100s of California Dispensaries to Close?

  • Thread starter SoCal 420
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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Yep, and Fed doesn't like state openly defying federal law. Time will tell the tale but I can personally say the dispensaries that I know of that friends work and own have already received paperwork siting the Supreme Court decision and the threat of massive fines and property seizure from owners of said property in Riverside County... They have been itching to shut it down here. I hear San Diego is done. It's A county to county thing and the Supreme Court case just gave the authority to individual counties to decide and I remember hearing about problems on the city / county level in Los Angeles also???
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Perhaps baba G could follow up on L.A. but I seem to remember them taking A huge hit on dispensaries and siting state law in CA. as their right to continue to operate but now that determination will be made on the county by county level... Cross your fingers L.A.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Perhaps baba G could follow up on L.A. but I seem to remember them taking A huge hit on dispensaries and siting state law in CA. as their right to continue to operate but now that determination will be made on the county by county level... Cross your fingers L.A.
they have something they are voting on next week I believe, trying to go from 9?? something clubs to 1?? clubs I think. They have almost a thousand right now I heard. I agree that is absurd but if the market keeps those bizs in biz than who are we as people to critique the FREE Market...lol

Federal law needs to change, this is just showing us how badly this needs to happen. They will fight the hardest right as they realize they could lose, imo. Law Enforcement stands to lose the most from legalization. Everybody else will make $$ or have it better but they will have to go after other folks.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
The majority of the public think it should be legalized but who cares what the people think. That seems to be the way the politicians are doing biz. HOld people accountable and make people take responsibility for their actions is something I think would help our country big time.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Just when you think our voice is being heard, police make more arrests, feds crush growers / dispensaries and politicians politic, creating new regulations by the regulators... (In the past 90 days, the regulators posted 6,125 regulations and notices – an average of 68 a day) while the people are left shelling out the $$$ to fund all this and holding an empty sac! :depressed:


when the police themselves admit to an "us"(the police) vs "them"(the people) attitude, you know there is going to be problems. The people are only there to pay their wages and fund their operations.
That's putting it nicely I think They (police) look at us as opponents in this war on drugs and war opponents are dehumanized and treated like animals to ease their conscious...


As goes Cali, so will go Colorado and Washington. I believe the actions by the Feds- and repressive city and county governments- will ultimately lead to another backlash by the voters, as initiatives will hit ballot boxes in 2015 for full legalization AND an initiative to ban city and county gov'ts from outlawing them.

Meanwhile, grow on! All those dispensary customers still gotta get their chronic somewhere!


Trichome Engineer
oregon today is passing a law to have 250 dispensary's pay 4000.00 a yr to be open ,,,and run by a dr. beings dispensaries were voted against in Nov ...this is a good thing...
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Small price to pay... Dr. on staff sends the msg. of legitimacy and professionalism and that can only help the image of dispensaries ;) A dispensary owner that I knew that was the only one at the time in the city of Beaumont Ca. told me he paid an operating fee of 6k per month on top of tax paid and other fees to operate directly to the city for A guarantee to continue to operate unchecked by the local P.D. and he continued to stay open for A number of years... One of the best stocked dispensaries I have seen to date and he Said the cost was minimal to what he made...


Living dead girl
Voting at the polls hasn't accomplished much, so vote with your $$, it's the only language they understand, imo
We are the United States of Apathy. The issue isn't that voting at the polls hasn't accomplished much, it's that too few people are bothered to vote in the first place, which leaves the power in the hands of those who do, and those who do vote continually vote back incumbents. Thus, we become entrenched. It is by those incumbents that corporations get their hands on and in government, mostly by appointment, but also as simply as by the lobby.

"Voting" has been corrupt from the beginning when the outcome is not in their "interest".
Not true. Go witness a vote count, make sure it's done properly where you live, because THAT's where it starts and that is where the rubber meets the road.
The majority of the public think it should be legalized but who cares what the people think. That seems to be the way the politicians are doing biz. HOld people accountable and make people take responsibility for their actions is something I think would help our country big time.
That's the majority of people POLLED (those who could be bothered to answer the questions). That does not translate into votes, not by a longshot. Personal responsibility? What's that?


If you think our system is honest that's your stance not mine bro..

Our govt is corrupt, our pres was not born in America and got into office w/ o a birth cert.

Nuff said


They r scared and scared tigers fight hard they feel there power slipping away people r getting sick of government bs and they will fight to the bitter end to keep the power doesn't matter republicans or democrat they crooked as hell all of them weed wars isn't about protecting kids as they claim its about money and power and untill we as a nation all stand up one voice saying enough things will never change
sky high

sky high

Not true. Go witness a vote count, make sure it's done properly where you live, because THAT's where it starts and that is where the rubber meets the road.

