Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I figured there was a very specific audience in mind when you chose the 2 hogs humping (hey, that should be a lyric from “the 12 days of Christmas”).
It went from perceive to achieve really fucking fast.

Best $200 ever. It’s in traditional style in case they had ol officer jizz mop sr doing intake. I wanted to be sure everyone would be able to understand the font.
I really thought it out and was considerate.
it was wholly worth it. Shame I can’t ever see it, but then, it wasn’t really for me.

I’m dedicated homie 👊🏻🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Amanita Muscaria and similar species and variants can be very sketchy. Seems to be very much in that datura/benedryl/dramamine-esque world. Paul Stamets has some very interesting thoughts and reports on it, i haven't been willing or interested myself, much like with datura.

Hamilton Morris has some thoughts on that muscimol/ibotinic acid family of compounds, however, that are very interesting. I don't remember the name of the compound, but there is a substance a couple atoms off from muscimol and ibotinic acid, same family, that will essentially take you to the center of the ether for about 14 hours, and it is apparently one of the most eye opening psychedelic compounds he has ever come across. He is a chemist though, and in whatever i was watching, he may have actually chosen to actually omit the name of the compound in loo of the educated being able to easily figure it out. He mentioned the conversion/synthesis being incredibly simple, and he could have definitely seen it taking place in the metabolic processes of the liver of a reindeer ;) Was probably a podcast or something idr. I actually forgot about this until i was typing that bit about Paul Stamets above.

Hi, im new here 😇. Havent crawled the weed forums in probably a decade or more lmao
Bro, you hung a stealy up on the first howdy.
Cmon in mofo!


IMG 2076


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
bro whats a maoi 😁 i mainly only smoke when taking mushrooms, unless its like a party sort then🍻😁 donk think i would need to try the amanitas the ones i get normally are great cap. you would like them i think😁
great cap. you would like them i think😁
So it’s a catalyst drug, that when taken can greatly accelerate the bodies ability to absorb certain compounds.

Example I have at the tip of the crater mind
Ayahuasca tea.
The ayahuasca root is used in many different teas and mixed with various changa (herbs that accentuate or accelerated, make onset fast, slow , longer. There were a ton of mixes the natives used. We know about it from finding ancient medicine man packs dated to over 5000 years in South America, and testing the lining and finding trace dmt from an actual powder that had been processed. So this shit ain’t new, I just have such a hard time wrapping my brain around how they figured that out. So many species of plant life it just seems crazy unlikely they weren’t taught somehow. Any who, ayahuasca root is the the base of the tea mixed with other indigenous plants heated and you then take the the mimosas or acacia and powderize the bark. Toss into pot with ayahuasca root. Now the rolling boil method back then was to use highly acidic spirits to do slow evaporation with some powder. But for the ayahuasca tea ti work you have to use that vine, because without our stomachs won’t absorb
It. DMT the base of the equation and the ayahuasca as the catalyst formed a bond that just can’t be an accident.
I’ve had communication with entities that I swear are always there. We just can’t perceive them it withou it. Catalyst.
It all comes around to the spiral too.
I have thanked them when the shpongle slows and ask them if I can seethem Again.
Sounds crazy. It ain’t. It’s the realest shit on earth. And off.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Hahha i did blast them 100% LEDs until they bitched enough. I heard the LED makes em a bit more mag hungry. Some strains want that straight up sunshine
I’m ts really a proximity thing. The output is tame in veg for them. I just think that they get their fill. When I said they ain’t special, is bc I’m not moving heaven and earth for them over the other 29 strains who are loving it.
But I will say that the last plant did this too and we saw how that rolled, once we roll into flower it really won’t matter amymore demand goes away really.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I would take your Baby Girl in a heartbeat! 🐕‍🦺
Man shereally is amazing. She spots my discs on the course. Runs and pops a squat, sniff them out when I shank it.
and she is without a doubt the sweetest dog I have ever had, never sad spoiled as is!
Found her zig zaggin down road the in the rain, found the person who owned and she flat out said keep her, well she had gotten hit that am but I didn’t notice right away. No puppy cries, once she settled in that day, she went to go take a nap and lay down and that’s when I noticed her hip and the back of her right side left Paul had a laceration and a giant fracture going all the way down her leg so we fixed her up and the rest is history. Her leg never really did get right though she favors it like crazy. I hate people that would do something like waking up in the morning open up their door and just letting a dog go run out into the rain and do so they can get hit by a car that shit infuriates me to no end , especially for her 👊🏻🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
my favourite all time games are robotron, tempest, centipede, galaga, defender,..
Bro , the original robotron pinball machine was so friggin awesome. I put so much money in that thing, o missed that you listed this earlier.
That took me back aways. that machine was a tilting nightmare tho. It kept it interesting.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I like to pork beans
Seen the fucking prices for a can of beans these days?

It puts me a blazing terrible mood when I see it

3.00 for a can of fucking beans?

Did I miss something about the global economy hurting so bad that back in the shadows, beans are being priced out the roof?
It really goes to show, that the wealth gap is increasing to a point that is whole fully unsustainable.

I love beans man. But 3 bucks a can?

Fuck that


Hey cap, you mentioned pinball a few posts back.
Bought this new 10 years ago, with a nice bonus check. It's a 2005.
Play it every night after dinner. Love having my own and can set it up the way I want.
Right now it's set at 10 balls, easy, and I still stink at it. LOL
Valinor still eludes me. LOL
BTW, I never finish a game so the factory scores are still on it.

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