Justiceman's grow: The quest for Resin

  • Thread starter justiceman
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you got me hangin on a string now! :) lookin good my dude!

Thanks winta. They were looking alright but needed some nutrition for sure. basically I ran into a def as a result of high moisture content, low temps, and high ppms. I'll admit I messed up a bit, but I'm back on track and things are looking good. I'm about to flower soon.


Vegetation Update

Hey everyone! So the future was looking bleak for those KB's last week. I'll admit that I was a bit disappointed no doubt. However I have managed to turn them back to a decent state of health so I'm quite happy about that. I actually started a thread on the deficiency because I wanted to get some specific input.

Heres a link: Defeciency?

I received a lot of great advice and opinions about my problem. That's why I like this forum. Good people indeed.

So essentially it boils down to a few different things. For starters the amount of nutrients in the medium was too high so that prevented the plants from up taking sufficient water. Witch would explain the wilted look. As a result of that the medium stays wetter longer witch is not good for young plants. This also creates an acidic environment hence my drop in PH from the run off numbers on my previous post. So I beleive all that in turn caused not only inadequate hydration but also inadequate nutrient uptake hence(calcium spots, slight chlorosis). Not to mention the demand of the 1000w.

What will I do different to prevent that? Smaller pots when they are young then xplant to smart pot later a well as lower nutrient concentration at the start(600 was too high hehe).

So Here is what I have been feeding them as of late.

25ml GO cal mag
30ml Pura Vida Grow
15ml Pura Vida Bloom
5ml Roots Excel
50ml Hygrozyme
75ml Humega
2.5 scoops Great White

PH 5.9
Temp: 68

25ml GO cal mag
30ml Pura Vida Grow
15ml Pura Vida Bloom
5ml Roots Excel
50ml Hygrozyme
75ml Humega
2.5 scoops Great White

PH 6.3
Temp: 68

So I've been keeping lower on the EC but now since they are pretty established I'm about to start raising it little by little. As you might have noticed the last feeding was a bit higher on the PH. Well I hear it's good to cycle PH up and down just a little bit to allow certain nutrients to have higher availability, but my main reason for that was to correct the 5.5 PH from the run off. I do know that run off PH can often be inaccurate but it's still somewhat of a decent indicator. Either way run off PH came out at 6.0 and I'm fine with that with only 100ppm over what I put in. I'm okay with that.

Another thing I'm trying to address is the age of my Pura Vida Organics Nutrients. I'd like to get some of your opinions on this if possible. Okay so I purchased a gallon of Grow and Bloom in Late spring of 2009. I used it on my first grow and then kind of used it on and off ever since. As you know I have been using them for my current grow.

Basically I'm trying to assess whether the nutrients are still good or expired. I've done some research and most people say that organic nutrients go bad in about 1 year. I did however hear a technaflora rep state that the Pura Vida line lasts 2 years if kept in perfect conditions. The key there is IF hehe. I'm sure my conditions are decent, but not perfect. I'm wondering if the old nutrients are partially affecting the plants nutrient uptake?

In essence the reason that I hold my 1 year and 9 month old Pura Vida nutes in question is because when I measure my nutrients out I'm beginning to see precipitate particles on the measuring glass witch didn't use to be there. I'm wondering what that is.

Heres the ingredient list:

Ingredients: Seaweed Powder, Kelp Extracts, Alfalfa, Molasses, Potassium Sulfate, Epsom Salt, Solubar, Copper Sulfate, Iron Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate and Zinc Sulfate.

So let me know what you guys think about the age of my nutrients and whether I just continue to risk using them or just do the old "when in doubt throw them out". I'm personally leaning to throwing them out.

So enough of the talk right? Here are some pictures for ya.

Dark Family shot

Light Family shot

Horizon dark shot(to get a better idea of the true Nitrogen profile)

Gotta have that airflow right?

Heres the average leaf in darkness

Experimental General Organics plant

That experimental is an interesting one. She seems to be growing fairly well, but she is definitely not growing as fast and actively as the others. However she has good healthy growth, and seems to not stretch as much as some of the others

Lets take check out a before and after of last weeks failure to this weeks improvement.