Bravo, sea. Those who think that there are legions of peeps out there who can somehow skew the vote to make it go "their way" are the ones who have never taken a 12-15 hour stint as an election judge on election day to man the polls.

Paranoid crap from folks with no experience who spread rumors is the problem in America today. Rumor that somehow becomes unsubstantiated fact.


They r scared and scared tigers fight hard they feel there power slipping away people r getting sick of government bs and they will fight to the bitter end to keep the power doesn't matter republicans or democrat they crooked as hell all of them weed wars isn't about protecting kids as they claim its about money and power and untill we as a nation all stand up one voice saying enough things will never change

One needs only to look back at history to see that the govt fought the hardest and the dirtiest at the END of alcohol prohibition,they will do anything to defy the will of the people up to the bitter end.State laws dont mean shit,its federal law we need to deal with and until then we are all in the same boat together.I agree with RD that both parties are corrupt,the only difference is whose pocket they are in,we need term limits and to oust all these career politicians and the sooner the better.


Ive said it once and ill say it again POLITICIANS gave up on the people and soldout to corporation for SELF.
The in the past called HOnest men who ran for office were supported by peers now these phonies campaigns funded by foriegn corporations get the fuckout of here

Bet your sweet ass their crooked and selfish

The question is HOW do we get honest men in office before the virus of corruption consumes them!!!!!
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Federal law needs to change, this is just showing us how badly this needs to happen. They will fight the hardest right as they realize they could lose, imo. Law Enforcement stands to lose the most from legalization. Everybody else will make $$ or have it better but they will have to go after other folks.

Law enforcement absolutely has the most to loose if Cannabis is made legal. However there are still lots of people out there who would stand to loose a serious amount of money if it is legalized. Think about it this way, most Cannabis growers and breeders are not paying taxes on their product or their business. This is only true because of the legal status of the plant. When it is legalized they will have to pay business taxes and taxes on their product sales, not to mention facilities, employees, and all the other costs that go along with a legitimate business. Think about it this way, if the growers of California really wanted Cannabis legalized it would be sharing the same status as Washington and Colorado. It is not only those who dislike marijuana who vote against the legalization initiatives, it is growers who see their profit margins taking a serious hit who also vote against, or at least don't vote for, Cannabis legalization.

We can also take a look at New York. Upstate NY is not unlike NorCal in that it is still mostly rural areas and many of the areas with urban and suburban populations are economically depressed. However there is still lots of Cannabis being produced in those areas and lots of smokers to buy it all. And then there is New York City, there are so many people in the city alone who smoke, if they all voted it could be legal in that state, but it is not. So why does NY not even have medical marijuana? Because there are lots of people making money off of it as it is and they know legalization will eat into their profits.

None of this takes into account the big businesses that will move in and take out some of our favorite seed producers and a fair amount of those growing commercially. Phillip Morris has been poised since the 90's to capitalize on Cannabis legalization; they have actually prepared themselves to sell Marley brand and Panama Red brand packaged joints.

So while law enforcement would see whole departments and agencies close or dwindled down to an insignificant size, there are lots of people who will loose out if Cannabis is given full legal status in the USA.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Ive said it once and ill say it again POLITICIANS gave up on the people and soldout to corporation for SELF.
The in the past called HOnest men who ran for office were supported by peers now these phonies campaigns funded by foriegn corporations get the fuckout of here

Bet your sweet ass their crooked and selfish

The question is HOW do we get honest men in office before the virus of corruption consumes them!!!!!

Let's be totally honest folks, since the inception of politics the institution has been corrupt. We can look back all the way to ancient Rome to see how corrupt governments can really be. This is no different in the USA. Elections were won with dirty tricks and bought favors since the first election. This is all actually well documented and there are historians and political scientists that have dedicated themselves to studying these dirty elections and rampant lobbying. We act like this is a new phenomenon in this country, but it has been happening since day one. Unfortunately it is human nature to desire power and control, no matter how it is achieved.


A group of ppl spreading rumors? Seamaiden your small local elections might be "professional" but they have been rigging and trying to rig elections since their inception.

Land lotteries, lotteries, and voting has all been a hog wash on a national level ALWAYS. There is corruption because there is ppl.

Anyone thinking its all legit is on another planet. The politicians (many-liars) are NOT looking out for you. I agree more honest folk should help to make sure everything is "proper". Deff not siding with big govt!

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