Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act

  • Thread starter FiveAM
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Where's all the Obama lovers now?? Step up to the plate like you were a few months ago!! ~ODB~

Well a few months ago I was lurking but I'm still here. I wouldn't really identify as an Obama lover, though.

I am a lover of democracy. I've gotta say while I respect his right to extremism I'd want Obama to run the country for 10 years before I let SoCal run it for a day. Crazy isn't the solution to stupid either.

Just like lies aren't the solution to lies.


Well a few months ago I was lurking but I'm still here. I wouldn't really identify as an Obama lover, though.

I am a lover of democracy. I've gotta say while I respect his right to extremism I'd want Obama to run the country for 10 years before I let SoCal run it for a day. Crazy isn't the solution to stupid either.

Just like lies aren't the solution to lies.

Ok, so what's your solution or at least where should the line of thought be heading?

Take the soap box and preach on brother, I for one would like to hear what you have to say.


Ok, so what's your solution or at least where should the line of thought be heading?

Take the soap box and preach on brother, I for one would like to hear what you have to say.

You don't want me on a soap box bro, I can promise that. I've seen what happens to people who go on diatribes on this forum and I just got here so I'm going to have to pass on that.

As a quip I can say that I think we'll be moving in the right direction so long as we keep dashing this idea of making the christian bible into law to the ground. I think this is really why Obama won and why I hope democrats will win again in 2016. Once we thoroughly defeat this 'ballot proposal' we might, if we're lucky, be able to ressurect the REAL conservative party in america. The fiscally, not morally, conservative party. I really believe the answer is to be socially liberal and fiscally conservative, and I also believe that's where most of America's hearts lie.

My opinion is that the angle the republican party has chosen to take is the problem. They are focused on keeping gays from marrying and adopting (which is a good thing for our country and the world) and this discredits them when it comes to the more intelligent things they believe on the fiscal side. I have a lot of gay friends and I won't ever vote republican until they not only give up on destroying the gay community but meaningfully embrace it.

In a word I think the problem in our country is bigotry, and it two words I think the problem is christian exceptionalism. Eradicate both of those things, or at least marginalize them, and we can start to talk about adult topics like how to balance the budget.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

The average person just wants to live his life, be left alone, make some cash, take a vacation, and generally just be happy..

Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness..

The government, and corporations on the other hand, just can't have that, they need to get into our lives and dictate what we do and don't do, what we think, and most importantly (for them), where we spend our hard earned cash.

Their goal is money, and our goal is happiness..and when you break it down to this simple form, it's a huge disconnect.

Just my opinion..seems like more and more laws, means more and more work for law makers, even when there isn't a need for it.
The new "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness.." is now... Wait for it...
Tax, Regulation and Unemployment...
Have you done your "Fair Share"and read the ObamaCare bill yet?

Photo: 20,000 Pages of Obamacare Regulations

Late last week, Obamacare regulators added more than 800 pages to an ever-growing document that will govern your healthcare. The bureaucrats' work product now prints out to 20,000 pages -- nearly eight times the length of the infamous original bill:
That tower is already taller than Kobe Bryant (see update), and much of the law hasn't even gone into effect yet. According to the Government Accountability Office, Obamacare is projected to add $6.2 trillion to the nation's long-term deficits, despite presidential assurances that it wouldn't add a "single dime" to our red ink:


Then... "All you have to Do" is complete the 61 pg. Application for "ObamaCare " and your all set...
to "Attempt" to pursue "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness..." ;)




Your boy is a buffoon who will bone you out of your rights AND your money,the republicans just want your money:),LOL.
We all need to face the facts,NONE of these politicians have our best interests at heart no matter the party,just their own wallets and what can fill them,period.


In a word I think the problem in our country is bigotry, and it two words I think the problem is christian exceptionalism. Eradicate both of those things, or at least marginalize them, and we can start to talk about adult topics like how to balance the budget.

You don't really think these things will continue with the next generations that are growing up in our country do you?

You can't expect a skunk to change his strips, but he won't live forever..

Get enough money together and this gay marriage thing will be a legal thing.

It only took $12 million from Monsanto to get the rider into that bill that doesn't stop the sale and spreading of GMO seed and crops, even if they are found to have negative health risks.