Week 3

Week 4

So I'm going to flip the switch and probably start flowering these Kush Berry's tomorrow or something like that. I cant wait!!!


Chillin' in the Shade...
Whaddup brah... Sorry I missed your last update... This new version of the forum software tends to move off the new threads after a day; I liked the old version which would leave threads on my UserCP until I read them... Anyways, it seems as though you definitely have a Ca and Mg def situation which is prob caused by the rate of uptake with respect to the organic version of CalMag by GO... Additionally it seems as though you're only using 5 ml/gal of this and I've read others using much higher strengths... 5 ml/gal is what I would generally use with Bontanicare's chelated CalMag... :thinking

Hope things turn around and that you get your pH situation on point... I've found good success in staying between 5.6 and 5.95 pH in coco. Also good luck as well with the experimental plant... I'd hit up HT for some help with coco questions as he has been a great mentor for me in that area... :cool

P.S. What kind of sugars are you feeding your micro herd? :wondering


Whaddup brah... Sorry I missed your last update... This new version of the forum software tends to move off the new threads after a day; I liked the old version which would leave threads on my UserCP until I read them... Anyways, it seems as though you definitely have a Ca and Mg def situation which is prob caused by the rate of uptake with respect to the organic version of CalMag by GO... Additionally it seems as though you're only using 5 ml/gal of this and I've read others using much higher strengths... 5 ml/gal is what I would generally use with Bontanicare's chelated CalMag... :thinking

Hope things turn around and that you get your pH situation on point... I've found good success in staying between 5.6 and 5.95 pH in coco. Also good luck as well with the experimental plant... I'd hit up HT for some help with coco questions as he has been a great mentor for me in that area... :cool

P.S. What kind of sugars are you feeding your micro herd? :wondering

Ya I'm thinking your right about the uptake of carbonates vs nitrates. The 5ml per gallon registers at about 210ppm and it's according to the instructions. GO cal mag claims to be chelated though i'm sure even if it is it's not the same as the fast acting botani calmag. I'll probably try adding a bit more to see what happens like you said. Good tip so it seems others use it in higher strengths.
I'm pretty sure I have the PH back on track for the most part. I'm definitely aiming to keep the PH below 6.0 from now on for sure though especially when I do pure coco. Although I think it wouldn't make to much of a difference if my current mediums PH drifted up above 6 by a little bit. I say this because the Roots Organics Soilles is:

Ingredients: Coco fiber, perlite, pumice, worm castings, bat guano, kelp meal, oyster shell flower, greensand, soluble kelp, glacial rock dust, and leonardite.

I'm thinking that the EWC, and other additives act as a type of PH buffer somewhat like in soil, but probably not as strong as soil, since the humus content is the main player in soil, and my coco mix doesn't have a whole lot of humus except for leonardite. Well this is theoretical at best.

Ya I may shoot HT come Q's. He definitely knows whats up.

The GO cal mag contains a small amount of molasses and the Pura Vida Base nutes I use also contain molasses. I figure that should be a decent amount of carbs for veg, but I do plan to use Earth Juice Catalyst for bloom witch will be an added carb booster.


Last Veg Picture

Hey everyone I just wanted to show you the last picture before I flip the switch. Can't wait to see what these girls turn into under a 1000w. For my flowering I'm going to add Earth Juice Catalyst, Floralicious Bloom, Roots Oregonism's XL, Ancient amber, Flora Blend, and Natures Nectar Potassium, and Organaguano(both of the Natues Nectar will be my PK booster). I may also add in my remaining Roots Organics Extreme Serene alternating that with the Natures nectar PK since the Extreme has an NPK of 0-2-2.



Funk Master!
Looks like shits coming along nice justice. Lrt's get this party started man. I'm watchin these girls blow up 4sho!


Looking good, glad to see the girls perked up.

Your pura vida bloom got some chunks in it?

I don't care for the low ph from pura vida or the chunks. Works well as a ph down. :)


Looks like shits coming along nice justice. Lrt's get this party started man. I'm watchin these girls blow up 4sho!
Thanks man. The party is just beginning!:party0023:

get this shit jumpin jumpin!
Hell ya winta right on! Stay tuned because I'm aiming to hopefully get some supa fat nuggets.

