Question of watering/pre-watering Solocups for seedlings

  • Thread starter klh528
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I am reading that if I am trying to sprout a seedling from a solo cup I should have the soil moist. I'm wondering if it would be best to soak the soil 12/24 hours prior insuring some run-off. Or should I just make sure the soil is slightly wet and put the seed in immediately?


I am reading that if I am trying to sprout a seedling from a solo cup I should have the soil moist. I'm wondering if it would be best to soak the soil 12/24 hours prior insuring some run-off. Or should I just make sure the soil is slightly wet and put the seed in immediately?
I soak my seeds for 16 hours and wet my soil at time of planting and plant my seed :)


I soak my seeds for 16 hours and wet my soil at time of planting and plant my seed :)
so I should be looking for about 5/10 drops of run off? I'm just trying to make sure my soil is the correct amount of moisture to get started.


The easiest way that I have found to start seeds is in a 1 or 2" peat pot filled with coco coir. I place the peat pot in a plastic tray with about a 1/4" of water. Check it daily and make sure the tray has a bit of water and keep the whole thing warm, at least above 60F.
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These are in a plastic tray that a baked chicken came in. I put the top on at night to help keep warmth and moisture in.
20240422 105806

These are cucumber seedlings and you can see I use egg cartons and coco coir as well. This tray was from raw chicken. I have several of these so I can use one for a cover if needed.

Good luck😉

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