Looking for some advice pre harvest

  • Thread starter The_word
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Hey lovely people,

So I am about 4 weeks off of harvest of my first grow and need some insight form the community if you would be so kind.

1) What is the best way to store/dry the trim? (sugar leaves etc)

2) What should I do with the trim? I have seen people freeze it and grate it through a mesh to make hash/keif but not sure as what is the best (strongest) way to process it.

3) I have heard that people cut a couple of branches off around 2 weeks before harvest triggering the other stems to beef up. I have found so much conflicting information/opinions on this if someone could share their experiences would help me figure out if it is a good idea or not.

4) I have read that harvesting when the lights are off preserves the terps, is there any validity to this? If so when is the best time? Just before sunrise or just after sunset (lights on/off)

5) I am going to dry the stems in the grow tent,to stop it stinking out my street. Should I lower the airflow or keep it the same? I am currently running a 3" intake fan, floor fan and extraction fan with carbon filter in my 1mx1m grow tent.

6) How much bud should I put in each bell jar when curing?

7) how do you know when the curing process is done?

8) Any tips or hints from pros would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some pics of them at day 41 (today) I have got to say this is the most frustrating time ever, just want to smoke them now but know I have like 2 months to wait until they are dried and cured lol

If anyone is interested i have 3 Arjen strawberry haze and one super lemon haze CBD. The CBD is the smaller plant with darker green leaves.

Thanks in advance
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Hey lovely people,

So I am about 4 weeks off of harvest of my first grow and need some insight form the community if you would be so kind.

1) What is the best way to store/dry the trim? (sugar leaves etc)

2) What should I do with the trim? I have seen people freeze it and grate it through a mesh to make hash/keif but not sure as what is the best (strongest) way to process it.

3) I have heard that people cut a couple of branches off around 2 weeks before harvest triggering the other stems to beef up. I have found so much conflicting information/opinions on this if someone could share their experiences would help me figure out if it is a good idea or not.

4) I have read that harvesting when the lights are off preserves the terps, is there any validity to this? If so when is the best time? Just before sunrise or just after sunset (lights on/off)

5) I am going to dry the stems in the grow tent,to stop it stinking out my street. Should I lower the airflow or keep it the same? I am currently running a 3" intake fan, floor fan and extraction fan with carbon filter in my 1mx1m grow tent.

6) How much bud should I put in each bell jar when curing?

7) how do you know when the curing process is done?

8) Any tips or hints from pros would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some pics of them at day 41 (today) I have got to say this is the most frustrating time ever, just want to smoke them now but know I have like 2 months to wait until they are dried and cured lol

If anyone is interested i have 3 Arjen strawberry haze and one super lemon haze CBD. The CBD is the smaller plant with darker green leaves.

Thanks in advance
1,2) I throw trim away... to each their own, i toss it on the lawn unless they are coated with trichromes and you get a good kick from smoking it.
3)Cutting limbs off will slow your plant down,just like cutting a finger off,it has to heal which takes energy and reduces the remainder of your overall yield,,,if you decide to cut the wispy branches off,do so early in the process so the plants dont have to repair them as they flower,I've used main stalk as walking sticks,they are light an durable
4)No validity to the terp thing
5)perhaps cut just buds off and hang them,i use fishing line, and throw the branches out unless you want a slow dry
6) Put enough in jar so they don't compress or knock trichromes off or bruise/rupture and leave the leaves on them to protect from abrasion
7) the curing process is done when the smoke is as good as it will get,sampling is how you will know.


1) What is the best way to store/dry the trim? (sugar leaves etc) I like to store it in gallon bags in the freezer. But the same rules apply as to buds - keep it away from sunlight, heat, and excessive moisture.

2) What should I do with the trim? I have seen people freeze it and grate it through a mesh to make hash/keif but not sure as what is the best (strongest) way to process it. Processing is a whole art unto itself. The strongest way, IMO, is in an extract using either a solvent, heat or both. Fat extracts have always hit me the hardest, personally.

3) I have heard that people cut a couple of branches off around 2 weeks before harvest triggering the other stems to beef up. I have found so much conflicting information/opinions on this if someone could share their experiences would help me figure out if it is a good idea or not. The term some use for those lower branches that don't produce anything but little fluffy (popcorn) buds is "suckers." The earlier, the better when it comes to dedicating the resources of the plant to your main colas.

4) I have read that harvesting when the lights are off preserves the terps, is there any validity to this? If so when is the best time? Just before sunrise or just after sunset (lights on/off) Anecdotally, I don't really notice much of difference. But if you do, I would harvest after they've spent some good time in the dark (closer to their sunrise). Some people even do 24-48hrs dark before harvest.

