Montana medical marijuana raid raises huge questions with national implications

  • Thread starter DWkush
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Denver attorney Rob Corry, who does a lot of work with medical marijuana clients, said that if business to business sales was the underlying justification for the raids then the same logic could be used to justify raids in Colorado.

“Under that rationale, they could raid every medical marijuana business in Colorado. They could put them all under. It happens a thousand times a day in Colorado. It happens in every kind of business. No business can stay in business without buying from other businesses,” he said.


While the gun charges and a back door deal ~may~ have been part of it.

Why do they fail to mention it in just about every news article?

Also, 18 mo long investigation? If they aren't actively investigating EVERY dispensary in CO, I would be very surprised...

People are saying the DOR 'inspectors' are a little 'hokey' if you get my meaning.


If they aren't actively investigating EVERY dispensary in CO, I would be very surprised...

Every person involved in a mmc has a file with the dea. They even had you fill it out and turn it in.

I know of at least one off site grow that has seen a camera pointed at their warehouse on a power poll.
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

Every person involved in a mmc has a file with the dea. They even had you fill it out and turn it in.

I know of at least one off site grow that has seen a camera pointed at their warehouse on a power poll.

I've actually seen the same thing now! Not a paranoid fantasy!


Honestly I have been a customer to over 38 clubs that eventually got raided.
One time I was in a club minutes before it got raided. When I was leaving the cop cars were lining up. Most of the club owners were my good friends and in most cases the feds took everything.

Lately I have been reading a shit ton of news stories relating the west hollywood and Montana raids to colorado mmj. Every pro colorado mmj website is loaded with insane propaganda. Journalists are mostly responsible for trying to foreshadow a state wide massacre.

People need to be motivated and prepared even if shit does not hit the fan.


Honestly I have been a customer to over 38 clubs that eventually got raided.
One time I was in a club minutes before it got raided. When I was leaving the cop cars were lining up. Most of the club owners were my good friends and in most cases the feds took everything.

Note to self:
If I see DWKush in the same store as me????

And children, remember, MMJ in Colorado is by way of the PEOPLE, Amendment to the State Constitution. Don't let public schools fail you! Not so in these other states, they all have MMJ by LEGISLATION.
Think of it more like your BILL OF RIGHTS.
But please, keep it cool, down low.... We don't have to rub it in people's faces. The coming out party is over.


Just got to point out that this shit has NOT happened in Colorado.

This makes us unique.

I remember, from living there, in California, how dispensaries were raided routinely. Back in the beginning, I remember going to a dispensary that was run by nuns. They figured they had religion and compassion on their side... until they got raided.

HB1284 while harmful to the CG's, makes Colorado the LAST state the Feds would mess with, imho.



You guys are dreaming if you you think your CO constitutuion will save you from the feds. If our American constitution worked liked it was supposed to we would all be safe from those blood sucking losers. The Montana raids were nothing more than a money grab by all the gov agencies. 3.6 mil.......that is what was sitting in the bank accounts. And nobody charged as of yet. Seems as if it is happening everywhere. Our government is a broke joke.


You guys are dreaming if you you think your CO constitutuion will save you from the feds. If our American constitution worked liked it was supposed to we would all be safe from those blood sucking losers.

Dunno about the dreaming part.... but.... CO has the first government regulated MJ distribution network in America.

This provides gads of protection because of a simple rule of law - called "entrapment by estoppel". Basically, if a 6-up waves to through the stop sign he then can not give you a ticket. HB10-1284 was that wave....

As for the Constitutional argument....

Any time anyone raises a Constitutional argument it is worth looking into. But that being said, EVERY Consitutional right can/has been amended. Take for instance free speech. Try burning an American flag, or slandering someone... you will quickly learn you can NOT say anything you want in every situation...

I like Lennon's ideal best...


Have you read the Haag Memo? They are out for blood......I mean money. I am afraid this is just the beginning. I sure hope your right and I'm wrong. Like this post says "different rules".


Whats your deal bro? Are you just trying to scare patients and business owners today? lol. Kinda lost on where the paranoia/theories are poppin up from.

90% of patients have NO IDEA what the state is doing. Most MMC owners and workers don't have a fucking clue. I applaud this information getting posted. People need to know what their government is doing to them.



HB1284 while harmful to the CG's, makes Colorado the LAST state the Feds would mess with, imho.


or its gives them ALL the information for a conviction....

the choice is yours......

