Tips And Tricks For Getting Rid Of Thrips

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What's the best way of dealing with thrips 5weeks in to flower


Yah I wouldn't use spinosad this close to harvest. Spinosad is an endotoxin and can remain inside the plant up to 2 weeks. Essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, lemongrass, and sweet orange would be your best best for knocking them down until harvest. Make sure u apply any oils right at lights out.
G gnome

G gnome

Didnt see he was in wk 5 till just now. Tho, i doubt something like Monterey wud have a severe effect i personally do not have any first hand experience using it later in flower


Predator bugs do actually work if you apply enough of them. I got completely rid of thrips and gnats early flower with a combination of yellow sticky traps, nematodes in the soil and hypoaspis miles applied to soil surface. Couldn't find a single thrip or gnat within a couple weeks. If you can get em , cucumeris work even better for thrips but they come packed in oat bran that you sprinkle on your leaves you probably don't wanna sprinkle that on your buds


I use my own plant oils that are pretty much identical to Trifecta brand but I add oil from habanero peppers. Works great, non toxic, can be used in flower. I have to wear a mask due to the peppers but not because it is toxic. The bugs hate it and under a scope it looks like a B movie death scene. The bugs roll around and die. It takes persistence though spraying on the right cycle to get the new ones hatching out. In my state gwe can't used Spinosad.....


Does this look like thrips? They seem to except they are really really small, only 0.15mm and from what I have ready thrips are 0.5 - 1mm in length. Any thoughts?
Thrips measured 2
Thrips measured 1
Thrips 1


Here is a video:

Buddy I'm really sorry to break this to you... but your good scouting habits have just confirmed an infestation of hemp russet mites... I'm assuming your new growth isn't looking to hot... if you have flower development no doubt the flower's look odd, with all the pistils browning....

You need to act fast. I'm not kidding. If you have a largeish scale operation in which you rely on the grow for income, you need to go nuclear immediately. If in veg, hit them with Forbid 4F, then in two days hit them with Avid. Hit them again in two days with Forbid 4F, then Avid again. At that point switch over to micronized sulfur spray and monitor carefully. You many wish to follow up with another round of Forbid and Avid rotation 3 days or so after the first barage. If flowering, you need to monitor extremely carefully.

If in early flower, spray micronized sulfur NOW. Do NOT use any oil based products after this. Micronized sulfur is extremely effective against the russet population. Remove the worst of the foliage. The stuff that looks like that under a microscope should be very carefully cut into a thick plastic bag and thrown far away from your grow. Think, hold the bag under the leaf and cut it with scissors. Don't even touch it. Those mites are so small that thousands can fit on your thumb.

If in mid flower, spraying Green Cleaner and Nuke Em may work. OG Biowar is another, however I don't have experience with the product. In my experience, Nuke Em works well for CONTROL. Elimination is difficult without sulfur and or nuclear chems.

Your veg/mothers should be thoroughly sprayed down with an intense rotation of Forbid and Avid. Hit them for a cycle similar to as noted above, and then switch to a regular spraying of sulfur.
Ideally if possible take clones from your mothers and kill your mothers. Start new mothers with well dipped (Forbid, or Avid) clones.

Heat treatment is also effective, although I would combine heat treatment with the above methods. 120F for 20 minutes per day really helps to knock down and keep their numbers down. You MUST hit 120 and sustain that temp for 20 minutes. If you can't achieve that, don't bother.

Again. Sorry to drop this on you. But act quickly. They will make a fool of you if you do not treat them with the seriousness that they represent.

Last note... if this is a small scale hobby grow, strongly consider just tossing the plant/s. It will be very difficult to rid them. You are better of throwing away, sanitizing everything and trying again with better IPM habits.


Premium Member
those critters give cannabis farmers chills right down the spine. As @ethcan stated those do indeed look like russets. You are in for a real battle. Good luck bro your gonna need it. If not a large crop as ethcan mentioned you may want to start over.


Well it is a small grow, in a tent. I just harvest and there was no sign of these guys on the flowering plants. These were from a smaller enclosure for cuttings. I am just going to clean them all up and start fresh. Any idea the source of these bastards?


Also, I did give them a healthy dose of Neoseiulus Amblyseius Cucumeris predator bugs thinking they were thrips. I will give them a few days to see how effective they are, at least for future preventative use as I am not taking risks just gonna throw everything away, bleach the whole house and start again in a few weeks.


Well it is a small grow, in a tent. I just harvest and there was no sign of these guys on the flowering plants. These were from a smaller enclosure for cuttings. I am just going to clean them all up and start fresh. Any idea the source of these bastards?

I'm very happy for you that this is just a small grow, and you reached the end of the life cycle of your flowering tent. Just be advised that they can and will get onto basically any plant in or around your property, so be extremely careful about cross contamination. Wear gloves, dispose of infected material into a contractor bag, and dispose of the gloves in the contractor bag, tie up the bag. Place it in a tote. This may seem extreme, but allowing a russet population to explode is probably the end of your growing at that location.

99% of time russets (as well as most of the real gnarly ones, broad mites, 2 spotted spider mite, root aphids, etc) come in on infected clones.

From now on, this is a wake up call. You need a solid integrated pest management. Every clone that comes in through the door gets a strong sulfur dip, and gets scouted afterward to look for any cooties.

Good luck, and again, happy you got a harvest done!

PS Start your own thread if you need to go deeper into discussion. I'll be happy to hop in there and help


those critters give cannabis farmers chills right down the spine. As @ethcan stated those do indeed look like russets. You are in for a real battle. Good luck bro your gonna need it. If not a large crop as ethcan mentioned you may want to start over.
They can also live under your eye lids for up to two weeks, so don’t touch your face before washing hands.


I spray micronized sulphur in emergency. But I use Plant therapy!. The stuff is amazing and I alternate with Purecrop1. Since then I never see powdery mildew, bugs or have any issues. Also, Plant therapy smells amazing. I buy it online. Stuff is incredible! You can beat them!


Also, I should add spray every 12 hours for 3 days to kill all hatching larvae. Spraying with atomizer or my personal favorite paint sprayer rocks!
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