what is PGRS?

  • Thread starter vangs
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Paclobutrazol is a sticky toxin that does not flush out of plants, soil, or you. If you consume it you will carry it for years.
Fuck Paclobutrazol, the unscrupulous assholes who sell it, and the growers who use it that know better.

Additionally, it lowers resin production. Please don't use this poison.


The hydro guys were boasting to me that their og buds are the size of baseballs and are rock hard using the beast nutrient and bushload. BUT the patients have no idea about pgrs or any of that stuff. I guess ignorance is bliss.


Lots of misconceptions and incorrect info in this thread. I think greenleaf showed that big fluffy hairy muff cola to show what can happen when PGRs are misused. I wouldnt smoke bud that looked like that for any amount. That stuff appears to have been given way too much Bushmaster. Talk about shit tasting lol.

Products such as Bushmaster (horrible product IMO) and Phosphoload contain PGRs that help to halt vertical plant growth. They are very helpful to the farmer with stretchy plants that are growing too close to a light that can't be raised any more. They also boost flower size considerably which is a huge plus.

These are some very strong fertilizers and should not be given at the doses listed on the bottles. If you do,you will likely kill of severely shock your plant. And, the plants only need 3 days of feeding with PL at around week 2 to achieve results. Any more is overkill and you could end up with hairy muff colas like greenleaf. Google "Phosphoload PDF" to find detailed proper instructions on using PL.

Oh ya, and like 20 people are going to follow my post with posts of their own saying how dangerous fertilizers like Phosphoload are. After all, it has been banned in Ca. True that but, I have been smoking ( and so have so many of you, unknowingly) pl'd bud for years with 0 ill effects. It is given at a rate of 5 ml/ gal for only 3 days, and flushed out on the fourth. Then the plant is watered for 45 or so days with other ferts, how much cancer causing chemicals would be left after all that and a good flush? Oh, and dispensaries are not testing for it 90% of the time. I know of one that says they do test for it and my buddy vends his PL'd White Fire to them in big loads. Never an issue.
If the P.load is used correctly it haults the stretch in the plant which causes it to have an abundance of back stacking. Yes it must be used properly like any other nuet.
In soil i use it 1 time.
In hydro either rezi system or drain to waste i use it only 2x. Then flush.
Flush prior to p.load and after. I do 3 ml per gal.
The more you try n max out the more it will turn your hairs orange(bad/cancer causing) and really just ruin the production of your product. Less is more w pgr.
The thing about *haulting n back stacking is it doesnt allow for enough node spacing if you give it too much pgr. Which could cause other problems down the line. Like bud rot.
So its always good to make sure you use the product properly if your going to use it at all.


Its funny....
Because Paclobutrazol is widely used in agriculture , expecially in fruit production....we all have eaten tons of it....

Every substance on this planet when burned down it produces different amounts of carcenogenic compounds....every single one, from the natural to the chemical ones.......weed itself generates carcenogenic compound, thats why smoking in general is not considered healthy for you no matter how and what you do it....

And i couldnt find any specific study on burned paclobutrazol effects on humans or animals.....
But yeah, the general consensus is to stay away from weird stuff when you grow your own food or meds....

It makes me laugh doh, how everyone repeats rumors without any proof....
I personally dont trust gov s or FDA s around the world to tell me what is safe and what not , and i believe that there is some intentional poisoning goin on lol but hey....still cant find no articles of experiments of this one......
And , what makes a carcenogenic compound better than another? i mean.....most of us are smokers !!!! (i did for more than 10 yrs now i vape)

I was a organic grower then i realized that the meals i was using were packed with havy metals, antibiotics and what not.....now i grow a much cleaner cannabis using mineral powders....but yet....thers still tons of peeps that believes that organic weed is superior to mineral one hahahaha😆


Its funny....
Because Paclobutrazol is widely used in agriculture , expecially in fruit production....we all have eaten tons of it....

Every substance on this planet when burned down it produces different amounts of carcenogenic compounds....every single one, from the natural to the chemical ones.......weed itself generates carcenogenic compound, thats why smoking in general is not considered healthy for you no matter how and what you do it....

And i couldnt find any specific study on burned paclobutrazol effects on humans or animals.....
But yeah, the general consensus is to stay away from weird stuff when you grow your own food or meds....

