Need help with anxiety- panic disorder

  • Thread starter E.C.U.G
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So as much as i hate to say this or ask for help ive found that i deff need some advice. i have been diagnosed with a panic disorder minus the fobias.ive had it since i was very young,but have tried to hide it most of my life.

I need some advice on strains that help with the issue at hand.i already know that i cant seem to smoke to much sativa or i find that it kicks me into fight or flight heart races, burning in the chest,hyperventalate to the point that i either pass out or my muscles contract that bad that i feel like my body is in a big vice.ive never had a heartattack but the doctors have told me that what i go thru is what it feels like.

ive been on lexapro,and adavant for along time now,and want nothing more than to get off the pills.i eat rt have cut tobacco and coffee out of my diet years ago, cut down on sugars,and exercise daily.

ive always enjoyed my herb,but i need to be real selective of what i smoke.just once instead of asking what is this id like to say hell yeah pass it here lol. im looking for a strain that maybe a few people could recommend that they have tried that works for them? ive read that blueberry is good for and known for its anti anxiety properties but sourcing a blueberry that tastes like blueberry muffins and works is like winning the lotto lol.

Anyone with recomendations would be greatly appreiated,and thanks ahead of time for the help ,and advice.

Later KMK:harvest:


//Lavender from Soma has a high CBD % which is the chemical that basically knock you out! Also Cannatonic from Resin Seeds has a astonishing 6.92% CBD.

//Hash also helps. Here is a list of strains tested in Spain in 2009, this lists the THC%
and the CBD%...... Cannatonic is included.


Hi mega,

Have you tryed the lavander?whats it like?


The lav cut i smoked wasn't great... but if higher in cbd, maybe that is why. Kinda soapy for the taste, and definitely mellow. Of three high-cbd strains I've puffed on... not a one that I wanted to go back to, but that was an eval on the high, not for the effects you are looking towards.

This is where handing out cuts would be of value... medically necessary... esp w discussing matching to specific conditions. It would be nice for there to be a place to work this openly, ya know? For example, there are two high cbd cuts (tested) that I personally know of & wouldn't mind getting out... ;-)


heres a list of strains with higher levels of cbd in. hope this helps bro:


In a perfect world that would be finding there are more people that have this than what ive ever known.what you speek is the truth tho cause everyone is just a lil diff in how they act or what triggers there attacks.


Anyone know who carries full spectrum genetics? ive never even heard of them for some reason.


Full Spectrum is a testing company out of Denver... they don't do breeding, seeds or meds, just testing the cannabinoid profiles.

The lab techs are the cool ones. ;-)


Hey mlway,

ok so the tb x ogk was just tested by them? who makes this cross with the high cbd? do you know?


Not sure, but bout 6 months ago... seemed like a whole bunch of peeps cracked varying seeds & have been testing em... just happened to be finding a lot of em... like at least 7 or 8 cuts out there by varying people from varying sources... seen a few.

Thing about it is, they are finding these cbd plants out of normal seed batches... don't think anyone is exactly breeding for these traits yet. So... going out for a specific 10pack from a specific strain... likely won't yeild a super specimen... but might.

My read is that these plants pop up quite regularly... traditionally, we as stoners, didn't like the bland, blah high... and they were always culled, but they pop up regularly... just my gut feeling.

SLO Grown

First, let me say I am sorry you suffer from Panic Disorder. When considering a DX of Panic Disorder one must look at what one "consumes" daily. What I read from daily living in your post, you are working on these issues. Make sure you assess simple rule outs for what you suffer from. 1. When did your panic attacks start pre or post marijuana use? 2. Under what conditions do P-attacks take place, what environment? 3. Do you have a therapist, highly recommend if you don't. 4. You may have to stop using any kind of drugs for 6 months to assess what is going on, have you done this and with a trained professional?

Below is a DX/TX method commonly used with folks who suffer from PA. But, again I suggest you seek professional help with PA. Take care.

