Growing out in Texas... tips?

  • Thread starter blue-dreamer
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I want to grow this coming year outdoors in TX, any tips? Would u worry about getting busted for a 7 plant operation? I hope to have no neighbors where I move to do this. Only helicopters would be able to put me at risk. Im hearing they cannot spot them thermally.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
I wouldn't but I am not a big fan prison, Huntsville blows....

I have ran a few outdoors when I was down there and the stress wore me out



I lived their 2 yrs. I would start them in feb/March put them in the ground by april with good soil in big holes and youll prob get the same monsters I did I mean 8-14 ft tall plants. Last i checked its minimum 1 yr for outdoor and 10 yr minimum for indorr cultivation of cannibis. Look up the local laws in the Librery of conress it avaible online. Good luck I had theives both yrs at diffrent locations too many hunters and shit


I wouldn't but I am not a big fan prison, Huntsville blows....

I have ran a few outdoors when I was down there and the stress wore me out


Truer words not spoken^^

I lived their 2 yrs. I would start them in feb/March put them in the ground by april with good soil in big holes and youll prob get the same monsters I did I mean 8-14 ft tall plants. Last i checked its minimum 1 yr for outdoor and 10 yr minimum for indorr cultivation of cannibis. Look up the local laws in the Librery of conress it avaible online. Good luck I had theives both yrs at diffrent locations too many hunters and shit

Totally wrong. there are no laws about cultivation in texas, only possession and posses with intent to distribute(which they have to catch you doing a sale to and undercover). see norml website for amounts and related punishments, even though just cause you get arrested doesnt mean you will be convicted, and even if you do they are very lenient with first and even second time offenders and mostly give out probation. one friend burnt down a house growing in it, only got 2 yrs probation.

if you do try it and are in south tx, count on tons of mold.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Trust me when I tell ya that in Texas, because there are no cultivation laws, you get hit with "manufacturing of a controlled substance", "possesion with intent to distribute", and strait up "possesion of a controlled substance" in the Class A felony range. You are booked just like you were a east Texas meth cook, absolutely no difference at all...

I lived there 36 years and grew my ass off indoors for 10 of those, 1 outdoors and the penelties were just to hard core to get out of your mind and your grow suffers

Be very carefull and be very prepared also be willing to sit a bit...


Buddy Hemphill

I want to grow this coming year outdoors in TX, any tips? Would u worry about getting busted for a 7 plant operation? I hope to have no neighbors where I move to do this. Only helicopters would be able to put me at risk. Im hearing they cannot spot them thermally.

Move to California


Yep, u wanna grow outside in tx...u better make sure NOONE knows about it and that u really got a good spot. I actually remember from somewhere where these dudes had a shed on rails for when the hellicopters were out n about n what not...just know tex is right its manufacture and delivery. Huntsville is ez street. hit telford beto, robinson...u will learn jus how bad u really are...or arnt! Anyway b smart if u got a spot thats good just use common sense. maybe some lsting is in order?


Trust me when I tell ya that in Texas, because there are no cultivation laws, you get hit with "manufacturing of a controlled substance", "possesion with intent to distribute", and strait up "possesion of a controlled substance" in the Class A felony range. You are booked just like you were a east Texas meth cook, absolutely no difference at all...


hmm that sucks for you dude, not the same case for me. ive been through the tx court system multiple times and the best advice i can give is hire the right attorney, pretty much problem solved if hes connected. not to mention 9/10 times the cops dont do their job properly when serving a warrant/k&t, making a dismissal relatively easy. however, someone else said it best, if youre looking to grow in tx, the first move you should make is to leave the state of tx and never go back.


If ever in doubt about laws the librery of congress has has a website witch access all major local current state laws .for you to find out forsure instead of hear say and storys as well as contacting local goverment or state office. Either way always a risk Good luck


dextr0, you're from tx homey.
Did a stint at Beto after catching a major case at Pack.
Worked in the signs-shop I bet.
TX is no joke homey, they will hang you if you don't have good representation.


Here's whats going on around the world...NM and Co have no busts on this map...

