More Evidence Proving 'Dubbya' was 'Worst President Ever!'

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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

As if sky high lecturing "Me" on what I should be paying or "How" I should be more like "Him" has any intellectual value in the post...
More Evidence Proving 'Dubbya' was 'Worst President Ever!'

I'll lay it out for you. Obama "The spending of George Bush is UN-Patriotic" and His no federal budget, but I need more money via taxation... FN Joke! 5 yrs, same Unemployment, Same GDP, A waste.

Obama "The first thing I'll do when I get into office is go through the federal budget, line by line to eliminate government waste and spending in the most transparent administration you have ever seen" Yeah it's so transparent you can't see or hear anything... You can't "Write" shit funnier than that!

Border control... Laughable, Where is all sky highs tax dollar going? Not to me... Didn't touch that one did he. More dribble about "Me" and how "He" is. Nice misdirect.

Sandy Hook and gun control... Obama, Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein were like the FN 3 stooges. Create laws that your own democratic senate won't support and have absolutely "Zero" effect on Adam Lanza and his mother legally buying and providing An obviously mentally impaired individual weapons? She got hers and the tragedy still happens weather Obama creates tighter control over "Legal" gun buyers or not... Pointless and An attempt to "Push" personal agenda.

Fast and Furious and Gun Control... Now Obama just thinks people are stupid and he may be right!

Obama Green Energy Plan... Hilarious! The only energy being executed there is the taking of Green Backs from taxpayers pockets and lining the pockets of multiple businesses / Obama doners that have failed miserably repeatedly regardless of numerous attempts...

Obama and sequestration, Priceless... "Already some in Congress are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts. My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one" The world will end and it is the republicans fault because they wont raise taxes again? and it is still George Bush's Fault... FN comedy man...

Obama Care? Yeah OK... 5yrs and Busk is gone, Their is A New Pres. in town but he can't seem to handle the country without George Bush to blame when he fails? It's George Bush's fault... Uh Yeah, OK... People are really still buying that Betty Crockered straight from the Democratic Cookie Cutter Bullshit line... I am amazed at how naive people are!

As if how I work and what tax rate I pay and how Bitchin and Cool sky high is (Reminds me of Obama, He's so Cool hangin' with Rap Stars and Golfing and Vacationing) has anything to do with A country that is obviously Failing by any measure... I see where some peoples priorities lie.


^^Damn man, that is pretty cut and dry. Come on though, Bush took the most vacation time of any Pres. he is the reason this country is in such poor shape....haha
sky high

sky high

It's no lecture it was just a way to get you to admit on the open forum that you're not playing the same game is everyone else

we've heard it all befor yawn stretch


SoCal's decision to pay taxes aside - all the claims made about Obama there are true.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Yeah, SoCal is all broke and back of the bus with his family of I.H.R.A. World Record Holders and 2time Hall of Fame inductiees... Hangin with world class bike builders like Arlen Ness (Him and Uncle Grew up together) and Billy Lane (Yes, he is in prison now...) and painting sick ass boats and bikes to generate $$$ at will... No I'm not playin' the same game as everyone else. My life is the equivalent of "Living" Sturgis and an NHRA Drag Race combined on A daily basis... Just another lay back broke Ass day here in So. Cal...


I tried not paying taxes and eventually got bit. You always get just takes some time before they catch you.

I despise getting my money stolen which goes to fund things I don't support. (war, welfare, illegals, other country handouts, etc)....and it's never used for the things I'd like done. And if I don't pay or try to recind my SSN they come and steal all my shit (land, cars, etc)

Ex-Congressman Ron Paul covers the tax thing quite simple and has easy and quick solutions. People should read a few of his books before they say they support our current Mafioso tax system and bogus fiat currency.

A good video is Aaron Russo's "Freedom to Fascism" which uncovers the entire bogus IRS.

Presidents? They are nothing in the grand scheme of things. There are others pulling the strings. Find out who they are and then you may see where the real darkness comes from. This country is being destroyed from within...and all by design.

It's time to re-educate yourself, people. We have all been fucking duped. Brainwashed to the fuckin' max.


Premium Member
Southern California?...?..
That explains a lot....
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I tried not paying taxes and eventually got bit. You always get just takes some time before they catch you.

I despise getting my money stolen which goes to fund things I don't support. (war, welfare, illegals, other country handouts, etc)....and it's never used for the things I'd like done. And if I don't pay or try to recind my SSN they come and steal all my shit (land, cars, etc)

Ex-Congressman Ron Paul covers the tax thing quite simple and has easy and quick solutions. People should read a few of his books before they say they support our current Mafioso tax system and bogus fiat currency.

A good video is Aaron Russo's "Freedom to Fascism" which uncovers the entire bogus IRS.

Presidents? They are nothing in the grand scheme of things. There are others pulling the strings. Find out who they are and then you may see where the real darkness comes from. This country is being destroyed from within...and all by design.

It's time to re-educate yourself, people. We have all been fucking duped. Brainwashed to the fuckin' max.
Like the Bilderberg Group that Obama and Hillary have been seen attending...