Looking good, glad to see the girls perked up.

Your pura vida bloom got some chunks in it?

I don't care for the low ph from pura vida or the chunks. Works well as a ph down. :)
Ya man I was starting to get a bit depressed from the droopiness of my girls. I'm also glad things worked out. HAHA ya man the pura vida is definitely super acidic. I think it's because of the sulfates, or because it's fermented. I mean essentially at this point I'm not really running into nute troubles anymore, so I'm questioning whether I should continue their use or discard them and just use the rest of my Pure Blend Pro.


Mother Update

Ok so I've done a few different things within the mom tent that I thought I'd let you guys know about. For starters here is a pic from a little while ago

As you can see the plant all the way to the left(durban poison), and the two small ones in the middle(Sage n Sour, and Dankouver) are looking pretty sweet, but what sup with that one all the way to the right(casey jones)? Yup I decided to giver her the ultimate haircut in order to see how far I could push it. I thought that If I cut too much foliage off she would just end up dieing or stressing out beyond belief, but low and behold a little over 2 weeks and she is back in business!

Heres a more recent picture of the mom tent.

As you can see the Casey jones is missing. She has become another Exile plant along with the Head Band. After that picture I took the Sage N Sour as well as Dankouver and I transplanted them into 3 gal smart pots mixed 50/50 Roots Organics Soilless/Canna Coco. They needed it. They were getting pissed off(nutrient wise) and root bound. Heres some root shots for ya.

Sage N Sour


Here they are trasnplanted

And of course here is a picture of the exiled Head Band. Shes been living a tough life of solitude out in harsh conditions for a long time now. Sometimes I'm nice enough to let her inside when it's too cold.


Flower Update Week 1

Hey guys hope everyone's garden's are going well! So It's week 1 of flower. As you all know nugs aren't really starting to come out at this point so early in the game. However the plants are doing their stretching, and obviously are on the job of concentrating floral hormones and such. So far things are going well and my drip rings are getting pretty much full coverage of the medium now. I beleive this is because the root structure is bigger witch causes more wicking action then just running through. I do however need to get a hang of where to position my Screen. I attempted a SCROG, but it kind of turned into a plant support structure instead. Maybe topping would have been a good idea for a true SCROG.

I'm really interested with the Experimental plant. So far the GO line has been pretty solid, with minimal work(no adjustments, good price, good dilution ratio, low number of additives). I will say that it seems to not grow quite as fast as the Pura Vida counter parts, however it has had more controlled growth with less signs of deficiency, or toxicity. The main stem though is not quite as big as the others. Hmm is this pointing to lower yield compared to the others? I do however like the addition of the Bio bud from the line(plant protein hydrosylate, Rock phosphate, Sea kelp). Some solid ingredients no doubt. I'm hoping it provides enough stimulation to the plant to produce a good yield.

Ok so I know I said I wouldn't test the GO line for EC or PH, but I decided to check it out for the hell of it. Mind you that just because I'm examining it doesn't mean I am adjusting it. So with all the GO nutes mixed up in bloom formula the PH comes out to an EC of .9 with a 5.4PH(R/O water). Wow no wonder they claim PH adjustment to be unnecessary. Just after mixing it's at an acceptable range especially for organics. Now here's the kicker. I usually add 15-30ml per gallon of Humega with the GO as I don't have there diamond black. After adding that it bumps the EC to 1.1 and the PH up to 5.9. Talk about perfect! So in my opinion so far GO is coming through as a dependable affordable and easy to use nutrient that requires no PH adjustment. However we are only 1 week into flower. The true test comes soon. How will GO be able to match up with my flowering Kush Berry? Only time will tell.

Here's what I have been feeding them as of late.

