Libery Haze - 30 days into flowering

  • Thread starter Cannaculture
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Hazes love their sweet time! easily 70+ for my sour haze when i did run it

These hit day 70 on saturday and even with my non-existent experience in growing I have a feeling these are going to need 80 at least. The trichs are still mainly clear with a few bits of cloudiness - can't wait to start seeing amber!


looking good CC...most people hate growing sativas bcuz they jus take to long.... you have gone this far with them i would let them go to mostly milky and lil amber.... i am growing a 100+ sativa right now and my buddys told me to flower them 2 weeks after they root.... it depends on ur nute regimen i feed high ppms 1600 and my plants love it. i flush for at least 16 to21 days and my plants stay green... first week of flush i start using molasses then last 1 1/2 straight water.... i gifted a few cuts to my friends and they ran them once and gave up..... it took me 3 runs to dial mines in and now i have monsters with high thc....try to find the origin of the genetics you are tryn to grow and mimic their envioroment.... try running your lights mainly at nite and vent ur hoods out....plants tend to go into shock and stop growing in high temps....



We've been having some hot weather of late, for us at least. Luckily, most of the time i'm able to the temperature from getting no higher than 85F. I appreciate it's not ideal but the last three i've been able to get it into the high 70's/low 80's.

Any way, I continue the flush. 18 days of nothing but water and now all but my front right plant are starting to get that washed out look.

I checked the trichs again and there's alot more cloudy coverage, still a few bits of transparent, and even the odd showing of amber. I want to wait until atleast all are milky with a bit more amber but if the transparent don't go completely before a good covering of amber shows I'll harvest any way.

Hope you like their progress!

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looking good CC...most people hate growing sativas bcuz they jus take to long.... you have gone this far with them i would let them go to mostly milky and lil amber.... i am growing a 100+ sativa right now and my buddys told me to flower them 2 weeks after they root.... it depends on ur nute regimen i feed high ppms 1600 and my plants love it. i flush for at least 16 to21 days and my plants stay green... first week of flush i start using molasses then last 1 1/2 straight water.... i gifted a few cuts to my friends and they ran them once and gave up..... it took me 3 runs to dial mines in and now i have monsters with high thc....try to find the origin of the genetics you are tryn to grow and mimic their envioroment.... try running your lights mainly at nite and vent ur hoods out....plants tend to go into shock and stop growing in high temps....

Hi Evoke, thanks for looking in! Thanks for all your tips also! Given that it's my first time all the input anyone can give is really appreciated.

I'm going to flush mine for atleast 21 days then, they can easily take it from how they've done so far. That'll push my flower time to around 80 days but they may yet push it to 85. Who knows?

A 100+ grow must be some farm!! It sounds like a professional set up if it's that large so you must be producing medicine? Sorry if that's a massive presumption.

Thanks again and it'd be nice to get your experienced opinion when done if you find time to check the thread out again.


Almost done Cannaculture. I am thinking you are about 10 days or less from final cut. A 100+ would be quite impressive and something I have never seen still to this day, but I am sure there is a strain(s) that go that long. Cant wait for the harvest shots, keep up the good work


Almost done Cannaculture. I am thinking you are about 10 days or less from final cut. A 100+ would be quite impressive and something I have never seen still to this day, but I am sure there is a strain(s) that go that long. Cant wait for the harvest shots, keep up the good work

I know and I can not wait!! I was thinking maybe another 10 days too. I checked the trichs again yesterday evening and they are still predominantly cloudy, a few bits still transparent, with very, very few bits of amber. I feel so close to the end but know I probably still have a month before I can smoke any of this.

Thanks for the kind words and i'll be back to update soon enough!


It's with a little bit of regret that i'm updating to say that as of yesterday I put the girls into 48 of dark in order to get them ready to be pulled down later tonight.

I say regret as I think they would've gone longer and I really really wanted to let this strain do its whole thang but, needs must, and I have to get my new plants into the space. I checked the trichs from two sites, one top and one bottom, of all four plants and the predominance is a cloudy colour. There is a bit of amber and a bit of clear still, and by bit I mean really small amounts, so this should still be good?!

I've read the whole debate on the dark period at the end and after consideration I figured what harm can it do? If there's no benefit there's nothing lost at least but if there is, all the better! So, that time is up as of 8pm this very evening so it's cutting implements at the ready at dusk for me!

It's still set to be really hot for the next week so drying them slowly is going to be a challenge. I can get my tent with the lights off and fans/extractors going to around 77F, give or take, so whilst not optimal, hopefully it'll be good enough. Either way, it's going to have to be!

I'll no doubt come back and update with a pointless picture of it all hung up to dry tomorrow or soon after but in the mean time here's how they all looked before going into a sleep they never woke up from.