Cars, Bikes, and Boats... BlueBook very low, Build and style determines price, money is untrackable. Buyers "Never" declare true value when purchasing because of ridiculous fees... Nuf said...
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Today's plan.......
Milk goats, feed orphan kids and chickens, deliver eggs, three cases of 24 dozen in the hot rod, hit the river for a few casts, back to farm, collect 40 dozen eggs, then must move 300 chickens from winter residence in greenhouse to barn, easy and fun day, work, eat, fish.
Life is good for the Chickenman......
You have my true admiration... Family did exactly what you talk about. 1000's of chickens. Don't even know the actual numbers... been there. True "Legal" immigrants to the U.S. form Europe during World War. Ellis Island survivors, No walk across the border / free ride there. I am 3rd generation, born in same town, One block from original property and still own part of that property, pay tax on that and my home... How could someone avoid that? People still speak highly of my grand parents and what they built and achieved from nothing, to this day and many of the children of these family's still live in the same community... Very tight nit. I have literally watched my city grow from nothing. I have history here. The local grape vine per say, and it matters in A big way. Don't know how you and yours refer to it but maybe that "Explains" A little more about SoCal, not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things...:)
Take Care chickenman... The best to you and yours!


Premium Member
From Northern California...BAy Area. Always a rivalry ,go niners, go giants......


I just smoked a whole joint of Cherry Diesel or Diesel Cherry by myself,.... and now properly levitated I am going to practice my String Cheese Ball Room Dancing for an up coming competition followed up by a UFC style wrestling match/bout with my own wall shadow till it pins me and I say Uncle or Mati as usual, followed up by a foreign film in a language I don't understand with no subtitles from NetFlix that I have to write a review of. I have a heavy schedule today but I'll get through it. Tomorrow I'll be posting my best peanut butter with sardine or kippers cooking recipes for those seeking a guru's diet that will really helps trim you down and just plain makes you lose weight fast as dysentery and how to play poker with your dogs or cats and win big.
The Mad Crazy Ol' Bluzboy
The Bluz Dude1 smiley


BINGO on "The Bilderberg Group"

Let me baby-step this a bit.

Most of us know that the Italian Mafia has a HUGE power presence in Italy (and others countries as well). They buy off politicians to pass laws in their favor, they control drug trafficking, prostitution rings and they are the kings of laundering money AND they have their filthy hands in everyones back pockets. In essence they pretty much "run the show" from a "behind the curtain" approach. And they don't fuck around, either. If they don't like someone, they threaten him (or them) and if that don't work, they kill em or they kill the guys family. Or they'll just start fucking blowing up shit.

Sounds a bit like "government" huh? :) And they wear nice suitcoats too, huh?

But lets continue....It's well known that we have the Irish Mafia, Asian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, China Mafia, etc and they all have immense power. This is fact.

SO! Hmmm. I wonder what a bunch of elite bankers and other rich mother fuckers could do if they have the sole power to print off as much money as they so-please? If you think about it, the possibilities are endless. They can do ANYTHING they fucking want. Just one bigass motha fucking Global Mafia.

How about total global control?..and they could do it country by country until they get a one world government with one currency. And then it's a Kings and serfs world ...or maybe better said, masters and slaves.

Nah, that's just conspiracy bullshit. Or is it? :)

And so...why many people are blaming politicians and presidents while being sucked into the bullshit and bread and circus shows, you remain oblivious to the g-dam truth. And you watch these dumbass politico TV shows with talking heads on there and you think you are somehow educated? You play right into their hands and they love you for being so fucking ignorant. And as long as people buy into their shit the quicker and easier it will be for these fuckers to do whatever the fuck they please. And it won't be to our benefit, trust me on that.

No the sky ain't falling but if people continue to be brain-dead, get used to living in the dirt or in a jail cell.


Call it what you will: How about Global Governance? Run by "Central Banks?" (aka Bilderberg) Watch the vid and see the news reports where it is openly discussed. If ya think Alex Jones is a hack, ignore him and instead just watch the news clips he posts. Those are factual. (and btw what do you think the EU is? it's a mini step to global governing..and there has been much talk of NAU (North American Union) which will combine the US, Canada and Mexico)) Little by little they will group it up folks...this way the sheeple don't see it fucking coming. In the meantime, the sheep argue over a g-dam president who is nothing but a fucking pawn. The truth is being exposed people..if you can open up your mind. Dec 21 2012 was not the end of the world but the beginning of a new enlightenment of sorts, an unveiling. Lets wake up, accept the reality and then take the appropriate actions. Or sit in your own stupidity in front of your big screen TV and continue to stuff your cakehole with chesseballs and wash it down with aspartame laced soda pop.


Fear Not!
Presidents? They are nothing in the grand scheme of things. There are others pulling the strings. Find out who they are and then you may see where the real darkness comes from. This country is being destroyed from within...and all by design.

It's time to re-educate yourself, people. We have all been fucking duped. Brainwashed to the fuckin' max.



wow this is some crazy shit. honestly i don't know how we're going to survive this. people are just way too fing stupid.

As the train blasts down the tracks and you're standing on them , it doesn't do any good to believe it ain't coming.

Ever observe a cat? One might say they are highly paranoid. I prefer to call it cautious and aware .......and they are damn good survivors. :)

I still have hope the masses will wake up and then act. But yeah for now, there's way too many zombies stuck in la-la land.

IF ANYONE WANTS FACTUAL DATA TO BACK UP MY CLAIMS, JUST ASK. I'll do my best to post it. Honestly I'd rather see the person research it out themselves because then I know they have a true interest and they are not just getting off on making me jump through their hoops.

Discussions are good, much better than positing silly pictures and vids, while avoiding engaging in civil conversations with some knowledge..
sky high

sky high

I wish I had the head space to worry about all the "what if's?" kolah..... but after living through the worst "what if?" I could ever imagine via losing my son I have seen ENOUGH reality...true reality...and I find I have no desire or space to fill my head with such theories or predictions. I appreciate the exposure, and I'm glad you have enough slack in your world to fret over such things, but we are merely living out REALITY here and damn...that's PLENTY of depression and hopelessness ON A REAL LEVEL to deal with around here without purposely going out and searching for it.
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