1st Nirvana Bubblicious grow have you grown this

  • Thread starter Rudy
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it is an indica base strain:)
Hey space its finally growing some them damn gnats screwed up its vege big time plus topping it 3 times so instead of having a damn 6week vege its veging about 10 weeks now hell with it and the other Bub im not gonna top at all just grow it straight up...I am using mosquito dunks every time I water now and guano I used seaweed and guano in 2005 and had a hell of a crop of white widow and afghan/skunk1 just trying the fox farms this time the bloom has guano and all in it.. that tiger bloom sure puts on a ton of bud sites its good stuff man;)


that sounds cool man eh. nice long veg !plenty of bud sites.yeah ive heard,read,+seen what f.farm nutes can do + its impressive.maybee very dear like.if your bangin the whole line? but i dont thik u need to!a good veg + bloom base+a booster or 2!imho anyway.well i cant wait to see them progress!i hope youll post pics:-).seen as you can.lol.
best of vibes rudy.
Hey space its finally growing some them damn gnats screwed up its vege big time plus topping it 3 times so instead of having a damn 6week vege its veging about 10 weeks now hell with it and the other Bub im not gonna top at all just grow it straight up...I am using mosquito dunks every time I water now and guano I used seaweed and guano in 2005 and had a hell of a crop of white widow and afghan/skunk1 just trying the fox farms this time the bloom has guano and all in it.. that tiger bloom sure puts on a ton of bud sites its good stuff man;)


yes its a UBER strong plant eh rudy:-) like a darn zombie.its sugar leaves,make really ,REALLY NICE bho!oh omg its lovelly.soo tasty.it really does numb your freaking brain eh man.lol.its just waayy to much sometimes.even the flowers. id love to get some of the wax tested for thc etc.+ it gives a reallty vgood amount aswell.
I just had some skywalker good shit man


Hey can I FIM a plant that is in flower? Hey this plant isnt showing any hairs yet just tons of bud sites I wonder how long before the hairs its been about 11 days in flower so far and no trichomes showing yet but the water leaves will waste you its a bag seed man


Hey can I FIM a plant that is in flower? Hey this plant isnt showing any hairs yet just tons of bud sites I wonder how long before the hairs its been about 11 days in flower so far and no trichomes showing yet but the water leaves will waste you its a bag seed man
no no fimming,topping in flower mate eh.some strains just dont have many hairs eh.as long as decent nugs grow + start to show resin soon ur good my favourite ace of spades plant looks not very resinous but the nugs when i crack em open are loaded inside!so its strange.ha ,as long as its not mite damage ur good.my ones never really had many pistils actually!but had solid white nugs so! why dont ya buy some seeds if ur growing ,+ using good nutes etc.


no no fimming,topping in flower mate eh.some strains just dont have many hairs eh.as long as decent nugs grow + start to show resin soon ur good my favourite ace of spades plant looks not very resinous but the nugs when i crack em open are loaded inside!so its strange.ha ,as long as its not mite damage ur good.my ones never really had many pistils actually!but had solid white nugs so! why dont ya buy some seeds if ur growing ,+ using good nutes etc.
I did buy some bubblicious that is the 2 I have now the one that is bag seed is the one in flower mate..I am getting ready to get some ice kush seeds guy..that bag seed one was some kick ass shit we smoked and was lucky enough to find a seed so I sprouted it and it was a female hell its about 2 1/2 ft tall guy and still growing I will post a pic of it and me but not of a face shot ok..its illegal to grow here is it there?


no + yes.if u can pay the guff of ur good.or if ur uncles a guff:-) ice kush sounds nice.


ya just have to keep ya mouth shut really eh man.but ? im tiny sprat.not even small fry eh.they want the top men.dig dogs man.im really a nowt + beleive me its the safest way to be imo.


na serious mate.im fucking english bro eh.soo yeah its! ILLEGALL, but not morrally wrong.there wrong.NOT ME:-) so im just like u really risking my neck for what i love:-).


hahah your cool as hell fuck the pigs huh...but I am like you they do want the big guys not a littlle fuck like me HOWEVER theyd take me if they had the chance oh well they do they do it wont be my first run in with the law and prob not my last I will be sooooo glad when they make it legal here I hate living on egg shells bro....well gotta go take care of my girls hahahah ttyl space stay cool man..Hey I just got my caps bennies yesterday and added some yesterday lets see how these work I will post pics soon ok..Them fungus fucks slowed my Bubblicious down like hell but shes getting it again slowly I have one beside her thats about to catch her that never had a gnat so to those who say gnats aint shit..well they are and I know..ltr buddy


very cool bro. im getting some bennies.i was wary of customs taking them so caps has promised me if that happens he,ll re-fund my money!soo not bad at all.yep pls let me know how good they are rudy bro:-)
best of vibes 2, u + your garden b.
hahah your cool as hell fuck the pigs huh...but I am like you they do want the big guys not a littlle fuck like me HOWEVER theyd take me if they had the chance oh well they do they do it wont be my first run in with the law and prob not my last I will be sooooo glad when they make it legal here I hate living on egg shells bro....well gotta go take care of my girls hahahah ttyl space stay cool man..Hey I just got my caps bennies yesterday and added some yesterday lets see how these work I will post pics soon ok..Them fungus fucks slowed my Bubblicious down like hell but shes getting it again slowly I have one beside her thats about to catch her that never had a gnat so to those who say gnats aint shit..well they are and I know..ltr buddy


yea + fk the pigs.our cops have actually been told to fucking leave us tiny heads be eh! there really trying to.get the big fish i suppose with freakinh hreroin,cocaine poison. its gonna be legal soon enough so! + only REALLY REALLY small fry me eh mate.NEVER SOLD SHIT.GAVE! NEVER GOT PAPER THO!.


Hey space heres a pic of my bagseed thats in about 3 weeks of flower and you talk about a feeder she is gettin it I have the bennies and then Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom for her nutes and you can almost watch this plant grow it has so many bud sites Im actually amazed I lolipopped her,super cropped the hell out of her and leavin her alone now...finally getting rid of the gnats man that is a hassle guy hope I dont have to go thru that again for awhile at least man..take care ok


yea + fk the pigs.our cops have actually been told to fucking leave us tiny heads be eh! there really trying to.get the big fish i suppose with freakinh hreroin,cocaine poison. its gonna be legal soon enough so! + only REALLY REALLY small fry me eh mate.NEVER SOLD SHIT.GAVE! NEVER GOT PAPER THO!.
I hear you on all this.....


cool man:-) at least ur getting the mites under controll.nice work man


Hey space is this to much heat? I am using T5 lights and to be truthfull I think they were to close to the light so I raised the light this is that bubblicious that had the gnats poor girl and she is still fighting and putting on new leaves what you think is wrong I dont think its nutes maybe I put to many nutes though but I used the grow big at 1/4 strength man this is bout to whip me but hey all 3 smalls plants look the same what you think is up help me figure this out please
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