It makes me laugh doh, how everyone repeats rumors without any proof....
I personally dont trust gov s or FDA s around the world to tell me what is safe and what not , and i believe that there is some intentional poisoning goin on lol but hey....still cant find no articles of experiments of this one......
And , what makes a carcenogenic compound better than another? i mean.....most of us are smokers !!!! (i did for more than 10 yrs now i vape)

I was a organic grower then i realized that the meals i was using were packed with havy metals, antibiotics and what not.....now i grow a much cleaner cannabis using mineral powders....but yet....thers still tons of peeps that believes that organic weed is superior to mineral one hahahaha😆
it all depends where you source your amendments, proper organic weed has a bit more complex terpene profile imho. Using the same cultivar clone do the test, grow one chemical and one true 100% organic with quality amendments and compare quality of terpenes, chemical will probably win in the yield dept, but will loose on the terpenes profile. been there done that tho. Many cultivars develop more complex terpenes for the better, some not that much but still marginally better them the chems counterparts.


Its funny....
Because Paclobutrazol is widely used in agriculture , expecially in fruit production....we all have eaten tons of it....

Every substance on this planet when burned down it produces different amounts of carcenogenic compounds....every single one, from the natural to the chemical ones.......weed itself generates carcenogenic compound, thats why smoking in general is not considered healthy for you no matter how and what you do it....

And i couldnt find any specific study on burned paclobutrazol effects on humans or animals.....
But yeah, the general consensus is to stay away from weird stuff when you grow your own food or meds....

It makes me laugh doh, how everyone repeats rumors without any proof....
I personally dont trust gov s or FDA s around the world to tell me what is safe and what not , and i believe that there is some intentional poisoning goin on lol but hey....still cant find no articles of experiments of this one......
And , what makes a carcenogenic compound better than another? i mean.....most of us are smokers !!!! (i did for more than 10 yrs now i vape)

I was a organic grower then i realized that the meals i was using were packed with havy metals, antibiotics and what not.....now i grow a much cleaner cannabis using mineral powders....but yet....thers still tons of peeps that believes that organic weed is superior to mineral one hahahaha😆
I believe in veganic(a combination of vegan and organic) but will switch to only vegan certified soon.
Imo you can get the cleanest product's throught to that but not really sure but it trigger my brain xD
Do you think it's possible more clean than organic/ mineral meals?
Which organic products were stuffed with that shit?


This thread is like it's from 2019. This topic has been covered in this forum a million times over. Just look for the famus products brands like pl, megabud etc.

Let me just ask you a simple question, what's the purpose of using pgr's? And it's a kind of a retorical question because if you be honest with yourself what your trying to do is 'cheat' your way into the big boys league and when you recognize that you'll understand that you need to up your game cs the big boys that pulling consistant 3 per light of the best products in the world don't use that stuff.


I believe in veganic(a combination of vegan and organic) but will switch to only vegan certified soon.
Imo you can get the cleanest product's throught to that but not really sure but it trigger my brain xD
Do you think it's possible more clean than organic/ mineral meals?
Which organic products were stuffed with that shit?
I was using whaever was available mostly down to earth...guanos..manures......etc.....yes most of those meals comes from slaughterhouses, huge factories where they use antibiotics, huge monocrops , vegetal meal carries pesticides and mineral powders have plenty of heavy metals....stay away from azomite!
Now i use masterblend plus silica aminos and potassium sulphate boost...
Let me just ask you a simple question, what's the purpose of using pgr's? And it's a kind of a retorical question because if you be honest with yourself what your trying to do is 'cheat' your way into the big boys league and when you recognize that you'll understand that you need to up your game cs the big boys that pulling consistant 3 per light of the best products in the world don't use that stuff.
PGRs are used in agriculture to max yields, same thing for cannabis...
ust look for the famus products brands like pl, megabud etc.
yes and i couldnt find no researchs on em just hearsays and copy and paste articles from weed forums.....no quotations no university paper nothing....
I agree that its not necessary to grow a heavy killer crop but i heard trusted peeps that swear by em as far as yields so i gave it a try and i didnt got really impressed, but yeah my friends liked the rock hard density...

