Search results for query: Compost tea

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  1. cannafarmer420

    Atlas seeds meets 🤡 genetics. Papaya Candy and Cali Blue

    New compost tea setup and I saw another damn chipmunk 🤪
  2. socks4free

    Socks' garden pic dump thread

    Put a couple more plants in the ground today and started a batch of aerated compost tea. For the tea I used 6 cups of my compost, 1/4 cup micronized azomite powder, 2 handfuls of leaf mold, 1/4 cup unsulphured black strap molasses, and 1 tablespoon of sea weed extract + humic/fluid acid.
  3. Imzzaudae

    Wanting a simple compost tea

    Here are the 2 I use. This is a link to Garden Like A viking. Simple compost tea Boosted compost tea. I use Muskie fish emulsion in this one. This is great stuff!
  4. Cbdfool

    Some compost tea I experimental purposes.

    Has anyone experimented with compost starter in their tea? I mixed about a tablespoon of espoma starter in with a mix of compost and castings. 2/3 compost 1/3 castings roughly. In a solo cup and mixed it up; and moistened it with some liquid seaweed (small batch for a couple gallons since I...
  5. IsanFarmer

    Some questions about making tea from homemade compost

    I started making my own compost a few months back and it's starting to look good. The plan is to make compost tea for my plants but I really don't know what I am doing. Do I have to wait until all of the food, grass, leaves etc have completely broken down before I can use it for compost teas? Or...
  6. 7munkee

    Tea made from cold compost

    I've had a pile in the back corner of my garden that I pile all my grass clippings, tree leaves, garden scraps. small sticks, cardboard, etc. Its abuot 3 years old now and is mostly worm castings, It was turned over each fall by my son. Last year I had volunteer tomato plants growing out of...

    Newt Burn or lockout or ??

    I also have cal mag, a compost tea brew, Flora kleen to flush, PH up and down, and green cleaner for pest control if my soap spray doesn't work on any pests I could get.

    Newt Burn or lockout or ??

    I have this compost tea. I also have recharge and earth dust, I did a organic grow last time. Trying new things this time. But I can do what you suggested. If it will help I watered the plants with pure ph 6.9 water last night I'll make the tea today and give them it later tonight.
  9. R

    What soil with Stepwell amendments

    Am I able to use Stepwell top dress amendments, and Stepwell compost tea with say, promix hp? Or any random organic soil? Stepwell soil is no more but I have their amendments and need a compatible soil.
  10. K

    Wanting a simple compost tea

    Does anybody have a simple recipe for early veg tryn not to have to go get anything i have about all i need for organic soil so hoping i have enough
  11. cobblestoner

    Is my compost tea ready? What's this film on the top?

    My compost tea recipe starts in a 5 gallon bucket with the recipe consisting of the following: 2tbsp blackstrap molasses 2tbsp fish emulsion 1 cup BuildASoil craft blend amendments 2 cups worm castings 1 teaspoon of Bioag- vam Endo mix Compost tea started around 2 days ago Is it done? is the...
  12. T

    Help, Im new and not sure if its growing right

    Week 4 Day 6 Coco coir, feeding it Silca Blast, Pure Blend Pro, Cal-Mag, and once a week tea compost. PH is 6.0
  13. Imzzaudae

    Help! Is this mildew? What do I do?

    Make a simple compost tea. Strain it well and spray the plant with it. This will take care of the Mildew in short order. Spray the plant once a day for a few days. Then make sure it dries.
  14. T

    Bacteria dominant compost tea recipe

    Hey guys, quick question..does anybody have a compost tea recipe that is bacterial dominant? Wondering for pm.
  15. ILGMTransplant

    How often should I be adding nutrients during flower?

    I like GH flora nova bloom. I rotate flora bloom, water, and compost tea.
  16. Trash_2002

    Organic inputs what are your keys?

    Put a little Humic Acid too to brew ( a good compost will have a good ammount of humic/fulvic acids too tho), so you get a more even F:B ratio in the brew.
  17. PlumberSoCal2

    Socks' garden pic dump thread

    Dilute this tea before use😉 I had a bucket like that with horse manure in a nylons bag for years. Good stuff no matter what organic material you use, even weeds.
  18. MartyMcFly42oh

    Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

    That liquid is great for making compost tea or can be used to ferment.
  19. Trash_2002

    The Trasher's Sunny Corner of Dank

    Thank you Tumble :-) it's always beneficial, even in chemical feeding. Roots love oxygen. In organic teas is mandatory so it doesn't breed anaerobic bacteria after 24h.
  20. socks4free

    Socks' garden pic dump thread

    The compost tea looks a hell of a lot darker now that it's been bubbling for 12 hours. I put all the compost /azomite/solids in a paint strainer and tied it closed before putting it in the bucket so everything small enough is seeping out into the water but any large chunks will not go into it...
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