Severe Root Rot

  • Thread starter TALLDOG
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I saw "Dusty's" post about doing a search first.... I did... and I didn't see anything ... Most things I search for... are difficult to find...(not dissing the sight... I really get a lot from it... the search function may be an issue with my search words?)
but I digress.

Root Rot
This is my second run, and both were plagued by root rot... in both cases... severe root rot.
Please list some of the major causes of root rot.

-Once I see root rot... is there anything I can do to arrest it/reverse it?

-Will chasing PH cause root rot?
I adjust PH from 7.2 all the way down to 5.6. Within a few mins. (Will this damage the roots?)
-Water temp ? I'm not really tracking that variable, but the times I checked it... it was 64*F... Not higher than 72*F at any time.

-Is this a natural occurrence when it gets to a certain age?..
With this said... these were beginning to brown... almost immediately.

-Thought I was protecting them by using a new product, called root exclurator. It seemed to have a lot more "foam" this time.

- I did change my air rocks this time... not sure they were putting out enough air... I know this could be a major issue... but they always put out air. (6 gal reservoir with 3 x 10" air rocks)
Can you have too much air/bubbles?
New air rocks are mounted in plastic... and do not release air from all sides....

Have some very nice donkey di&ks ...and will try to flush and use... but will start another run very soon... and I want to avoid this ... the next time around.


...have you ever considered another form of hydroponics? ...coco hempy buckets are a passive form of hydroponics that would put root rot problems in your past.

...i haven't done any active hydro in some years so take this with a grain of salt but you might try some H2O2 in your res although i'm not sure what ratio you'd want to use, ...i know that there are many who use H2O2 in there res as a matter of course to keep a sterile, dead res, if NO microbes can live in your res then root rot microbes can't live there either.

good luck, hopefully some of the active hydro guys will chime in with more helpful advice.

peace, bozo


I've considered it (H2O2)... I've seen the ratios on other posts... one of the nutes/bennies I add says not to use H2 O2... but I can always leave that one out... It's suppose to promote root health... but we can see how well that's been working... I am open to any suggestions. I may go completely away from all the peripheral additives .... as they may do more harm than help?
Just use the Grow and Bloom A&B solutions. ... keep the water sterile... this may help with my big PH swings as well?
My kit (BC Northern Lights (Producer)) is strictly set up for hydro... although I'm sure I could run soil? I only have approx 45" vertical grow area, so I have some major limits... soil is a longer process... and I'm an "Instant Gratification" kinda guy. Is there anything out there you can harvest in two weeks... ? :)


Roots xl is going to give you zero protection against rot. Also gotta watch water temps


I am no hydro guy either, but from my understanding... Root rot is caused by pathogens in the water. Higher water temps cause those pathogens to bloom and grow (like a chicken thigh on your counter vs in your fridge. Not tended to properly things will rot in your fridge too, just not as fast as on counter) There are ways other then temps to introduce bad pathogens into your system, things like missing a spot when you clean between runs...

The H2O2 acts as a sterilizer and cleans out the gunk. Products like Hygrozyme and Cannazyme introduce enzymes to eat the gunk. The bennies you mentioned that say dont use with H2O2 get killed by it, just like the pathogens.

May my info not be incorrect, and be enough to keep you reading till a real hydroguy shows up.


Ditch the roots excelurator in hydro first off. h2o2 and roots excel don't mix.
Top feed it isn't so bad but can't use it with your air stones anyway.
What other nutes are you using and what type of hydro system are you using. Pretty vague there.
Only time I've had rot was water temp too high and or using roots execl or amino treatment in a hydro rez.
Both of these products will stain your roots anyway.
No 14 day to harvest.
H&G revamp their feeding schedules also. .25-.5 ml of roots per gal.


yeah man, i started out in a small cab so i know about vertical limits, lol.



...that's a 400CMH inside that SuperSun II and here are a couple of coco hempy plants i grew under it, ...hempy growing is brain-dead easy btw.

105 0008

105 0009

105 0001

DSCI0043's also worth noting that these were all grown in 2liter and 3liter coco hempy's so not a whole lot of room for root mass.

anyway, if you could post up a few pics of your setup i'm sure you'd get more attention.

peace, bozo


Here is my set up:

See photos as well
BC Northern Lights Producer.

I am using (as prescribed to the ml) the nutes that came with the unit. All AN stuff.
AN Grow A&B
AN Bloom A&B
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Voodoo Juice
Root XL

I flush the water at least once a week, and I change my water once a week.
Sometimes I will drain off 2 to 3 gals of water and add fresh with grow or bloom nutes only.
My water temp stays under 70... although I have seen it at 72 once or twice... mostly in the 65*F range.
I chase PH ... it will raise up to 7.2 in 24 hours... hell it goes from 5.8 to 6.2 in just a 40 mins.
I use RO water... although I have started mixing 20% tap water (145 ppm and 8.2 ph) to see if it will help me stabilize the water. No luck so far.
My roots look like bad, but the buds look good... all has stalled.
Photos below:
Producer Photo 05
Producer Photo 01
Donkey D


Note: I have a heater and air conditioner (Tripplite) running on separate thermostats keeping the temp between 72 - 76 degrees. Humidity levels have been spot on through out the grow... 70% to 90% during grow and 50% plus or minus a 4% for the bloom.


One last note: My RO water runs into a 20 gal aquarium. I have no fish, and I do not add anything to the water in the aquarium... It does have gravel, and plastic plants... but no marine or plant life. I would guess there are microbes in the gravel, because the water is clear. It's my understanding the water in an aquarium will go clear once you have "good" bacteria in the gravel... good for aquarium may not be good for Hydro Garden?... Thanks again for everyone's help !


Add h2o2.
Drop vd juice tarantula and roots xl

Should help stabilize your pH too

Also the bloombastic is questionable. I'd use it up and switch to overdrive since everything else is advanced. I'm pretty sure theres stuff in bloombastic for bacteria to eat. Not necessarily helpful in aero


How much 3% H2O2 do I add per gallon?

Is it ok to use the Hydrogen-peroxide I find in the drug store?

Will also check with my local hydro shop for purpose built product.


was my last question so dumb that no one felt it worthy? :wacky: man, your question wasn't dumb but maybe waiting for an answer is a little, i mean, you've been at this long enough to know that this shit isn't new so your answer MUST be here somewhere.

...if i had the answer handy i'd share it bro but i don't so all i can do is suggest that you go ahuntin' for your answer, i promise you it IS here and all across the interweb, you might have to dig but if you do you WILL find your answer.

peace, bozo


Fuck you Cannaloupe... I've searched this and other sites. It's obvious that you open your big fucking trap before you know what the fuck has happened you piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are calling me lazy... No it's not obvious... It's obvious that shit heads like you look for someone to attack when they don't fit into your little group. Fuck head.... also obvious that I've even referenced the search option in this thread... in the "first fucking line" you stupid MF. Fuck your answer. and Fuck you. Anybody else that feels attacking someone because they need help and you have the answer... you piece of shit.


How about this... It could be tough... but fight the urge to answer any of my questions.
Keep your fucking opinions to your self. Calling someone lazy because they were unable to find something
in the search engine is not called for. Your a dick head and you know it. So... fuck you ... and go play with the other
dick heads.

thanks Cort...that was good info...
Yes this was posted after I put my question in... Proves my point...

It still didn't answer my question... but that's ok... some questions may go unanswered ...
It may have been a dumb question... as no one has answered it.... nor was the info anywhere to be found.
Even though fuck head said he would answer ... read it... it was non answer. It was an opportunity for him to spout off.

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