Highest Electric Bill?

  • Thread starter fortphoenix
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Hey guys i know this questions probably been asked a million times but whats the highest electric bill youā€™ve ever had without getting caught or raising any alarms with the electric company? and if you did catch the attention of the electric company and they called, what was your excuse? what was the highest monthly average of your electric bill during a grow op? with or without getting caught? Also, what electric company were you signed up with?
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My bill is over 700 a month. No indoor grow. Just a pool and a/c. That gives you an idea how high you can go without even ending up on the radar. I would imagine 30% of people use more power than me, without growing. Anything under 2g's a month seems very safe in a residential setting. Commercial, I have seen $100,000 monthly bills on some of the buildings I work in. That is just office space, no grows.


I'm in the 1500$ to 2000$ a month.im running 6 1000 watt gavitas and a 1000 watt veg light plus 36000 btu mini split ac.been doing it for about 6 years.never had a problem but I pay my bill on time.every month


I'm in the 1500$ to 2000$ a month.im running 6 1000 watt gavitas and a 1000 watt veg light plus 36000 btu mini split ac.been doing it for about 6 years.never had a problem but I pay my bill on time.every month
god damn 1500-2000 off just 7k and the a/c?? how? if your lights are on 12/12 @.15 cents/kwh shouldn't the lights only be around 375-400 month? granted the a/c would cost probably the same per month, shouldn't it only be around 1k a month if you include regular electric use too? sorry I'm just trying to figure out how yours is so high


My bill is over 700 a month. No indoor grow. Just a pool and a/c. That gives you an idea how high you can go without even ending up on the radar. I would imagine 30% of people use more power than me, without growing. Anything under 2g's a month seems very safe in a residential setting. Commercial, I have seen $100,000 monthly bills on some of the buildings I work in. That is just office space, no grows.
damn dude thats really high but yeah man i figured along as you pay on time there shouldn't really be anything to worry about. thank you for the input though


Depends on where you are. I've seen residential power bills in SoCal of $10,000/month going on for years with no issue. In most med states they don't really care, business is business.


Depends on where you are. I've seen residential power bills in SoCal of $10,000/month going on for years with no issue. In most med states they don't really care, business is business.
yeah but if they're fully legal then of course they can get away with it, plus cali has like 3x the cost on kw. where i am its 10-15 cents in cali i believe its around 30-35


In some states(cali) powerbills are tiered so the more you use the more you pay.I think my bottom tier is like 11 cents but it jumps to 45 real fast,4k flower w/24,000 btu mini and a 1k veg with 12,000 btu mini will have you very near 1500+ a month in a tiered state,same thing might be 3-400 in a non tiered state so these discussions are worthless without knowing if your tiered and how much per KW hour you pay.
As a side note ive never heard of anyone around me getting busted for a high power bill,just pay up on time and they will gladly keep taking it,I know people that are around 15-20k per month.
One more thing phoenix,There is no such thing as fully legal,Even in a legal state with a state approved/inspected grow you are still breaking federal law,something to keep in mind.


In some states(cali) powerbills are tiered so the more you use the more you pay.I think my bottom tier is like 11 cents but it jumps to 45 real fast,4k flower w/24,000 btu mini and a 1k veg with 12,000 btu mini will have you very near 1500+ a month in a tiered state,same thing might be 3-400 in a non tiered state so these discussions are worthless without knowing if your tiered and how much per KW hour you pay.
As a side note ive never heard of anyone around me getting busted for a high power bill,just pay up on time and they will gladly keep taking it,I know people that are around 15-20k per month.
One more thing phoenix,There is no such thing as fully legal,Even in a legal state with a state approved/inspected grow you are still breaking federal law,something to keep in mind.

No matter what anyone tells you and with new technologies such as smart meters and the era of software All power companies monitor and record house hold electrical usage .. I for one was red flagged for unusual power consumption ..
To think that most busts occur from rats its also fact that your power bill water usage and all utilities is public meaning anyone can get info on a property
The LEO goes by district attorny's idea meaning following everything from investigations to actual warrants to power companies they really do not need to but its a cover there ass approach ..
So as the case progresses into court there is no loop holes .. they are going to hang you
Dont kid your self water companies , power companies are monitoring your usage and will in fact flag you and possibly even have a service tech come take a look .
what happened to me is i got a call from power company stating my over usage and unusual usage ..
This is where you better have a good excuse if not you can surely bet cops just might come knocking ..
my Excuse was as i have oil furnace that oil prices out weight the price of power so i placed 1000 watt heaters in all rooms instead of buying oil,, THey bought it and everything is good Also its there moral responsibility to inform police of unusual usage
even if customer is paying bills on time
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Agreed DR it is monitored,but at least in my state no judge will issue a warrant to police based on power consumption alone,their gonna need much much more than that,and no power company will willingly give up info without a warrant and get sucked into a lawsuit.So if you are already on their radar it could play into the case for sure but not by itself and you were probably screwed anyways.My rich neighbor uses 2-3 times the electric i do and he doesnt even grow and dont you remember when it was revealed that global warming guru Al Gores home used 15-20k in electricity a month?Being an energy hog is not exclusive to being a grower.Granted if your usage is much higher than the median in your hood they might send a letter to try to get you to conserve more but if you dont they have no recourse at all,not like they can sanction you,no law says you can only use so much that i know of,just pay the bill for what you do use.


don't kid your self doesnt work like that in a affidavit all the cops need is probable cause on anything and they will get a warrant doesn't matter what state or if you were on the NORTH POLE

Utility Bills: the amount of power and water a home consumes is well understood by utility companies, and law enforcement alike. Grow houses consume substantially more power than a normal home, and as such, law enforcement may add this incriminating consumption pattern to their Affidavit In Support of a Search Warrant. Sometimes, law enforcement is tipped off because the power line is illegally spliced to hide excessive power consumption.

