Recreational In Michigan.

  • Thread starter MarkAlan420
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With the new legislation here in Michigan, making cannabis recreationally legal, I was wondering what people thought of beginning a "co-op"?
I know it takes a bit of money for liscencing apps, (like a minimum 6000 usd.) And that's for the small 100 plant option.
Are there any growers in Michigan that were thinking about this? Just an inquiry.


Personally...I think going recreation was a bad decision...local growers loose money...cops now look for weed smoking drivers...far as I'm concerned only reason state went legal was to take the profits from the locals and take it for them self's... everyone will try to grow there own so that will drive price down..only money that will be made from weed will be from the state approved facilities for the tourist..


But those facilities will have to get their product somewhere. Why not look into a joint( haha) business venture, and try. Just a thought.


The licesne fees are exorbitantly high! A winery license is only $100/year and I believe another 100.00 if you want to have an on site tasting room (always good idea) So, why such disparity between liquor manufacture and marijuana? Sounds like a case for law suit for discrimination.


The licesne fees are exorbitantly high! A winery license is only $100/year and I believe another 100.00 if you want to have an on site tasting room (always good idea) So, why such disparity between liquor manufacture and marijuana? Sounds like a case for law suit for discrimination.
It’s a total scam so the government can get into pockets more in every aspect. They criminalize it more by adding more laws, not less. They only allow wealthy to profit from it commercially. Mom and pop shops are non existent unless they’re wealthy mom and pops. The commercial product is pumped up with synthetic nutrients, and sprayed with pesticides and chemicals. People start getting sick from the shitty “medicine”. Which is already happening. Cannabis gets a bad rap through the media medically now because these people use their subjects that buy their products as Ginny pigs. Scams like hemp cbd are media glamorized as propaganda and pushed to ignorant people gaining placebos. Roads are not fixed, toll roads are added. Schools aren’t fixed, they rely on test scores for funding. People pay for cannabis with cash or other types of money and it’s not federally legal. What happens when the feds decide they want your states money and they start shutting businesses down that can’t afford to keep paying them ungodly amounts? We all know why America is protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan and it’s obvious equation to this counties opioid epidemic. The cia’s involvement in smuggling is fairly apparent. How about the governments neglect for years to recognize cannabis as having medical properties federally? The government is acting like parents would to their children. Hey government, we’re not your kids, were f’ing grown adults. I hope everyone just starts home growing and giving it to their friends. I wish I could make a cannabis plant breed with dandelion so it could be windborn. Legalization should have never even been a discussion. It should have never been illegal in the first place.


But those facilities will have to get their product somewhere. Why not look into a joint( haha) business venture, and try. Just a thought.
With Illinois going Legal for Recreational use. I’m definitely interested. Looking to network... and get educated more in this cultivation thing and go to the next level.

Death Star

It’s a total scam so the government can get into pockets more in every aspect. They criminalize it more by adding more laws, not less. They only allow wealthy to profit from it commercially. Mom and pop shops are non existent unless they’re wealthy mom and pops. The commercial product is pumped up with synthetic nutrients, and sprayed with pesticides and chemicals. People start getting sick from the shitty “medicine”. Which is already happening. Cannabis gets a bad rap through the media medically now because these people use their subjects that buy their products as Ginny pigs. Scams like hemp cbd are media glamorized as propaganda and pushed to ignorant people gaining placebos. Roads are not fixed, toll roads are added. Schools aren’t fixed, they rely on test scores for funding. People pay for cannabis with cash or other types of money and it’s not federally legal. What happens when the feds decide they want your states money and they start shutting businesses down that can’t afford to keep paying them ungodly amounts? We all know why America is protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan and it’s obvious equation to this counties opioid epidemic. The cia’s involvement in smuggling is fairly apparent. How about the governments neglect for years to recognize cannabis as having medical properties federally? The government is acting like parents would to their children. Hey government, we’re not your kids, were f’ing grown adults. I hope everyone just starts home growing and giving it to their friends. I wish I could make a cannabis plant breed with dandelion so it could be windborn. Legalization should have never even been a discussion. It should have never been illegal in the first place.
Agreed 100%
Now the whole industry is going to be regulated! We know who’s going to benefit from it. Definitely not us!
I grow my own Meds, legally and give others in need a helping hand. Not into selling and never will be.


Would make more sense to lower the license fees, get people growing, even small plots, and create opportunity for lower working class MI citizens, rather than just the large corporations. Small fees for growing will entice more people to get in the program and provide for a varied amount and selection throughout the state.


