Jacks 10-30-20 for first week of Bloom?

  • Thread starter plumsmooth
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Anyone try Jack's Cannabis Schedule using the 10-30-20 for the first week of Bloom? IT has NO calcium? This seems crazy to with-hold all calcium for a week no? My issue lately is it seems I have a K deficiency showing the first 2 weeks of Bloom. I think it might be from a lingering overload of Calcium during final weeks of Veg of my large plants?


Anyone try Jack's Cannabis Schedule using the 10-30-20 for the first week of Bloom? IT has NO calcium? This seems crazy to with-hold all calcium for a week no? My issue lately is it seems I have a K deficiency showing the first 2 weeks of Bloom. I think it might be from a lingering overload of Calcium during final weeks of Veg of my large plants?
it does appear to bring budget a few days earlier. I believe Jacks states not to run longer than a week because of the lack of calcium. Seems counter productive because this is near the peak of calcium uptake for the plant.


Anyone try Jack's Cannabis Schedule using the 10-30-20 for the first week of Bloom? IT has NO calcium? This seems crazy to with-hold all calcium for a week no? My issue lately is it seems I have a K deficiency showing the first 2 weeks of Bloom. I think it might be from a lingering overload of Calcium during final weeks of Veg of my large plants?
I always add calcium (CalMag) during the entire grow. Under all these LED lights its virtually a guarantee your gonna see rust spots and calmag deficiency issues. Its the lights and its such a bummer cuz when I grow outside my plants are perfect. I don't even need to add the CalMag outside this only happens with the indoors plants especially the big ones that get root bound and are hungry.


That's interesting what I am seeing is Potassium Deficiency but I can not give up my Scorpion Diablo it is literally putting out like 3X more light than my 2 315 CMH's! So I better learn how to fertilize properly. In my case I clearly need bigger reservoirs ruling RDWC power growers...


That's interesting what I am seeing is Potassium Deficiency but I can not give up my Scorpion Diablo it is literally putting out like 3X more light than my 2 315 CMH's! So I better learn how to fertilize properly. In my case I clearly need bigger reservoirs ruling RDWC power growers...
I have the same light HLG Scorpion Diablo its gonna happen with every LED it makes no difference with how much money you spend or what brand. This literally has to do with the physics behind the LED spectrum. Its the Achilles heel of LED lights. Best bet is to add reptile UV bulbs in the corners of your tent. I run 2 of them in my 4x4 and I also have bumped up my CalMag regiment. Even with all of this you can still see it happen with some strains its super annoying. Once again outside the plants explode with just plain water and nothing else. Its definitely the light spectrum.


Wow are you saying UVB helps balance the situation I have Lightworks UVB lights I try and use the last 2 weeks of flowering but maybe I just run them all the way through. Hey, let's get the UVA bars for our Scorpions?


BTW I have come to the conclusion that even at 15-18 inches the Large plants are fine without extra CO2 -- probably should have a fan though -- with the Diablos? Your Thoughts on Distance I grow one large plant per Scorpion and have figured out maybe 18-24 inches is a good distance from canopy?


BTW I have come to the conclusion that even at 15-18 inches the Large plants are fine without extra CO2 -- probably should have a fan though -- with the Diablos? Your Thoughts on Distance I grow one large plant per Scorpion and have figured out maybe 18-24 inches is a good distance from canopy?
Distance with most LEDs and especially the Scorpion Diablo is a non-issue. Meaning the lights run so cool that you really don't have to worry about burning your leaves from heat. Notice I said from heat. That is key because you can still shock your plants from the light intensity being too high but from just pure temperature the LEDs are great! It allows you to run them closer to the canopy and just lower the intensity dimmer this way you can save on electricity!

As for the UV bulbs, yes I am running them all the way through flower from beginning to end. Some people on the forum board said to start with 1-2 hours a day and then work it up to 4 hours a day at the end of flower. I can see this being beneficial to help save electricity or to harden off smaller plants from the intense UV bulbs. However I veg all of my plants outside in the scorching SoCal sunshine and then flip them by moving them back inside. This being said my plants are big and robust and can handle full sun already at the very begging of the flower cycle. I keep the bulbs on a constant 4 hours a day and let it blast all the way through until finish. I prefer the real UV Reptile bulbs over the add on HLG UV lights cuz the ones Im talking about have real burning filaments. They get hot as fuck but thats the point! You can't fake it the plants need that REAL spectrum that comes from the glowing light source. Any add on UV LED bulbs will still work better than nothing but its always gonna be trying to imitate a Non-LED bulb. Just give them the real thing!


I hijacked my own thread... What do you think the ideal distance is from Canopy with NO CO2 is on big plants?


I hijacked my own thread... What do you think the ideal distance is from Canopy with NO CO2 is on big plants?
probably around 18 inches but like I said it can be slightly higher or lower because you can adjust it via the dimmer to be perfect. So basically what Im saying is it can still be perfect at 16 inches or probably 25 inches doesn't matter as much so long as the dimmer is set correctly and the light intensity is dialed in.


Well I mean at full strength just trying to get other people's ideas about whether15 inches without CO2 is feasible?


Well I mean at full strength just trying to get other people's ideas about whether15 inches without CO2 is feasible?
Full strength should only be utilized during the last few weeks of flower. There is no reason to ever be running it that high unless you are finishing it at the very end of the cycle. That light is crazy powerful and cranking it up that high too soon into your cycle will curl your leaves and put stress on the plants. I have some vintage strains like the 1988 skunk that couldn't handle it even at the finish of flower. Too bright. There are some more modern strains however that can handle 100% power but once again only during the end of flower.


I walked out in my garage just now and snapped a quick pic. See look these are the two reptile bulbs in the corner...

IMG 4806


Full strength should only be utilized during the last few weeks of flower. There is no reason to ever be running it that high unless you are finishing it at the very end of the cycle. That light is crazy powerful and cranking it up that high too soon into your cycle will curl your leaves and put stress on the plants. I have some vintage strains like the 1988 skunk that couldn't handle it even at the finish of flower. Too bright. There are some more modern strains however that can handle 100% power but once again only during the end of flower.
I think 18 inches is pretty safe at 100% without CO2 and provides a nice spread for a 5--1/2 foot wide plant

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