Potty-Mouthed Princesses

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To everyone who's saying it's almost a crime to get kids to swear like that, why do you think swearing is such a big deal? The inequality between the gneders is a far bigger issue and leads to a multitude of others. Does empowering women really scare you that much?


Hmm...@Seamaiden can swear right there with the best of them and she managed to marry a pretty "buffed out" Computer Science major...just sayin.

I fucking love the video for the record. :)

What a load!

I grew up hearing my mother, a professional who has over 50yrs in her profession (and just accepted a lifetime achievement award from her association) swear in two languages, it's how I was brought up. I curse, my sisters, oh my God you should hear my sisters sometimes!

Not a single one of us married a trucker. One married a firefighter, whom I suppose could be considered a type of trucker, since he's the captain and engineer. Another married an auditor who's now working for the state. And this one? She married a professional. And their mother? Married a doctor.

I'm astonished to see how many pot growers still live in this myopic little world where the words one uses are what defines a person, as though 'bad' words make you a 'bad' person. Never mind the rest of the message those little swearing girls were delivering, eh? Never mind that! Never mind that we, as a group, absolutely RAIL on the 'grammar nazis (because not having a vocabulary is A-OK! and so what if someone doesn't know how to speak their native language, right?), but we absolutely can NOT have little girls saying bad words, oh my God, what has the world come to?

It's shocking that that video might even be compared.

To everyone who's saying it's almost a crime to get kids to swear like that, why do you think swearing is such a big deal? The inequality between the gneders is a far bigger issue and leads to a multitude of others. Does empowering women really scare you that much?

just imagine how empowered those little girls will feel the first time they tell some 12 year old boy to fuck off and he turns around with,shut your cockholster you lil slut before i shut it with my dick:confused:
now i would never talk to ladies like that but i knew some guys that def would if given the chance.sounds like your setting those young ladies up for failure with that kind of vocabulary imo not any kind of empowerment or advantage over men lol.
as i said i raised 3 girls and im also blessed with 4 grand daughters and a grandson.they will learn it soon enough from other kids in school,we probably dont need to force it on them that fuckin young.i would guess some of those young ladies will end up in the strip club if ma and pa keep em on that track.im done here,i dont like the vid and i swear alot :D


just imagine how empowered those little girls will feel the first time they tell some 12 year old boy to fuck off and he turns around with,shut your cockholster you lil slut before i shut it with my dick:confused:
now i would never talk to ladies like that but i knew some guys that def would if given the chance.sounds like your setting those young ladies up for failure with that kind of vocabulary imo not any kind of empowerment or advantage over men lol.
as i said i raised 3 girls and im also blessed with 4 grand daughters and a grandson.they will learn it soon enough from other kids in school,we probably dont need to force it on them that fuckin young.i would guess some of those young ladies will end up in the strip club if ma and pa keep em on that track.im done here,i dont like the vid and i swear alot :D

So you're saying girls shouldn't learn to swear because boys will be more vile when rejected? Great logic!


Living dead girl
just imagine how empowered those little girls will feel the first time they tell some 12 year old boy to fuck off and he turns around with,shut your cockholster you lil slut before i shut it with my dick:confused:
now i would never talk to ladies like that but i knew some guys that def would if given the chance.sounds like your setting those young ladies up for failure with that kind of vocabulary imo not any kind of empowerment or advantage over men lol.
as i said i raised 3 girls and im also blessed with 4 grand daughters and a grandson.they will learn it soon enough from other kids in school,we probably dont need to force it on them that fuckin young.i would guess some of those young ladies will end up in the strip club if ma and pa keep em on that track.im done here,i dont like the vid and i swear alot :D
Guess what--boys who are like that will speak to girls in that manner whether or not she's used that kind of language on them. Those are the "ain't raised right" boys, and that's another problem, a problem for which the girls shouldn't have to pay.

Learning it on the schoolyard is exactly what we have avoided by teaching her myself, which was the goal. Forcing it on them? Hardly. Same with the sex and drugs and rock and roll educations (she's got her own taste in music, I've only been able to teach an appreciation of classical, but the rest of what she prefers is the bump & thump I don't know what to call it). A kid has questions, I tell the truth. They wanna know what 'fuck' means, I'm going to tell them. They want to know what those dangly things are under the 'weenie' and I tell them. Speaking of which, that shit drives me up the wall. It's a penis, testicles, vagina, labia. Do we rename all the other parts of our bodies to make them sound different than what they are? Of course not!

