Need Help With Leaves Yellowing And Crisping!

  • Thread starter NOsauce
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Hey Guys!

I'm having an issue I just can't seem to remedy and it keeps getting worse.

About a week ago I started to see yellowing spots on the leaves. I'm colorblind so I'm having a tough time determining the problem.

I believe it might be a nutrient deficiency. I was at a pretty steady 5.4 PH and I have started adjusting between 5.4 and 6.2 for the last 3 feedings. I'm using coco coir with Heavy 16 nutrient line.

Any advice is appreciated!
Need help with leaves yellowing and crisping


For others to help you, it would be good to know what strain, inside/outside, soil/hydro, age of plant, vegging or flowering, how much & of what you are feeding it (not the line, but how much are you using of each product, & how often) Where you are located if it's outside. Any information you can give. The picture & PH are a great start.

Personally, I have never seen anything like that, so my first guess would be some sort of MJ disease (because I've yet to have any of those problems) Pests are pretty easily ruled out by thoroughly searching the plants, especially the under sides of the leaves. Most will not hang out in plain sight. If you are outside, that's why it would be good to know where you are, so we know what pests could possibly be responsible. Like where I am, a single cricket/grasshopper can do a number on a plant. But it wouldn't look like that. You may have pests native to your area that people could narrow down.

I'm sorry I couldn't help you more myself. If it makes you feel better, I think you would win the ugliest leaf pic of the month club ; ) Seriously though, I would also find that very concerning.


Leaf miners can do something similar to veggie plants, & it looks like it's affecting only some leaves. I would for sure check your plants up & down.


Living dead girl
'That is not a disease, nor is it a pest. In my opinion, it is grossly overfed and is being burned.
Hey Guys!

I'm having an issue I just can't seem to remedy and it keeps getting worse.

About a week ago I started to see yellowing spots on the leaves. I'm colorblind so I'm having a tough time determining the problem.

I believe it might be a nutrient deficiency. I was at a pretty steady 5.4 PH and I have started adjusting between 5.4 and 6.2 for the last 3 feedings. I'm using coco coir with Heavy 16 nutrient line.

Any advice is appreciated!
First, if you're growing in coir, you should know that it is its own special beast. It comes with a lot of K. What we're seeing is a K+ (potassium toxicity). This is VERY easy to cause in coir, especially if you're not familiar with these potential issues.

Second, the pH range you're using is slightly off. For coir, the best pH range is 5.8-6.2, with 6.0 bang on usually being the sweet spot for every strain I've grown in coir. I think other coir growers will agree that generally 6.0 is a sweet spot.

Third, back off the feed, and you may even need to flush. Have you done a media test for EC and pH? I'm really curious about the EC both of what's going in and what's remaining in the media. I'm not familiar with that fertilizer line so if someone with direct experience has an opinion on how to use it I will defer to them.


'That is not a disease, nor is it a pest. In my opinion, it is grossly overfed and is being burned.

First, if you're growing in coir, you should know that it is its own special beast. It comes with a lot of K. What we're seeing is a K+ (potassium toxicity). This is VERY easy to cause in coir, especially if you're not familiar with these potential issues.

Second, the pH range you're using is slightly off. For coir, the best pH range is 5.8-6.2, with 6.0 bang on usually being the sweet spot for every strain I've grown in coir. I think other coir growers will agree that generally 6.0 is a sweet spot.

Third, back off the feed, and you may even need to flush. Have you done a media test for EC and pH? I'm really curious about the EC both of what's going in and what's remaining in the media. I'm not familiar with that fertilizer line so if someone with direct experience has an opinion on how to use it I will defer to them.

So have you seen K toxicity present itself like that? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely asking? Because I've seen a lot of K toxicity, in a lot of plants, & never seen anything like that.

The thing that makes me wonder about over feeding is that it's seemingly presenting itself completely on singular leafs.

But your argument makes complete sense. I also did not know that about K & coir. I love this place.


Seamaiden always coming through. I was wondering if it was feeding too heavy. I've flushed with pure water for the last two feedings and wil work my way back up slowly. I'm pretty sure it's potassium related but this is my first grow so I'm a novice! Thank you again, I let it get too far before posting this. I thought at first it was PH but ranging hasn't fixed the problem.


