O.K USA HERE's your chance.....

  • Thread starter Donk Frog
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Donk Frog

NOW is the TIME to make YOUR VOICE HEARD federally!
Obama’s transition team has established a website, asking for “our ideas” and “help” to “solve the biggest challenges facing our country.” Unfortunately, neither the ‘war on drugs’ nor ‘marijuana’ appears on the “the agenda.”

It’s up to us — the cannabis community — to make it part of the agenda.

Please contact the Office of President Elect Obama and demand that our next President engages in a national dialogue on marijuana policy. Below are three suggested ways Obama can take immediate, practical steps to reform America’s antiquated and punitive pot laws:

1. President Obama must uphold his campaign promise to cease the federal arrest and prosecution of (state) law-abiding medical cannabis patients and dispensaries by appointing leaders at the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the US Department of Justice, and the US Attorney General’s office who will respect the will of the voters in the thirteen states that have legalized the physician-supervised use of medicinal marijuana.

2. President Obama should use the power of the bully pulpit to reframe the drug policy debate from one of criminal policy to one of public health. Obama can stimulate this change by appointing directors to the Office of National Drug Control Policy who possess professional backgrounds in public health, addiction, and treatment rather than in law enforcement.

3. President Obama should follow up on statements he made earlier in his career in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana by adults by calling for the creation of a bi-partisan Presidential Commission to review the budgetary, social, and health costs associated with federal marijuana prohibition, and to make progressive recommendations for future policy changes.

On Election Day, voters in Massachusetts, Michigan, and throughout the country gave President Elect Obama and the incoming Congress a mandate to end the Bush drug war doctrine. Now let’s get down to business to assure that our message is implemented.

Please re post at all cannabis board everywhere......enough is enough:muscle


Been posting everyday since it was up. I read this at icmag too.


Here's a better idea.
Demand an end to the Fed and the irs and enforce the tax laws as they are written.

Why is this important. I would return the power to the people where it belongs and all this government spending would go bye bye. As such we would be a free country again. The whole reason our founding fathers became terrorists and put thier lives and fortunes on the line.


Fuck Politicians Period. They are just guinea pigs to those who fund their campaigns. Obama is nothing more than a good face for foreign policy. Everyone is all over Obama's nuts. I hate it. It is nice that bush is gone, but everyone tries to make him out to be some god send thats going to come down and fix all our problems. You guys think obama can do anything about the economy? HA. Obama voted 95% on the democratic on all the bills while in the Senate. Change? More like business as usual.

Fuck Democrats, Fuck Republics.



donk frog...good thread...the more our voices are heard the better chance we have...great ideas...peace #77:nod:nod:nod:nod:nod:nod:nod


I like how someone not even from the U.S.A. is posting this bs. Dont waste your time. Your voice wont be heard. This is just a ploy for their administration to trick gullable people into thinking things will be different. Obama raised over $600 mil for his campaign. You want your voice really heard? Better consider donating a good percentage of that before anyone would even consider listening. Every candidate has run on the platform of change before. Stop getting boners over obama, jesus.

Ron Paul 2012


Fuck Politicians Period. They are just guinea pigs to those who fund their campaigns. Obama is nothing more than a good face for foreign policy. Everyone is all over Obama's nuts. I hate it. It is nice that bush is gone, but everyone tries to make him out to be some god send thats going to come down and fix all our problems. You guys think obama can do anything about the economy? HA. Obama voted 95% on the democratic on all the bills while in the Senate. Change? More like business as usual.

Fuck Democrats, Fuck Republics.


No disrespect, but it's people like you who sit at home bitching about how the Gov't doesn't care and things will never change.

Heres a chance to at least state your case and if enough people are saying the same thing, then maybe they'll give it a good look. IMO

Donk Frog

I like how someone not even from the U.S.A. is posting this bs. Dont waste your time. Your voice wont be heard. This is just a ploy for their administration to trick gullable people into thinking things will be different. Obama raised over $600 mil for his campaign. You want your voice really heard? Better consider donating a good percentage of that before anyone would even consider listening. Every candidate has run on the platform of change before. Stop getting boners over obama, jesus.

Ron Paul 2012

I may not be from the US but it is because of your country:punch that Canada will not legalize it, too many trade issues and border hold ups would result cost billions a day, I write my gov't and do what I can here...I am just asking Americanas to do the same....you guys grow , smoke and breed the most weed in the world:sun, yet you all fear the gov't...if ever one who smoked picked up a pen and without admitting to smoking it, but saying they are tired of tax dollars being wasted on it.......and that it sould be regulated....it would be legal:rock


Fuck Politicians Period. They are just guinea pigs to those who fund their campaigns. Obama is nothing more than a good face for foreign policy. Everyone is all over Obama's nuts. I hate it. It is nice that bush is gone, but everyone tries to make him out to be some god send thats going to come down and fix all our problems. You guys think obama can do anything about the economy? HA. Obama voted 95% on the democratic on all the bills while in the Senate. Change? More like business as usual.

Fuck Democrats, Fuck Republics.


Even though your right for the most part, the vibe created is what is needed for "change".

"All that is needed for evil to prevail is that good people do nothing". (dont know who)


A couple of examples of how our government works.

The 700 billion bailout was passed even though the calls to the reps were 90% against it. 90%!!!! of the people said no bailout and they did it anyway.

In Ma I wrote to my congressman. We just passed the decrim bill here in mass by a wide margin, minimum 65% to 35%. I wrote to him and asked him to do this on a national level since barney franks already has a bill before congress that will be voted on next year. His reply was no, he didn't think it was prudent at this time. This at a time when clearly 65% of his constituents want it legalized.

So, you can write, kick, scream, yell, protest and do all the rest of it. It will get you nowhere because doing what the people want is not what these politicians are about. But dont worry, this isnt anything new, iits been that way from almost the beginning. Being a politician is all about power and keeping that power. Nothing else. They will get rich through the corps that put them in office. that's why they all have blind trusts worth millions.


Here's a better idea.
Demand an end to the Fed and the irs and enforce the tax laws as they are written.

Did you attend any of the "End The Fed" demonstrations saturday? It wasn't covered on many/any US channels but russia tv covered it. :)




Time for change even if he is chatting shit, it will be better than having a war monger like Bush in control.



If everyone here in the US would ban together and actually do some real protesting about the drug war than it would end quick. Today is the digital age people need to be educating others and people are slowly but surely coming around.


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If you wish to talk about these togo religiousfarmer.com or politicafarmer.com

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