"everything you say and do can be used against you in a court of law"
where is your defense? the term "medical marijuana" is NOT reconized in a federal court! so please be careful anyway!!!!
true grit

true grit

Have you read the Haag Memo? They are out for blood......I mean money. I am afraid this is just the beginning. I sure hope your right and I'm wrong. Like this post says "different rules".

That was a response to Oakland dispensaries- not a national threat. Could it trickle down to other states? Sure, but not as likely as towards who it was directed to.

Anybody have folks in Norcal? Cuz its all in the papers there how they keep getting raided and we don't in CO- whats the reason behind that from Cali viewpoint- exact same thing whether folks agree or not- its a constitutional right here and not anywhere else. And that we have an organized system. I do understand that doesn't necessarily mean a whole LOT in the feds eyes- but when it comes down to court, they MAY NOT actually win- as they have lost here already over medical basically it would take a lot more here to prosecute than elsewhere. That along with the fact that the organization of business here has prevented OPEN sales to disepensaries- this eliminates a big non taxed bracket they don't have to worry about as much...and they aren't dumb- they see prices dropping here while they are still sky high elsewhere.

90% of patients have NO IDEA what the state is doing. Most MMC owners and workers don't have a fucking clue. I applaud this information getting posted. People need to know what their government is doing to them.

I agree most don't have a clue- from either direction. Meaning no sense in importing Cali/Montana scare tactics because those states don't have the same system or set up we do. Its one thing to clarify possible issues or compare apples to apples, but like it or not we are the orange right now. It makes us stick out like a sore thumb, but our sore thumb came sticking it places til they found a semi fit to get fucked with last, make the most legal tax for the state, forfeit patient rights if necessesary, and limit production and sales. Could it be a setup? Sure. But haven't we gone over the "doom and gloom" of our system, with not much more to support it yet? It is good to be informed, but what does that do for anyone other than club/business owners that are already and have already been being investigated by the state who has ALL of their info (and so does dea at this point)...just saying...


That was a response to Oakland dispensaries- not a national threat. Could it trickle down to other states? Sure, but not as likely as towards who it was directed to.

Anybody have folks in Norcal? Cuz its all in the papers there how they keep getting raided and we don't in CO- whats the reason behind that from Cali viewpoint- exact same thing whether folks agree or not- its a constitutional right here and not anywhere else. And that we have an organized system. I do understand that doesn't necessarily mean a whole LOT in the feds eyes- but when it comes down to court, they MAY NOT actually win- as they have lost here already over medical basically it would take a lot more here to prosecute than elsewhere. That along with the fact that the organization of business here has prevented OPEN sales to disepensaries- this eliminates a big non taxed bracket they don't have to worry about as much...and they aren't dumb- they see prices dropping here while they are still sky high elsewhere.

I sure hope you're 100 percent right! In cali not all the time do they prosecute. They often make up trumped up charges as basis for raids and can't take it to court because they cant prove anything. Its all about money and manipulating the press to alter public opinion.

Politics might be another reason why they have not terrorized us like they do to californians. Alaska has had mmj almost as long as cali and no raids what so ever.

I agree most don't have a clue- from either direction. Meaning no sense in importing Cali/Montana scare tactics because those states don't have the same system or set up we do. Its one thing to clarify possible issues or compare apples to apples, but like it or not we are the orange right now. It makes us stick out like a sore thumb, but our sore thumb came sticking it places til they found a semi fit to get fucked with last, make the most legal tax for the state, forfeit patient rights if necessesary, and limit production and sales. Could it be a setup? Sure. But haven't we gone over the "doom and gloom" of our system, with not much more to support it yet? It is good to be informed, but what does that do for anyone other than club/business owners that are already and have already been being investigated by the state who has ALL of their info (and so does dea at this point)...just saying...

Power of the people! The media is causing all of this "gloom and doom". It must be combated. We need to create more positive press. Like peaceful protests and insuring our side is represented every news piece!


Note to self:
If I see DWKush in the same store as me????

And children, remember, MMJ in Colorado is by way of the PEOPLE, Amendment to the State Constitution. Don't let public schools fail you! Not so in these other states, they all have MMJ by LEGISLATION.
Think of it more like your BILL OF RIGHTS.
But please, keep it cool, down low.... We don't have to rub it in people's faces. The coming out party is over.

These are the words of a wise man.:anim_09:


Voice of the other side. This is how they think.


Voice of the other side. This is how they think.

This F'cker has never learned of the endocannbinoid system....

Dr. Bob needs to sit this guy down and give him a what's up....

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