Wide spread yellowing 3 rd week flower

  • Thread starter faintfuzzies
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I have been growing with sunshine mix 4 with advanced nutes,my ph was set at5.8 ,I recently changed nutes to age old organics . I just changed nutes not The sunshine soilless mix, I was told to change the ph of nutes to6.5 -7 ph when i started using age old organic. I think I should have kept ph at 5.8 being I did not change my medium.

My question is what determine what you set the nute ph, is it the nutes being used organic or not,or is it the medium. I think it's the medium. And being I'm still using sunshine four soilless I should have kept the ph set at 5.8 - 6 ph.

Please any info would be great

Thank you



Hey there Faint.. I've never used either soils or foods you are, but have tried many a diff mix.. so I"ll try my best to offer up some guidance here.. OK.. first off, usually when growing in soil you have your ph adjusted between 6.0-7.0 and can depend on strain, water, foods etc.. Personally I run my Coco grows ph at 6.3-6.5 because it slides up to 7 by the time I water again giving more nutrients available as it slides up the scale..
A few questions:
1). Did you flush your plants good when you switched foods over..do they drain well when watered?
2). Water.. if using tap water, are you filling gallon jugs and letting them sit out with lid off for a min of 24hrs..?
this allows the chlorine to dissipate as it sits, one of the biggest killers of microbes in your expensive foods.. good
tap water can be beneficial, especially done right it gives you Cal/Mag..
3). Over watering ? My biggest issue when I started was keeping things to wet.
4). are your lights to high above your plants and not penetrating your plants enough.

These are just guesses ok... the more info we get from you the more we can help ya out ok... good luck man.
green punk

green punk

Age Old doesn't need to be ph d. Most of the time organic nute lines do not need to be ph d. Call up Adam the owner hes real friendly and helpful.


Living dead girl
The medium determines what pH range water and feed should be given, as does the growing method; i.e. organic (soil food web) vs chemical salt.

When a good organic grow is going well, you usually don't have to bother pHing your water or feeds, and this is because there's a microbiology that works in concert with the plant itself in helping to maintain the best pH parameters within the rhizosphere.

When using chemical salts, this is not possible, so tight parameters must be maintained by the grower. Those parameters are dictated by the medium itself; i.e. soil, hydroponics, passive hydroponics, soilless (Sunshine Mix #4 is a soilless mix).

Cannabis cultivated in soil should be treated as an acid-loving plant, and feeds should be in the 6.2-6.8 range, with 6.5 often being a sweet spot.

Cannabis cultivated by hydroponic methods (I've never done straight hydro, gotta qualify that), I believe should be in the low-to-mid 5 range, 5.2-5.5 or so.

Cannabis cultivated in coir should be given feed and water in the 5.8-6.2 range, in my experience, with 6.0 being a sweet spot.

Cannabis cultivated in passive hydro; i.e. perlite hempy, should be in the low-to-mid 5 range.

So, while never having run SM#4, I believe it's to be treated as a soilless or passive hydroponic medium and the feeding and watering parameters should be lower than for soil.


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