I'll just add that too lil nutrients harvests smoke, too much and u kill them. Better to be less than perfect than too much. It's a common thing burning them in the beginning.


Living dead girl
So have you seen K toxicity present itself like that? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely asking? Because I've seen a lot of K toxicity, in a lot of plants, & never seen anything like that.
Yes, but not on my grow. I'm too cheap to push ferts hard enough to burn. :o
The thing that makes me wonder about over feeding is that it's seemingly presenting itself completely on singular leafs.

But your argument makes complete sense. I also did not know that about K & coir. I love this place.
I see what you're saying. K problems, in my experience tend to occur in a pattern similar to what was depicted above (IIRC, the whole plant hasn't been shown, just one of the affected leaves). I've never seen, for example, the entire plant show K-yellowing, it's leaves around the middle of the plant but not all unless it gets really progressed, yes, I've done it, but not on purpose. Since the OP's leaves have a very scorched appearance, and my experience with coir says K+ is too easy to induce even though I've never pushed it that far, this is what I think is going on.

I'm not saying this is absolutely the case. Another member who's got a lot more experience, experience running coir and/or the nutrient line being used may have another opinion on the matter that could be correct. I'm not married to being right, but I am married to seeing people succeed.

All that said, I feel that the pattern is too even to be a disease or a pest. Those tend to present in a much more uneven pattern or fashion, if that makes sense. There's a different 'look,' if you will.
I was wondering if it was feeding too heavy. I've flushed with pure water for the last two feedings and wil work my way back up slowly. I'm pretty sure it's potassium related but this is my first grow so I'm a novice! Thank you again, I let it get too far before posting this. I thought at first it was PH but ranging hasn't fixed the problem.
Ah, but pH well may be playing a role here. As I'm guessing you already know, allowing pH to range allows the plant an opportunity to use various minerals better. Keeping in mind that feeding is as much a balancing act as anything else, remember that pH plays a huge role in this whole thing. I am still really in my 'infancy' of learning how to understand the interactions.


OP, how often are you "feeding?" Just by the way you have worded a couple things, I get the impression that it's possible you are feeding every time? Or every other time maybe?

Here is the thing with feeding, & this is just IME. But your plants will do much better if you feed them too little, vs. too much. It will be a healthier plant.

You say this is your first grow. Often times people will have a nutrient set & they go by what is on the bottle. What is on the bottle is often too much. I start with 1/4 of what is listed, & feed once a week once it has passed the seedling phase. If the plants do ok with that, I will bump it up to 1/2 the next time & see how they do. If they appear to enjoy that, I will proceed cautiously from there. But seldom with the Nectar for the Gods nutrients I used in soil was I able to use the full dose, even on very large plants. I ran a batch of Sour Diesel which could only take 1/4 of the recommended dose. It's just a light feeder. If I just keep trying to pump nutrients into the plant, not only am I just wasting the nutrients, but I'm also stressing the plant & decreasing overall yield & potency. You are hurting the plant by over feeding it, not helping it.

This is one of my plants I put up for the POTM just so I could vote. It's the last page, last photo. The plant is finishing up this week so it looks nothing like that now. It's just the only pic I had to post.

But what I am looking for you can see here...

I would give you a newer photo to reference but I'm currently on vacation. But if you look closely (very closely) at two of the leaf tips you can see they've dried & lost color. It's only on a couple of the leaves, throughout the entire plant. It's hard to tell because of the lighting but the leaves are a nice green color. Not abnormally dark or blue-ish. No yellow-ing or drying. It was a little humid that day so you can see the fins curling a bit, but on average, the leaves are nice & flat.

That is the line you want to walk. If you are giving the plants a balanced feeding, what I just described above is what you will see. & when I see that on my plants, I know that the nutes are almost perfect. I will either back off a tiny amount with the nutes, or if the plant is still growing a lot, by the next feeding it will probably take the same dose of nutes without any of the bad effects I described above.

Let's use that plant as a reference...if I fed that plant on 6/1/15, the earliest I will feed it again would be 6/8, & then I will again watch for any signs of over-feeding. If I get any more of the effects I described above, I will back off & feed it every 10 days. If that doesn't go perfectly, I will back off to every two weeks.