Unfortunately that's how this country works and when you bottom line it like that, sorta takes all the romance and passion out of it, doesn't it?


Your boy is a buffoon who will bone you out of your rights AND your money,the republicans just want your money:),LOL.
We all need to face the facts,NONE of these politicians have our best interests at heart no matter the party,just their own wallets and what can fill them,period.

I disagree. To me, equality under the law is a right and republicans have been fighting this for homosexuals for, literally, decades now. Separate but equal is not the American way. They also want to have freedom to preach politics from the pulpit, while staying free from taxes and I believe this tramples on our collective right to be free from the meddling of religion in our policy.

I do agree that none of them really have our interests at heart. That much is clear. What I think is that we can't take leaps and bounds towards a solution when it comes to American politics. We have to take small victories where we can and prioritize those things which are most important to us. Avoiding a christian version of Sharia law in this country is at the top of my list and it's as simple as that. Once that impending crisis is averted, I will turn my thoughts to other things. Until that time I'm with the dems no matter how much it pains me to say it.

This is how policy works, and almost always has worked, in this country. One thing at a time. The only way to change this is to abandon capitalism because it takes a communist or socialist government to move more quickly. This, if nothing else, is the funniest part of calling Obama a socialist. You can't be a socialist in our political system even if you want to be. The changes don't happen fast enough so all the complaints that socialism is upon us are a bunch of BS. It's not possible in this system of government to have true socialism. In capitalism money is power. In socialism money is a tool. It can't be both.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

You don't want me on a soap box bro, I can promise that. I've seen what happens to people who go on diatribes on this forum and I just got here so I'm going to have to pass on that.

As a quip I can say that I think we'll be moving in the right direction so long as we keep dashing this idea of making the christian bible into law to the ground. I think this is really why Obama won and why I hope democrats will win again in 2016. Once we thoroughly defeat this 'ballot proposal' we might, if we're lucky, be able to ressurect the REAL conservative party in america. The fiscally, not morally, conservative party. I really believe the answer is to be socially liberal and fiscally conservative, and I also believe that's where most of America's hearts lie.

My opinion is that the angle the republican party has chosen to take is the problem. They are focused on keeping gays from marrying and adopting (which is a good thing for our country and the world) and this discredits them when it comes to the more intelligent things they believe on the fiscal side. I have a lot of gay friends and I won't ever vote republican until they not only give up on destroying the gay community but meaningfully embrace it.

In a word I think the problem in our country is bigotry, and it two words I think the problem is christian exceptionalism. Eradicate both of those things, or at least marginalize them, and we can start to talk about adult topics like how to balance the budget.
I think you and your friends and all "Obama" supporters combined are far out numbered by the shear numbers of "Christians" world wide and the traditional definition of "marriage" has existed for what??? thousands of years? "Eradicate" or "Marginalize" Christianity ??? Good Luck bro... It's been tried already and you would be in for one hell of A battle...

A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 2.18 billion Christians of all ages around the world, representing nearly a third of the estimated 2010 global population of 6.9 billion. Christians are also geographically widespread – so far-flung, in fact, that no single continent or region can indisputably claim to be the center of global Christianity.


Maybe people should also consider the fact that for one small group that has gained publicity over the last what? 20yrs. to redefine A tradition that has existed for thousands of years they should also consider the president that redefining marriage would set?
Like "Gays have their right, what about mine?" I want "More" wives... It's my right? Cats rights for marriage to dogs? A goat farmer and his goat? A man and his horse? Do "Gays" only get the right and "Case Closed?" What about "Everyone Else" that has A "New" definition of Marriage? If one group can change the definition than surely others will follow... Careful what you wish for. If "Gays" want equal rights but others don't agree with them their bigots? Who is the real "Bigot" in this scenario?
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

It takes A communist or socialist government to move more quickly? LOL:rolleyes:
Where or What is an Example of A more successful "Communist" or "Socialist" government???
Oh, wait, there isn't one because they all fail miserably...
dirk d

dirk d

Where's all the Obama lovers now?? Step up to the plate like you were a few months ago!! ~ODB~
well what's the other option?? romney?? and what ryan?? oh fing shoot me man. regardless I am VERY disappointed with Obama. What happened to labeling gmo's?? problem is this bullshit 2 party system. both sides are fing corrupt and the citizens of this country pay for it. America will quickly lose its super power status. only thing holding up this mirage is that we can print our own money. I'm going to write my senators and congressmen letters this weekend. might not help but what else can we do??

quote of the day "you must be the change you wish to see in the world."


