WiFi Med Grow 2kw Dual-Arc 1st Grow Log!

  • Thread starter nMEEKS
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Ogplatinum thanks for the link man. I just got back from one of the collectives listed and yep got my hands on the white fire man. The club I went to also had alot of C.C. gear. Thanks again.


Whats up nMeeks I just want to apologize for thanking Og on your thread bro. I was just pumped that I got my hands on them beans. Nice build! Seems like no matter how hard I try to make the new rooms perfect I always end up changing shit down the line. Prolly just me and being stoned. I`m in the middle of one of those builds right now. Keep the pics coming.


Whats up nMeeks I just want to apologize for thanking Og on your thread bro. I was just pumped that I got my hands on them beans. Nice build! Seems like no matter how hard I try to make the new rooms perfect I always end up changing shit down the line. Prolly just me and being stoned. I`m in the middle of one of those builds right now. Keep the pics coming.

I know what you mean, the grass is always greener on the other side :cool0041:

Made a stop at the hydro store today and made sure they would have everything I am gonna need to get this room filled with equipment and pretty ladies. Shouldn't be more than a couple weeks before some pictures of more than just bare walls. Next on my list before moving anything into the room is getting the concrete etched and epoxy's. Gonna get that done after putting in the A/C thursday. So after today, next picture update will probably be sometime over the weekend. Then gotta frame up the veg room 4x9 to go along the house wall with the water heater (u can see the not so smooth house siding that will be hidden behind the cabinet when its done and in place). After that it is basically just getting equipment moved in and set up. Should come together pretty quickly at that point.

Here's how the room looks now, and a couple shots of the seedlings at just under a week old now for the youngest and almost 2 weeks for the first to pop up. :movie



-Meeks :cool0041:


Your gonna love all the space.

Haha No Kidding! I don't know if I said it earlier but this room is my upgrade from a 2'x5' closet last year! Being able to walk around in the space is crazy. Took some measurements wall to wall today and was surprised to find out that the functioning room (garage door takes up a few feet) is more like 16'x12' which is 2' more in both directions that what I had in my floor plan sketch. It just gets bigger!

Tomorrow I will etch the floor and then epoxy it saturday. Pics of that when it happens, for now here are some better quality pictures of the seedlings (found my camera battery charger finally) and the A/C indoor and outdoor units. Tested it and runs great for both heating and cooling (air coming out at 47 degrees). Drain water goes out the back of the indoor unit and down a hose right next to the outdoor unit, there was an existing drain less than 2 feet away.



Looking good bro. I love mini splits. Enviroment is the key to success imo. When you have control over the atmoshere you have control over the grow. I know quit a few growers who had a hell of a time this summer because they don`t control the enviroment, from bugs to mold to botris, I haven`t any of those things this summer. that Fugitsu compresser suppose to be the shit. I have 3 12000 btu mini`s DIY Ideals. So simple and work great. I wish they were all 2 ton though. Your on your way to a super clean room man. Great work.


Looking good bro. I love mini splits. Enviroment is the key to success imo. When you have control over the atmoshere you have control over the grow. I know quit a few growers who had a hell of a time this summer because they don`t control the enviroment, from bugs to mold to botris, I haven`t any of those things this summer. that Fugitsu compresser suppose to be the shit. I have 3 12000 btu mini`s DIY Ideals. So simple and work great. I wish they were all 2 ton though. Your on your way to a super clean room man. Great work.
Thanks Tortuga! I'm with you, environment is the key and number 1 priority for me on this grow room obviously. Stay tuned in to see what happened over the next week for the room to really be transformed into a grow heaven.

Well, its been over a week since I was hoping to be writing this post. The garage floor is finally finished as of last Friday. The veg cabinet and the tray tables should be done tomorrow hopefully. Painted the day after, and plants moved in shortly after once I set up the equipment. The room I'm using now for the plants (not ideal at all for environment control) is a bedroom loft and that loft will be occupied by a person instead of plants starting Wednesday so I gotta get moving.

Speaking of the plants, no picture updates for them. . . I let the cubes dry out under the wet coco media and didn't realize what had happened for several days with the coco still being completely saturated. :sweating Growth completely halted and has just picked back up slowly over the last 36 hours. Should be back to were they were before the mishap in 24-48 hours. They didn't look happy at all for a few days in the middle there, no dropping of the stems but definitely in the leaves and showed signs of deficiency because they had no root system to instate water, let alone nutrients. Anyways, like I said, I have nursed them back to health and should be going strong soon. And now I am behind all these other WiFi logs going on (which is what I wanted anyways) so I can follow along and learn from others as they get to stages a few weeks ahead of me.

