Buying Weed In Algarve Portugal

  • Thread starter kickick
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Hello there,

Im going in Algarve next week for 1 month. I will have big trouble to sleep if I don't score high quality weed..

I have already search a bit on the net about scoring there and it seem that even if it's tolerate it's difficult to find. I don't really like the idea of buying on the street to black/arabian guys that sell expensive low hask/or just scam you... I have a wife and kids so I don't really want to go on night club if it's possible...

I did read somewhere it's possible in smart/head or grow shop there. I also read that you can buy on shop that sell kind of aromatic herb. Have you an idea where I can find that or if it's just exist?

Thx guys :)


Premium Member
Been there 20 years ago. you will love. I have a good friend who is from there but is in the states..
Food is amazing please report trip as we are planning on going someday as well......


Hey kick kick, just slip some concentrate into the baby bag :smoking:
That way you don't have to mess with the locals.


Premium Member
I would make some hard candy infused with hash oil make some one color and non medicated another color and mix them


Premium Member
Or you can put a few grams of has in your ass. Not worth the risk you could also ship yourself some stuff if you do it right . they aren't looking for a few grams they want the cash going there


I would make some hard candy infused with hash oil make some one color and non medicated another color and mix them
Watermelon tarts, some hard candies, especially the peach-o's have awesome non-medicated counterparts. My problem was keeping the medicated ones away from the snack back. From what I have seen, gravekat is right that the feds are more interested in following the money than anything else. I don't think people really understand how much 'interstate commerce' is going on.

The only issues I see between medicated and non medicated is the melting temp. peachy-o's turn into a gooey mess if not consumed or if stored cold. I packed some for a hiking trip and at lunch they were goo, but the afternoon was glorious.


Premium Member
Last time we went years ago no problem in underwear...


Premium Member
The Sangria wine tastes so good. Real nice fruit and the wine is excellent.
One can get ripped real quick..
Also do me a favor and report..
find a café, have an ice cold beer with snails and garlic bread...
you dip the bread in the butter snail broth and it's out of this world...
Also hit the fish market amazing fish and sea food..
chickens they have street vendors with small roasted chickens that are amazing..
Seek out the small cafes, I could call my friend for some details on where to stay but last time I looked not too bad pricewise.Air b and b or whatever it is is also a good place to look for accommodation..
When you going??
You will find something, if not still will be fun. Went 18 days without in New Zealand not that bad..
You chances of finding are way better than down there.


Premium Member
Are you planning on touring, how long of stay. my friend could direct you to some amazing places tourists do not side and beaches.......
He has told me it will blow your mind....


hi guys,
Thx for all of this advices but with my wife and kids there is just no way I take something with me, whatever is the form..but your ideas are cool :)

Nobody has a tip with the locals there? What about those "aromatic herbal shop"?

I stay 3 weeks there and leaving on thursday.


Premium Member
hi guys,
Thx for all of this advices but with my wife and kids there is just no way I take something with me, whatever is the form..but your ideas are cool :)

Nobody has a tip with the locals there? What about those "aromatic herbal shop"?

I stay 3 weeks there and leaving on thursday.
So you want weed but aren't willing to take a risk? One way or another you are gonna have to dig deep aand find the your balls if you wanna get stoned


So you want weed but aren't willing to take a risk? One way or another you are gonna have to dig deep aand find the your balls if you wanna get stoned
Did you miss the part where he has a wife? :)

hi guys,
Thx for all of this advices but with my wife and kids there is just no way I take something with me, whatever is the form..but your ideas are cool :)

Nobody has a tip with the locals there? What about those "aromatic herbal shop"?

I stay 3 weeks there and leaving on thursday.
If you are looking on a pot forum for a drug dealer in another part of the world, this is not the right website.

Just to be certain, you are absolutely not willing to take anything with you on your person for any reason because drugs, but you are willing to let someone else assume the risk so you can benefit when you are on vacation?

You can be vague and dance around what you are trying to ask, which is good practice for when you travel, but it won't get you far, here. No offense, but I wouldn't offer up a connection to some random guy on the internet. Surely you grasp that your post went from curious to sketchy pretty quick. Good luck.

On the chance that you are still reading this, I see two examples and your experience will likely land you in the middle.

"Between the highest mountains in Spain and the Mediterranean Sea, Las Alpujarras is one of the most beautiful regions in the world. It is a joyous land of sunshine, snowy mountains and some of the most fantastic scenery imaginable.

The Alpujarras region boasts some of the most fertile farm land in the world. It is considered a global ‘sweet-spot’ for cannabis production. Cannabis is consumed there primarily as hashish, although dried flowers are also consumed by some. I have been told that hemp has been cultivated in the Alpujarras region since before the days of Columbus.

I received a small seed sample of a landrace strain from Las Alpujarras, sent to me by a private researcher in Cantabria, Spain. The seed has been in the queue for over two years. I am finally putting these into production and plan to do a simple, non-selective increase."
-centennial seeds

Lastly, from massroots:
In 2013, a Health Ministry of Spain study showed that more Spaniards began smoking cannabis in 2013 than smoking tobacco; 50% of Spaniards are in favor of legal cannabis. In order to combat persecution for cannabis use, private clubs have been sprouting up in Barcelona, Valencia, and Basque Country, all requiring approved membership. These clubs allow the owners to cultivate marijuana and distribute it to their members. The members pay for club upkeep and cultivation costs in exchange for use of the club and its marijuana. Because there are no laws against restricted distribution of marijuana to private club members in Spain, 40 cannabis clubs have rapidly turned into 700. Because they are private, the clubs can cater to one or more specific portions of the population -- tourists not included. Spain’s cannabis clubs are meant for the locals, members, and communities only.
Last edited:


If you are looking on a pot forum for a drug dealer in another part of the world, this is not the right website.

