Stoner Weed. Works great as a medicene.

  • Thread starter everTree
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Where's the good weed at? All these strains of marijuana suck. Good try, at helping, but... I can't help to complain, I have multiple conditions, and none of these strains work, not one. You know the weed, thats used for wake and bake, that shit works. I'm boycotting california, that guy who stood before the supreme court, and said, "this marijuana dosen't get you stoned." Well, that marijuana that gets you stoned, happens to work for me, and all my conditions. Take that and shove it Californian. Here's kush, I'm shitting all over it. Here you go mr. or ms/mrs. medical patient... give it to the Buddist, they enjoy suffering. Boycott, Boycott.

I'm for legalizition of marijuana, and back medical marijuana, but for everyone else, their's no option???

Choices, people. Choices!!!

Wait, wait, wait, don't post, if your gonna tell me, that it works for you, and tough loss, buddy. Don't smoke it, if it dosen't work or you don't like it. I don't smoke kush, or kush like weed. Lie to yourself, tell yourself, that kush works, its burning like hell, my bones are aching, my nevers, ahh, headaches, my stomach's on fire. All this weed makes me sick, I ate a quarter of a cookie, the size of a nickel - was sick, barf sick for 3 days straight.

Thanks for the help, no Mazar is not a stoner weed, no Blueberry, by dj short is not a stoner weed, no Chronic, is not a stoner weed, no bubblegum is not a stoner weed, they all taste good, but exbit kush symptoms. Dosen't that tell you something, if 10 strains you have are nearly the same, then 3,000 strain's are too.

(The only way, I can describe the weed, is stoner weed, as this is the only type of weed that has worked for me.)

A buzz, is kush or kush like weed. Don't lie to new people, looking for marijuana, that may potential help with their conditions, by saying, "well this weed, might work, if you had told me up front that none of these strains, have that plateau effect, then I would of happily walked away knowing, that the community of so called, stoners, are really kush smokers and their weed, has no effect on my medical conditions.

So, as... I watch the marijuana community move forward, I'm left as another patient to suffer, due to the fact that Congress, would rather shit on my shoe, than to pass marijuana that is associated, with getting people stoned as a medical property.

Thank you, Congress.

And thanks, to the Californian, that had only the brain cells to push for kush, rather than pushing for all kinds of weed.

Thanks, I'd appericate something else.

I have hope, even in despair.



first thought after reading that diatribe is maybe weed is NOT for you

seek professional help


Weeds, for me. Just not this so called, designer strains. Who ever saw illisions on weed, don't have to super coat the question with - seek professional help.

My question to you is, Are you a nut job?

My guess, is that you are probally one of those people who make strains, but don't have any medical problems, so your so called, answer, to a question, that has been asked, for as long as marijuana has been making steps, is, why do people with little brains, assume, that the hippie weed everybody smokes works for everybody?


what I meant was if weed dont work and your in that much pain you should see a DR

weed works for me medically and recreationally - but everybody is different

I know people who say the get high off Advil, or if I take vicodin it gets me wired

but you seem to be in a lot of pain and in need of medical attention


best part is him asking me "Are you a nut job?"


Look into a pure Hindu Kush, this IS medicine!
Do not confuse OG strains of pseudo-kush with cultivars from the region.



Sounds to me like you need a high CBD strain such as Cannatonic by Resin seeds or Harlequin aka Little Hercules. These strains are higher in CBD rather than THC and research is showing that these are great for medical problems without the "stoner" qualities. This is why you do not like the Kushes because they are 20%+ THC which makes them super "stoney". Hope this helps and this plant truly can cure anything!


I know just what you mean.

For me, I grow a plant that sort of works best for my pain to senesce... until its ready to die and all the trichomes are amber. It gives me the best relief. Amber trichomes have high amounts of CBD, which gives you the stoniness and is usually best for pain relief and muscle spasms. Very strong pot grown out like this has the highest amount of CBDs.

I just picked up a Harlequin clone yesterday, I'll let you know if it works better for pain. Its supposed to have a low amount of THC measured at 6.5% and high amounts of CBD measured at 8.5%.



Sounds like this guy needs some new connects.. I collect all types of cannabis plants and seeds. My library contains a wide range of genetics from all over, from the diesels, to the purple thai, nepalese, swazi, og kush, landrace gentics of all kinds.. Its important to find what works for your certain condition and improve on it. Always seeking that perfect medicine. Its not always an easy task, but theres a lot more you can do than bitch at a board of growers and smokers.. What are you doing for the future growers, smokers and breeders of this plant evertree? Stop pointing fingers.
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