More Evidence Proving 'Dubbya' was 'Worst President Ever!'

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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

How ironic it is that such a directive for a "better life" would come from the very person who has started the multiple threads here (and ONLY political threads..NO grow threads at all)

I don't have the time to do grow journals and post all that info and you know a lot of what I post gets deleted because of arguing with people like you but I'll put A couple of pics up in-case you missed it last time. The close ups are the pics I posted before... The Big Bud shots are from what I am trimming today, Love it / Hate it (Trimming for days) The strain is my (Keeper) cut of many grown from seed from breeder (OG Raskal) WiFi... Have A Good One! I know I will :cool:



dirk d

dirk d

Home Ownership adds a huge amount to the GDP. housing has a ripple effect in the economy by creating LOTS of jobs and creating demand for commodities such as lumber and others. The benefit to the economy as a WHOLE is much greater than a few million people losing everything they had by getting into home ownership wo/knowing the downfalls.

I was in finance when it was rocking and rolling and it was GEORGE BUSH that created the housing mess. NOT Clinton. Bush made it so you can get a house with no income/asset documentation and NO $$$ down lol It got pretty bad but hey important thing is that I made a lot of $$$ from it lol

Home Ownership is not for everyone. If you don't have 20% down payment(at least) and a VERY stable job, why spend 70% of your after taxed $$ on paying massive amounts of Interest to someone else?? Next home i get i'll have at least 50% down and i'll pay that fu**er off in 5 years. It's not home ownership if the bank owns your home people!! lol

btw "mortgage" literally means "till death" lol also if you own a car with a loan -- it's not really your car!! lol just means you got jacked by a car salesmen lol Welcome to "ownership" lol
sky high

sky high

Nice buds, SoCal. About to take down an entire room here myself.

Bingo, dirk. Too many folks treadin where they don't belong with the entire housing fiasco. We had an entire block of neighbors who "upsized'....many buying larger/newer homes in the same subdivision as the market boomed and prices were rising by leaps and bounds. We hung out in the "slum"...maintaining the lowly status quo.....LOL...and then watched as ex-neighbor after ex-neighbor went from riding the wave to eating the beach with their face. We've been frugal and far. If things don't collapse around us....we might be OK.:rolleyes: I can't even imagine what it would be like to be upside down on all of this.


Politicians and homeowners generally do not fully understand the sciences and implications of the Banking Industry. Clinton..Bush..Obama..and even new homeowners might have started out with "all good intentions" of increasing the home ownership fold...with none being the true cause of the housing bubble. Bankers pushing the envelope on relaxed regulations and dishonestly using derivatives as a commodity was the main cause. Doesn't anyone remember before the recession? When CC and 2nd mortgages were being handed out like candy? Mortgage loans were not that easy to get before the bubble..yes there were stated income allowances..but one still needed proof of income and down payments. The "re-fi's" and CC's did not. IMVHO..the straw that broke the bubble.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Sounds like you will be busy sky... Good Times :) I am no financial genius and my point is that regardless of how you look at it Clinton started A program that does exactly what dirk d is saying to avoid... Is it his fault things are the way they are, No. Bush followed up on the same program that the very idea of, Zero or little down and no credit needed led to the housing market collapse. Is it his fault? No... Plenty of others had their hands all over that including people from both political parties on Wall Street that don't need Government to teach them how to rip people off. That would include Timothy Franz Geithner. What makes anybody think, that after two presidents that both believed in the idea that people should have A house weather they can afford it or not, that the outcome would be anything different than that witch has already happened? Offer people A Home with little or no $$$ down and no credit or low credit and they fail to pay that mortgage for 30 yrs. and the same thing will happen weather it is Obama, was Clinton or George Bush... The outcome will be the same and Government should stay the Fuck out of manipulating the housing market or the Economical #'s with policy. It has already proven to be disastrous to the economy and the "I can make it work, where they failed" attitude just isn't enough to gamble on. As for someone considered the lowest of low and A Wall Street 1%'er Rip Off Artist, what is the point or logic of putting A person with that "Stank" all over them in charge as the Secretary of the Treasury? That is by all definition, Is A Contradiction!

Tumblr lw4n5zJobs1qklb3do1 400


Hey, I think that is my Scottish Japanese Uncle,.. Seji Ito Baird. He has won a bunch of Blue Ribbons for his Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis that is puffer fish and sushi stuffed in a sheep's stomach along with the mashed mutton liver and kidneys, with garlic, sea salt, and malt vinegar, and several shots of 30 year old Scotch. All Scottish cuisine was invented by making a dare.
The Highlander Modern Family Bluzboy
The Bluz Dude Bong


Hey, I think that is my Scottish Japanese Uncle,.. Seji Ito Baird. He has won a bunch of Blue Ribbons for his Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis that is puffer fish and sushi stuffed in a sheep's stomach along with the mashed mutton liver and kidneys, with garlic, sea salt, and malt vinegar, and several shots of 30 year old Scotch. All Scottish cuisine was invented on or by dares by the way.
The Highlander Modern Family Bluzboy
Sounds epic! Post recipe and pics in the "whats cookin" thread.

