ph ok,getting nutes. ok leafs still wilting

  • Thread starter buzz killer
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buzz killer

Hi THC Farmers. I am here today because i was having a problem with my ph. I started lemon juice to lower it due to high readings of 7+. My question is my leaves are wilting and turning yellow and buds are filling out properly. This is roughly about 1 month into flowering. Im using sweet , sucanat and botanicare pure blend pro soil. i got my ph down to 6.5 - 6.8 and have noticed better results. And i try to flush perodicaly and nutes are just on the low end of the scale. I can take some pics if you guys need to see. im using 2 400 watt HIDs and cfls and leds. thanks hope to get this problem solved and under the way.


Premium Member
What is the sweet, sucanat? Never heard of that. It's tough if your soil mix is at a high ph cause it will buffer whatever you put in it.

How do your roots look? Wilting yellow leaves can be a sign of overwatering which leads to root rot. It could also be a ph issue. Possibly even a lack of food for them.

We need to see pics. Take some of the plants, without the HID light on, and also take some pics of the roots. I'll let you know what's up with your plants.
Dr. Detroit

Dr. Detroit

6.0 is a better pH for soil, 5.5 for soilless. Youŕe too high for either.
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