How do i post pics

  • Thread starter anthony6969
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someone please tell me how i can post pics on my threads step by step please


Press the button that looks like a paperclip, a little popup will come up. Then press browse and browse your comp for the pictures you want to upload. After you have all the pics you want press the upload button. Give it a minute, if you got a few pics your uploading it will take a lil. Once they are all uploaded you are good to go. Type your message and pres reply. Very simple


to expound upon that, once you have uploaded your images go to the top of the website and click the gallery tab. Once that page loads, on the left navigation bar select my gallery. Here is where you will find the images you have uploaded. Click on the image you want to post in your message, when it loads right click and find the source for it. it will look something like "" copy this, and go back to the post you are currently working on. On the top of the form field box you're typing in, select the button that looks like a picture. When the box pops up to enter the source of your picture do so and you're done.

hope that helps
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