Y you try and derail this thread with food stuff? :mad::rolleyes:


No derail of thread with food stuff, but if by talking about my fictional Scottish Japanese Uncle who makes a hybrid haggis who then wins Blue Ribbons for it is derailing the thread, then sure, Yeah, dude, I'll nick the thread with posts about him and his picture. He's way more interesting.
The Highlander Bluz
sky high

sky high

For once we agree SoCal. We've been dragging this cart full of shit for 3 Presidents now. The first got the ball rolling, the second watched the mess amass....and the third ended up with it in his lap...yet.... may help many make the same mistake?Like the oil TIT, we never seem to learn from our shortfalls/mistakes...even when the house of cards collapses around us.
I understand why many folks are pissed...and why they let themselves get caught up in the entire mess. It's that American CARROT being dangled in front of everyone.....rotten as it is....because the Gov't needs everyone signing on the >bottom line< so folks will keep working/slaving away and feeding, yes, the tax machine.

Like dirk...we are very close to being free of the mortgage/etc. and we are working towards becoming completely debt free.
Hopefully the shit won't hit the fan before we can reel it all in... :rolleyes:

At least we'll have pot.:cigar:
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

True words of wisdom, There is nothing to add to that what you have already said, and your words ring true from any viewpoint. I wish you and yours the best on achieving the "New" American Dream... Being debt free. Good luck on that spring harvest sky... :cigar:


Premium Member
Never truly debt free, taxes, insurance, utilities. Better off than most, mortgage paid off, no credit cards or other obligations.
Combination of hard work and good luck got us where we are today.
Very great full for our situation.....
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

No derail of thread with food stuff, but if by talking about my fictional Scottish Japanese Uncle who makes a hybrid haggis who then wins Blue Ribbons for it is derailing the thread, then sure, Yeah, dude, I'll nick the thread with posts about him and his picture. He's way more interesting.The Highlander Bluz

I ran into Seji Ito Baird at DeJA VU in California on Saint Patrick's Day. He was hangin at the bar Doing shots of Scottish whiskey and this really "Hot" chick just walked right up, ran her hand up his kilt and said she just had to touch his massive shillaly. He said "I am not Irish me lady, but do what you must. That's when I realized that the Blue ribbon thing you speak of may not be completely due to the Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis but more to the fact his Kung Fu is also very good. Seji made short work of A jealous date, and just played A few notes on the Bags as he strolled to the door. I don't think anybody has the Balls to tell your Scottish Japanese Uncle,.. Seji Ito Baird weather they "like" the Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis or not. He's one bad Japanese / Scottish Dude... I have never had the pleasure of the Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis but I would definitely choose my words wisely when he asked what I thought of it :wideyed:


Yeah, I forgot to tell about Seji extreme martial arts experience. He is an incredible painter by the way too. Water colors. You have to remember SoCal 420, all Scot cuisine was created on a dare, so Japanese/Scot hybrid haggis made by adding puffer fish and sushi to the mix fits right in the scheme of things with we Highlanders. Care for some pickled earthworms or stewed eel, or boiled egg pickled in brine for a year in a jar, or calves brains scrambled in eggs with cheddar cheese with that hybrid haggis SC420?
Oh, come on, I dare you to eat this.....
The Crazy Mad Bluzboy


Never truly debt free, taxes, insurance, utilities. Better off than most, mortgage paid off, no credit cards or other obligations.
Combination of hard work and good luck got us where we are today.
Very great full for our situation.....
Could pay all that working 2 days a week at your local gas station. 3 days if you want to eat filet vs top sirloin.


Wow. Turned my back for just a minute, and I'm totally confused!


I ran into Seji Ito Baird at DeJA VU in California on Saint Patrick's Day. He was hangin at the bar Doing shots of Scottish whiskey and this really "Hot" chick just walked right up, ran her hand up his kilt and said she just had to touch his massive shillaly. He said "I am not Irish me lady, but do what you must. That's when I realized that the Blue ribbon thing you speak of may not be completely due to the Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis but more to the fact his Kung Fu is also very good. Seji made short work of A jealous date, and just played A few notes on the Bags as he strolled to the door. I don't think anybody has the Balls to tell your Scottish Japanese Uncle,.. Seji Ito Baird weather they "like" the Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis or not. He's one bad Japanese / Scottish Dude... I have never had the pleasure of the Japanese/Scottish hybrid haggis but I would definitely choose my words wisely when he asked what I thought of it :wideyed:
Haggis eating enhances the "hangin".


we could do with some of both, hanging and haggis. Thats some good stuff, haggis, if you never had it i recommend.


I do that to people all the time. It's my ADHD voodoo working overtime again TTystikk.

Oooooo Oooooo!!!
I do dat voodoo!
I do dat voodoo dat you do,
Dat voodoo that who do,
you do,
you do so well!

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