unofficial occupy networking and communications thread

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A thread dedicated to help figure out the intent of the movement by 100% consensus....and where the movement should go next.....

One man at the Occupy D.C. told me that all the occupy sites need to have a solid independent inter-occupy communications network and that we should send a message to all the occupy sites to converge on D.C. His hope was to create something like the sixties...something so massive it would be impossible to keep quiet...something so great that it would have an tremendously positive effect for generations to come

some say they should go home....some don't have homes to go back to
some came and saw and left....
some kids are too pissed to let it die....some have lost too much to turn away there is a sense of responsibility to the ideals our country was founded upon.....
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
The problem is that they have no possition, no platform, and no demands, so what the hell are they doing? campin in the middle of towns and being a pain in the ass is about all anyone sees..thats not even really a protest

When you protest it is usually having a position that comes first and then you take action to bring attention to it....these guys are just bringin attention nothing else..

Who cares about the 1%, thats only a combined household income of just under $500,000, there are tons and tons of those folks out there and on here I am sure, been there a few times myself over the years..the ones that are making the money and policy are the .01 % thats the ones you should worry about.

What do this jobless mass of 99%'rs want? a job? people to hand them money? a better camp site? who knows? at least the cats in the 60's had a fight ie...communism, veitman war, the draft, civil rights, womens rights, etc....all I have heard so far form these retards is that they don't make as much money as someone wonder, your a bunch of out of work dregs campin in city parks for no reason, last I checked campin out in a city park doesn't pay

Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
It doesn't take millions to land in the top 1 percent of earners targeted by demonstrators. The actual threshold is $343,927, according to IRS statistics for the calendar year 2009, the latest available.

That's down from a minimum of $410,096 in 2007, when the economy was healthier.

Still, that's far more than what the bottom half of all U.S. households made. Of the 138 million tax returns filed for 2009, 69 million reported income below $32,396.

The IRS data are based on adjusted gross income, or the amount after adding interest income and subtracting certain expenses but before subtracting standard or itemized deductions.

Households making at least $154,643 made it into the top 5 percent of earners, while it took a minimum of $112,124 to get into the top 10 percent and at least $66,193 to place in the top 25 percent.

A family of four making $50,000 generally is considered to be middle income these days, said David Logan of the Tax Foundation, a nonprofit tax research group based in Washington, D.C.

Logan said what stood out the most to him in the latest data was that the wealthiest Americans' incomes came down in 2009 vs. 2008, while the group's average tax rate went up.

"That surprised me because of what we hear about the wealthy getting all the tax breaks," he said.

Total income for the top 1 percent fell 21 percent (to $1.3 trillion in 2009 from $1.7 trillion in 2008), while the average tax rate rose to 24 percent from 23.3 percent, the IRS data showed.

Total income for the bottom 50 percent fell 2 percent (to $1.06 trillion from $1.08 trillion), but the average tax rate also fell to 1.85 percent from 2.59 percent.

Nationally, the average effective income tax rate across all income levels was 11.06 percent, the lowest level since the IRS began tracking the rates in 1980.

The previous low was 11.9 percent in 2003, when the bear market of 2002 wiped out capital gains, a problem that probably also affected the 2009 results, Logan said.

The three highest average tax rates were in 1981 at 15.76 percent, 1980 at 15.31 percent and in 2000 at 15.26 percent.

The 138 million tax returns analyzed for 2009 included returns from people who did not owe any federal income taxes.

Roughly 59 million returns, or 43 percent, used exemptions, deductions and tax credits to wipe out their entire federal income tax liability, the Tax Foundation said.

Despite overall declining tax rates in recent years, a government study released this week showed the income gap between the rich and the poor has been widening.

After-tax income for the richest 1 percent of Americans almost tripled from 1979 to 2007, according to the Congressional Budget Office's report.

Meanwhile, people in the middle of the scale saw their incomes grow by just under 40 percent. Those in the bottom 20 percent saw a gain of about 18 percent.

"The distribution of after-tax household income in the United States was substantially more unequal in 2007 than in 1979," the CBO said.

The full CBO report is available at .

For the Tax Foundation's summary and analysis of the latest federal individual income tax data, go to .

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What do this jobless mass of 99%'rs want? a job? people to hand them money? a better camp site? who knows? at least the cats in the 60's had a fight ie...communism, veitman war, the draft, civil rights, womens rights, etc....all I have heard so far form these retards is that they don't make as much money as someone wonder, your a bunch of out of work dregs campin in city parks for no reason, last I checked campin out in a city park doesn't pay


i don't understand how people still don't understand what the occupy movement is about. Its about taking the country back from the "corporatism" of government- the blatant corruption that is clear to anyone with a brain. it always puzzles me when people start attacking the movement when they are the ones whom its being fought on behalf of! yet are not intelligent enough to figure it out. i am canadian and its not as bad up here as it is in the states but i fully support the movement. i see nothing wrong with getting the government to serve the people instead of corporations.......apparently this idea is wrong according to some.

i think the real problem is this-
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

The problem is that they have no possition, no platform, and no demands, so what the hell are they doing? campin in the middle of towns and being a pain in the ass is about all anyone sees..thats not even really a protest

When you protest it is usually having a position that comes first and then you take action to bring attention to it....these guys are just bringin attention nothing else..

