stunned it was the same way for DAYS (pic below of it before and today)
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The first pic it stayed like that for days and I didn’t know what was groing on they say it was pose to grow fast so the fact it was sitting looking the say for days I kinda got worried and the leaves was kinda droopy but that changed when the lights came on still I didn’t know y it looked all stale but I treated it the same as the other ones and it’s growing today.
May 1 I Decided to plant another tropical cooler May 5 it sprouted not much to say about it (pic below of it today)
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Around this time I stopped being early to pull the seed off I let it grow and then when it’s the inner part of the seed stuck on there I help it out
I Also planted another banana jealously May 1 doing good not much to say about this either (pic of it today below)
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So since I planted banana jealousy ,mango, and original skunk and only banana jealousy grew, after I planted another banana jealousy (pic above) I decided to give the mango and original skunk another go May 7th I planted both. May 10 taproot was seen coming from original skunk and the mango Sherbert had no visible taproot (pic of original skunk today)
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Now here we go again the mango DONT have no result actually today I went in there and looked in the soil I couldn’t even find the seed and I’m very careful when I plant a seed I fill the cup/pot not all the way to the top with soil (Fox Farm Ocean) and I slightly water it then make a small little indent and drop the seed in and cover it with a little soil and add just a little water to make sure the top is moist but I looked and didn’t find the seed probably throw it out today or tomorrow idk and today I also transferred the original skunk to another solo cup because it was watered today not by me and I felt it was to much for the plant to be the size it was so I replanted it but in the process I seen that the stem was stemming it was long ,longer then I thought so I re planted it but it was leaning I got it straight up now it seems fine

Now since I’ll be needing help on here I think it’s important to know
-nun have had any nutes yet
-i mixed mostly water and a little calmag together (April 26, May 8 I sprayed the unknown Og strain with it only cause it’s gotten bigger, May 8 also sprayed Tropical cooler #1 with it)
-I mist my plants from time to time with water seems to bring humidity up
-Humidty in the tent seems to stay between 55% -67% (that’s the highest and low I seen)
-Temps in grow tent 70c-85c
-Fox farm ocean is the soil I use
-I have the main three general hydroponics + calmag
-distance from light, Idk you tell me (pic below)
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-when I first started watering them yk that hack about the run off I was watering the bases on that when from the time I planted the till they grew a little bit i monitor them daily like I said probably 20 sum times a day and I noticed the water took a while to dry out like days you could almost smell the soil so I relaxed on the water (Ik you can drown them I wasn’t heavy heavy with the water pouring) when I dialed down on the water I got a syringe and put 3 5ml of water per plant and let it get dry but moist still before watering now that there growing it seems that eat water up now ALOT the ones still small DONT take that much water but the ones on the bigger side have to get watered probably 2-3 a day
-yes I use tap water. The ph of it is 6.9 and 0274ppm
-have a oscillating fan DONT know when to use it but it’s on stand by
-don’t know when to use the nutes or how (people tried explaining it but I need like a break down so I don’t fuck up cause I don’t have no ph up or down)
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I was scared two days ago notice my leaves was turning yellow but many people let me know those fall off/die anyways so not really worried Ik the lights not to low and I don’t feed them bites sprayed with calmag couple times that’s about it
Haven’t really had any big problems
Hopefully I was As detailed as I could be
I don’t know who this will reach but hopefully somebody help me out or something or guide me in the right directions
Full description of plants so far help me
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If I'm not mistaken, standby is off.....definitely turn that fan on.....get some airflow going.......


If I'm not mistaken, standby is off.....definitely turn that fan on.....get some airflow going.......
so there not to little or fragile ? The fan won’t harm them? I got the fan you hang at the top the in-line I think it already up and on.


You should start a grow journal.
I got the grow with Jane shit it’s okay I did like it but it’s not all that just good for keeping the dates and pictures I’m more of a pen and notepad type person


I have my fan oscillating on/over/in/through my plants in my veg area......


At least the larger ones are past the seedling stage, so yes they’re in the vegetative stage. They’re certainly not in the flowering stage (lol).
So just leave em be or start feeding them?


What’s the next step for this plant or is it still in seedling stage. (new grower here)


I'd take the scrog net off for now, just gonna be in the way throughout veg, you dont need it till flower


mmm you could transplant,. but not necessary,..
is the medium dry?
you could tip upside down using your palm to catch the medium ball with the plant between fingers, than slide off cup to see roots/rootball,.
use your knee to push up gently on bottom of cup to loosen medium from cup, before tipping upside down,.. best if medium is dry or close to being dry,..
maybe set up camera to make video,. just edit video for posting, want to see roots,.
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