Growing on Coco Slabs Guide

  • Thread starter HortiLab
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thanks alot horti
@Smokey503ski u r soo right
was using the same system and also thinking of gettin it set back up :smiley_joint:
its realy simple to keep it clean
had some EcSd v3 on there and the loved the setup too maybe i find some pics since its been like 5 years ago, will post them in here if that is ok with horti hehe dont want to spam his thread lol


thanks alot horti
@Smokey503ski u r soo right
was using the same system and also thinking of gettin it set back up :smiley_joint:
its realy simple to keep it clean
had some EcSd v3 on there and the loved the setup too maybe i find some pics since its been like 5 years ago, will post them in here if that is ok with horti hehe dont want to spam his thread lol

greenkeeper and all other coco farmers, feel free to post pics of your slab setups in this thread!


back in the days

ok here are some shotĀ“s from my ECDS V3 run i did in 2006
unfortunatly i just took pics of topcolas lol
but those are all on cocoslabĀ“s and came out awesome
100 1008
100 1032
100 1033
100 1034


That are some very nice ECSDv3 buds greenkeeper. Always fun to grow on slabs. Keep it green!


Nice Foxtails in those pics. When growing in Coco, I have only got the Foxtails. Those are beautiful!!! I bet those were pretty plump when dried.
A question about the slabs. What EC is coming out of them when they are new? Have you checked the runoff for the PH either on them? I found quiete a few different brands have different rates off EC from the Coco.
Also are the Coco slabs just Coco or is there any Perlite or anything else in there?

My only problem I ever had with running those exact trays and slabs were the plants getting too big. I did not strap the trays down, came home to find that they fell over.


great thread.

was wondering, could this work as alternative to xplanting to a larger growbag?

for instance, i'm in 1gal bags now..i'll need to xplant soon. But was thinking about cutting out the bottom of the growbags and placing them on some slabs..


@horti thanks pro
@smokey u bet
honestly i have never worked with EC in any way to this day
never got familiar with it only do ph adjustments, something i still have to learn about
the slabs are pure cocos i used then but since 2 years im only on soil so cant tell u how it is today or what is available and u r right saing they get too big hehe thru that is
@green81 ty man gotta love it :cool0041:


drip, drip, drip...

great thread.

was wondering, could this work as alternative to xplanting to a larger growbag?

for instance, i'm in 1gal bags now..i'll need to xplant soon. But was thinking about cutting out the bottom of the growbags and placing them on some slabs..

sfzoo, yes this works as long as the growbags/pots fit on the coco slab. For more even water distribution in the slab it is advisable to place at least 2-3 plants per slab.

honestly i have never worked with EC in any way to this day
never got familiar with it only do ph adjustments, something i still have to learn about

greenkeeper, measuring EC levels is very easy with modern meters like the Truncheon stick.


lol, 8mo update.

thanks bro. i'd like to try it, but i think it may be just more of a headache in the long run.

maybe i'll try and run the slabs alone.


Thanks for the kind words and glad you are happy with your coco setup, too.
Actually never placed the slabs "parallel to the draining canals". The way the slabs are placed in the pics, ensures an even spread drain from the whole coco slab.

Yes, with aprox 250-350ml / per plant / per day there will be enough drain in most coco slab setups.

Cannazym is only used every other week and during the first days when re-using slabs (double dose).

The amount of PK13/14 used, depends on the strain and water quality. In most cases we advise to use PK13/14 very "defensive" and according to the desired EC level.
Its amazing how the Dutch and europeans water/feed so little (the correct way imho) and still get theose growth rates and more importantly. ..runoff. 200 to 350 ml per day per plant is really small compared to how Americans totally over water plants. You should see the recommendations that Canna says for water gift on the back on thier brick coir labels for a square meter of FULL canopy. Its not much...not at all. I also still do not understand why Americans never got on board with coco coir slab bags. The advantages are so there. Especially in larger setups. And one more thing...those gray drain runoff greenhouse grade plastic table inserts are so ideal. Not used AT ALL on the hobby level here in America. Dont the europeans use a special glue to seal these up and have them cut to just about any size? Anyways...these methods are basically pro greenhouse adapted methods. Something the hobbyists across the pond figured out along time ago and something us Yanks just cannot get on board with..still..after all these years.


And does anyone know if Canna or any other brand (Rio...Pelemix??l makes coco slab bags that fit the old standard dutch "Libra" trays? I have a ton of those in my basement sitting in a corner collecting dust. When i use to run huge rows of roclwool slabs back in the early nineties. Rockwool slabs on a drain to waste was thee way for me back then


how deep are the slabs once fully hydrated and in use?

what are the dimensions of the trays? (difficult to plan a room without dimensions)

and how many plants do you put per slab taking into account your selected veg time (i usually do three wks)


how deep are the slabs once fully hydrated and in use?

what are the dimensions of the trays? (difficult to plan a room without dimensions)

and how many plants do you put per slab taking into account your selected veg time (i usually do three wks)
I have no clue on coco coir slab dimensions geared for hobby type home growers. I would assume Canna slabs are similar in size to the Grodan rockwool slab size but iam not sure. What i do know is the Rio or Pele mix slabs for greenhouse tomatonand veggie grower slabs are really thick. Wide and long as well. And plants per slabe is totally dependent on how you do up your veg. Times and canopy and strain dependent. For a 3 week veg i would assume you can put 3 to 4 plants per standard meter long slab. Iam not sure. But very interested as well.


Bump. This old thread deserves justice and could turn out to be very important to coco coir growers wanting to achieve maximum yields with the least effort. Cmon. These Dutch methods are solid and very reliable sog method. Hasnt changed except from rockwool to coco slabs. Seems they can bust a gram per watt with ease...all the time.

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