ph stability in organic nute?.....

  • Thread starter danko
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im just curious if you guys have the same problem i do keeping ph stable. i grow in soil, organically, using RO water. I still use cal mg tho, i dont care if its not organic, you cant beat it.

anyway... i mix my nutes like a day early. and right out the gate i get a ph of 3.8 to 4.2. ill raise it to 6.5 and by the next day im looking at 4.8 or 5.0. so ill raise it again, and again it will fall big time after a night or so.

my 1st question would be... if i use my nute solution when its ph is 6.5 and water my plants with it. then the next day i check the left over nute solution and the ph had dropped dramatically, are my plants now sitting in super acidic solution?

2nd q... how do you guys resolve this? also do you guys just stick the probe of your digital ph pen in the soil to get your soil ph?

thanks. i guess i had 3 questions. lol



I also grow in organics, I use cold water straight from the tap my problem is that PH keeps rising but I only allow the water to sit out to allow the chlorine to evaporate over 24 hrs by then the temp of the water is suitable for the plant as root dont like freezing cold feet
I simply mix my solution PH it down to 6.5 & water right away. Although the PH in soil rises by the 6th day its already dry so it time for another watering @ PH 6.5

If your PH meter is for soil the yes the probes should sit in the soil when wet to take readings.


what is your ph before you adjust it? if it is low when you start and then it rises after you adjust it, have you tried not adjusting the ph to see where the solution stops rising on its own after a day or so???


If you have a good soil mix with enough dolemite lime added most likely not as your soil will have a natural buffer. Add more lime if you need to it is crucial. PH is always going to drift when altered with despite what some people say. Just make sure you always add your nutes let it sit, and then adjust the ph to the perfect range right before watering and youll be good.


to get a true pH reading of your plants
soil you should be reading the runoff.

I don't use RO water. I add ferts and
then water.
I have never had an issue with pH


to get a true pH reading of your plants
soil you should be reading the runoff.

I don't use RO water. I add ferts and
then water.
I have never had an issue with pH

yeah bro i dont really get it. when i did hydro with chem nutes i never really had a problem. if anything it would get high. with these organic nutes tho after i mix it in the ph is in the low 4s. and its taking me tablespoons of AN ph up to get it right. whatever tho. as long as it gets sweet eventually. i just wanted to see if anyone else was/ or has had similar problems...
Mud Man

Mud Man

I go in @ 6.0 from bean to flush.. If you have good mud, stock water and good ferts, ph should not be a problem.. a lot of Org gardeners from what i can find don't even own a pen or probe! This perplexes me, organic journey, great fun mainge! What is your soil mix bro? is it high fert? wishing youz well dude! i am noobing with the org, but having pretty ok results, but have had food mix drop to 3.8 when i used pure 7.0 distilled h20. The same amount of food in straight Mississippi tap drops it from 8 to 6.8?? This dilemma you gotz sounds similar! peece:sad0071:

When i mix up me ferts after 3rd week of switch tap is 8.0, let it sit, then ferts bring it down to 6.8, i then use tiny citric to 6.0..
Not sure why your mix drops it down so far so you gotz to go bak up,???,maybe because of the R/o low TDS.PPM particle shizzle so it plummits when you add fertz?? is this true anyone??, interested to know man,,:character0050:


im guessing the ro has something to do with it.

i use fox farm ocean forest with sunshine mix #4 and perlite. thats it. then i use a mix of roots organics and general organics. in flower i will use fox farm bloom additives. this is my first time using these nutes. it was recomended by the grower at the cannabis college i went to. he said he got a 1/4 lb per plant under 600s. running 9 plants per light and super cropping, with a 1 or 2 month veg. he used co2 as well to achieve those numbers. and also augments his soil with guano, which i did not do cause i didnt realize how much you have to use to augment so much soil (36 plants in 5 gal bags). his numbers add up to 1.68 grams per watt. pretty dam good. if i get half a gram per watt ill be okay. of course id like to achieve 1 gpw but these are new strains to me in a new set up and new location. its like the first time again lol. i think im a little more knowlegable then i was when i started tho. my plants have never looked healthier or larger. used to do sog so completly differnt everything for me.

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