6 gal
30ml GO cal mag
6ml Roots Excelurator
20ml Pura Vida Bloom
15ml Pura Vida Grow
30ml Floralicious Bloom
30ml Flora Blend
90ml Ancient Amber
60ml Earth Juice Catalyst
Roots Oregonism XL

PH 5.9
PPM = 580(1.2EC)
Temp: 64

4 gal
20ml GO cal mag
4ml Roots Excelurator
40ml Pura Vida Bloom
25ml Pura Vida Grow
20ml Floralicious Bloom
20ml Flora Blend
90ml Humega
30ml Earth Juice Catalyst
Roots Oregonism XL

PH 5.9
PPM = 660(1.3EC)
Temp: 64

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
20ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

4 gal
25ml GO cal mag
4ml Roots Excelurator
25ml Floralicious Bloom
30ml Natures Nectar Organaguano
30ml Natures Nectar Potassium
25ml Flora Blend
60ml Ancient Amber
60ml Earth Juice Catalyst
Roots Oregonism XL

PH 5.9
PPM = 580(1.2EC)
Temp: 64

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
20ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

Check out the ladies. I can't wait to see what kind of effect the 1000w HPS will have compared to the 600w HPS.



Flower Update Week 2

Hey everyone so It's week 2 of flower and so far this week I'm not having any problems yet:jumpgrin: It's funny because when I started growing I ran into less problems and it seems that as I progress in experience I run into more problems haha. I suppose it's good though because I'm learning how to deal with them and further refine my abilities. I have a positive outlook though as I've heard

The skill of a grower isn't determined alone just by how perfect there room is, but the growers ability and speed at witch he/she deals with problems that inevitably arise.

So It's the 2nd week of flower and little buds are starting to emerge. I've noticed that these Kushberry's have a decent amount of stretch to them even under this 1000wHPS. What do you make of that? Either way I hope they plan on filling out to be some fat rock solid nugs. I'm also pretty sure they stop stretching around week 2.

I recently gave them a compost tea with some of the remains of the Roots Organics line I have and they seem to like it. I've also been hitting my plants with tons of beneficial organisms(OREGONISM XL) every feeding and I have noticed that the top of my medium is hard with roots so now the wicking action of the medium is even better. This in turn allows the drip rings to fully saturate the medium with no dry spots! I'm definitely happy about that. Here is what I have been feeding them as of late.

5 gal
25ml GO cal mag
4ml Roots Excelurator
25ml Floralicious Bloom
30ml Pura vida Bloom
20ml Pura Vida Grow
15ml Natures Nectar Organaguano
15ml Natures Nectar Potassium
20ml Flora Blend
120ml Humeg
40ml Earth Juice Catalyst
Roots Oregonism XL

PH 5.9
PPM = 650(1.3EC)
Temp: 64

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
20ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
30ml Humega
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

6gal(Aerated for 36 hours until PH naturaly rose through microbial digestion)
35ml GO cal mag
90ml Ancient Amber
90ml Humega
35ml Earth Juice Catalyst
60ml Big Buddah Bloom
40ml Big buddah Grow
20ml HP
90ml Extreme Serene
Oregonism XL

PH 6.0

I'm also hoping that this last addition of Roots tea should give them a mega blast of microbes especially since I let the PH naturally rise to 6.0 from microbial digestion.

Here are some shots for ya!

Family shot

Cleaned up canopy about a week ago

Beginning nugular

So that's what has been going on as of this week so far. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or constructive criticism!



Time to get the Fire Roaring.

Flower Update Week 3

Hey everyone it's week 3 of flower! Now things are starting to happen for sure! I've got a pretty decent amount of bud sites coming out, and the resin is coming out as well with some great fruity smells along with it. I'm pretty stoked as I end up usually taking chances with cuts I know nothing about. So far this Kush Berry seems to be a pretty sweet strain though.

I also bumped up her feeding since flowering is progressing towards it's peak. Here's what I've been feeding as of late.

20ml Calplex
5ml Huvega
60ml Ancient Amber
32ml Bud Candy
25ml Pure Blend Pro bloom
20ml Floralicious bloom
20ml Flora Blend
Oregonism XL

PH 5.9
Temp: 69

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
10ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
15ml Ancient Amber
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

25ml Calplex
5ml Huvega
120ml Ancient Amber
32ml Bud Candy
40ml Pure Blend Pro bloom
20ml Floralicious bloom
20ml Flora Blend
16ml Earth Juice Assist(Wetting Agent)
Oregonism XL

PH 5.9
Temp: 69

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
10ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
15ml Ancient Amber
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

So the experimental General Organics plant seems to be doing just as well in bud production as the rest. She seemed to stretch a bit farther then the rest though. So far the GO line seems to be a reliable and simple nutrient with a minimal amount of additives. Another thing I like about it is the additives that are used generally only need to be used in increments of 5ml per gallon witch to me boasts affordability. In case you didn't know the GO plant is at the bottom left of the family picture.

