Medical Marijuana News Update: Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana News Update: Marijuana is Said to Effectively Treat Fibromyalgia

Researchers are now pushing the benefits of medical marijuana as the leading cure for fibromyalgia relief. The chronic pain and sleep disturbances can now be soothed by medical marijuana.

Patients suffering from fibromyalgia have been struggling to find a cure or at least a pain relief. To no avail, most pharmaceutical prescriptions would usually leave them with side effects or negative results.

According to HERB, health care professionals are still trying to figure out if fibromyalgia should be considered as a medical condition of not. Fibromyalgia, which is also known as the myofascial pain syndrome struck 5 to 12 million of Americans (mostly women); its cause, however, is yet to be found.

Sun Times reported that medical marijuana can potentially provide a better pain relief or even a cure for the fibromyalgia. Traditional medicine has already failed some patients with the condition, thus the opted to try medical marijuana.

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) offered medical marijuana as an alternative cure for fibromyalgia. It is said to be an effective alternative for most patients. Medical marijuana effectively soothes most of the disease's symptoms including fatigue, insomnia, chronic pain and restless legs.

"Unlike many conventional pain treatments, cannabinoids - the miracle molecules like THC and CBG that are responsible for the medical efficacy of marijuana - are able to modulate pain signals sent from both peripheral nerves and the spinal cord," as mentioned in Whaxy.

Several researchers have already proven the positive effects of medical marijuana on fibromyalgia. Most of their studies were published in NORML's website.

"Marijuana has been a medicine for 5,000 years," Donald I. Abrams, MD told NORML. "That's a lot longer than it hasn't been a medicine."

Authored by Parent Herald


Unlike many conventional pain treatments, cannabinoids - the miracle molecules like THC and CBG that are responsible for the medical efficacy of marijuana - are able to modulate pain signals sent from both peripheral nerves and the spinal cord,

The actions of THC result from its partial agonist activity at the cannabinoid receptor CB1 (Ki=10nM), located mainly in the central nervous system, and the CB2 receptor (Ki=24nM), mainly expressed in cells of the immune system.The psychoactive effects of THC are primarily mediated by its activation of CB1G-protein coupled receptors, which result in a decrease in the concentration of the second messenger molecule cAMP through inhibition of adenylate cyclase.
The presence of these specialized cannabinoid receptors in the brain led researchers to the discovery of endocannabinoids, such as anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl glyceride (2-AG). THC targets receptors in a manner far less selective than endocannabinoid molecules released during retrograde signaling, as the drug has a relatively low cannabinoid receptor efficacy and affinity. In populations of low cannabinoid receptor density, THC may act to antagonize endogenous agonists that possess greater receptor efficacy. THC is a lipophilic molecule] and may bind non-specifically to a variety of entities in the brain and body, such as adipose tissue (fat)



I think within next 2 decades most of the countries will legalise the use of weeds for both medical and recreational purpose. Last year Canadian PM already stated that govt is planning to legalise weeds for both medical and recreational purpose. If he sticks with his decision most of us can even start a weed store, it may sound funny but it may become true.
At present most of the Canadians are trying to get weeds in a legal way, around 60% of weed users (legally)arranged their medical cards in a wrong way from local clinics. Recently I read an article about to starting a legal medical marijuana business in Canada and found it is very easy to set up such a firm. If the govt complete lifts the ban, We can see some weed shops like restaurants.


I was diagnosed with a very rare and very debilitating form of rheumatoid arthritis. It makes the bursa sack in my major joints (ankles/feet, knees, hips, elbows, wrists, shoulders) to produce and keep producing synovial fluid thinking there's an injury. It bursa sack keeps filling up and filling up causing excursiating pain like you can't even begin to imagine. Only a corticosteroid pack and deposed depomedrolinjecrion helps. If you breath heavily on the affected joint, I'll f n kill you where you stand, that's how painful it is. I've been on methotrexate biological injections for 2+ yrs. It's a horrible drug and very costly. Kills my immune system like a cancer patient, 30% increase for getting lymphoma (cancer), ect ect ect. I've been dosing, well vaping a 75/25% cbd to thc shatter daily for 6 months now. I've yet to have a flare up, I used to get them 1 to 2x a Korean the for the past 10 yrs. I quit taking my methotrexate injections 6 months ago and vaping my meds now. Flare up free in all this time. My doc is impressed. He shares an office with 3 cancer docs. I gave them all kinds of literature about cbd and the benefits of it. And I preach cbd treatment all the time.

One of my multiple sclorsis patients kicked 11 scripts from her daily routine from eating my cbd/thc edibles. She eats about .25g daily. She has a better quality of life, less pills to take, able to sleep an entire night, and better daily living.

If it were to ever go back to non med use, I'll PROUDLY say I'm an underground grower and continue to help those in need.


As a person with chronic and debilitating pain, I am thankful for all the farmers out there who are trying to make a difference. It gives me hope!



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