So, if any combination of the above "legal" activities provides probable cause to believe that the house contains marijuana plants, a judge will sign the search warrant and the police will enter the home without permission. But, will the police simply rush over to the home and break down the front door? Probably not as in exactly what happened to me ,, they had warrant but waited and monitored me followed me everywhere i went and when the take down happened it was as usual not when it was ecpected
And the truth is its just like the movies where swarms of vans federal agents masked , Heavily protected by body armor and weapons take you down ready to kill you
just like in the movies they do not know if your a gang related grower , mafia or some nitwit living in parents basement
PS don't forget its not just cultivating charges you get its a hell of allot more
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Dr fever, you're talking out of your ass
only ass wit here is you to think other wise ask your self next time you get pulled over by a cop for no reason ,, Oh i forgot you probably don't own a ride you take the bus lol
Much to the surprise of the general public, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of expanded the ability of law enforcement to search without warrants.
Bottom line does a cop really need a search warrant to enter your house ???
The answer is NO they do not
a cop just by smelling pot can kick your door in and why simple possible crime in progress
a sniffing Dog smelling or alerting cops of what its trained for will indeed have your front door kicked in with out a warrant
when it comes a cops words and yours trust me your words ring hollow all he needs to think is some crime is being comitted and pow your front door is kicked in at your expense
And have a nice day


Agreed DR it is monitored,but at least in my state no judge will issue a warrant to police based on power consumption alone,their gonna need much much more than that,and no power company will willingly give up info without a warrant and get sucked into a lawsuit.So if you are already on their radar it could play into the case for sure but not by itself and you were probably screwed anyways.My rich neighbor uses 2-3 times the electric i do and he doesnt even grow and dont you remember when it was revealed that global warming guru Al Gores home used 15-20k in electricity a month?Being an energy hog is not exclusive to being a grower.Granted if your usage is much higher than the median in your hood they might send a letter to try to get you to conserve more but if you dont they have no recourse at all,not like they can sanction you,no law says you can only use so much that i know of,just pay the bill for what you do use.

This is correct. My buddy grows in a non med state illegally with 8 1kwatts , 36k btu minisplit and an under current system with chiller. In a neighborhood where the average bill is $150 , he has $900-$1200 bills. Been growing 3 years no problems.

Doesn't even mow the lawn and always gets police citations saying the village requires the grass to be a certain height all year long.

It's not what you know, its what you can prove. Guilty until proven innocent, plus a police officer is simply a witness to a crime and can only give a testimony. what he wants or says isn't the law. A police officer can say you were driving drunk and a judge and states attorney can still throw the case out


lmao its always correct when its my buddies hahaha in all seriousness the value of drug detection dogs cannot be overstated, but no law enforcement agency should forget the importance and accuracy of the human sense of smell. And nowhere is that sense more valuable than in the investigation of narcotics. no different then a person getting pulled over and cops smell marijuana you think they need a search warrant to place a person under arrest and search the vehicle we can scream about the 4th amendment till the cows come home but no matter what if a cop out of the blue comes knocking on your front door an you answer and he smells pot your in doo doo man lets look at probable cause and yes smell is probable cause to detain you and search your vehicle or your house

  • Probable cause can be established through observation alone (sight, smell, sound, etc), and includes observations that create suspicion based on a familiar pattern of criminal activity, such as when an officer sees a car circling around an area repeatedly or when someone is flashing their headlights.
  • Probable cause can be based on information derived from witnesses, victims and informants.
  • Probable cause can be based on police expertise, such as recognition of gang signs, detection of tools appropriate for committing certain crimes, or knowledge of movements and gestures that indicate criminal activity.
  • Probable cause can be based on circumstantial evidence that only indirectly indicates that a crime has occurred, such as a broken window.
  • Bottom line at the end of the day be safe and cautious and happy growing


3k in the summers. Looking forward to October 1st when we go back to winter rates and I pay only 2200.


This is why you dont ask pot heads.for their interpretation of the law.

As for your probable cause nonsense

2013 I get pulled over drunk.

Cop pulls me over for speeding

Asks if i have been drinking. I say no. He says he doesn't believe me.

Asks me.to get out of the car to do a sobriety test. Probable cause is the smell on my breath.

I ask if I'm.under arrest..he says no..state law says i don't have to exit my vehicle unless I am being placed under arrest.

He opens the door and pulls me out.

Case thrown out because my 4th amendment rights were violated.

Judge said if I was.pulled over for.speeding that's the only.ticket I should get. If cop.thinks he smells alcohol he has a.right to ask for tests and I have a right to.decline. he can than arrest me.for dui and remove me from.my car without any evidence and take it to.court.

He can't remove me and try and.force me to do tests then arrest me after.

Probable cause can get a cop into your house or car, but it's not enough to.make any charges stick that they files during the arrest


Probably not as in exactly what happened to me ,, they had warrant but waited and monitored me followed me everywhere i went and when the take down happened it was as usual not when it was ecpected
And the truth is its just like the movies where swarms of vans federal agents masked , Heavily protected by body armor and weapons take you down ready to kill you
just like in the movies they do not know if your a gang related grower , mafia or some nitwit living in parents basement
PS don't forget its not just cultivating charges you get its a hell of allot more

so what happened to you? did they raid your house? how many plants and what did they charge you with? did you serve any time for it? and what state if you don't mind me asking

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