Some of you guys have access to some cool link about paclobutrazol tests and effect when smoked?
I bet its carcenogenic because EVERYTHING that you smoke is carcenogenic!! but whats the exact difference between a cigarette smoke that has a shitload of carcenogenic and some paclo?
thats my question fellassss😝


Wanted to add a thing...
The problem i see with store bought organic meals is that you cannot verify source, origin and the way they process....and they are contaminated with lots of nasty shit (metals , farmaceuticals, pesticides) because are industial byproducts....

As far as PGRs, i dont think they are they key to successful harvests as the marketing hype promotes, because to get heavy killer crops you have to master genetics environment and teknique, experience is your friend always, but i dont think either that pgr's are considered cheating....they can be helpful if they are naturally sourced like alfalfa anf kelp, but i just dont want to keep repeating shit with no proof, and as today i could not find proofs about toxicity of smoked paclobuds, just a bunch of rumors.....


I was using whaever was available mostly down to earth...guanos..manures......etc.....yes most of those meals comes from slaughterhouses, huge factories where they use antibiotics, huge monocrops , vegetal meal carries pesticides and mineral powders have plenty of heavy metals....stay away from azomite!
Now i use masterblend plus silica aminos and potassium sulphate boost...

PGRs are used in agriculture to max yields, same thing for cannabis...

yes and i couldnt find no researchs on em just hearsays and copy and paste articles from weed forums.....no quotations no university paper nothing....
I agree that its not necessary to grow a heavy killer crop but i heard trusted peeps that swear by em as far as yields so i gave it a try and i didnt got really impressed, but yeah my friends liked the rock hard density...

Some of you guys have access to some cool link about paclobutrazol tests and effect when smoked?
I bet its carcenogenic because EVERYTHING that you smoke is carcenogenic!! but whats the exact difference between a cigarette smoke that has a shitload of carcenogenic and some paclo?
thats my question fellassss😝

What the heck are you talking about homie? There are plenty of studies showing serious health hazatds of using paclo and other pgr's. More than that, non like avocado, the chemical is going through pyrolysis which causes more potential risks.

There you go man, 2mins search, 2 studies of paclo... and there are literally tens more.

Fact remains guys, you are trying to compensate on your insufficiant growing practices by using pgrs, the same way that if your going to the gym you prob jucin with trenn and other steroids.

Difference is that you can do whatever the f you want with your body, but selling that shit to patients is irresponsible to say the least.

Ohh and btw, PGR destroys the quality of cannabis... yeah it will produce rock hard, frosty buds and increase overall weight, but the taste, smell and smoothness will be damaged significantly.


Thanks for the links, but ...... did you read em? or just searched toxicity of paclobutrazol on google?
Cause they say that there is no sign of carcinigenic affect on rats and mice....
below the toxic level of many standards...

Yes paclobutrazol is toxic, and harmful to human like many other fertilizers and hormones...
if you took a look at em you will notice that, the toxicity levels are related to the dosage of the product itself.....and they also indicate a safe range (page 8 of your first link)

Do you use Clonex? Its posonous as fuck....dont eat it and use gloves!
Neem is toxic too...
Nitrates need to be handled with care too

Those are not the studies im talking about, those are links to the toxicity of the paclo at certain levels in mammals, plants and aquatic species....
Obvious is toxic...
In europe is allowed for fruit and vegetable production but hey, of course , like every poisonous stuff has to be used in certain parameters to avoid the toxicity that you are documenting in your links....

So they still assume you are using it ....

Im not tryn to convice anyone to use it, i enjoy this convo but i still didnt see test on smoked buds....the specific use WE are talking about here

I used it with 2 application two weeks before chop....didnt notice no red air, no resin reduction and absolutely no weird flavors or anything off...
those effect seems to appear when you use it on a daily basis in your feeding program since week 3 ....