It's sad to think that someone would assume that a girl would end up working a strip club simply because she swore when her parents told her it was ok. It's also sad to think that girls are measured by whom they marry, and not, instead, on their own merits. That's really the tell of how far we've advanced, in this less than 100 years since women got the vote period of time. Oh my my. Naw, fuck that shit!

We can talk a lot about all the kids we've raised, but that's not the point here, is it? I raised my own two boys and other unrelated children that we've taken into our own home, I'm not sure what it means in the grand scheme of things other than I've been there & done that.

The video wasn't about giving girls an advantage over men, simply giving them the same advantages AS men. I would think that any parent of daughters would be far more concerned with how they fare in society and how well society treats them rather than whether or not they swear with their parents' permission.


I get it SM,I really do.I've always been very open and honest with my own children because I wanted them to learn the ins and outs of the world so that they didn't have to learn it the hard way or be shocked at the reality of what the world really is or can be.The only reason I didn't care for the video was because of the language whether it be boy or girl because I wasn't raised that way.Is it right or wrong?I don't know.For me personally it is and that's just because of my upbringing I guess.I showed the video to both of my adult children and they were needless to say"Shocked."
They both agreed on the issues because they experience them at times.
I've always thought I did the best I could to raise my kids to the best of my ability.They have never been sheltered or diminutive and always have had plenty to say if they were tread upon,but even with all the tools I tried to give them the world can still flip you on your head.Like I said,it's just the language that bothers me because it's been ingrained into my being.
On a side note.The other day I was taking a walk and heard the words,"You can suck my dick motherfucker."This came out of a six year olds mouth.I still haven't been able to pick my jaw up off of the floor.


Living dead girl
And you can bet that kid learned it from another, older kid.

I was 10yo when I finally learned what a dick was, as the oldest daughter I was the 'groundbreaker.' I had always called it a penis! Needless to say, I was picked on mercilessly when I was a kid. I didn't curse, and I wasn't allowed to hit back. Childhood was a miserable experience for me, no matter how bad things get as an adult, I'm always gladder to be an adult and never wish to go back. Kids can be awfully cruel.


Kids can be awfully cruel.
This is so true.As boys we were always told to stand up for ourselves and don't take that crap but at the same time admonished for fighting.It sucks to be bullied,it really does.
I had never experienced it until the 5th grade and ended it in the 6th when I punched my bully square in the chops.I got in trouble but I was never been bullied again after that.
It was a different place back then for me anyways as most parents talked and agreed on the same principles in upbringing though there was always that one little turd that picked on everyone.
Herb Forester

Herb Forester

I'm curious if anyone took time to listen to Karen Straughn? If so, what do you think?

Especially interested to hear from those who consider themselves feminists. I used think I was one myself, until realizing what a load of horseshit the term (and movement) typically represents.


What a load of horseshit.

LOL^^^ I sent the video over to one of my bros. @ University of California, Berkeley and asked him to run some captured images through age progression software that they are working on for "Missing Persons" and I kid you not, this "Is" the three girls in that video in 15-20 years... :eek:

6320 1134379274451 1076370195 30404785 8363955 n copy
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LOL^^^ I sent the video over to one of my bros. @ University of California, Berkeley and asked him to run some captured images through age progression software that they are working on for "Missing Persons" and I kid you not, this "Is" the three girls in that video in 15-20 years... :eek:

View attachment 454003
And as a software engineer that knows a thing or two about developing algorithms I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit claim. That is not the result of an age progression algorithm. You might get away with that shit up against some newbs...

Tell me...How did the cigarettes get into the algorithm? No surprise that sixstring "likes" your bullshit claim. It takes someone with more than two synapses to rub together to see through your weak ruse.


And as a software engineer that knows a thing or two about developing algorithms I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit claim. That is not the result of an age progression algorithm. You might get away with that shit up against some newbs...

Tell me...How did the cigarettes get into the algorithm? No surprise that sixstring "likes" your bullshit claim. It takes someone with more than two synapses to rub together to see through your weak ruse.

You take things way to serious bro but No Worries...
What you think is "Funny" & what I think is "Funny" is two different things...
I just don't see the humor in Trashy Little Pre Tennie Boppers making Fools of Their selves... :confused: but others might. To each their own

F.Y.I. Cigs were Photoshopped Salem Menthol Lights... LOL

One of "Joe Dirt's" Faves... :D

Just let those little girls ramble that line of Shit to some employer in the best Grammar they are able to muster in their future and you tell me how far they'll go in life...
I'll bet not very :cool: but then again, Who Knows... Might have A Little Gloria Allred bottom feeder hack among them...
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