According to DSM-IV-TR, a panic attack is characterized by four or more of the following symptoms:

1.palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate


3.trembling or shaking

4.sensations of shortness of breath or smothering

5.feeling of choking

6.chest pain or discomfort

7.nausea or abdominal distress

8.feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint

9.feelings of unreality (derealization) or being detached from oneself (depersonalization)

10.fear of losing control or going crazy

11.fear of dying

12.numbness or tingling sensations (paresthesias)

13.chills or hot flushes

The presence of fewer than four of the above symptoms may be considered a limited-symptom panic attack.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
If we are serious about overcoming an anxiety disorder, we need to approach anxiety from every positive angle and perspective that we have available to us. Therefore, we focus on three main areas, all three of which must be addressed in therapy:
(thinking/belief processes)
Here we learn new methods and ways to change our old thinking patterns and habits. If we’re always thinking and expecting the worst, then we will continue to suffer. We train or condition our minds to think and respond differently than we have in the past. Or think of it this way – if we can be conditioned to think and feel negatively, then we can be reconditioned to think healthfully.
We have dozens of specific methods and techniques that we use -- and you only need to find several methods that work well for you. We usually start CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) at this stage.
Some effective techniques are:
Slow-talk/slow walk/slowing down
Stopping automatic negative thinking (ANTs)
The acceptance paradox: how we keep the fires burning and how to put them out
Rational and helpful self-statements that can become permanent and "automatic"
Continuing to move our self-statements up
Whose voice are you listening to, anyhow? Do we have to listen and believe all those old lies?
The determination factor: becoming more focused and gently determined
Focusing: What are you paying attention to?
Later, it’s important we address:
perfectionism, anger, frustration, setbacks, and our view of the world
(what we do)
The behavioral aspect of therapy is the part where we actually put everything into place in everyday, real-life situations where we are bothered by anxiety and depression.
This area is always handled at the same time or after cognitive therapy, because we need a strong foundation of cognitive and emotional skills/strategies so that we can begin living and acting differently before we confront real-life challenges.
This stage is essential for people with some of the anxiety problems (such as social anxiety disorder) and serves as a powerful adjunct to individual treatment for others.
(relaxation/peaceful/strength and power strategies)
It is important to have some type of relaxation or "de-stress" strategy that is accessible whenever we need it. In this area, calmness and peace are the goals.
The more your brain is quiet and relaxed, the easier therapeutic information can get into it and be processed. This is simply another way to let the therapy reach your brain and gently sink in.
Our focus is on peace and calmness here. We do not focus on decreasing anxiety by using these methods. Why? As peace and calmness become a little stronger, they tend to "crowd" out the anxieties and fears we have. Therefore, we never need to focus on the anxiety, the nervousness, or the fear. Our focus is on healing, healthiness, and inner peace.


Slo grown hi,
Thank you for the info very answer some of the pa started at a young age in my early was def before my consumtion of herb far as when they take place most of the time its at the end of the day when im when i stop staying busy for the day. or when i lay down.
the average person cant take notice to there heartbeating at any time during the day with out thinking about it.its different for mei can feel every beat all the time all through the day.its a pain.
i havnt tried any therapy.why you ask? well cause i guess i have always been a lil embarased about it.
The syptoms you listed is easy i have them all!


SLO Grown

"i havnt tried any therapy.why you ask?"

Because a therpaist can help with active treatment and help you help yourself. Many folks suffer far to long with treatable problems. Please consider seeking help with a Licensed Therapist who specilizes in CBT and Anxiety Disorders. There is no reason to suffer with all the great treament avilable.


Hey Kotten,

I am fellow long time sufferer of anxiety and depression.

I have found hindu kush and a few outcrosses with it have helped to keep me grounded when anxiety is heightened.

Feel free to PM me.



Hi convex,

I think i have a pack of hindu kush hiding some where here. i may have to dig them out and try them.thanks for the info bro.

I know last year some friends grew out some auto hindu for an early outdoor crop,and it was wonderful stuff.

If when i could feel an attack coming on and i took a lil bit it really went away rather quick.i liked it.i gew some myself,turned out theres was from older stock,mine was not. so ended up being nothing like theres.

Later KMK:harvest:


dont smoke no RP Sour Kush, our youll catch anxiety probably for sure.


That's a bummer... I get super anxiety (not normal for me) when I smoke AK-47, but I have fun with it.

I don't know of a great strain to suggest. I've read a lot about cannabinoids. All I have are theories as far as I'm concerned.

My suggestion: try hash.
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