It takes A communist or socialist government to move more quickly? LOL:rolleyes:
Where or What is an Example of A more successful "Communist" or "Socialist" government???
Oh, wait, there isn't one because they all fail miserably...

You made this so easy.


China is set to surpass America in less than 70 years according to almost every economist in the civilized world. That is, of course, if nothing changes in America. The reason is that the Chinese government is able to make economic decisions and changes unilaterally at the drop of a hat and we cannot keep up with them.

This has been the alarm that's been raised by economists for over 20 years now. I'm surprised to see that a political zealot such as yourself hasn't yet hear this. Their manipulation of currency and their trade-war games would not be possible in a world with a lean and efficient US government. You really need to do some reading if you think that all communist and socialist governments fail miserably. If you'll take a look at the world for one second you'll see that currently capitalism is falling on its face. The only exception to this rule is Germany and they're being dragged down by the, capitalist, Eurozone.

Furthermore Germany is only effective because they have no defense budget and no military.

I hate politics, it's not my cup of tea. All I know is that I refuse to be forced into religious beliefs or to watch my countrymen be forced into them.


Actually they have one of the best military's and highest defense budgets in the world. We pay for both.

Yes, but facetiousness aside my point still stands. Capitalism is only working for one country and it's a country who, if push came to shove and we abandoned them, could not defend itself.


Supercan,The way you compose your posts reminds me alot of another young man who used to hang around here,in fact its pretty exact...


FW..my fuckin thoughts exactly...in fact I mentioned this in our CO Old Codger discussion yesterday. It's "signature" for sure.

How many others? LOL wtf,,, :bag:


So we are allowing what has been done to our money to happen to our food future. Awesome!

Next up on the bloc: WATER

Read this earlier, reminds me of the Creature from Jekyl Island about bankers writing Feredal Reserve Act and Social Security Act:

It should come as no surprise to many of you to find out that Monsanto actually authored the wording of its own Monsanto Protection Act hidden in the recently passed and signed Continuing Resolution spending bill. How could a major corporation write its own laws and regulations, you ask?
Quite frankly I think it’s important to understand that the entire Senate passed the bill containing the Protection Act, but the politician who actually gave Monsanto the pen in order to write their very own legislation is no others than Roy Blunt — a Republican Senator from Missouri. As the latest IB Times article reveals, the Missouri politician worked with Monsanto to write the Monsanto Protection Act. This was confirmed by a New York news report I will get to shortly.
As you probably know I do not play the political clown game of left versus right, and instead highlight corruption and wrongdoing wherever it is found — regardless of party affiliation. In the case of Senator Blunt, he admits to colluding with Monsanto, a corporation that has literally been caught running ‘slave-like’ working conditions in which workers are unable to leave or eat (among many worse misdeeds).
This is one of the most blatant offenses against the citizens of the United States I’ve seen in a long time. A population that Blunt swore to serve. It’s not for the United States public at all, and it’s a serious matter that I don’t think is properly understood. The passing of this bill into law means that Monsanto is now immune from federal courts regarding any suspension or action on their crops that have been deemed to be dangerous to the people (or the environment).
This means crops that were approved and later found to damage the environment or the public will be immune from United States government action. Theoretically, one million studies could find that Monsanto’s latest creation was causing a massive cancer wave and under this law Monsanto could continue to peddle the crop to the public. The federal courts would (or will) be helpless to stop Monsanto, effectively giving Monsanto power over the entire branch of the United States government. Food Democracy Now, a major activist organization that organized signatures to fight the Monsanto Protection Act, described the rider:
“The Monsanto Protection Act would force the USDA to allow continued planting of any GMO crop under court review, essentially giving backdoor approval for any new genetically engineered crops that could be potentially harmful to human health or the environment.”
Sounds like a great idea, right?
Serving Corporations, Not People