So personally i would like to debunk the myth that destroys the quality of cannabis if properly used....
My friends prefere the hardness to the non treated flowers and enjoy the sweet flavor....go talk to em....🤷‍♂️

And, hey, i share your point of view to stay away from Paclo if you are not sure, but in general, its important to keep reading and be informed !
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Only one thing you need know about pgrs and that’s to avoid them like the plague


I believe in veganic(a combination of vegan and organic) but will switch to only vegan certified soon.
Imo you can get the cleanest product's throught to that but not really sure but it trigger my brain xD
Do you think it's possible more clean than organic/ mineral meals?
Which organic products were stuffed with that shit?
Strewth o light
A redneck vegan
Next you’ll tell us your from Texas 🤣

I’ll be eating my hat I think
Can’t get my head around a redneck vegan lol just seems funny

Hope you don’t get offended by the joke
am vegan have been since they told us not to eat eggs and think it was beef during the salmonella years

I was in a Chinese about to order chicken or something and out came on the radio chicken maybe infected and to avoid it I thought I give up and ordered a veggie instead and never turned back


Thanks Gmix, so you neither use clonex right?😃 you dip the cuts in cinnamon powder right?

I don’t clone much bud
I have done once or twice but I just used water it worked
If I was to choose mind it definitely wouldn’t be clonex I’d research a more organic method like cinnamon 🙂


Thanks for the links, but ...... did you read em? or just searched toxicity of paclobutrazol on google?
Cause they say that there is no sign of carcinigenic affect on rats and mice....
below the toxic level of many standards...

Yes paclobutrazol is toxic, and harmful to human like many other fertilizers and hormones...
if you took a look at em you will notice that, the toxicity levels are related to the dosage of the product itself.....and they also indicate a safe range (page 8 of your first link)

Do you use Clonex? Its posonous as fuck....dont eat it and use gloves!
Neem is toxic too...
Nitrates need to be handled with care too

Those are not the studies im talking about, those are links to the toxicity of the paclo at certain levels in mammals, plants and aquatic species....
Obvious is toxic...
In europe is allowed for fruit and vegetable production but hey, of course , like every poisonous stuff has to be used in certain parameters to avoid the toxicity that you are documenting in your links....

So they still assume you are using it ....

Im not tryn to convice anyone to use it, i enjoy this convo but i still didnt see test on smoked buds....the specific use WE are talking about here

I used it with 2 application two weeks before chop....didnt notice no red air, no resin reduction and absolutely no weird flavors or anything off...
those effect seems to appear when you use it on a daily basis in your feeding program since week 3 ....

So personally i would like to debunk the myth that destroys the quality of cannabis if properly used....
My friends prefere the hardness to the non treated flowers and enjoy the sweet flavor....go talk to em....🤷‍♂️

And, hey, i share your point of view to stay away from Paclo if you are not sure, but in general, its important to keep reading and be informed !
C'mon man Neem isn't nearly as toxic as paclobutrazol- you wanna intake a t spoon each? I'll take the neem and you take the paclo😅


Thanks for the links, but ...... did you read em? or just searched toxicity of paclobutrazol on google?
Cause they say that there is no sign of carcinigenic affect on rats and mice....
below the toxic level of many standards...

Yes paclobutrazol is toxic, and harmful to human like many other fertilizers and hormones...
if you took a look at em you will notice that, the toxicity levels are related to the dosage of the product itself.....and they also indicate a safe range (page 8 of your first link)

Do you use Clonex? Its posonous as fuck....dont eat it and use gloves!
Neem is toxic too...
Nitrates need to be handled with care too

Those are not the studies im talking about, those are links to the toxicity of the paclo at certain levels in mammals, plants and aquatic species....
Obvious is toxic...
In europe is allowed for fruit and vegetable production but hey, of course , like every poisonous stuff has to be used in certain parameters to avoid the toxicity that you are documenting in your links....

So they still assume you are using it ....

Im not tryn to convice anyone to use it, i enjoy this convo but i still didnt see test on smoked buds....the specific use WE are talking about here

I used it with 2 application two weeks before chop....didnt notice no red air, no resin reduction and absolutely no weird flavors or anything off...
those effect seems to appear when you use it on a daily basis in your feeding program since week 3 ....

So personally i would like to debunk the myth that destroys the quality of cannabis if properly used....
My friends prefere the hardness to the non treated flowers and enjoy the sweet flavor....go talk to em....🤷‍♂️

And, hey, i share your point of view to stay away from Paclo if you are not sure, but in general, it’s important to keep reading and be informed !
i’d be getting new friends

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