BTW I just created a Facebook Group called Michigan Cannabis Growers if anyone is interested. Closed group where no one outside the group sees who is actually in the group.


Sounds like a pipe dream. Here’s what’s going to happen. The wealthy will make more money. And they will be the only ones to start or participate in any business. They will put limits and regulations on the rest creating their own monopoly for laws and currency. Complete domination and regulation over a plant. My feeling is treat it as any other plant out there on this planet. It’s no ones right to say what I can put in my own body as an adult. That should go for every drug out there. As far as natural holistic plants go that have psychoactive properties. The only reason regulation is in place in the first place is because of money! I’m telling you they are pocketing most the cash and not helping the State. It’s a big scam. Toll roads, poor infrastructure still in ruins and only bandaids are added. Rich areas get new school infrastructure.
Read the fine print! Teachers get no funding for supplies or students.

Death Star

I hear ya Wolfe, everything you said is true! The system is broken! The fat cats are controlling everything just to add more $$ to their foreign bank accounts at our expense!
Sad to say, but it’s going to take a revolution in order to get our country back!


I grew up in the 60s smoked pot on and off since then.
I'm happy to be growing it for myself.
That's my 3 cents.


Yes! Big money is already trying to invade our little u.p. town, yet great farmers that live in the area can't get into the business. Too much money. What a waste. We will just keep growing our craft smoke that blows dispo weed away!


I look at it like this fellow farmers. We just keep putting our soul into our work, and keep focused on growing great smoke, and the cream will rise! Commercial will be just that.


i bee
With the new legislation here in Michigan, making cannabis recreationally legal, I was wondering what people thought of beginning a "co-op"?
I know it takes a bit of money for liscencing apps, (like a minimum 6000 usd.) And that's for the small 100 plant option.
Are there any growers in Michigan that were thinking about this? Just an inquiry.
I beeN thinking about it myself


i bee

I beeN thinking about it myself
i don't know how to copy paste but go to YouTube and search
The science of regenerative cannabis cultivation conference in Michigan .2019 Kevin jodrey. A

This is part one. Part two has Kelly and Josh in it with him. It's toward the second half, ( 1.56 min.) He talks of an Appalachian. It's a group of farmers that work together using regenerative methods to make great top of the line product. the wine industry has them. And bourbon. The important part, is it has to be organic regenerative soil. This is the only way to make great tasting top of the line herb. And would need specific rules to abide by as farmers. Like a neighborhood HOA. Only way to maintain consistency. And these appalachian groups always demand top dollar. But it has to be an area of land all farmers belong to. Not sure we could do it from different gardens/farms across Michigan. But co-op is definitely a way to get more work done, by sharing genetics, and making crosses. It can be a way to pool money also to get the ball rolling. I'm down for a co-op. I think the attitude has changed for the wrong way in this industry. Too much hoarding, and being selfish. If you remember long ago, weed was always a community event. It's always a circle of ppl, sharing. I think sharing makes success faster than this new selfish way I see these days. P.s. Kevin jodrey is brilliant! So worth listening to!


i don't know how to copy paste but go to YouTube and search
The science of regenerative cannabis cultivation conference in Michigan .2019 Kevin jodrey. A

This is part one. Part two has Kelly and Josh in it with him. It's toward the second half, ( 1.56 min.) He talks of an Appalachian. It's a group of farmers that work together using regenerative methods to make great top of the line product. the wine industry has them. And bourbon. The important part, is it has to be organic regenerative soil. This is the only way to make great tasting top of the line herb. And would need specific rules to abide by as farmers. Like a neighborhood HOA. Only way to maintain consistency. And these appalachian groups always demand top dollar. But it has to be an area of land all farmers belong to. Not sure we could do it from different gardens/farms across Michigan. But co-op is definitely a way to get more work done, by sharing genetics, and making crosses. It can be a way to pool money also to get the ball rolling. I'm down for a co-op. I think the attitude has changed for the wrong way in this industry. Too much hoarding, and being selfish. If you remember long ago, weed was always a community event. It's always a circle of ppl, sharing. I think sharing makes success faster than this new selfish way I see these days. P.s. Kevin jodrey is brilliant! So worth listening to!
I would like to have a harvest festival at the end of the season. Every grower has to bring at least an once to share. Am looking for a heated barn, or large building to use. Cold up here in November. can Chef up some munchies for everybody. Get some reggae music going, and trade and talk and meet each other, and make connections, and have the ability to smoke everybody's best herb of the year!!
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