Ok back to the garage, because that has been going slow but at least steady, unlike the seedlings. It took me a day to get the garage cleaned out completely (sweeping, hosing and brushing), then 2 days to do the etch on the concrete because it says to use on a dry surface, and one treatment wasn't enough on some of the worst oil spots. So after hosing down the first etch I had to wait a day for it to be dry again for round 2.

Heres after round 2 of etch and 2 more days worth of crack and hole filling with a filler that settles heavily and needed two applications almost everywhere:

Then I spent a day doing the epoxy primer which was tough to apply because the etch had made the cement surface so rough the primer would not spread very far before I needed to reroll my brush in the tray. Never got a pic of this step, but basically the primer was a watered down Elmer's glue that I painted on so once it was dry it looked like a slightly wet, higher gloss version of the same concrete floor (totally transparent).

Next, I painted on the first coat of epoxy 4 inches up the walls and on the floor. This process was also extra slow because the pure white epoxy was revealing lots of small divots in the concrete (very very small) but enough that it would have left holes in my epoxy coating so i had to press extra hard and use more epoxy than on the following coats. I didn't get started on this first coat until around 4:40 pm so that was all that got done that day because I couldn't get a good second coat done in the dark.

The next day it was obvious that it needed at least a second coat, it had cracking along the caulking at the wall edges and some of the small holes had re-appeared due to settling of the epoxy when it dried. I went back to HomeDe Pot and got 2 more cans of epoxy (actually grabbed a can labeled deep base on accident and had to go back to get white once I realized it was not the same stuff I had used on the first coat, luckily i had grabbed the wrong can under direction from a HomeDe Pot's employees guidance of it being the exact same product, so i got a full refund even tho the can was open and used a bit). So with my two cans of WHITE epoxy, I got another coat done on the floor that filled in all the tiny holes and fixed the cracks.

But I was being anal, and decided now that I had put a couple hundred dollars into making my floor this way, I didn't want roller strip patterns visible in the floor for the rest of the time I use this room. . . so I did a third coat on the floor going the opposite direction to even the white out completely.

And I was an inexperienced blue tape remover and pulled away from the wall instead of towards the tape itself and removed some of the original white wall paint from behind the tape during the removal but no worries that will be fixed tomorrow also. So now the room has a perfect brand new white epoxy floor and if the room ever were to flood it could handle about 3inches of water without any real damage to anything (even tho I don't think there will ever be enough water in this room to flood it that high).

Here's the final result before any equipment or table/closets go in!

1 garage remodeled into prime growing room *check*
-Meeks :cool0041:



WOW! u've been a busy worker bee!

Keep up the work, and the PICS! ALL very cool!

Wish i had u for a neighbor and i could get u to do this to my garage. lol.

S i R


Killer grow room.. Very nice & super clean room... Ur White Fire's got a great new home. There gunna b very happy plants in there new home


Whats up nMEEKS
Wow that room is going to be fun man . I dig the floor. I`ve never done that to my rooms. I just leave the concrete. I`m to much in a hurry usually. Ya man you have to be carefull when your lil ones are in RW. I know exactly what your talking about. They droop, yellow out and look like shit. They take a few days to get better. Killin the roots when they dry out like that. When RW gets to dry it sucks the water right out of the plant. I did this a couple times in a row a while back. They didn`t die but they took a while to come back. Now If a plant starts to resemble that look at all I touch the top of the cube to make sure their not dried out. Great work man



WOW! u've been a busy worker bee!

Keep up the work, and the PICS! ALL very cool!

Wish i had u for a neighbor and i could get u to do this to my garage. lol.

S i R

Busy Busy Busy! got to go back to school on Monday so things are a bit hectic around here right now. Slowed down a bit during the time I was working on the floor (i didn't like working with all those crazy fumes for very long in 1 day), but it has kicked into high gear over the last few days

Killer grow room.. Very nice & super clean room... Ur White Fire's got a great new home. There gunna b very happy plants in there new home

You have no idea, they will be a tad bit spoiled i think :evilgrin. and the room isn't quite so clean at all right now. wood scrap and saw dust basically obscure the pure white floor entirely.

Whats up nMEEKS
Wow that room is going to be fun man . I dig the floor. I`ve never done that to my rooms. I just leave the concrete. I`m to much in a hurry usually. Ya man you have to be carefull when your lil ones are in RW. I know exactly what your talking about. They droop, yellow out and look like shit. They take a few days to get better. Killin the roots when they dry out like that. When RW gets to dry it sucks the water right out of the plant. I did this a couple times in a row a while back. They didn`t die but they took a while to come back. Now If a plant starts to resemble that look at all I touch the top of the cube to make sure their not dried out. Great work man

yep, exactly what i went through over the last week. . . but about 4 days ago they started growth again, and they have grown two new leaf sets since then and they are back on track i think :cool0041:.

The floor being sealed and white is really just above and beyond. the garage was old and the floor showed a few decades worth of oil/paint stains. for the purpose of making the garage look more like a clean room I decided to seal it.