Senator Roy Blunt and those who knowingly passed the Monsanto Protection Act (including President Obama who signed it into law just last night) have chosen to serve corporations over people. Ironic, really, as corporations legally are people — a legal area commonly used to avoid real jail sentences for major CEOs and executives who knowingly were involved with the deaths of consumers around the world.
It’s sad, really. I read up on Senator Blunt, and he does seem to constantly side with corporations over the public. Even on his Wikipedia page one line reads that Blunt ”consistently sided with Big Oil and other dirty polluters over a cleaner, more sustainable future.”I was even able to find a quote by Blunt defending his decision to allow Monsanto to write its own regulation through the Monsanto Protection Act. He told the NY Daily News in defense of the Monsanto Protection Act and his relationship with the company in writing the rider:
“What it says is if you plant a crop that is legal to plant when you plant it, you get to harvest it.”
I think Blunt is confused over which ‘people’ he is serving. I created this image to call Blunt out on his open decision to side with Monsanto over the public:
You can contact Senator Blunt through his website and let him know what you think about his decision to let Monsanto write its own Protection Act. No longer can we sit idly by while corporate juggernauts like Monsanto triumph over the people through swindling and deceit. Share this article, the image, and publicly denounce all politicians willing to sell their souls to Monsanto.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

You made this so easy.


China is set to surpass America in less than 70 years according to almost every economist in the civilized world. That is, of course, if nothing changes in America. The reason is that the Chinese government is able to make economic decisions and changes unilaterally at the drop of a hat and we cannot keep up with them.

This has been the alarm that's been raised by economists for over 20 years now. I'm surprised to see that a political zealot such as yourself hasn't yet hear this. Their manipulation of currency and their trade-war games would not be possible in a world with a lean and efficient US government. You really need to do some reading if you think that all communist and socialist governments fail miserably. If you'll take a look at the world for one second you'll see that currently capitalism is falling on its face. The only exception to this rule is Germany and they're being dragged down by the, capitalist, Eurozone.

Furthermore Germany is only effective because they have no defense budget and no military.

I hate politics, it's not my cup of tea. All I know is that I refuse to be forced into religious beliefs or to watch my countrymen be forced into them.
Here is the price of surpassing America in 70 yrs. I do read and am well aware of "China" and it's 35 years of infant genocide (Hey at least they don't have to sweat $10per month birth control Right?) and Zero respect for the environment... Burn baby burn. Their industrial revolution occurred like what... 75 years later than us and now we are so over regulated Obama whines about natural gas or A pipeline from Canada to reduce our dependency on middle east oil? China is just clapping their hands about that... Yeah bro, great example!

715234 china air pollution

Practicing Ti Chi in China...


Out for A Jog...


Beautiful "Smog" Sunrise or Sunset?... Love the smell of carbon monoxide in the morning...


Sat photo more to your liking perhaps? That isn't cloud cover by the way...

Could I perhaps interest you in A Sars Epidemic or maybe A touch of Avian / Bird Flu suits you better... Can you say "Global Pandemic" H5N1 Good times bro, Good times.



Supercan,The way you compose your posts reminds me alot of another young man who used to hang around here,in fact its pretty exact...
I appreciate the vote of confidence but I passed 'young' about 10 years ago! I do know who you're referring to and I've got to say I was sad to see him go but I'm happy for the comparison. He was one of my favorite guys to read from probably because we are similar in a lot of ways but I won't make the same mistakes he did by feeding in to the political side of things on the forum too much or by getting into an argument with you folks I can see you circling the wagons already, are you guys really that hungry for blood. From one Obama supporter to the next I see....I'm here just to contribute because I've been learning a lot here for awhile now and it's only fair I help out right? Life's too short to waste time arguing though so I'll leave because I said what I wanted to say already! One thing I can say that is is different between me and him though is that I'm nowhere near as smart as he is even though we do have similar interests. I worked in biology field until retiring three years ago due to disability so we are both scientists but I only ever did a bachelors and the lab I worked in wasn't research we just processed samples. Another difference is I know when to stop you won't see a novel from me I don't have time for that.
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