The biggest mistake noobs make is over watering or feeding. But watering too often is nowhere near as harmful as feeding too much. Excessive nutes will delay the plants growth, sometimes bring it to a screeching halt. Remember, for our purposes, your time with the plant is very limited. Usually, you have 16 weeks or less. So, every time you give it excessive nutrients, you are wasting what little time you have to develop the plant & get the desired results.

If the cause of your problem is over feeding (& I agree with Seamaiden now that it probably is), think of it as losing one of those precious weeks. Therefore, you are WAY better off, to under feed, than to over feed.


Hey that sounds vaguely

Haha, didn't mean to steal your thunder...I just thought he/she may need a little more detail/guidance if he is burning the plants that badly, which I'm convinced now that he is. I've never seen leaves toasted like that...on ANY plant.

But while I'm ripping off your general points...OP, this is not unusual for a first grow. Most newbies will torch a plant or two before they get the hang of it. However, most do not burn their plants with the same vigor & intensity in which you have lol. Especially if it is K, because these plants can handle quite a bit of K without seeing the extreme effects you have.

I can't find the picture, but I have pic of a K test in which a plant was off the charts. I mean just absurdly, ridiculously, high...but no visual plant burn. If you are doing that with K alone, it's outrageously high.

Do you have one of these kits?

If not, try to pick one up, test everything, take a pic of the results in front of a window that is getting a good amount of sun (so we can judge the color). I'd be really interested in seeing exactly what combo you have going that is causing that problem, because as I've said, I've never seen that before...the burn pattern you specifically have going.


Hey, it's good advice.. everybody burns their first ones. I wanted to make "nutrients for dummies" put like nothing in just ro water.."proprietary blend of oxygen and Hydrogen which plants crave" lol...I'm obviously high..

Burning them is soo easy, just listen to the back of the bottle. Between new growers and nutrient manufacturers. It's the logical outcome
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Hey, it's good advice.. everybody burns their first ones. I wanted to make "nutrients for dummies" put like nothing in just ro water.."proprietary blend of oxygen and Hydrogen which plants crave"

LOL...that would have been awesome.

"I'm actually seeing less bulking of my flowers this run because I've pushed hard on the nutes. Some strains thrive with less."

Indeed, that's the point I was trying to get across by saying every time you burn'em badly, you are losing precious time with the plant.


Yeah the growth has definitely stopped. The buds were really plumping up at first but it's pretty much slowed. I've flushed and have bring reintroducing the nutrients slowly. I hope they can turn around. The problem got very bad.


Have you tested your PH, & NPK? I don't know how long it's been since you flushed but I would just use water for up to a couple weeks. Test your soil to see where your NPK is at before re-introducing it. Here are some pics I took recently of my plants. Some good, some bad. But I'm walking that line. The plant hasn't been pushed harder than it can bear. I know for my next feeding what to adjust. You'll see some leaves are just heat burned. I really don't care about that... at all. Everything in my environment is so controlled, I want to introduce stress factors to the plants.

There is a spot or two from foliar feeding, but I'll put myself out there....I may know what I know, but not always able to achieve that ideal. You might see some over feeding signs, but nothing outrageous (I hope!) But overall leaf health looks very positive. I'd give it a conservative B-.

But you can see Nosauce, these are signs of over doing it. I went too heavy, but I have a feel for it. My plants are good. Whatever you have done, is next level "over-doing" it. I'd want to know exactly where my NPK stood before introducing anything.

First two pictures are Atomic Bomb (Bomb Seeds) the last is Sugar Black Rose (forget?)

Both are producing some very heavy buds. The SBR is like an elephant standing on a stick, this is just a beautiful plant. Knowing exactly how it grows now, my next seed will be a much more productive grow. I think, it's the prettiest plant I've grown so far, but it's not superficial... this plant is here to get it DONE!

In the back of the third pic is the notorious light feeder the Sour Diesel (Is it notorious? I think it must be, based on my experiences with it, but it will probably be "notorious" from her on :p ) You can see I'm still missing the mark a bit with the leaf color on that one, but nothing major. But those SBR buds....heavy, sticky, smelly, sweet, goodness....& did I mention heavy?

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