5) I am going to dry the stems in the grow tent,to stop it stinking out my street. Should I lower the airflow or keep it the same? I am currently running a 3" intake fan, floor fan and extraction fan with carbon filter in my 1mx1m grow tent. Whatever sort of airflow keeps the drying area around 65%RH. If the RH is around that 55-65% range, you can just have a fan to disturb the air in the drying area.

6) How much bud should I put in each bell jar when curing? Fill them up, but don't pack them in.

7) how do you know when the curing process is done? When your jars stabilize to ~60%RH. I've always gone by feel though... you can kind of get a feel for when the moisture content is right as you burp them day by day.

8) Any tips or hints from pros would be greatly appreciated. I'll let the pros chime in.


1) What is the best way to store/dry the trim? (sugar leaves etc)

My trim dries on the plant. I store sugar leaves in plastic bags and keep them in a cool place until I can make hash out of them, along with the popcorn buds.

2) What should I do with the trim? I have seen people freeze it and grate it through a mesh to make hash/keif but not sure as what is the best (strongest) way to process it.

I'd make hash. For the best way to do that, you should confer with @GNick55, who has used way more methods than I've used.

3) I have heard that people cut a couple of branches off around 2 weeks before harvest triggering the other stems to beef up. I have found so much conflicting information/opinions on this if someone could share their experiences would help me figure out if it is a good idea or not.

Offhand, this sounds like bro-science bullshit to me. I never heard of anyone doing it.

4) I have read that harvesting when the lights are off preserves the terps, is there any validity to this? If so when is the best time? Just before sunrise or just after sunset (lights on/off)

I have never tested this. I think some lighter, more volatile terps could be temporarily conserved, but I believe they'd be gone by the time the cure is done. I have never tested this because my weed stinks, in a good way, to high heaven. I don't get the "hay scented" product that some people complain about. That could be my way of growing, or it could be that I buy high quality seeds to begin with. Regardless, I think if you're worried about losing a few terps because you harvested with the light on, there is something wrong with your process, somewhere.

5) I am going to dry the stems in the grow tent,to stop it stinking out my street. Should I lower the airflow or keep it the same? I am currently running a 3" intake fan, floor fan and extraction fan with carbon filter in my 1mx1m grow tent.

You want the crop to dry in 7 - 14 days. That depends on a lot. You will adjust your fan speed to accommodate that time frame for drying.

6) How much bud should I put in each bell jar when curing?

You don't want to pack them in. You can fill to the top, but loosely. If not filled to the top, it doesn't matter.

7) how do you know when the curing process is done?

You can cure as long as you'd like. I find there is a significant drop in the amount the cure improves the product after 3 weeks. That is, after 4 weeks, the product is somewhat nicer than 3 weeks, but the change is small. However, I've had jars curing for a year, and the smoke is amazingly smooth.

8) Any tips or hints from pros would be greatly appreciated.

None of this shit is written in stone. There is no "one way" to do anything.


1,2) I throw trim away... to each their own, i toss it on the lawn unless they are coated with trichromes and you get a good kick from smoking it.
3)Cutting limbs off will slow your plant down,just like cutting a finger off,it has to heal which takes energy and reduces the remainder of your overall yield,,,if you decide to cut the wispy branches off,do so early in the process so the plants dont have to repair them as they flower,I've used main stalk as walking sticks,they are light an durable
4)No validity to the terp thing
5)perhaps cut just buds off and hang them,i use fishing line, and throw the branches out unless you want a slow dry
6) Put enough in jar so they don't compress or knock trichromes off or bruise/rupture and leave the leaves on them to protect from abrasion
7) the curing process is done when the smoke is as good as it will get,sampling is how you will know.
Thanks dude! For number 5 I want to do a slow dry over maybe 10 days and have read that too much airflow can dry the buds out too quickly. What I would like to know is if I should turn my fans down to reduce the airflow from what it was during the grow. Maybe cut the intake fan or something? Also from what you are saying regarthe curing, do you recommend wet or dry? I am planning to do a wet trim as i have heard it is easier and you have less chance of knocking off trichomes. Thanks for taking the time to reply, legend 😎


1) What is the best way to store/dry the trim? (sugar leaves etc)

My trim dries on the plant. I store sugar leaves in plastic bags and keep them in a cool place until I can make hash out of them, along with the popcorn buds.

2) What should I do with the trim? I have seen people freeze it and grate it through a mesh to make hash/keif but not sure as what is the best (strongest) way to process it.

I'd make hash. For the best way to do that, you should confer with @GNick55, who has used way more methods than I've used.

3) I have heard that people cut a couple of branches off around 2 weeks before harvest triggering the other stems to beef up. I have found so much conflicting information/opinions on this if someone could share their experiences would help me figure out if it is a good idea or not.

Offhand, this sounds like bro-science bullshit to me. I never heard of anyone doing it.

