L.A dispensary Ban

  • Thread starter recordsnherb
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sorry to all the la heads thatll be affected by this, blows my mind still that there were over 750 in the city, good luck you guys
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wow, crazy all 792 to close but still aloud to grow your own is insane..... but on the other hand i would give a limb to be able to grow legally in my OWN HOME but like the girl stated how can a terminally ill person afford to grow there own... crazy world we live in.... people have been growing pot for 100's of years and they will never stop - its time to allow all united states citizens to do as they please in there own homes IMHO......


Many of the despenceries will ether go underground or become delivery services I`m betting.
true and will benefit the dealer more re; higher prices but the only people hurt beside the dispensary's are the truly poor and sick people who can not afford to run a grow in there home or all that comes with it but can afford a q a week to medicate. but on the other hand 762 disp is quite excessive


I was born and raised in LA and trust me no one will have to look very far to find their stash,whether your in compton or culver city,long beach or la canada dealerman is right around the corner...
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Think of the jobs the council is killing...fukn slimebags


Looks like Avalon Wellness is done. A real shame enjoyed the place and the people. The city is making a huge mistake that will end up biting them in the ass, you know it's just a matter of time before the lawsuits start.



So this is still slated to go into effect Sep 6th. I read today in the papers that many dispensaries in la are getting together and suing collectively, city of LA. Lawyer said it was a shoo-win.
sky high

sky high

Yesterday the City of Denver nixxed ALL outdoor signs/billboards/etc advertising "dispensaries".

Looks like the FAT CHICK with the "$5 joints" sign on Broadway will be at the unemployment office later today, huh?

Dunno where it's all going in CO/Denver other than downhill...which is the basic direction we've been heading here in CO since 1284/the dispensaries came online and the heat came with them...

I feel for my bros in Cali...you guys have a law that was passsed by the voters, not ramrodded up all MMJ patients ass BY POLITICIANS like our "dispensary" bill was here. Our dispensary "law" wasn't a part of the original equation...it was born out of the fact that folks here saw YOUR LAW and instantly thought "hey...we can do that too".... even though they had no right to do so and were screwing all other patients (who at one time until these clowns came in, also had a right to sell wares) by opening shop.

Good luck out there........

s h
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

man that red card thread said it so perfect. its nobody's fault but our own that this shit is going downhill. we fight our asses off to pass medicinal, then just chill and let them fuck it all up? what happened to the resilience and dignity that pot smokers had while we were trying to get legal? did everyone just lay down and give up once you got a card?

now that its as close to legal as its ever been is why everyone is fighting. of course there is a ton of money at stake on both sides, and with this country waking up solely for the dollar im surprised so many people think its crazy this is going on. This is when we need to be together as a community the most, while it is still good and medicinal.we passed it before why the hell cant we do it again? we're slowly getting out of the christian brainwash generation and starting to get to more science and facts, people are seeing that. dont lose hope.

and i agree with the advertising ban. 99.9% of those sign flippers signs are all directed at recreational use, which is still illegal. so from a legal standpoint id way have them take down the signs than take my herb. those are two completely different attitudes.

furthermore, those dispensaries and places are why its taking so much heat right now. if people were more respectful with the situation, for example keeping it a little more discreet and using 1000% more discretion that 25 1/8 180 oz billboards on the side of the fuckin highway, i mean come on those dumbasses that came here for the green rush are who are ruining it for everyone. im glad they're fuckin them up, because they're trying to simply bank of a medicinal issue, that is no different than pfizer or anything to me, just simply a little healthier, but just as disrespectful to medicine and respectful process.

they're doing that shit in cali because all the people that have fought have already cashed in, and its a new generation that has no idea what to do other than stress, while the real fighters have given up hope, watching this whole fuckin bridge burn down.


The funny thing is it's fine to advertise Lap-Band surgery on every billboard along the 91. One out every 20 people who get that surgery really needs it.

On another note, one of the best things that came out of going to Avalon Wellness was a homeless dog right around the corner. She had been there for 5+ years. I was able to work out a rescue for her and find her foster home. Her name is Sonya


Before 2

After a vet visit and a hair cut. Living the life ( Thanks in part to Avalon)

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