Who cares about the 1%, thats only a combined household income of just under $500,000, there are tons and tons of those folks out there and on here I am sure, been there a few times myself over the years..the ones that are making the money and policy are the .01 % thats the ones you should worry about.

What do this jobless mass of 99%'rs want? a job? people to hand them money? a better camp site? who knows? at least the cats in the 60's had a fight ie...communism, veitman war, the draft, civil rights, womens rights, etc....all I have heard so far form these retards is that they don't make as much money as someone wonder, your a bunch of out of work dregs campin in city parks for no reason, last I checked campin out in a city park doesn't pay


Dude you are always able to say things in such a perfect way!
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

i don't understand how people still don't understand what the occupy movement is about. Its about taking the country back from the "corporatism" of government- the blatant corruption that is clear to anyone with a brain. it always puzzles me when people start attacking the movement when they are the ones whom its being fought on behalf of! yet are not intelligent enough to figure it out. i am canadian and its not as bad up here as it is in the states but i fully support the movement. i see nothing wrong with getting the government to serve the people instead of corporations.......apparently this idea is wrong according to some.

i think the real problem is this-[/QUOTE

Its not attacking the movement its attacking the lack of direction the lack of any platform etc. If they wanted to do it right they could have followed what the Tea Party did. Instead it turned into a really long senior skip day. At this point its almost solely anarchist and troublemakers. Its made a joke of whatever there might have been with the movement.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
They are not fighting for me....I don't have a dog in that fight for sure..

Its about taking the country back from the "corporatism" of government......If thats your understanding of what the occupy movement is about then you are just as un-intelligent and baffled as I am...

No worries, the way I deal with the wealth gap is make more money and close the gap the best I can, if that really mattered to me...the one thing I do know for a fact is that campin out in the middle of town is not goin to help change your situation for the posssitve at all...

Go make some money and quit bitchin!!!

Alot of those mofo's aren't active tax payers anyways so whats there bitch??? maybe you should haver to be current on your taxes to even bitch, like voting in everybodies mind..

IMO..If you took all the money in the world, I mean all of it, and then divided it equally among all its people, man, woman, and child all get an equal share....In 24 months the same people that are rich today will be rich then..if your a broke degenerate today, you'll be one's not about the money, its about the people and thats the real funny thing to me



This was the latest from Oakland... is this what the occupy movement is about? That is all I see. As a veteran... I am appalled!


i don't know if there is a leadership or platform issue. the media's coverage of the movement has been less than flattering. i wonder why? the media's owned by the corporations. propogana machines, spouting their agenda, in mindless dribble over and over. In all the coverage of the past months i haven't seen one anchor or reporter acknowledge a facts that occupy is fighting for-the clear corruption in government by corporations. or just plain corruption. i just found this out- congress is permitted insider trading privilege. thats just one of the many issues they are fighting for. none of which is about taking anything from anyone. it just comes down to being "fair".

leveling the playing field again for everyone.

i'll give you an example of the problem, for all the uneducated people out there that can't wrap their hands around it.

Caterpillar, massive company and im sure most of you have heard of them. Recently the harper government(canadian) gave a 5 mill flat tax break and a bigger 1 BILLION tax break on industrial capital investment. in return caterpillar locked their workers out at a london plant, has demanded a 50% wage cut, as well as reduction in benefits. meanwhile Q4 of 2012 saw their profits rise 58%.Fourth-quarter net income rose to $1.55 billion, or $2.32 a share, from $968 million, or $1.47, a year earlier, the company said in a statement.

now do you get it?


Also... calling people uneducated... hmmm insults do not help the cause either. So... I am not sure what to believe but to believe what I see and hear. Kids burning flags... and being insulted by members of the movement.

However, you guys have the backing of the president and Nacy... right??? Last time I checked they were rooting for you guys.

P.S. The above example is a Governmental problem and a Union problem. People vote these people into office... and if you pay your union dues... the union should be fighting for your rights as an employee. Fairly simple cause and effect. Also a real world factor... companies can always find someone to do your job... and do it for less money. I learned that early on in life.


This was the latest from Oakland... is this what the occupy movement is about? That is all I see. As a veteran... I am appalled!

as a vet im sure you are and rightfully so. i can understand what a soldier gives up for their cause. and to see people so unappreciative of what they have for what you did, understandable.

however the america that i used to look at with such awe as a child is no more. it has turned into an ugly, evil and scary place. its not grandma and apple pie anymore, its a fascist police state with only an illusion of what once was. as a veteran i would think you would be more upset over the national defense act and the loss of your constitutional rights.