So, as I was starting to get into in my response with S i R and MG, a lot has happened in the last few days. The 5'x8' veg room is fulling constructed including the bi-fold doors across the front. Will still need some weather stripping in certain spots to close the cracks along the door seam from light. The plan is to prime and caulk the inside tomorrow so that I can finish paint sunday and maybe even load equipment in if i paint early enough in the day . . . :cool0041:

Next up, the double decker veg tray stand has also been fully constructed! the stand is on wheels and has about 1.5" clearance on both sides when inside the veg closet, just perfect. this will be painted along side the closet over the weekend if all goes as planned.

Third on the list of accomplished tasked is access to the garage without lifting up the full main 16' garage door. The door was built out of the existing plywood from the garage door, cut out, double backed with another piece of plywood siding, and then hinged and dead bolted in place. I will not show the door from the outside as to avoid advertising what my grow room looks like from the street view, but know that because the existing plywood was used for the outside face of the door, it is very discrete (even for being so large) because it already matched the rest of the garage paint and there is no knob, just dead bolt locks with a pull handle to hold shut while locking. the door measures just under 4' wide so it should be easy moving equipment in and out still, without even needing to lift the main larger door up.

Finally, I hooked up my brand new RO system from purewaterclub.com tonight, so it is currently flushing the membrane for a few hours and then I will test the quality before and after to see how it runs. pretty nice system, came fully assembled with the exception of inserting the RO membrane, and attaching the UV light filter. supposedly produces 150gpd but so far it seems to be a bit less based on the rate it is filling my 5 gal bucket.

Obivously this is only a pic of the water access. The RO system hasn't been mounted to the wall yet so I will take pics then.

Very soon the garage will look nothing like a garage, and a lot like where good plants go when they die (heaven, for those of you that didn't get that one).

-Meeks :cool0041:


Happy to report that according to my new Hanna combo meter, my tap water comes out at 365ppm (holy shit thats high!) and after traveling through the many filters in my RO system it comes out the other end at a perfect 0ppm!! will be keeping tabs on this to see if it goes up slowly over time but I am just impressed that it can get it that low. The 350+ ppm from my tap might explain why my plants showed signs of nute burn when they were on half strength Canna Start and 1/3 strength roots excel before the whole drying out cube fiasco. Now that I have base 0ppm i gotta go buy some calmag and I can start using the H&G line that I just picked up today also. anyone else run h&g coco with WiFi? how much calmag are you needing to use before base nutes (ppm reached)? I am very early in veg if that changes your answer for dosage.



Wow, yeah that is a bit high for tap. U are getting Well water not city right..?

Question, Why u gotta get Cal/Mag? Does using RO or DI water cause u to have a lack of those two? I run DI water and dont have any issues with either them. Just curious if it is something i should look into.

Ur set up is going to be so on point! I would love it if u would come help me do this to a whole unfinished basement.

S i R


Wow, yeah that is a bit high for tap. U are getting Well water not city right..?

Question, Why u gotta get Cal/Mag? Does using RO or DI water cause u to have a lack of those two? I run DI water and dont have any issues with either them. Just curious if it is something i should look into.

Ur set up is going to be so on point! I would love it if u would come help me do this to a whole unfinished basement.

S i R

*edit on last post about my tap water quality, ppm from tap after calibration of hanna meter is 210, and after RO DI is still 0 (supposed to be calibrated out of the box but i guess not every time is perfect).*

Just picked up a gallon of "CaliMagic" which is a companies product for a Calcium and Magnesium solution. tons of companies have dif names on it. CalMag, CaMg+, CaliMagic. Anyways, after the water runs through RO and DI, there isn't much of anything left. The plants require small amounts of a bunch of micro nutrients, many of which most nutrient companies put into their fert solution so that your plant looks happy and healthy with their products (obviously). But, they often don't have much Calcium or Magnesium in their base or micro solution because they assume you have it already in your tap water (Ca and Mg are present in the necessary amount in tap water almost everywhere). So. . . when you and I are purifying our tap water to be 100% h2o we need to add back in the Ca and Mg so the plant can thrive!

You want to add it first before anything else because as you may have noticed, pH on pure RO DI water is very touchy, this is because there is not much of anything in the water to stabilize the pH. After bring the ppm's up a bit with CalMag you have a more stable pH that can then be adjusted more easily before or after adding base nutrients. The owner of the hydro store where I live says that he uses it at 2-3 ml per gal in veg and early flower then increases up to 5ml per gal in mid-late flower. Hope this helps and isn't just a repeat of the basics you already know.