Liberty 1

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Liberty 2

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Liberty 3

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Liberty 4

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There was quite extensive yellowing in plants 1-3 but 4 stayed green for ages!! I'm talking not a hint of yellow or brown for over 20 days of flushing. To be honest, I don't even know what colour it's all meant to be, i'm just going by the crystals :)

Any way a few more bud shots and then it's off to work we go! Hope you all have a splendid weekend!

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OK, for those still checking in or passing by, here's a bit of a round up.

Final yield before being put out to cure was 8 1/2 oz.

To be honest, i'm a little disappointed. That amounts to a little over 2oz per plant which is pretty dismal.

I'm buoyed by the fact that it all seems to be covered in crystals and the smell has begun to develop as I hope it'll continue to do as the cure progresses along with the taste.

The smell as of right now if definitely citrus, reminding me of limes or maybe a lemon sherbert.

Also, owing to circumstances outside of my control, i'm going to be unable to continue with my second run of this strain.

The upshot of all this being that i'm moving over to a new mistress, White Widow be her name.

So, that's the first run done.. I can be thankful that I made no fatal errors and, even though it's not much, I have usable product at the end of it. I feel much has been learnt and think I know the key areas to improve and control better in order to achieve a better end result next time.

Thanks to all those that chipped in and helped or even just offered some encouragement.

I hope to have a new thread going soon on my WW soon so hopefully see some of you over there in the future.

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P.S. that's the 5 1/2 that was my share


I think its a great start! Its a bummer we don't get a second grow out of this strain, but those things happen. White Widow is a household classic and I assume you will be using a SCROG, your results will be vastly improved. Cant wait for that thread!
Don Peppy

Don Peppy

Nice finish bro, and good luck with your WW run.. I just finished one from a pick & mix, only had one bean.. never got a bunch of frost, but had a nice yield of some dense, slightly skunky citrus buds.. nice size cola.. Im liking it.. just put it in the jars yesterday.. mine took 11 weeks!.. don't know why.. I thought it would put me on the couch, but I got plenty of housework done!.. Best to ya.. DP


I think its a great start! Its a bummer we don't get a second grow out of this strain, but those things happen. White Widow is a household classic and I assume you will be using a SCROG, your results will be vastly improved. Cant wait for that thread!

Thanks Elite! Yeah, I feel it's a good start too but even though I kept my expectations in check throughout the grow I was still expecting a bit more than that.

The other thing I was a bit disappointed in was the buds density. There's a few nice buds in there but it's mainly quite airy stuff.

My other Liberties were just in poor conditions for too long. I started them with a view to getting them in my tent as my first ones finished drying. This was based on the seed banks info of flower time and they ended up taking over 20 days more than they stated.

As a result my new ones were in a veg tent in a room where they'd been getting to over 100F for about two weeks. Our heat wave was just unrelenting for a while. As I had to go to work and my set up isn't in my house I had trouble getting there and so I think they led a life from birth of pure heat and dry stress.

They are still alive but for one I don't want to take something that's so slow growing all the way to flower only to discover they've hermied and two because my first yield wasn't where it was expected I don't, and almost can't, wanna wait that long again.

Definitely gonna SCROG though, that much I am sticking too!


Nice finish bro, and good luck with your WW run.. I just finished one from a pick & mix, only had one bean.. never got a bunch of frost, but had a nice yield of some dense, slightly skunky citrus buds.. nice size cola.. Im liking it.. just put it in the jars yesterday.. mine took 11 weeks!.. don't know why.. I thought it would put me on the couch, but I got plenty of housework done!.. Best to ya.. DP

Thank you Don! On both fronts!

I've got 5 beans under my desk hopefully in the process of popping now.

I'm actually quite excited to grow this. When I first started visiting Amsterdam in the early 00's Widow was all the rage! It was the stuff everyone talked about yet in the last 10 or so seems to have disappeared and been over shadowed by the abundance of other killer strains out there.

Lol there was me thinking I'd moved to a much faster moving girl and now you tell me yours took 11! Well, i'm in for the duration with these now so even if they do hopefully I can get a nice harvest in time for Santa's arrival!


A few shots of the trimmed bud. Excuse some of the poor manicuring, I was a devil for detail in everything I trimmed only my partner wa a bit more gun ho. He just timmed leaves roughly back to the bud whereas I tried to get them completely off where possible.

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Kahn Seanery

Kahn Seanery

I think ya did good culture. 8.5oz is a quite impressive under a 400. I done allot of my grows under a 400 and u gotta keep in mind spacing and lighting .. A 4 can only grow so many plants. You don't wanna out grow your wattage. I think u coulda definitely tried to keep em closer too your light and that woulda definitely helped with bud density. Many growers deal with these issues in early grows and we learn from these mistakes ( my first grow horrible)T hat's the only reason I'm saying . After each grow I always think I could have done better.its natural . Thanx for the show bro.