Ok so do you have a link? Wikipedia doesn't help me for that :) I was not exected to have a number of a dealer here, dont worry...But as I did write it I was looking mostly if anyone know if" shop that sell kind of aromatic herb" sell pot for real or not...or maybe an area where I can search...

Just to be certain, you are absolutely not willing to take anything with you on your person for any reason because drugs, but you are willing to let someone else assume the risk so you can benefit when you are on vacation?

I was not exepecte anyone to take same plane as me and carry my pot...I was exepted to have, at least, an area where i can search for...(I fond a lot of information where to buy in Lisbon but not in Algarve) I was exepted to find there a local guy that can give me pot and I give him money.. I really don't get why that person will take a risk just FOR ME. I exepted someone ta take risk FOR MY MONEY as any trade where marijuana is illegal, that makes a big difference...

You can be vague and dance around what you are trying to ask

I dont know how can I be more clear...I go on holidays and I need to smoke... So I m looking for any possible solution, what's wrong with that?

Sound funny to watch, thanks for sharing but I don't see any connection of that story and my problem...

Las Alpujarras sound great but again I just want to smoke, I dont want/need to produce there...I dont see any connection...and it sound far from Algarve...

Again for thr cannabis club in spain... I know it exist...thx...i have already try to be a member in Tenerife and it has failed so I had to buy crappy hash from the black guys...I know also it doesn't exist in Portugal...if I could have find a solution using google don't worry I wouldn't ask it in that forum...

As you did guess it, english is not my natural language and im not fluent sorry for that...
The Terps

The Terps

Ya I would be more worried about getting caught trying to buy overseas than travel a small personal amount. I have two friends that fly often and always bring around 2-4oz with sealed inside a tubewhare container and they place their script face out and seal a meal it shut. Then they just fly with it carry on. Law enforcement now a days seems to have a pretty decent grasp of what is reasonable, and what's overboard.
If it were me though I like to travel without. I love to smoke but can easily do without especially on vaca. Enough to do and see every day typically to wear me out on top of jet lag.


i need 30 gramms for my 3 weeks there is just no way I take something with me...


I've bought and smoked bud off the streets in many different foreign countries. I always just look like a dumb american looking to get high and it usually just shows up. Hippies look the same all over the world, seek them you said start at the head shops. Find the part of town where everyone is just hanging around, tourists bar locations, etc....doesn't have to be during the night. Don't go in back alleys, do all deals in public but out of smart just like here in the usa.


Premium Member
Algarve, Portugal
Smoking Tolerance Level :

8/10 ( 1 = Highly Prohibited 10 = Legal )
Average Weed Prices In Algarve, Portugal
Quality Average ($/Oz.)* Sample Size
High Quality $ 165.18 24
Medium Quality $ 194.79 13
Low Quality $ 170.45 1

Laws and legal news about marijuana in Algarve, Portugal
Possession of cannabis in small amounts and for personal use is tolerated in Algarve. If caught carrying weed for personal use, the police may just let you off without a warning and fine. It is acceptable if a person is found with marijuana with less than 10 days reasonable dosage. The cops are not quit interested on tourists smoking pot. Smoking hash or weed is just fine as long as it is not done blatantly and the user is not causing any trouble to anyone. If you are a tourist and you are seized, you may need to bribe the police. About 50 euros can settle it.
Where to buy weed and marijuana seeds in Algarve, Portugal
It is not that easy to find and buy weed in Algarve although there are some cunning looking guys in the streets that will try to offer you some weed. Don’t buy from them because mostly, they are just selling crappy stuffs! You can purchase hashish from one the black guys in the streets.

Prices and more information about cannabis in Algarve, Portugal
The average price for cannabis is between $13 to $14 for a gram. In Algarve, the hashish is actually cheaper than weed. You can buy 3.5 grams of hash for only $13 to $14. For candlewax soap bar, you only have to pay $1.3 for one gram and about $13 for tourists. Hashish is cheap in Algarve but it is one with poorest quality. They have the soap bar hashish or candlewax soap bar that is almost the same with those that can be found in Europe and United Kingdom. When it comes to strains, there are only few choices. Weed is usually mid-grade to premium quality if available. It is easier to find hash than weed in Algarve. Approaching one of the stoner types or heading your way to a head shop is the common way of getting cannabis in town. Don’t buy hashish on the streets because most are very low in quality and dealers will try to rip you off.
Latest submissions in Algarve, Portugal
Place Price Size Quality Date
Portugal, Algarve $25.00 an eighth medium quality August 28, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $20.00 5 grams high quality August 01, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $5.00 5 grams medium quality July 30, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $40.00 5 grams high quality July 30, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $75.00 30 grams high quality July 21, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $10.00 a quarter medium quality July 20, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $30.00 20 grams high quality July 09, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $20.00 an ounce high quality July 05, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $40.00 5 grams high quality June 16, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $100.00 5 grams high quality May 20, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $300.00 an ounce high quality April 24, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $35.00 10 grams high quality March 27, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $50.00 5 grams high quality March 03, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $10.00 10 grams medium quality November 20, 2015
Portugal, Algarve $10.00 10 grams high quality October 29, 2015


Ahh messing with the airport and TSA. Hmm federal prison time doesn't sound too fond to me. Federal time = day for day. No good time, no early release like state time. Don't tempt fate. Find a stoner over there. I do that like to link other forums on here, but is an international grow forum. Check out the or Portugal sub forum, make a thread and a friend. Problem solved.
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