Round 2, Kwd Fem

  • Thread starter Foxlink
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Okay, the last try ended up (most likely all 3 that were alive) all male. This time, I'm starting with one seed, KWD from Orca. The same care and diligence that I tried even Discovery being male, but better idea as to what I need to do. I do have an odd question though, what does it mean to 'crack' them?

Any how, the 6500K, the PowerVeg 420 & 2 PowerVeg full spectrum are on the ballast, moved it back down to ~12" away from the soil (the 6500K tends to burn plants or overheat soil) and all ready for the next shot =^_^=

I'll post pics when she finally pops up, and keep growing farmers!

Peace, love, & light


Okay, the last try ended up (most likely all 3 that were alive) all male. This time, I'm starting with one seed, KWD from Orca. The same care and diligence that I tried even Discovery being male, but better idea as to what I need to do. I do have an odd question though, what does it mean to 'crack' them?

Any how, the 6500K, the PowerVeg 420 & 2 PowerVeg full spectrum are on the ballast, moved it back down to ~12" away from the soil (the 6500K tends to burn plants or overheat soil) and all ready for the next shot =^_^=

I'll post pics when she finally pops up, and keep growing farmers!

Peace, love, & light
Good to see you forging ahead! "Cracking" is just slang for popping or germinating a seed


All your beans are belong to us.

I see what you did there :shockedninja:

LOL yeah, I never really got into Weezer, I'm more into Pink Floyd, ELP, and other stuff from the 'hippy' era, my dad started on that and classical music like Beethoven, Bach, & Mozart from my mom. I do like some newer music, but they don't have as much heart in them as they used to.

I'm gonna post a couple pics; my bonsai, jade, sage, spice tray, and one who has been my baby since she was just a leaf. She is known as "Night Blooming Cereus" aka Queen of the Night, she's a cactus and only blooms at night. (yes, really) She has had some rough times, because she needs to be pot bound, and even though she's almost maturity, she's only 15 years old. Strong lil plant, and I hope to see her bloom sometime soon. Her name I gave her is Mystique, and boy does she stands out as mystery. :)


Here's the pics so far:

This is the bonsai, with more leaves I've ever seen-
Photo on 1 21 17 at 830 PM

Here's the jade-
Photo on 1 21 17 at 830 PM 2

Photo on 1 21 17 at 830 PM 3

Here's the pot that KWD will finally pop up, but the cilantro wanted to come up first LOL-
Photo on 1 21 17 at 832 PM
Photo on 1 21 17 at 832 PM 2

Photo on 1 21 17 at 831 PM

The spice tray, now more for basil lol-
Photo on 1 21 17 at 833 PM

And Mystique-

Photo on 1 21 17 at 833 PM 3
Photo on 1 21 17 at 834 PM

Sorry for the swarm of pics, but I'd try to show you all what's growing atm. :)
Peace, love & light


Hey Fox, Looking at the picture of the soil that you planted in is looking a little dry on top and could use a misting in my opinion. I plant directly in soil. But I put a zip bag over the pot for a humidity dome in till the sprout is up to help keep it nice and moist.
Love all of your herbs!:)


Goooood Morning all Farmers!! =^_^=

Orca, I have taken your advice, watered the soil with a mister and it was only a little dry on the topsoil. I didn't need the bag to add humidity, the BCuzz block was soaked before I added the seed, and it can hold an enormous of water. (plus I soak the soil before I plant) :)

On a new note (sorta), the cilantro was the first to pop up, only one so far, but it tends to be picky as all hell. This morning, after I took the blanket off and was ready to turn on the lights, we have liftoff. :cool:
Here's the first few pics from this morning-
Photo on 1 23 17 at 841 AM
Photo on 1 23 17 at 841 AM 2

And here's the cilantro wanted up :)
Photo on 1 23 17 at 842 AM

Peace, love & light


Very nice and congrats Fox, Thanks for filling me in better on how you planted the seed.:)
I don't mind sharing how I grow :) I just hope it's ok to keep posting… It was almost barren in here yesterday, it felt 'empty' or 'hollow'… it might have just had been busy for everyone else out and it was just me. :opps::p;)
(I'll post new pics of the seedling as she grows up :) )


Good evening all farmers :) Sorry it's been a little time, but I have had a few bad bouts of seizures a few a couple days in a row… I'm ok, my wife is doing well, and Charm is always at my side to 'make sure Daddy is okay'. SO… Its been a long few days, but the baby is doing exceptionally good, the cilantro that was only one has now become 11 little cilantro baby plants in a ring around the baby!! :)

My wife calls it a 'faerie ring', and even though cilantro isn't mushroom, it grows like a mycelium does. The baby is now in her 5th day out and she loves the lighting! =^_^=Here's a couple from right before I turn the daylight off for bed:
Photo on 1 26 17 at 1147 PM
Photo on 1 26 17 at 1151 PM 2
Photo on 1 26 17 at 1153 PM
here's the cilantro and the baby :)
Photo on 1 26 17 at 1154 PM

Photo on 1 26 17 at 1155 PM

Sorry about the camera, kinda hard to angle it where I can get a good shot when it's still little. But, she's doing great! :cool::love1:
Peace, love & light all,

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