Need Help - Can't Figure Out The Cause Of This Problem

  • Thread starter newgarden
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Hi everyone! This is my first time growing all by myself, and I would appreciate some advice about a problem. I transplanted 3 Purple Punch clones on Saturday. At first they seemed very happy in their environment, but when I peeked at them this morning at 3:30am one of them was starting to droop. At this point (6pm) all three are now drooping and it seems pretty dire. I've been reading everything I can find and making adjustments, but I am still so confused! The conditions all seem fine to me unless I'm missing something. Some details:

--Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Forest (PH measured this morning between 5.9-6.5)
--pots: 20-gallon fabric pots, one per plant
--temperature: has been about 70 degrees all night but raised to 75 this afternoon
--humidity: read 54% last night and this morning, now at 45%
--water: watered on Saturday night - the soil is still pretty moist but doesn't seem oversoaked when I check it
--CO2: I'm supplementing with an "Exhale" brand bag containing a mycelial mass
--air flow- I have an a/c that exhausts out the window, running all night along with a small fan- this morning I turned off the a/c and opened the door for air flow instead as a friend said the problem may be too much a/c. That didn't seem to help.
--I had a carbon filter running last night, but the same friend suggested this morning that I turn it off as I don't need it yet at this stage in the plant cycle.

Any help is appreciated!
Need help   cant figure out the cause of this problem


Hi everyone! This is my first time growing all by myself, and I would appreciate some advice about a problem. I transplanted 3 Purple Punch clones on Saturday. At first they seemed very happy in their environment, but when I peeked at them this morning at 3:30am one of them was starting to droop. At this point (6pm) all three are now drooping and it seems pretty dire. I've been reading everything I can find and making adjustments, but I am still so confused! The conditions all seem fine to me unless I'm missing something. Some details:

--Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Forest (PH measured this morning between 5.9-6.5)
--pots: 20-gallon fabric pots, one per plant
--temperature: has been about 70 degrees all night but raised to 75 this afternoon
--humidity: read 54% last night and this morning, now at 45%
--water: watered on Saturday night - the soil is still pretty moist but doesn't seem oversoaked when I check it
--CO2: I'm supplementing with an "Exhale" brand bag containing a mycelial mass
--air flow- I have an a/c that exhausts out the window, running all night along with a small fan- this morning I turned off the a/c and opened the door for air flow instead as a friend said the problem may be too much a/c. That didn't seem to help.
--I had a carbon filter running last night, but the same friend suggested this morning that I turn it off as I don't need it yet at this stage in the plant cycle.

Any help is appreciated!
Roots need to be deeper in the soil.


You need to keep those cubes wet just like before transplant. They dont grow a root mass that is gonna supply the whole plant over night. They still live in those cubes. And the surrounding soil is probably sucking it dry.
i agree,water around the plant,not the whole pot your just leaching all your good stuff out at this point,the cubes should have gone deeper,but all good use a turkey baster and water the cube for right now as it gets bigger start watering the soil outward,but them plants are hungry,keep in mind also that seedling and veg stage they likes humidity,flower no no,so running the ac on them is a dehumidifer,if you keep them at around 75 to 80 at this stage you will see the growth come on,when they get about 4 sets of full leaves then you can run the ac,just my experience with them,hell im running 85 adverge in flower right now,no ac or heat in winter,key is air flow in and out exchange if you dig,there aint no ac outside and mine have grown in triple digits before


I would of put them in smaller pots and then transplant as they got bigger, right now that dry soil is leaching all the water from your cubes. 1 gallon pots would be better at this time. When you water/feed in a large pot like those you will have an excess of water/feed that will soak lower in pot. And it will pull all the water from your plant. Since the roots do not reach that deep, eventually you will have a build up and a result of problems in future. plus put cubes a little deeper.
You can still put them in smaller pots at this time, just using your hands as a big scoop on both sides of plant, grab about 6-8 inches of a soil ball and just pull it out and place in smaller pot.
Jack og

Jack og

Transplplant shock. . It’s common, if possible get those cubes in deeper into the soil, gently.
Give em a few days it’s will be fine. Don’t overcorrect or do too much at this stage. Takes a few days for them to get acclimated.
Did you use mykos? Or any thing similar for transplant?

This is the product I use for transplanting.
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