Some enterprising ranchers had a place down 35 they were growing on and a neighboring ranch hand was checking fence and noticed one of their watchers sitting out in the field with an AK and called the cops. They busted the whole operation with several hundred 14 or so foot plants..several hundred were already processed and all of these people are hip. With the smell, game wardens that can trespass at will, hunters, poachers, cops with dogs, illegals walking through obscure places, it might be a bad choice. And in town the meter readers are trained to tip and get a paltry reward. So that just about sews up Texas outdoor as far as I can tell. One guy I knew had an old trailor he rented to some deer hunter. For some reason, there was a wildfire on the place and the renter got discovered and busted. It was way back in no where also...likely some cop was sneaking around and found it and set it afire and called the fire dept who brought the cops along...another asswipe sheriff was sneaking around a trailer in the country and broke in when the grower was gone to town, discovered his grow, dialed 911 and left. They have to break in to investigate 911 hangup calls so sure enough, another sheriff broke in and found it. No one ever knew who dialed the 911 call from the guys phone and hung up and left....but my friends do... so to do even an inside project it take a minimum of two people as it has to be guarded 24/7 by a live person. And a landline is likely not to be had at the grow. You are screwing with some crafty rule breaking cops there who have no problems cheating the constitution to bust your ass. And riding around with dope in the car is their biggest thrill. They will background you if you move in and if you have any blemishes on your record, guess what! They just pass on by until the see you leaving one day and pull you over for some Mickey Mouse bullshit and bam...they bust you..they get government grants for a great amount of busts and are buying machine guns and SWAT tanks and such for when they take over the unless you are a real smart, savy, and rich son of a bitch, I would rethink this stuff real well...and loose lips sink ships in Texas...there's a snitch in every bunch it seems like...some make a living off turning people in and then they will go an smoke with them the next day...


// Hello fellow Texan.. i would grow indoors and just keep
The kisser shut. You should have ZERO problems.

My brother has been growing for about 3 yrs after he
lost two toes coming from Iraq. I've been helping him
For two years now and no problem. He has a good
Job and me too, so we don't sell any of our meds.


As a born Texan who moved to California, outdoors in Texas is possible. I lived my summers in Huntsville(not in the prisons) and there is still lots of national forest around the Phelps area between Lake Livingston and Huntsville. The pines and brush are very thick so not many people wonder around much out there. The soil is a real nice loose almost compost like dirt.(not sure the ph) Water for your plants is there with lots of small ponds everywhere that are not easily gotten to. I would stick to only two or three plants to a spot and then scatter some others around. The high humidity might help to keep the smell from traveling to far. I don't know where in Texas you come from but in Texas every part of growing is a risk. Jail should always be in the back of your mind if you decide to go for it. I must say though "Texas needs some dank weed in it." Good Luck. Or you could move to Cali and grow outdoor with a smile and no worries.

Buddah Ninja

first you need water and the last time I heard texas was bone dry


Going to do this outdoor in Texas? Then go back deep , deep into the Big Thicket with the 'gators , the hogs and the cottonmouths and the bugs , I mean wwwaayyyyyy back in. And best have a reason for going in and out , good to be seen hauling out a hog or a deer occasionally , you'll jsut be that old boy that ought move back across the line with the rest of the Pur Cajuns'.


Yeah, I had to move out of TX too for all of these reasons (and more). The thing I did NOT get to take with me was a cut of TEXAS SHORELINE. That has to be the dankest weed I've ever had the pleasure of sampling. I felt like my head was a balloon and floating 9 feet above my body. I've never felt that way before or since. Found one seed in the 1/4 baggie but I lost it! :mad:

The things I would consider doing to get a real cut of that plant... I might even leave the mountain and go visit my family!!!


I really have to disagree with most of these cats. Texas cops are a very different breed of cop. If you're not a prick about it, you can get away with almost anything.

I had an indoor grow in SA with a cop as my downstairs neighbor. He wasn't a half-wit, he knew what was up. If there was anything tipping him off, I still have the impression that he would told me to fix it rather than reporting it and getting me busted.

My friend had 8 large-ish plants in his backyard in Austin, and 2 cops wandered into his backyard while he was back there. One of them said, 'yep'. Then another one said, 'those need to go'. My buddy gave him a 'yessir', then they left.

The court system is the same personality. If you're an otherwise responsible citizen and don't have a gajillion plants, you'll get the minimum. If you don't have a record, the minimum is like 6 months probation for a pound or less. That's dried bud, as well. If they pull your plants, they dry them out, cut the bud sites and weigh those.

This is obviously going to be a bit different depending on the locality, but that's the south for you. The Nazis are going to be in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and any county on the border, especially Corpus. A lot of that is supposedly large gang-funded operations, as well. Anywhere else, you should be fine. Just don't be stupid, and don't be a prick.
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

Austin is the coolest town in Texas.

To the OP..



Ive read alot of this and to be frank, im not concerned with the consequences. But i would like to know the best tips for growing in southern texas. I live in Corpus Christi down by the gulf and ive not had very much success with growing cause i have limited knowledge. I can get a plant growing but maintaining it can be difficult for me because i really just have no clue to help it stay flourishing. But like i stated i am in need of some great tips...currently my plant is drooping and i cant tell if its from overwatering or maybe some other issue. If it helps as well my plant was an accident plant (you know one of those bushes that just start growing cause you threw a seed out in your grass or whatever) and its growing right under a tree. It gets its sunlight and water but could overwatering and the tree be the cause for it and if so, whats the best way to relocate the plant. Its maybe 2 months old and its about as high as my knee cap(give or take a inch or more)
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