Algarve, Portugal
Smoking Tolerance Level :
8/10 ( 1 = Highly Prohibited 10 = Legal )
Average Weed Prices In Algarve, Portugal
Quality Average ($/Oz.)* Sample Size
High Quality $ 165.18 24
Medium Quality $ 194.79 13
Low Quality $ 170.45 1
Laws and legal news about marijuana in Algarve, Portugal
Possession of cannabis in small amounts and for personal use is tolerated in Algarve. If caught carrying weed for personal use, the police may just let you off without a warning and fine. It is acceptable if a person is found with marijuana with less than 10 days reasonable dosage. The cops are not quit interested on tourists smoking pot. Smoking hash or weed is just fine as long as it is not done blatantly and the user is not causing any trouble to anyone. If you are a tourist and you are seized, you may need to bribe the police. About 50 euros can settle it.
Where to buy weed and marijuana seeds in Algarve, Portugal
It is not that easy to find and buy weed in Algarve although there are some cunning looking guys in the streets that will try to offer you some weed. Don’t buy from them because mostly, they are just selling crappy stuffs! You can purchase hashish from one the black guys in the streets.
Prices and more information about cannabis in Algarve, Portugal
The average price for cannabis is between $13 to $14 for a gram. In Algarve, the hashish is actually cheaper than weed. You can buy 3.5 grams of hash for only $13 to $14. For candlewax soap bar, you only have to pay $1.3 for one gram and about $13 for tourists. Hashish is cheap in Algarve but it is one with poorest quality. They have the soap bar hashish or candlewax soap bar that is almost the same with those that can be found in Europe and United Kingdom. When it comes to strains, there are only few choices. Weed is usually mid-grade to premium quality if available. It is easier to find hash than weed in Algarve. Approaching one of the stoner types or heading your way to a head shop is the common way of getting cannabis in town. Don’t buy hashish on the streets because most are very low in quality and dealers will try to rip you off.
Latest submissions in Algarve, Portugal
Place Price Size Quality Date
Portugal, Algarve $25.00 an eighth medium quality August 28, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $20.00 5 grams high quality August 01, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $5.00 5 grams medium quality July 30, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $40.00 5 grams high quality July 30, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $75.00 30 grams high quality July 21, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $10.00 a quarter medium quality July 20, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $30.00 20 grams high quality July 09, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $20.00 an ounce high quality July 05, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $40.00 5 grams high quality June 16, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $100.00 5 grams high quality May 20, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $300.00 an ounce high quality April 24, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $35.00 10 grams high quality March 27, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $50.00 5 grams high quality March 03, 2016
Portugal, Algarve $10.00 10 grams medium quality November 20, 2015
Portugal, Algarve $10.00 10 grams high quality October 29, 2015