how many plants to yield 2lbs?

  • Thread starter moyerjoey
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ok I would like to know how many plants I would need to yield 2 or more lbs outside or how I would be able to achieve that with some potent weed also not garbage im also planning a indoor grow also but not til a later time however I would like to also grow outdoors which I believe should yield more thanks for any help


I agree with miz215....ive seen 1 1/2 on a 7ft boy outside.


you can definitely harvest a pound + per plant with good genetics. I pulled a pound from one plant last year on my first grow ever.

the Rock

if i tossed dead fish in the hole i would have every racoon ,coyote,fox bear from a 5 mi radius diggin that hole up the first night. Although in some areas that might work. I would go with some more commercial known fertilizer. Outdoors the more plants the better i always run into unexpected drama issues problems


with a very big plant started early in the season and enough rich soil to support it along with alot of organics mixed in, you could get 2 pounds from one tree...this would need a very big hole like 3x3x3 feet and would probably need to be staked up unless it has very strong branches....but if it is your first time trying i wouldnt put all my eggs in one basket i think you could get 2-3 easily with 4 plants and they would be easier to maintain than one massive one IMO


I wish I could grow outdoor!

I use Advanced Nutrients and if I was growing outdoor I would use "Heavy Harvest" (all phases) - good in good out imo, good nutes will also aid in bigger yields.

I got a little over a pound last grow (6 plants) BUT I had a fucking sex change in my room, and had to pull the plug 3 weeks early, I would have had well over 2 lbs. if I could have finished...

negative 1

dig the nebula from paradise seeds, at least i do, that would be my primary source of big plants outdoors, some people may disagree but i get up to a elbow n a half from each plant every year, "the thought of one pound plants swaying in the breeze is enough to make most people weak in the knees" that line convinced me to buy this strain in 98 and i've not had it in me to let her awe inspiring draw dropping spectacularness go since then. plus for me there is enough haze in it <or so was advertised> to not make my chin rest on my chest twenty minutes after toking it. sorry i can't say enough for this strain in my biased opinion.
neative 1


I'm growing outdoors for the first time this summer and my goal is to yield one pound per plant. Agent Orange is my primary pick right now. Yah! for Mother Nature.


yea this is my first grow outdoors I had beautiful skunk 1 growing but my 1k watt light burned them on a indoor grow I would love to get atleast .5 lb per plant now would I have to grow them in natural dirt and just add nutes to that or get pots as far as seedlings go can I germinate then put them right into what im growing in and I would be just using nutes and foliage feeding no fish or none of that unless bat shit will help any help appreciated and thank you


yea this is my first grow outdoors I had beautiful skunk 1 growing but my 1k watt light burned them on a indoor grow I would love to get atleast .5 lb per plant now would I have to grow them in natural dirt and just add nutes to that or get pots as far as seedlings go can I germinate then put them right into what im growing in and I would be just using nutes and foliage feeding no fish or none of that unless bat shit will help any help appreciated and thank you

ur best bet would be to dig a nice deep and wide hole(3x3x3/2x2x2). fill the hole with some good soil and put the germed seed right into the hole, no pots. if u use good soil u wont have to feed her for about a month then start with the ferts. id either LST it or some type of topping method so she becomes a bush, this will help increase ur yield. look into a method called serpentine layering, im gonna try this no my outdoor grow this year, looks like an amazing technique. hope this helps, best of luck.


One Monster plant, maybe two if you're new to it. Top them suckers, make sure they have all the room and water they need!

negative 1

outdoor plants at least in my experience have a natural propensity to make colas or at least much longer running buds the whole way up the branches off of the meristem. depending on your climate and well alot of other things like size of plant when put out and amount of sun that is available a qp per plant should be easily obtainable. plants with a head start tend to get a little further along in the bud size department from my experience. this goes for any annual i have grown though not just cannabis. pick a high yielding strain that you have experience with and you will not be let down. a good soil is advisable if no lum is around your spot. if camoflauge is a concern tying down and pruning selectivly are great options just don't get too carried away. nutes are a seperate issue, if you can get soil tested at a local university or whatever you will be better off in knowing what is lacking or abundent, if not, look at the plants around your spot and see if anything looks to be terribly wrong with em and try to diagnose the problem. you could also use the nutes on local plants and see if anything goes wrong though cannabis and other plants often have different needs, maybe plant a tomato bush somewhere near there to be your tester if you think you can get away with it without being spotted.
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Nice choice there Mile High Chick. You should do just fine with that one. Im running a og kush (lemon Larry cut) x Agent Orange this summer and am hopeing for good results from that union. The A.O. should boost the og kush yeild. I hope so anyway. You should get your pound per with the straight A.O. Good luck Sista.

Stay safe............................GG


serpentice layering is when you bend a stem of the plant along the ground burry parts of the stem so it can root.. im not sure how this would work with pot , but it is interesteing for sure .. if i were u i would just stick to proven techniques lit FIM , and lst . and walk the fertilizer to them


serpentice layering is when you bend a stem of the plant along the ground burry parts of the stem so it can root.. im not sure how this would work with pot , but it is interesteing for sure .. if i were u i would just stick to proven techniques lit FIM , and lst . and walk the fertilizer to them

its been done with pot. i saw pics on another forum, and the plants were monstrous! maybe i shouldnt have recommended it for a 1st timer.


ya ill work on that technique later I have other issues now like how often I should and water and how im going to get the water to my plants and about how many gallons one 3x3x3 hole will take each watering


they way my plants are trained, the main stem does touch the soil, runs along it for an inch or so, then bends up to meet the lip of the pot, before being trained around the lip of the pot, moved the soil around the stem today after reading this, and there are some roots coming out of the side that is touching. might bury the stem a bit more

nice. ur supposed to take a potato peeler and peel the side of the stem off that is going in the dirt. then put some rooting gel or powder on the spots that you peeled. roots will grow in the spots that are peeled and buried and basically every shoot that comes up will be like a single plant. im waiting to try this mself, let me know how it goes for u!

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