-Meeks :cool0041:

P.S. busy with school but have a day off tomorrow so hopefully I can get a full update with some pics online. The veg closet is pretty much up and running. just needs a intake filter, some plants, and an irrigation system. Also picked up a few nice toys at the hydro store besides the CalMag. Some 4x4 trays, titan co2 equipment and light controller, and a bunch of other stuff like 2 brand new dual arc eye hortilux bulbs. :banana1sv6:


WOW ! ! !
Thats some bad-ass work you did there bro !
L00Ks like its going to be one hell of a grow room - pro from day 1!
Cant wait to see that up and runnin!
Happy Growin Man!


About the CalMag.

I talked to the hydro store owner guy here, and he told me that it wasn't required, but i did ask him about it. I ran my hydro unit and a soil run using pure DeIonized H20 and didnt get any sort of deficiancies from either of them.

Now yes ur water from the tap has all kinds of stuff in it, but that is why we use RO or DI water cause we dont want that stuff.

Most Nute companies suggest that u do use RO or DI water with their products due to most tap water being improper for feeding a plant.

It is sick how much Calcium and junk is in my humidifier after it runs dry. lol.

The Horti DayLight... Is that the one ur getting? If so it is the one im using with my set up, and it KICKS ASS. it runs about 5 degrees cooler than the Eye and is a beast for the start of flowering.

S i R


About the CalMag.

I talked to the hydro store owner guy here, and he told me that it wasn't required, but i did ask him about it. I ran my hydro unit and a soil run using pure DeIonized H20 and didnt get any sort of deficiancies from either of them.

Now yes ur water from the tap has all kinds of stuff in it, but that is why we use RO or DI water cause we dont want that stuff.

Most Nute companies suggest that u do use RO or DI water with their products due to most tap water being improper for feeding a plant.

It is sick how much Calcium and junk is in my humidifier after it runs dry. lol.

The Horti DayLight... Is that the one ur getting? If so it is the one im using with my set up, and it KICKS ASS. it runs about 5 degrees cooler than the Eye and is a beast for the start of flowering.

S i R

Very interesting personal experience by you and your hydro store contact. I have always used tap and like i said my tap is such a high ppm that I have never used CaMg but assumed I would when i made the switch to RO DI. I have the ability to do side by side tests in this new set up so I guess thats just one more thing to add to the list of product to run with and without for testing. This setup should allow for at least 4 side by sides to take place at a time. being that I will have 8 flowering plants at any one time. All in the same environment. Wont be doing any these first few runs as I get a mother stock going. obviously results from a side by side when growing from seeds aren't of much help to the community due to natural genetic variation.

here is the link to the bulbs I have:

Thanks for your interest.

-Meeks :smiley_joint:


WOW ! ! !
Thats some bad-ass work you did there bro !
L00Ks like its going to be one hell of a grow room - pro from day 1!
Cant wait to see that up and runnin!
Happy Growin Man!

Thanks LM! I learned a lot last year spending more money fixing a problem once I had it, rather than just doing the simple preventative measures with environmental control before the room gets filled with valuable plants. I also luckily have a very trusting investor for this project that has given me a budget for everything I could dream up. The project would have been about 1/4 the cost/quality/size if I was paying for everything myself upfront. The room should be up and running soon. The girls are gonna go under the MH as soon as I transplant them in 2 gal pots. and it won't be long after that before they need some room and a flip to 12/12, so the room needs to be set-up and functional within the month at the latest, crossing my fingers I find the time to get it done over the next 10 days.

-Meeks :rasta2:


First week back in classes done. Amazing how just sitting can be so draining sometimes. Got some things done in the veg closet (no pics tonight) and then got pretty far into the flowering area tables. Also picked up some new toys at the hydro store a few days ago. Heres some shots of that process and some of the bigger things I got. Don't really know how I managed not to take any pics of the veg closet after it was all primed and painted but that did happen over last weekend as planned. The 2x8 tray table was also painted and I have the veg closet about 80% set up. Still no pics of that process. Will post some when I can get in and take some shots without wet paint tables in my way.

Here comes the pics update :movie

4x4 tray tables and 20 gal reservoir platform below:

Window blocked with plywood and then cut for ducting system. 8" in and out for a/c hoods, and 8" out for exhaust (both out vents have backdraft dampers). then there is a rectangle duct fitting for a louvered air vent that came with a magnetic cover piece so that I can completely close off or open up the ventilation of the room for the exhaust system when I need to vent after a sulfur burn or to lower CO2 ppm at night:

Now here are some quick shots of some of the bigger ticket items I picked up at the hydro store this week:

Lastly, I would be posting pics of the plants but the light just went off as I was typing this update so I will have to take some new shots tomorrow or sunday. They are at about 5-6 nodes and may or may not put out their first 5 blade leaf on this next node, they are still warming up from their desert experience a few weeks back. Transplant into 2 gal pots will happen tomorrow or sunday most likely also.

Be on the lookout for a new thread popping up in the next week or 2 some White Urkle will be popped shortly!

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