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New user from Oregon here. I love short crystalline plants harvested at peak cloudiness. I love making home made hash. I have developed my personal hash methods over years of experience and am always happy (too happy sometimes) to share information and materials with others.

I love growing indica plants and I plan on eating hash cookies and taking bell hits till I am old and gray.

I have IBS and insomnia which are both greatly assisted by cannabis but I don't need any excuses to enjoy getting high. I know why MJ is illegal and I am sickened by the cultural acceptance of the corrupt criminalization of a truly great and beneficial plant. I refuse to get a med card because I don't think the government has the right to dictate through the medical community what harmless alkaloids I chose to ingest. It is of no consequence to anyone but me. Victimless crime is an oxymoron.


Welcome bro, Do u prefer using dry trim or wet trim when making hash?


Premium Member

good to have a new hash lover aboard. if i was in a legal state i would pay the measly fee to be legal, the little bit of $ could save you big.



Hi there Hashophile,totally respect your freedom of choice stance,i've got ulcerative colitis which is just as much a pain in the ass-literally.My GP even said if the law was different here in the UK i'd be a prime candidate,scant concillation as i;d jump at the chance of growing without the worry.Dont get me wrong as it's all about freedom of choice,i'd probably not want anyone knowing my biz if it was as relaxed in my neighbourhood.The beauty of the U.S Med scene taking hold is hopefully the good results they get wont be ignored,i reckon when that much positive data keeps come back again and again how can they possibly ignore it,even if it's only Sativax for starters.I'd love to pick your brain a bit on the hash making,i've got the screen buckets but i wasn't happy with my last efforts.Got a few cheeze not far off so they'll do for starters,trying to be more healthy these days.You ever made oil because that along with ingesting is really soothing,yeah for sure it gets you smashed but it helps pain like you wouldn't believe,with all the cookies going on your probably well already bang on the money.Anyway i'm off now,they say you shouldn't have cheeze before going to sleep or it can give you nightmares-funny,i have em if i dont have it.Cheers Seamus


Wow, seamus, I have UC and cannot imagine life with out herb. While I have a somewhat mild case, flares are still a bitch!!

Welcome to the site Hash!!


Thanks Lost,i've been mooching over this site for a while now and gotta say it's the biz.It helped me no-end on my first grow,people were brilliant because i got ill,they got ill and they really came back from the brink after a bad start to the year.It wasn't all doom and gloom as some top folk put me right before to long,i felt so rough i couldn't be arsed to sort pics out,none the less the girls had a medical makeover and tasted sweet in the end.Still learning and enjoying every minute of it,loads of cool folk are popping up and making me feel more and more welcome.It's a sketchy time for me at the mo,by that i mean my girls are so close now,if ever there's a time where you dont wanna lose them it's now.All a day or two appart finishing,i WILL send some pics in when done because everything's gonna be just fine,ohh yes indeed.As for the UC Lost what other natural remedies you taking?have you tried any of the herbal rem's out there,one of the few that i've taken that actually "do" something is Holland and Barrett's Aloe Vera colon cleanse,yep sounds lovely doesn't it.Its got lots of other roots,barks and leaves,stems etc,that and the MJ and i'm feeling better.I'm gonna be brutal with some of my crop and have a go at oil's and Ice hash,i've had this condition too long now and really want to go flat out and admin it more like the medicine it is(i'll never give the vape up tho).I've got some buckets as i said earlier,thing is i'm not sure my finest screen's gague is small enough,i got a 160,120 and a 45 micron set.Like i said,i wasn't completly sold on my last efforts.Are they OK or is it just me fuckin up,the fella i got them off reckons they should be fine when i asked is the smallest fine enough.Anyhow,whatever advice you can throw my way is always well received,thanks again for the cool welcome,hope this message finds chilled and well-or well chilled! Cheers Seamus


Actually a clense every 2 months keeps the UC away!, lolol! My docs think im crazy but it works! I've Got Barrets Syndrome, UC , and a few others I would rather not mention. Basically, from my throat down, im all fucked up! Hahahah, could always be worse tho! I look fantastic on the outside and docs always trip when they find out what im dealing with. I've also got a "this shit can't keep me down," attitude but the reality is that it does put me down more than I would like.

Seamus if you need anything, please PM me and I will do my best to help :)


Hey nice one Guy's for the greets,Respect to you Lost for that Fuck em-never give in attitude.I have my days,if it wasn't for the weed i'd be stuffed,its a godsend literally.I've actually got my Father more than interested in trying some oil for his aches and pains,if you knew the fella then you'd realize what a break through for mankind that is.All power to the Herb,i'll smoke to that . . . . . .Right now i think! Big Hi to all on the Farm


Welcome, one of my new favorite quotes "victimless crime is an oxymoron" I love it!
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