I don't understand how people can watch and DEFEND, as they are slowly stripped of rights they have had for 100's of years and were meant to be law forever, by the founders of your country.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

An insider trading ban on congress was passed last night by the senate........

Fuck leveling the playing field.....

The problem with caterpillar was a government and union problem.....
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

as a vet im sure you are and rightfully so. i can understand what a soldier gives up for their cause. and to see people so unappreciative of what they have for what you did, understandable.

however the america that i used to look at with such awe as a child is no more. it has turned into an ugly, evil and scary place. its not grandma and apple pie anymore, its a fascist police state with only an illusion of what once was. as a veteran i would think you would be more upset over the national defense act and the loss of your constitutional rights.

I don't understand how people can watch and DEFEND, as they are slowly stripped of rights they have had for 100's of years and were meant to be law forever, by the founders of your country.

I got an easy solution for ya stay in canada. BOOOM! problem solved.


Also... calling people uneducated... hmmm insults do not help the cause either. So... I am not sure what to believe but to believe what I see and hear. Kids burning flags... and being insulted by members of the movement.

However, you guys have the backing of the president and Nacy... right??? Last time I checked they were rooting for you guys.

P.S. The above example is a Governmental problem and a Union problem. People vote these people into office... and if you pay your union dues... the union should be fighting for your rights as an employee. Fairly simple cause and effect. Also a real world factor... companies can always find someone to do your job... and do it for less money. I learned that early on in life.

1. never called anyone uneducated. it seems people don't know the facts about certain issues. uneducated isn't a bad word. if i had said un-intelligent than yea. informing someone or teaching them of the truth is a far cry from calling names.

2. it is a government problem. and thats the problem....
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

1. never called anyone uneducated. it seems people don't know the facts about certain issues. uneducated isn't a bad word. if i had said un-intelligent than yea. informing someone or teaching them of the truth is a far cry from calling names.

2. it is a government problem. and thats the problem....

Well you seem rather ignorant yourself....


It's a human problem.....It's our problem.....we need to clean up this mess.....


I have always believed that the first mess that needs cleaning before you attempt to clean up other peoples messes... is that your own house should be spotless. Just a thought.


this earth IS our own house and we all have a part to play in it's's very much out of the governments hands
those who are corrupted within the government must be pushed out of their shady hiding spots by light of the truth...if the light of truth doesn't push us beyond the concept of a government altogether....government?....nah corporations?......throw em it.....Flag? it high!!!!


So if there are any occupiers aboard....D.C. really needs you!


i don't know if there is a leadership or platform issue. the media's coverage of the movement has been less than flattering. i wonder why? the media's owned by the corporations. propogana machines, spouting their agenda, in mindless dribble over and over. In all the coverage of the past months i haven't seen one anchor or reporter acknowledge a facts that occupy is fighting for-the clear corruption in government by corporations. or just plain corruption. i just found this out- congress is permitted insider trading privilege. thats just one of the many issues they are fighting for. none of which is about taking anything from anyone. it just comes down to being "fair".

leveling the playing field again for everyone.

i'll give you an example of the problem, for all the uneducated people out there that can't wrap their hands around it.

Caterpillar, massive company and im sure most of you have heard of them. Recently the harper government(canadian) gave a 5 mill flat tax break and a bigger 1 BILLION tax break on industrial capital investment. in return caterpillar locked their workers out at a london plant, has demanded a 50% wage cut, as well as reduction in benefits. meanwhile Q4 of 2012 saw their profits rise 58%.Fourth-quarter net income rose to $1.55 billion, or $2.32 a share, from $968 million, or $1.47, a year earlier, the company said in a statement.

now do you get it?

That was a labor dispute. They also lost a whole bunch of money a year or 2 ago. I deal with CAT on a daily basis for my job. Also have family that work for the company. So the occupy movement is about companies making money? The thing about a job is its that a job. If you dont like it you can get a new one. Its their company they can do with it as they please. The last thing you need is the government coming in and telling CAT how to run their private business. The Occupy movement wants more government involvement and regulation to get rid of all the government involvement and regulation? Cat closed the plant and brought it back to America which sorry I'm all for being an American citizen. I'm all about bringing jobs back home to our workers.

I saw in interview with the occupy people here. 10 different people with 10 different answers. Again maybe you can explain what they are protesting. Jobs? Banks? Governments? Corruption? Camping in a park is doing what exactly? You don't have to play the game. It's your choice to live in their world. Nothing is stopping you from moving out to the country and living off the grid. You can even change countries. Look at Mexicans. They come by the millions because they don't like their situation. You don't see them camping in a park.

Don't get me wrong more power to them if that's their procotive BUT the movement talks down on people who aren't on the same page as them as "uneducated" and "misinformed" which just makes them look like loser ass hats. By all means get a good spokes person, get a uniform message with specifics, stop fucking camping in parks that we will have to pay to clean up, and present yourself as educated people trying to bring change instead of a bunch of homeless whiners with no direction.

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