Here are some shots for ya.

You may notice what looks like interveinal chlorosis as a result of mg def on one of the bud shots however I have deduced that it is the beginning of light burn as a result of the 1000w being to close. I raised it a while ago and that's why the newer growth isn't doing that, however I think I might raise it again for safety.




Flower Update Week 4!

So the Kushberry are looking pretty sweet and they have definitely been making big changes each week. I'm loving the resin output and the present aromas. She has a sweet fruity smell to her. Finally the flowers are getting pretty chunky so the nug shots will be in full effect from now on! Unfortunately I have noticed a bit of PM on some outer perimeter leaves earlier last week. I actually have my intake and exhaust quite high and my humidity gets no higher then 55% at night. That means during the day it runs around 38-45%. I'm thinking it could be due to localized humidity issues coupled with the strain being susceptible to PM and also too dense of a canopy? As a result I set up two more clip on fans for air movement on the other two corners of the tent, and I cleaned the PM leaves by hand with a neem oil solution. So far things have been looking good and I haven't been seeing much PM turn up, but every now and then I spot a leaf that i clean. I'm hoping I can keep it under control until harvest so far so good though. To bad foliar sprays are out since I'm in flower or I'd try a full neem, potassium bicarbonate, bacterial, or sea solid foliar spray. If you have any suggestions please feel free to send them my way.

Recently I've been getting a bit more into the idea of using sea solids for agriculture. There are a couple books I'm about to get and read more into it. I know about a few different salt variety's that are supposed to be the best in terms of mineral analysis. The first and probably most known is SEA-90, then Celtic sea salt, and Himalayan crystal salt. Some claim to feed with sea solids as high as 2000ppm! I can't say I'm all for that, but I do have an interest in the idea in itself. The two books I'm about to by are:

Sea Energy Agriculture-Maynard Murray
Fertility from the Ocean Deep-Charles Walters

Basically the theory is sea solids are suppose to help re-mineralize depleted soil. Hence they are also theoretically suppose to help with increased disease/pest resistance, increased vigor/yield, increased nutritional value/essential oil production, as well as enabling more efficient use of fertilizer. In other words less nutes.

Basically it can be used in anyway you see fit. Soil drench, Foliar spray, compost tea, hydroponics, aquaponics.

I know what many of you might be thinking. "Ya the complex amount of trace minerals could be beneficial but what about the Sodium and Chloride?"

Theoretically the trace minerals are bonded in such a manner with sodium and chloride witch somehow causes sodium/chloride to not produce bad effects.

Now don't get me wrong. I have my skepticism about the levels of Sodium and Chloride but as always I'm willing to take a bit of a risk. I'm going to start trying to implement some Himalayan crystal salt SOLE into my feeding regiment. Of course not in the crazy 2000ppm range quite yet. I've attempted to experiments today so far and we shall see the results soon. I gave my outdoor exiled casey jones plant 350ppm worth of Himalayan salt crystal. As you will notice in my flower tent feeding schedule I have also included 50ppm worth in my nutrient mix.

25ml Calplex
15ml Huvega
120ml Ancient Amber
40ml Earth Juice Catalyst
25ml Pure Blend Pro bloom
20ml Floralicious bloom
20ml Flora Blend
4ml Earth Juice Assist(Wetting Agent)

PH 5.9
Temp: 69

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
10ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
15ml Diamond Black
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

25ml Calplex
20ml Huvega
120ml Ancient Amber
32ml Bud Candy
30ml Pura vida bloom
20ml Pura vida grow
20ml Floralicious bloom
20ml Flora Blend
40ml Hygrozyme
Roots Oregonism Xl

PH 5.9
Temp: 69

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
25ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
15ml Diamon Black
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

5ml Himalayan salt crystal SOLE(50ppm)
25ml Calplex
10ml Huvega
60ml Diamond Black
32ml Bud Candy
30ml Pure Blend Pro bloom
20ml Floralicious bloom
40ml Flora Blend
40ml Hygrozyme
48ml Natures Nectar Potassium
48ml Natures Nectar Organaguano
Roots Oregonism Xl

PH 5.9
Temp: 69

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
30ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
15ml Diamond Black
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

got some pics for you guys as well!


