Why Is My Seedling Doing This?

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My seedlings are about 3 weeks old now. I have 2 and they are from the same unknown bag seed. Was some fire goodness. The one seedling looks a lot different to the other. More drooped down while the other is standing straight up. Let me know what you think:)
Why is my seedling doing this
Why is my seedling doing this 2


My seedlings are about 3 weeks old now. I have 2 and they are from the same unknown bag seed. Was some fire goodness. The one seedling looks a lot different to the other. More drooped down while the other is standing straight up. Let me know what you think:)
Forgot to include this pic
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Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Does it have water? Looks dry??

Whats the soil?? If its heavy/compact it wont be able to breathe as good as it needs, and will cause the leaves to droop. Especially if it has a smaller root system, and is hot.

Whats the temp??

Whats the food??


Does it have water? Looks dry??

Whats the soil?? If its heavy/compact it wont be able to breathe as good as it needs, and will cause the leaves to droop. Especially if it has a smaller root system, and is hot.

Whats the temp??

Whats the food??
The soil has a lot of perlite in it so the roots can move freely. I watered shortly after that pic so no issues there. I'm feeding biobizz grow quarter strength. It's getting the exact same watering as the other seedling which is perfectly healthy
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Each plant is an individual.

Perlite also doesn't hold moisture.

I myself use a cheap Lowes Moisture Meter $12-$15 dollars.
Ive been growing 45 years, and still use the meter. Takes 100% of the guesswork out if it. I also lift the container, and can tell if its heavy/light. But the Meter still takes all the guessing out of it. I usually do both, and have learned to tell how the heaviness of the container jives with the Meter. Thus making my guessing skill better.
But I just don't like to guess, and the Meter eliminates guessing. I also take readings from several areas of the pot, and in the lower part of the container if it has drainage holes. ( If not, I'll make some ) I stick the probe through the holes, and also measure deep into the pot/container. I also bury the probe to the hilt from the top.

I never let the needle get to the low moist line. Always a hair above, when measuring from above.

It also could be overwatered??

I also like to rough up the top of my soil ( At least 3 inches ) a couple hours after I water. I will also rough up the soil the next day, to facilitate oxygen exchange.

Also how much air are your plants getting??

IMHO STRONG Light/Proper feeding/water, good sized container for root space, and airflow are the keys to healthy plants. Mess with any of these basic principles, and its slows the plant.
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Each plant is an individual.

Perlite also doesn't hold moisture.

I myself use a cheap Lowes Moisture Meter $12-$15 dollars.
Ive been growing 45 years, and still use the meter. Takes 100% of the guesswork out if it. I also lift the container, and can tell if its heavy/light. But the Meter still takes all the guessing out of it. I usually do both, and have learned to tell how the heaviness of the container jives with the Meter. Thus making my guessing skill better.
But I just don't like to guess, and the Meter eliminates guessing. I also take readings from several areas of the pot, and in the lower part of the container if it has drainage holes. ( If not, I'll make some ) I stick the probe through the holes, and also measure deep into the pot/container. I also bury the probe to the hilt from the top.

I never let the needle get to the low moist line. Always a hair above, when measuring from above.

It also could be overwatered??
I water every 2 days or so. I mix 250ml of water with nutes then water 125ml per plant at the stem... should I be watering more? I must add it's been rather cole these passed few days
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

What kind of soil are you using? Is it a bagged mix or something you dug up from the back yard and added perlite to? Also at that age I tend not to give any nutrients, a good bagged soil mix will have all the nutrients a seedling will need for the first 3 to 4 weeks of your plants life.


I had a seedling that did the exact same thing. Droopy even more than yours. Her roots weren’t happy. I originally had them 4” peat starter pots and she really didn’t like the pot and/or soil. I transplanted to her permanent home early which was a 3 gallon smart pot. She perked up after a few hours and no issues since.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

I cant tell you if you need to water more... The METER WILL.

I myself like a mix that will hold water for up to 4 days at 82 degrees F. You may just not be watering with enough water, making you have to water more often. I aint saying to drench/soak them either, but they need a good stiff drink when they get water.

If you use a soil mix that dries really fast, facilitating more frequent watering, and attention to detail, you risk them getting to dry, and concentrating the fert, and burning them.

When I transplant, I get a visual of the rootball going into the container, and then water around the ball, giving the new roots a wet space to grow to, and also soaking the central ball.

I note how much water I used on this initial watering, and slightly increase each watering. Not a lot, but some.
IMHO your plant needs more water, less often.


Thanks for your input guys. I've given them a good watering today and will see how it goes. I've got some autos on the way so will probably only grow one of these 2 seedlings that turn out best:)


Premium Member
You could poke some holes in the soil. That’ll allow air to get down to the roots. That soil looks dense. I bet the roots are starving for oxygen. Just grab a skinny rod or long nail and insert it several times AROUND the roots, don’t get too close to the main stalk. Do that about a dozen times and give it a couple days to recover before watering it again.


The soil its in looks way to clay and dense. Your seedlings basically suffocating :/


She's recovered quite nicely is growing well. The soil I think is a bit dense but is a lot better than my previous grow where I didn't even use perlite
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