Thanks Elite! Yeah, I feel it's a good start too but even though I kept my expectations in check throughout the grow I was still expecting a bit more than that.

The other thing I was a bit disappointed in was the buds density. There's a few nice buds in there but it's mainly quite airy stuff.

My other Liberties were just in poor conditions for too long. I started them with a view to getting them in my tent as my first ones finished drying. This was based on the seed banks info of flower time and they ended up taking over 20 days more than they stated.

As a result my new ones were in a veg tent in a room where they'd been getting to over 100F for about two weeks. Our heat wave was just unrelenting for a while. As I had to go to work and my set up isn't in my house I had trouble getting there and so I think they led a life from birth of pure heat and dry stress.

They are still alive but for one I don't want to take something that's so slow growing all the way to flower only to discover they've hermied and two because my first yield wasn't where it was expected I don't, and almost can't, wanna wait that long again.

Definitely gonna SCROG though, that much I am sticking too!

One thing that I have noticed with growing the "Haze" strains is that they appeared "whispy" and never got the density. I think it was one of the main reasons I switched away from my Sour Haze. Good looking plant, but the density never carrier out along with the long flowering times. I think its a Haze characteristic trait. Summer heat is a killer, been getting close to 90's in parts of area and has caused me to reduce the bulbs down to 600w. Also helps to run the lights at night time to especially during summer months as it helps immensely with cooling, although some individuals live in a place where its hot regardless of day. If that doesnt work, sometimes I set my timer to shut off for an hour every 4 hours, to help cope with the heat, if you have to run it in the daytime.


I think ya did good culture. 8.5oz is a quite impressive under a 400. I done allot of my grows under a 400 and u gotta keep in mind spacing and lighting .. A 4 can only grow so many plants. You don't wanna out grow your wattage. I think u coulda definitely tried to keep em closer too your light and that woulda definitely helped with bud density. Many growers deal with these issues in early grows and we learn from these mistakes ( my first grow horrible)T hat's the only reason I'm saying . After each grow I always think I could have done better.its natural . Thanx for the show bro.

Kahn, thanks very much for your message! It was very reassuring actually. Whilst I appreciated that a 400 was probably a little underpowered for what I was hoping to achieve I still thought I'd get more. However, it's nice to know from someone with experience that 8.5 was a good result. That knowledge has actually helped me adjust my expectations so I feel a whole lot better.

Thanks again for your post these things really do help us novices!


One thing that I have noticed with growing the "Haze" strains is that they appeared "whispy" and never got the density. I think it was one of the main reasons I switched away from my Sour Haze. Good looking plant, but the density never carrier out along with the long flowering times. I think its a Haze characteristic trait. Summer heat is a killer, been getting close to 90's in parts of area and has caused me to reduce the bulbs down to 600w. Also helps to run the lights at night time to especially during summer months as it helps immensely with cooling, although some individuals live in a place where its hot regardless of day. If that doesnt work, sometimes I set my timer to shut off for an hour every 4 hours, to help cope with the heat, if you have to run it in the daytime.

I could almost repeat what I just said above to you! Some good info there that I just didn't know about. I kind of got duped into thinking that an airy/whispy bud was the result of some environmental conditions so knowing that you got the same result from another Haze is good to know.

I'm thinking of getting a dimmable 600w ballast next. 1000w would just be too much for my tent size I reckon.

Running at night is a great idea and one that should have occured to me really as it's just a bit of common sense. As I started the flower during a very cool spring though I never imagined having heat trouble down the line, another noob mistake! Certainly got that at the forfront of my mind for sorting the timing shedule out for the next run.

Your suggestoin of turning them off one hour every four though is brilliant and one that I'm going to make a note of in my book to remember for the future!


hi, i'm sure someone has said this, but
iron chlorosis is a yellowing of plant leaves caused by iron deficiency, usually in high pH soils (pH above 7.0).
and the plants drop lots, lots of leaf when going into flower, and most stretch hen,, unfortunately that doesn't mean it's fixed..but heh
nice pics
how was/is the buds?
when you have a 6'+ plant that has three months to go...fix her!


hi, i'm sure someone has said this, but
iron chlorosis is a yellowing of plant leaves caused by iron deficiency, usually in high pH soils (pH above 7.0).
and the plants drop lots, lots of leaf when going into flower, and most stretch hen,, unfortunately that doesn't mean it's fixed..but heh
nice pics
how was/is the buds?
when you have a 6'+ plant that has three months to go...fix her!

Hi, where you referring to the yellowing in flush or at the start of the grow? I think I had that deficiency at the beginning but then in flower everything was a nice green and didn't yellow again until about 15 days into the flush.

And there is bud shots a bit above your post along with my description of them.

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