Chillin' in the Shade...
Very nice canopy my friend... Seems like the girls are a bit hungry though... :thinking


very nice bro! thanx for the comparison shots!
Ya no prob man! I'm anxious to see if they will be much different towards the end of flower.

Very nice canopy my friend... Seems like the girls are a bit hungry though... :thinking
Thanks shady! Ya I'm thinking your right about the hunger. Especially the hunger for Nitrogen. So far I have been giving them 1.7EC(850ppm), but it's time to up the strength. I'm going to try 950-1000, and see what happens. Usually on my other grows I max out at about 1.9EC(950ppm), but I'm thinking the demand of the 1000w can allow for possibly higher nutrient levels then that.


Doin it!

They're chunkin up! Idk if you noticed, but the GO plant looks a little healthier than the others. Looks like the experiment is a success! They're looking like they're about to produce some weight though! Another good harvest in the making man, great job.



1derful show Jman, appreciate ya hittin us with the recipe as well, I too don't check ph/ec and ur test'r lady is lookin darn goob bro, been Sub'd, Peace SSP


Doin it!

They're chunkin up! Idk if you noticed, but the GO plant looks a little healthier than the others. Looks like the experiment is a success! They're looking like they're about to produce some weight though! Another good harvest in the making man, great job.

Thanks supa! Glad to see ya back on the farm!

1derful show Jman, appreciate ya hittin us with the recipe as well, I too don't check ph/ec and ur test'r lady is lookin darn goob bro, been Sub'd, Peace SSP
Right on shiva. No prob man I'm just trying to give out info to further help the community as I have gained so much help from this community.


Week 5 Flower update

Hey everyone it's week 5 of flower witch in my opinion is probably one of the most important weeks for heavy feeding and I am falling behind hehe. The girls are still looking hungry even after I gave them a 2.1EC feeding. I'm about to bump it up to 2.3 possibly and see what happens. The 1000w demands are quite high indeed. Regardless of the low feeding they still seem to be chunking up fairly well. They certainly have some nice resin coming out and the canopy is indeed full.

Here's what I have been feeding them. They are a bit thirsty right now because I didn't feed them last night(generative steering). I'm about to feed them right now though.
40ml GO calmag
60ml Diamond Black
20ml Liquid Karma
32ml Bud Candy
90ml Pura Vida Bloom
40ml Pura Vida Grow
20ml Floralicious bloom
20ml Flora Blend
40ml Hygrozyme

PH 5.9
Temp: 69

Experiment plant:
1 gal
5ml GO cal mag
30ml Bio Thrive bloom
5ml Bio Root
5ml Bio Weed
5ml Bio Bud
15ml Diamon Black
(will not be testing PH nor EC)

Unfortunately I am still running into PM issues. I manually treat as many leaves by hand as possible but to no avail PM still shows itself. My humidity is 37-47% and my temps are about 68-80. I have four oscillating fans in each corner of the tent and a fan on the bottom tray blowing the lolipopped/lower cannopy area of the plants. To be honest I'm at a loss on what I should do or what happened. My canopy isn't denser then my previous grows and hell I've improved my ventilation since previous grows. Is this strain susceptible to PM? Did these cuts come infected with PM from the dispensary? Either way I'm questioning whether to continue this KB flower or not. It's not ridiculously infested, but I'm just not really trying to smoke on PM bud and I'm unsure of how far it will progress by week 9. So far I've only seen it on fan leaves. On the flip side there are tons of excellent nugs that don't have the problem. What do you guys think I should do? I'm weary of spraying as I fear for bud rot since my plants immune system is obviously shit.

Well here are some shots for ya.

Family shot

On an interesting not I got some of this SEA-90. I'll admit I have my doubts about it but I'm going to implement experiments in order to see whats up. So far I have used it as a foliar spray on my casey jones plant and it seems to be doing quite well. Maybe I'll try a medium drench once I muster the courage.

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