4) I have read that harvesting when the lights are off preserves the terps, is there any validity to this? If so when is the best time? Just before sunrise or just after sunset (lights on/off)

I have never tested this. I think some lighter, more volatile terps could be temporarily conserved, but I believe they'd be gone by the time the cure is done. I have never tested this because my weed stinks, in a good way, to high heaven. I don't get the "hay scented" product that some people complain about. That could be my way of growing, or it could be that I buy high quality seeds to begin with. Regardless, I think if you're worried about losing a few terps because you harvested with the light on, there is something wrong with your process, somewhere.

5) I am going to dry the stems in the grow tent,to stop it stinking out my street. Should I lower the airflow or keep it the same? I am currently running a 3" intake fan, floor fan and extraction fan with carbon filter in my 1mx1m grow tent.

You want the crop to dry in 7 - 14 days. That depends on a lot. You will adjust your fan speed to accommodate that time frame for drying.

6) How much bud should I put in each bell jar when curing?

You don't want to pack them in. You can fill to the top, but loosely. If not filled to the top, it doesn't matter.

7) how do you know when the curing process is done?

You can cure as long as you'd like. I find there is a significant drop in the amount the cure improves the product after 3 weeks. That is, after 4 weeks, the product is somewhat nicer than 3 weeks, but the change is small. However, I've had jars curing for a year, and the smoke is amazingly smooth.

8) Any tips or hints from pros would be greatly appreciated.

None of this shit is written in stone. There is no "one way" to do anything.
Amazing, thanks for the info.

So do you dry trim? I am not sure as what is best wet or dry trim (Remember I am a novice lol) . So keep it in a plastic bag in the fridge or just a cool room? Thanks for the heads up I will check out how to make some hash up.

3) that's what I thought, I have never come across it from a solid source.

4) not worried so much just want to do what is best for the final product. I know that small details can add up and hopefully result in a great harvest. Just wanted to check if it does make a difference as it would be no skin off my nose to do it either way lol.

5) so would you say slow down the airflow a little? I have them underground in a cellar which has a relative humidity of about 70% so as you can imagine I have the fans working full throttle all the time, was wondering if I should slow them down a little when drying to get them to dry as slowly as possible (between 10 to 14 days)

7) I mean mainly when I can stop burping the jars, is there a point where I can just leave them sealed?

Thanks again for taking the time to give me some insight into how to approach this. I want to do the best by them. It has been epic getting to this point and want to make sure that I am doing the best I can lol. Peace ✌


At 70% RH, you won't have to slow them down.

When you're done curing, leave the jars open to get the RH down a little bit and then you don't have to worry about burping.


Thanks dude! For number 5 I want to do a slow dry over maybe 10 days and have read that too much airflow can dry the buds out too quickly. What I would like to know is if I should turn my fans down to reduce the airflow from what it was during the grow. Maybe cut the intake fan or something? Also from what you are saying regarthe curing, do you recommend wet or dry? I am planning to do a wet trim as i have heard it is easier and you have less chance of knocking off trichomes. Thanks for taking the time to reply, legend 😎
I trim the big leaves outside or in the garage, if it's freezing out a few days before harvest,I do it outside to limit the leaves in the house and in case theres bugs or something late I didnt notice then sweep that up and toss it and clean the grow room, I don't keep trim to make concentrates,(not suggesting you shouldn't)if I make hash it's from tops and my lungs can't handle oils anyway,I hang the colas untrimmed in my closet with the door open and a light fan by the door and put the smaller buds in boxes,If a big harvest they go in the garage and I black out the windows,the bigger the room the more airflow is acceptable but if you dry to fast ,there's nothing you can do to get the taste ,some wash buds, I've never tried it. The slower you dry them,the better they will taste and even though the plant is chopped,changes in resin will occur as it hardens and the less metallic or nute taste you will get . You should perhaps try it a few diff ways and decide how you like it,cause that's what really matters. Light heat and high temp are your enemies and will degrade your weed fast. Also the trichrome attachment is strain dependent, some have been bred to come off with little force or are chosen for the trait and have long trichrome stems ex: hash plant strains, like afghanis to make hash production easier.


