Leaves are hanging Down in Coco Coir

  • Thread starter Saitama
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Good Afternoon and greetings !

First of all im not really familiar with english and i hope people will understand me especially if i try to explain my problem.

I´ve started my first pure coco grow, at first there was everything allright but suddenly the leaves are hanging down and i dont know why...

i have 3,6 qt (is the unit right quart?) pot sizes and im using Yara Tera Kristalon Blue as Fertilizer,
im currently at 1,3 m/S and my pH is aroung 5,60 ( ive started with 0,8 m/S at first)

The Temperature is 71,6 Fahrenheit and the humidity is around 38%
im using DiY LED Lights at 50% and they are 15 inch away from the plants.

right now im not really sure what happened i tried a lot and its getting better but only slowly and not really good just a bit better
here are some pictures:
Mangel Pflanze.jpg
Bild 2.jpg
Mangel Klein 1.jpg

i have to add, the second picture is a few days ago where i thought i over watered my soil and wanted to dry it


you seem to be having ph lockout, the medium seems to have had a rapid shift in ph so the plants droop. I would for next time add perlite or some form of aeration, because the coco retains plenty of water. I would also transplant soon, so that's a good opportunity to add some perlite. I would also add that the plants seem hungry, it could be due to lockout, but I'm not familiar with your fertilizer. I hope this helps. For most coco growers, daily watering routines are a must, and will maintain a stable ph in your medium. Best of luck.


thank you for the reply, may i ask if i need to mix the coco with something else ? or can i just place at the ground grow stones ?
i wanted to wait with my transplant until they are healthy and after i cut the head but right now im just to scare to cut them


you want to mix some pumice stone or perlite or vermiculite, something to bring air to the roots. Aerobic environments will be your goal at root zone. I would transplant before the get root bound, they will soon if not already


They roots are completley through my coco medium thats why i asked just to use growstones in the next pot

My watering shedule is right now 1x per day when the lights goes on
I have a bad Ca Mg ratio (6:1) probably i should add epsom salt at the next water time


They roots are completley through my coco medium thats why i asked just to use growstones in the next pot

My watering shedule is right now 1x per day when the lights goes on
I have a bad Ca Mg ratio (6:1) probably i should add epsom salt at the next water time
in theory you could grow in sand if you have proper fertigation and environment. I am not familiar with grow stones, but if you are emplying that you transplant into a new pot full of grow stones, then I am no use to you lol, but can be done. What you want to do is get a nice ppm meter to see what the ec of your feeds are, really cheap pens, but needed. You'll need it to see what you feed, and what the run off reads. I would transplant in coco mix, just to make things easier. But yeah, ppm takes the guess work out of everything, and rations mater as you want to maintain a form of nutritional equilibrium in your medium.


Oh sorry i forgot, im using my EC meter and its 832 ppm (im using m/s because its usual in my country) and i mean using grow stones just at the pot ground.

But like i saied i would fix the issues before i transplant because idk if its even worth.
After all im sure the plant is not gonna die for waiting the transplant 😄😄

I have to add this is my second coco grow and i didnt had any problems in the first run but right now im not sure exactly whats the deal right now or whats exactly happening
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Oh sorry i forgot, im using my EC meter and its 832 ppm (im using m/s because its usual in my country) and i mean using grow stones just at the pot ground.

But like i saied i would fix the issues before i transplant because idk if its even worth.
After all im sure the plant is not gonna die for waiting the transplant 😄😄

I have to add this is my second coco grow and i didnt had any problems in the first run but right now im not sure exactly whats the deal right now or whats exactly happening
What's your runoff ppm and how much runoff are you giving it?


Just shooting from the hip, I would reduce ppm's ( so you're not over feeding due to increase in watering/fertigating schedule ) and increase the number of times you're watering/fertigating.

Bear in mind, it is really hard to over water in coco. Not saying you can't, but man you have to be working overtime to do it.


im back and sorry for the late reply the time zones are a bit far away
at first my run off ppm is 506 ppm and my ppm is not 832 its 667
the drain is about 10% but heres the point !

i think i found the misprint, i see my pH is in the drain around 7,79 wich means its way to high
so what can i do ? watering more ?

and stanknkatz its exactly the opposite since i started to raise the EC its getting better and better
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