I trim the big leaves outside or in the garage, if it's freezing out a few days before harvest,I do it outside to limit the leaves in the house and in case theres bugs or something late I didnt notice then sweep that up and toss it and clean the grow room, I don't keep trim to make concentrates,(not suggesting you shouldn't)if I make hash it's from tops and my lungs can't handle oils anyway,I hang the colas untrimmed in my closet with the door open and a light fan by the door and put the smaller buds in boxes,If a big harvest they go in the garage and I black out the windows,the bigger the room the more airflow is acceptable but if you dry to fast ,there's nothing you can do to get the taste ,some wash buds, I've never tried it. The slower you dry them,the better they will taste and even though the plant is chopped,changes in resin will occur as it hardens and the less metallic or nute taste you will get . You should perhaps try it a few diff ways and decide how you like it,cause that's what really matters. Light heat and high temp are your enemies and will degrade your weed fast. Also the trichrome attachment is strain dependent, some have been bred to come off with little force or are chosen for the trait and have long trichrome stems ex: hash plant strains, like afghanis to make hash production easier.
I am growing arjen strawberry haze and super lemon haze CBD, sativa dominant and not specifically for hash production if that helps. What I am most worried about is it going mouldy. And how long to I have to burp the jars daily for, I am dreading having to go down and burp a load of jars after all the pervious effort lol also I am worried that burping the jars will stink. I am planning to put the jars in my temt with the carbon filter running when it is three times a day but need a time frame where I can just look at it on the shelf and not worry about anything other than which bud to smoke. In the run up to that scenario I am willing to go the extra mile to ensure I produce the best bud I can. Like I say this is my first grow and am 100% up for learning and getting my game on point. Thanks again for your help 😊


I am growing arjen strawberry haze and super lemon haze CBD, sativa dominant and not specifically for hash production if that helps. What I am most worried about is it going mouldy. And how long to I have to burp the jars daily for, I am dreading having to go down and burp a load of jars after all the pervious effort lol also I am worried that burping the jars will stink. I am planning to put the jars in my temt with the carbon filter running when it is three times a day but need a time frame where I can just look at it on the shelf and not worry about anything other than which bud to smoke. In the run up to that scenario I am willing to go the extra mile to ensure I produce the best bud I can. Like I say this is my first grow and am 100% up for learning and getting my game on point. Thanks again for your help 😊
They don't need to go in the jar until the branches break,at that point you will not get mold ,if anything you will need to hydrate them over time,the burping will let off remaining gasses like amonia,use dark jars ,if you're really concerned put some rice in a nylon to pull the water but you probably won't need to.


Lovley looking plants!

A celebratory pre cure joint is not a sin in my books.

4. About harvesting in the plants in lights off vs lights on.

I grow many vegetables in my outdoor garden. The harvesting time of day has a significant impact on flavor. Early morning harvest provides juicy, sweet and flavourful veggies. Evening harvests, especially after a hot sunny day can produce more bitter less juicy veggies, many other gardeners agree. The idea is that during the night, the plant is resting and hydrating and preparing for its next day of work in the sun. And during the day, the plant is been utilizing the warmth and sun light to grow. This might relate to weed plants as well. I would say, harvesting after a long rest in the dark with a sufficiently watered soil is preferred.

And for drying the weed in the tent. Certainly lower the cfm compared to growing state in my opinion. On my first grow I dried out half my buds too quickly because of my inline fan setting, no circulation fans were being used. The chopped dead plant acts very differently than the live plant. It will not be producing as much humidity and breathing like a live plant does.

Im not very experienced, just sharing my opinions and experiences.

Best of luck 🙂


Lovley looking plants!

A celebratory pre cure joint is not a sin in my books.

4. About harvesting in the plants in lights off vs lights on.

I grow many vegetables in my outdoor garden. The harvesting time of day has a significant impact on flavor. Early morning harvest provides juicy, sweet and flavourful veggies. Evening harvests, especially after a hot sunny day can produce more bitter less juicy veggies, many other gardeners agree. The idea is that during the night, the plant is resting and hydrating and preparing for its next day of work in the sun. And during the day, the plant is been utilizing the warmth and sun light to grow. This might relate to weed plants as well. I would say, harvesting after a long rest in the dark with a sufficiently watered soil is preferred.

And for drying the weed in the tent. Certainly lower the cfm compared to growing state in my opinion. On my first grow I dried out half my buds too quickly because of my inline fan setting, no circulation fans were being used. The chopped dead plant acts very differently than the live plant. It will not be producing as much humidity and breathing like a live plant does.

Im not very experienced, just sharing my opinions and experiences.

Best of luck 🙂
Mate, seriously, thank you. Plants are plants and i will take this experience any time. Peace ✌


So my phone is fucked (royally) so am on the tablet but haven't been able to tae any pics that i can upload. Just harvested the CBD as all the leaves were starting to wilt and dry (badly). One thing i have noticed is that thy have just begun drawing less water from the soil, is this normall? I have been ffeeding them with organic nutes and watering (without much run off ) at between 3000 and 3500ml per 11,000ml pot. I water every other day and normally they are just about to become dry but now on day 62 of flowering they seem more damp and to be taking up less water. I had to harvest the cbd because the leaves were all wilting and crispy, to the point it was starting on the sugar leaves. Is this normal?


Harvested, update to follow, I think I did good. Thanks so much for all the advice guys, you are amazing.
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